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Pallywood: Debunking Palestinean Lies

I never used to believe that until recently but talking to my Arab brothers....I've realized that 'Pan-Arabism' often supersedes 'Pan-Islamism' ! I guess if I'm going to be a considered a Muslim brother and yet not part of a select group...then to hell with such brotherhood ! The Iranians on the other hand who've been demonized on this forum have never displayed anything but a sense of inclusivity towards me...despite the vast majority of Pakistanis being Sunnis !

the Iranians are the same..just that their racism is a bit more subtle.. Salvation of Pakistan lies in breaking away from these clutches of Arab vs Persian imperialism and carve out its own distinctive identity by forging strong relations with CIS, Turkey, China, Far East and Israel. Otherwise we are going to become a pawn of this Arab vs Persian rivalry and even a proxy battle ground.

Pakistanis should be Pakistanis at first and nothing else, religion should stay in the place where it should be.

Dont try to promote Iran by taking advantage of few weaknesses on the Arab side.

As much as I admire he Iranin culture, heritage, quest of knowledge and taste for finer things..there are some fine lines which should not be crossed..we have a sizeable portion of Pakistanis with Persian roots and deep family connections in Iran and we don't want to turn them into Pan-Persian nationalist by trespassing certain restraints.

I prefer that we take neutrality in all aspects.
thank you, all of our land is in our control..the only part we did lose control momentarily was due to some bigots trying to spread Imperial Arab version of Islam (Najdi Islam) which is full of hatred against the unknown and propagates to shun technology and go back to the era of bows and arrows.

I know having your land under foreign occupation hurts a lot that is why Arabs are whole heartly helping ..errrr...or i mean colonize Iraq, Libya and now Syria... :lol:

you break all barriers of hypocrisy..!

I stated facts you call it hostility...i am not even angered yet and there is no question of hostility..lets debate in a civil manner with facts and figures..brining facts does not mean hostility??

Do you deny that UAE asked Pakistan to let US continue the use of airbase which was against our intrests?
Or KSA putting subtle pressure to abandon IP?? Tho I am not in favor of IP as it will open the gates for Persian imperialism but KSA is a completely disconcerted party in IP affair and it was a bit awkward for them to butt in??

Please dont call facts as hostility..facts are facts!

Wait until you start getting Iraqis on board and when they will state facts will you also called it hostility???
Asking favours is Not making demands, when the request is accompanied with a threat then you have a point, UAE didn't want to see close allies break up, we did't want the pipeline for obvious reason. When close allies make requests usually they are not called interference, but because of the constant pressure/interference/demands by the US to Pakistan, you guys seem a bit paranoid.
All this concept of ummah is a bunch of bull designed to create a ruler and a ruled class.. it is an epictome of arab jahilya mentality of Arab vs Ajam!

We used to be a moderate and progressive country which stood against all odds and suddenly we find among ourselves....trolls who would give life for..burqa...niqab...burning girls school..this was not our culture..this was jahiliya pagan customs which are now being exported under a new banner of islam funded by foreign sources.

People or nations who got miserably failed start looking for others to blame on their failure. Now, look at where we are and where you are? Just keep blaming others. Good for you.
Don't blame others for your backwardness, extremism or terrorism. Just try hail Alqaida in KSA and see what would happen to you. Saudi financed Qaeda when USSR was fighting Afghani Muslims, Pakistan was providing weapons as well. Women in most Arab countries live lives that your women aren't allowed of. It's time to admit that you have failed miserably.
Asking favours is Not making demands, when the request is accompanied with a threat then you have a point, UAE didn't want to see close allies break up, we did't want the pipeline for obvious reason. When close allies make requests usually they are not called interference, but because of the constant pressure/interference/demands by the US to Pakistan, you guys seem a bit paranoid.

When allegedly close allies ask us to do something thats against our National Interest knowing full well that Pakistan is going through an unparalleled and crippling Energy crisis, I'm not sure if I'd take that as just a request !
All this concept of ummah is a bunch of bull designed to create a ruler and a ruled class.. it is an epictome of arab jahilya mentality of Arab vs Ajam!

We used to be a moderate and progressive country which stood against all odds and suddenly we find among ourselves....trolls who would give life for..burqa...niqab...burning girls school..this was not our culture..this was jahiliya pagan customs which are now being exported under a new banner of islam funded by foreign sources.
Your signature says"We Pakistanis cannot solve our own problems yet seek to raise fingers at others and pick on their short comings."
Who is breaking all barriers of hypocrisy..! NOW:D
We, a linguistically and ethnically, diverse society are joined together as one because 'We are Muslims' ! I had hoped that such desire would be prevalent outside of Pakistan too...unfortunately not !

Bro I really advise you to read about the Vedic Aryan civilization, trust me Pakistanis have many similarities with each other besides Islam. Even if God forbid we weren't Muslims, there would still be lots of common grounds for us to be united.

Anyway let's get back to topic. :)
We, a linguistically and ethnically, diverse society are joined together as one because 'We are Muslims' ! I had hoped that such desire would be prevalent outside of Pakistan too...unfortunately not !

Well, think of it. Such a brotherhood is neither envisioned by Quran, nor is it realistically possible. Naturally, culture A will be different from culture B. Sometimes the differences can instigate into rivalry (eg. Arab-Jewish rivalry). This is nothing unnatural. What is important is culture A does not fight with culture B, but instead reach a settlement by means of compromise or collaboration. This is what was envisioned by the Koran.
People or nations who got miserably failed start looking for others to blame on their failure. Now, look at where we are and where are you? Just keep blaming others. Good for you.
Don't blame others for your backwardness, extremism or terrorism. Just try hail Alqaida in KSA and Saudi financed Qaeda when it was fighting Afghani Muslims, Pakistan was providing weapons as well. Women in most Arab countries live lives that your women are allowed of. It's time to admit that you have failed miserably.

Where we are ? We are where we are because of our wrong policy of trusting Saudi Arabia and US to actually see the Afghan Jihad through...instead of rehabilitating the Afghans back into society, everyone left as soon as their interests were over.....! Because of that stupid mistake we've suffered 30 years of continuous conflict and yet even still pre-2007 we had an annual growth of 7% ! Better nations would have crumbled !

And no the women in my country don't look like a walking tent, they don't need the men in their family to escort them as if they are toddlers and they sure as hell can drive ! And yes we've failed.....we've failed because we trusted others to have our best interests in heart...Never again !
I never used to believe that until recently but talking to my Arab brothers....I've realized that 'Pan-Arabism' often supersedes 'Pan-Islamism' ! I guess if I'm going to be a considered a Muslim brother and yet not part of a select group...then to hell with such brotherhood ! The Iranians on the other hand who've been demonized on this forum have never displayed anything but a sense of inclusivity towards me...despite the vast majority of Pakistanis being Sunnis !
I can safely say that you just made up that story.
Your signature says"We Pakistanis cannot solve our own problems yet seek to raise fingers at others and pick on their short comings."
Who is breaking all barriers of hypocrisy..! NOW:D

Unfortunately, Finger pointing is everything has left to them, they can't admit their failure.
I can safely say that you just made up that story.

Whatever rocks your boat ! But some food for thought : If someone like myself, who was vociferously Pro-Arabs and up there with Mosa when he was being bashed from all sides can turn then something must have happened !
Exactly bro, we should follow Islam but never forget our roots. I hate how most of our history books start from Muhammad bin Qasim invading Sindh. Very few of them ever mention our great & honorable Harappan, Aryan, Scythian, & Parthian ancestors. This is the reason Pakistanis face such a horrible & shameful indentity crises.

Muhammed Bin Qasim invasion of Sindh is part of the broader history much like the British colonialism of Indo-Pak. Instead of teaching history with facts and figures, what we have done is turned him into some kind of a super hero..no different that the fictitious character of SuperMan. As if his invasion solved all the problems and suddenly there were flowing rivers of honey and doves were signing songs of peace.

the lesson young student draw with such fictitious and doctored history is that is OK to be an Imperial Islamist invading countries and over throwing governments around and then further up the chain they find the fulfillment of their ideology in militant organisations like TTP, BLA, Talibans, AQ...its like conditioning child physhe from early days of education to create ripe recruits for terrorist organisation..

Remember Islam has been spreading much before Hujjaj Bin Yusuf came to power and Islam had already been spreading in India and China peacefully. In Hujjaj own words, his vision to invade Sindh was to secure vital trade routes and the hijacking of Muslim merchant ship at Debal provided him the excuse...he did not give a cr_p about liberating the people from the raja or converting them to Islam for their salvation, likewise we like to teach in our history..Hujjaj sent Muhammed Bin Qasim to conquest Sindh for the sole purpose of benefiting the Ummyad empire financially, nothing more nothing less.

The Charactor of Muhammed Bin Qasim should be taught as a hero who bought cultural and islamic revolution into Sindh putting an end to many pagan backward practices, not a mercenary who became a hero for invading and overthrowing government as that sets a wrong picture in immature minds.
Where we are ? We are where we are because of our wrong policy of trusting Saudi Arabia and US to actually see the Afghan Jihad through...instead of rehabilitating the Afghans back into society, everyone left as soon as their interests were over.....! Because of that stupid mistake we've suffered 30 years of continuous conflict and yet even still pre-2007 we had an annual growth of 7% ! Better nations would have crumbled !

And no the women in my country don't look like a walking tent, they don't need the men in their family to escort them as if they are toddlers and they sure as hell can drive ! And yes we've failed.....we've failed because we trusted others to have our best interests in heart...Never again !

Well, the problem here is a particular ideology imported from a country we all know which I do not have to name. The communist revolutin in 1978 was successful with a communist government established. Yet, this ideology caused the talibans to go for bomb blasts and insurgency which lead them to call in USSR. This continued for 10 years. After that, the civil wars destroyed Afghanistan completely. taliban came into power eventually, banning arts, aesthetics, women etc and introducing all sorts of backwardness. Then after 9/11, US invasion.

If it were not for this particular ideology, Afghanistan could have fared well under communist government peacefully. Millions of lives could be saved. I have a collection of photos of Afghani women and society in the 70s and you wouldn't believe how liberal and secular Afghanistan society was at that time before talibanization.
Well, think of it. Such a brotherhood is neither envisioned by Quran, nor is it realistically possible. Naturally, culture A will be different from culture B. Sometimes the differences can instigate into rivalry (eg. Arab-Jewish rivalry). This is nothing unnatural. What is important is culture A does not fight with culture B, but instead reach a settlement by means of compromise or collaboration. This is what was envisioned by the Koran.
Lets not unload our prejudices and short comings on our great religion. Nothing supersedes true religious brotherhood. The sahaba fought and killed their own brothers and fathers in battle for this Islam. There are numerous examples and verses and hadiths that back up the statement that only based on faith people should conduct their life and not on tribal issues. I wouldn't expect you to understand that.

Whatever rocks your boat ! But some food for thought : If someone like myself, who was vociferously Pro-Arabs and up there with Mosa when he was being bashed from all sides can turn then something must have happened !
Well, I can only say that I have never in my life hear someone say that.

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