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Featured Paris knife attack suspect is of Pakistani origin, French authorities say

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Rotherham, rochdale , london and oxford are connected with pakistani child grooming gangs .
Try answering my previous posts to you instead of parroting on. Please clarify how the ethnic origin of said gangs is in any way relevant or related to their crime. If you can't do that, then your link is spurious.
What has he got to do with Pakistan and the Pakistani state? Was he an ISI agent acting on orders? If not, then fk off as he is nothing to do with the Pakistani state just because of his origin.

Shall we post all the Indian national ISIS terrorists, the Indian origin paedophiles and abusers and demand that Indians apologise for them?

Pakistanis have nothing to say regarding some idiot in France who did something of his own volition under his own instruction. It's not Pakistan's business.
He is a product of your society...he is not an odd man out...pakistanis have had a hand in many terrorist attacks across the world...the world has also been watching how christians,hindus,ahmedias and shias are being oppressed in pakistan.
The world has watched the aurat marhces...the world has seen shooting of ahmedias in the court rooms...the world has seen lakhs of people coming on to the streets demanding shias be declared kafirs.
The world has seen how a christian dalit asia bibi was hounded by blood thirsty thugs.
The world has seen the killer of salman taseer being garlanded by lawyers and the flood of millions of people on the streets to attend the funeral of that killer.
Just open your eyes for once and see how much toxicity,negativity is there in your society. Just once look around to notice how much radicalised your people have become.
No you just kill and lynch Muslims at home in India.

LOL at satire. I will see how you reply when the Western civilisation terms Hinduism a rape religion.

Is burning books, killing Muslims in mosques and ridiculing their religion freedom of speech and satire? Wow what a civilised people. You want Muslims to sit idle when your white imperialist brothers bomb, occupy and walk over Muslim countries? You want us to laugh it off?
nobody cares about how some retard is abusing hindu religion , we left asad owaisi, heer khan who abused hindu gods without any harm , we are a tolerant religion , if it would have been pakistan both would be dead for blasphemy .

uniquely Pakistani?..

> ever heard of tamil tigers?
> Ever heard King David hotel bombers?
> ever hear of Oklahoma bombers?
> ever heard of bombers of India Airlines over Atlantic?


ignorance is a uniquely a hindu indian concept.

some people are not ready to condemn this terrorist.
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When Christians or white supremacists belonging to certain countries attack mosques and kill Muslim worshippers we don't single out his nationality. Not a single Islamic country and media group has ever focused on nationality of a Western terrorist.

We will remember how the Western media have singled out the Pakistani attacker when many more were involved. This constant singling out of Pakistanis is nothing new. We know what these Westerners are trying to achieve here. It is to spread more hate against Pakistan and Pakistanis. They cannot have it their way with Pakistan so they start playing these cheap tactics. It will backfire very badly.

Also the timing is highly suspicious. Especially since IK criticised the Charlie Hebdo cartoons these French fvcks decided to name and single out the Pakistani attacker. If France has the balls it should break diplomatic relations with Pakistan. They always have a laundy list of complaints against Pakistan. Yet they don't have the courage to remove their spying headquarter in Pakistan. These silly antics won't achieve much.
Dear brother of the land .... have a think. This thread was started yesterday by an exposed Indian and after been warned - thread got deleted - then amazingly a member that joined in March who has posted only 10 posts launched this again. Indians have multiple accounts - and I put my last dollar on the fact this chap aryvadita or whatever his name is and the OP are the same person.
Now have a think how obsessed these people are to post on PDF under multi ID and attempt to troll like this - astonishing obsession.
Now back on topic - so an 18 year old Pakistani origin is the “ring leader”? So no mention of the other culprits nationalities? How convenient - now let’s tarnish 180 million Pakistanis with the same brush? It’s an astonishing attempt to put a thread like this up with the sheer intent to troll - and his fellow “lowest form of humans “ jump on the bandwagon. Coming from a shithole of a nation like India - as if they have any room to talk or throw stones at Pakistan ?
@masterchief_mirza @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @PAKISTANFOREVER @Verve @Morpheus @Rafi and the rest of you citizens of the soil - look at the intent and attempt of little Indians to put Pakistan’s name down due to the actions of a little teenager scumbag in France. Open your eyes and understand indians are failing and their desperation is getting more obvious
It is also pertinent to mention that kid was barely 15 when he was smuggled into France. He was radicalized insider France.
Have you seen his video which he recorded before he went to carry out the task. He is an ardent follower of some pakistani barelvi molvi..he was rasicalised by pakistani molvis.
But when i watched that video i laughed my *** off...that guy was crying like a little kid because france was insulting mohammad...it was the one of the most hilarious videos i have ever seen.
He is a product of your society...he is not an odd man out...pakistanis have had a hand in many terrorist attacks across the world...the world has also been watching how christians,hindus,ahmedias and shias are being oppressed in pakistan.
The world has watched the aurat marhces...the world has seen shooting of ahmedias in the court rooms...the world has seen lakhs of people coming on to the streets demanding shias be declared kafirs.
The world has seen how a christian dalit asia bibi was hounded by blood thirsty thugs.
The world has seen the killer of salman taseer being garlanded by lawyers and the flood of millions of people on the streets to attend the funeral of that killer.
Just open your eyes for once and see how much toxicity,negativity is there in your society. Just once look around to notice how much radicalised your people have become.
Tell you what. Let's nuke India and see if all of Pakistan's problems vanish overnight. I guarantee you they will. It's only Indians who cry about Pakistan and Pakistanis after all. The French will sentence this attacker under French law for committing a crime in France that had nothing to do with Pakistan. Hindustanis don't really get that detail about the rule of law, and instead, will project their historical insecurities of Muslims ruling them onto all present dealings with Pakistan. European countries are simply ten levels above you in maturity. Where Hindustan blames and targets a whole nation, frothing at the mouth like a rabid dog over sports, musicians and cultural exchanges with innocent Pakistanis, Europeans will calmly treat a crime and a criminal accordingly without tarnishing the nation of his origin.

Time for India to do some introspection and growing up.
how pathetic , they are supporting a terrorist.
Whose not condoning any scum trying to take innocent life? Only an Indian whose nation is riddled with issues Can come to this conclusion? How many different IDs have you had in the last year? Now don’t come onto this site and trying to tarnish our nation with the actions of a misfit 18 year old in France - you are attempting to troll and failing miserably
nobody cares about how some retard is abusing hindu religion , we left asad owaisi, heer khan who abused hindu gods without any harm , we are a tolerant religion , if it would have been pakistan both would be dead for blasphemy .
What the f are you talking about? How many have been lynched to death for eating beef and blaspheming against your object of worship? Are you blind and dumb that you don't know what happens in your country to those who are even perceived to be insulting Hinduism by slaughtering a cow?

You're country is a running joke when it comes to religious tolerance.

Uniquely Pakistani..?...

Charlie hedo killers were Pakistani..?

Yes Indians do make trouble in foreign in lands .... where do you want me to start.?

Such as the Hindu Indian making a hoax scare in Dubai airport claiming he was a Pakistani and had a bomb....

false flag is uniquely Indian character ...

more uniquely Indian characters:

- murdering people for eating cow meat
- PM of India coming on national TV and shamelessly lie
- Rape capital of the world
- Religiously institutional racism
- forcing people into Hinduism
- an army that uses rape as a tactical weapon
- state sponsor of terrorism but cry like a victim

You really want me to continue..?

Oh wait the mass killer in New Zealand ... was he a Pakistani too.?

i condemn all indian terrorists who are bomb blasting , stabbing , killing poor europeans who have given indians asylum .
Have you seen his video which he recorded before he went to carry out the task. He is an ardent follower of some pakistani barelvi molvi..he was rasicalised by pakistani molvis.
But when i watched that video i laughed my *** off...that guy was crying like a little kid because france was insulting mohammad...it was the one of the most hilarious videos i have ever seen.

France has no shortage of radicals. As a matter of fact ISIS had highest number of French foreign fighters so decrying it as an outside job is simply pathetic. There is systematic persecution of Muslims in France with laws specifically targeting Muslims i bet India found itself kindred spirit there. Both of you claim to be seculars but infract are nothing more than fascist and racist countries.

And i would ask you to be respectful in your comment about Prophet Mohammad. No one here uses insulting comments about your faith bcz if we did you wouldn't find that Hilarious.
Gosh you're funny. Explain to me what his criminal act has to do with Pakistan or Pakistanis first. Until you can do that, he is a guy who committed a crime in France and France should deal with him. Do you understand how the rule of law works?
just condemn his terrorism .
hindus dont go killing europeans after getting asylum , only terrorist from certain places are doing it.
What a coincident. The same terrorists West uses to spread anarchy in Islamic world. And then these monsters get asylum in west.
So my first point still stands.
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