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Featured Paris knife attack suspect is of Pakistani origin, French authorities say

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By Rory Sullivan and Ivana Saric, CNN
Updated 6:49 AM ET, Sat September 26, 2020

French firefighters are pictured near the scene of a knife attack in Paris on September 25.

French firefighters are pictured near the scene of a knife attack in Paris on September 25.

(CNN)The main suspect arrested over a knife attack in Paris on Friday near the former offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo is of Pakistani origin, French authorities have said.

France's Interior Minister, Gérald Darmanin, told France 2 in an interview on Friday that authorities were working to verify more details about the suspect's background after the attack that left two people seriously injured.

The minister also confirmed that the incident was being treated as "an act of Islamist terrorism."

The lead suspect had not been known to police for "radicalization" but was arrested last month for carrying a screwdriver, Darmanin added.

Police say seven people have been arrested over the attack. Five of the arrests were made in an apartment "likely to have been used by the main suspect," a judicial source told CNN on Friday.

Although the victims have not been named, they are both employees of French documentary production firm Premières Lignes, according to the company's founder Paul Moreira.

Moreira said the pair were attacked with a "sort of cleaver" in front of the office. Their lives are not in danger but they are in a serious condition, a police spokesperson said Friday.

In a statement on Facebook, Charlie Hebdo magazine expressed its "support and solidarity" to Premières Lignes and "to those affected by this heinous attack."

Annie Hidalgo, mayor of Paris, tweeted that "it is once again freedom of expression that is targeted," while former Prime Minister Manuel Valls said on Twitter that it gave him the feeling of "reliving a nightmare."

The knife attack came during a trial of 14 suspects for their alleged involvement in a series of terrorist attacks over three days in January 2015, which started in the offices of Charlie Hebdo and ended in a kosher supermarket.

A total of 17 people were killed in the 2015 attacks, which were carried out by brothers Said and Chérif Kouachi and their accomplice Amedy Coulibaly. The suspects currently on trial are accused of providing these men with logistical support.

After the knife attack on Friday, Luc Hermann, Director of Premières Lignes, criticized what he said was a "total absence of protection of this building since the attacks on Charlie Hebdo."

CNN's Gaëlle Fournier and Niamh Kennedy contributed to this report.

I hope they recover.
This vile piece of terrorist vermin should be put away forever. It's a miracle no one died.
Ah come on, not quite as large as the feathers you guys accumulate for India.

Here from some months back;

A U.S. Indian Health Service doctor was indicted Thursday on charges of sexually abusing his Native American patients at a health center in South Dakota, deepening a crisis over the handling of sexual misconduct that has consumed the federal agency for a year.

Office of Inspector General meanwhile identified the additional women who complained about Dr. Ibarra-Perocier’s conduct in the exam room.

They allege he caused his patients “to engage in a sexual act by threatening and placing [the victims] in fear,” and coerced them into sexual contact.

The new allegations aren’t the first about Dr. Ibarra-Perocier, some of the people familiar with the matter said. At least two nurses accused him internally of workplace sexual harassment in past years,

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You guys should praise his likes i.e. he's only doing what your prime minister also did by congratulating the savages who mass raped Muslim girls in Gujarat.
This filth was also raping minorities.

Is that thing even a human?.....................................:bad:

That thing above is an insult to obese chimpanzees.
Chickens have come home to roost.
France was one of the main supporters of the terrorists in Syria.
Intelligence agnencies and influencing.

Do you see Indians killing people in foreign countries because they were offended by some cartoon? That shit is uniquely Pakistani.
Do you see Indians going ape for some totally unrelated country in a foreign land? That stuff only comes natural to Pakistani.

Uniquely Pakistani..?...

Charlie hedo killers were Pakistani..?

Yes Indians do make trouble in foreign in lands .... where do you want me to start.?

Such as the Hindu Indian making a hoax scare in Dubai airport claiming he was a Pakistani and had a bomb....

false flag is uniquely Indian character ...

more uniquely Indian characters:

- murdering people for eating cow meat
- PM of India coming on national TV and shamelessly lie
- Rape capital of the world
- Religiously institutional racism
- forcing people into Hinduism
- an army that uses rape as a tactical weapon
- state sponsor of terrorism but cry like a victim

You really want me to continue..?

Oh wait the mass killer in New Zealand ... was he a Pakistani too.?
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The problem is, hindus don't feel connected to anywhere in the world, except for India. And that actually make perfect sense.

Yeah, You are so correct, Those Indians care for their own country, what a Moronic concept they should be like Retarded bearded buffoon Bakistanis that bring good name to Pakistan where ever they go.

Prophet of Islam used to ignore the retarded who try to harm him and walk right by them. But that's irrelevant his messages are no longer valid Am I correct...
The only way to send the message out is by attacking and terrorizing countries you immigrated to for a better life..

They have named the culprit a Pakistani with the sole intention of vilifying Pakistan.

They didn't put an axe in this buffoons hand and how exactly is attacking people that have done nothing to you is somehow a Religious duty. What exactly are you going on and on about defending a Terrorist criminal.
this terrorist is just maligning name of peaceful pakistanis.
this terrorist went to france at the age of 15 from Pakistan, got citizenship on fake story of sexual abuse in pakistan fooling humanitarian french people ,
look what for he went there ? now he is killing the same people who had mercy on him gave him shelter gave him bread ,
only greatest azzholes can do this .
How exactly is he himself maligning "Pakistan" or any "Pakistanis"?

Cite your evidence that he has committed this act in the name of Pakistan or Pakistanis or I will have the mods made aware of your bullcrap and shut you down.

He has reportedly committed his act because of reasons totally unrelated to Pakistan, as per your own reports. Therefore, any reporting or emphasis on his Pakistani heritage are irrelevant to the crime committed.

You think I don't deal with LYING FILTH like you routinely?
hindus dont go on killing spree on innocent people who give them respect, good life , shelter, freedom.
He's mentally ill. What are you implying? That he did it because of Islam? Or because of Pakistan?
That's why he was engaging in the favourite sanghi hobby of rape.
No wonder Indian females turn away from them in droves as well.

With a face like that you can perfectly understand why.
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Rotherham, Oxford to Charlie Hebdo seem to someway connect with Pakistan.Time education system was changed to mould a more liberal mentality.
No, you don't. You rejoice and in fact support far right extremism which is predominantly aimed against Muslims. Have a good look at social media.

you still dont condemn this terrorist who was not stabbing spree on innocent people .
When Christians or white supremacists belonging to certain countries attack mosques and kill Muslim worshippers we don't single out his nationality. Not a single Islamic country and media group has ever focused on nationality of a Western terrorist.

We will remember how the Western media have singled out the Pakistani attacker when many more were involved. This constant singling out of Pakistanis is nothing new. We know what these Westerners are trying to achieve here. It is to spread more hate against Pakistan and Pakistanis. They cannot have it their way with Pakistan so they start playing these cheap tactics. It will backfire very badly.

Also the timing is highly suspicious. Especially since IK criticised the Charlie Hebdo cartoons these French fvcks decided to name and single out the Pakistani attacker. If France has the balls it should break diplomatic relations with Pakistan. They always have a laundy list of complaints against Pakistan. Yet they don't have the courage to remove their spying headquarter in Pakistan. These silly antics won't achieve much.

Now you know how Brit Pakistanis feel when one of our own commit a crime they will broadcast it using all media platforms available.
Zionist Brit government will word headline not as British but as Muslim Pakistani. Recently in my racist town, an Algerian man was attacked outside a club and left for dead on the road then a taxi driver accidentally ran him over because of a blind spot. But where is the headline nothing except the 3 racist men were let go and the taxi driver was interviewed who is relative of my friend he was very upset.
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