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Pallywood: Debunking Palestinean Lies

Facts to backup this claim please...What I see all around..is people of all nationalities working on all kind of important positions..Including Americans, Europeans, Arabs and Pakistanis, Indians and even Asians..

Saudis here will tell you that. If I see any foreigner working in my country defaming it and it's people like this, I would absolutely inform the Authorities to deport him. Such people don't deserve to get helped.
This is the thing I dislike about the natives of the forum. Do you accept the pakistan's taliban blowing up mosques and markets? So far 100000 pakistanis have died. So, why do you support Chechenyan terrorism, Palestinian, Uighur terrorism?

I don't condone terrorism either way but one might argue that Russia should have left the Chechens alone after the First War ! As for the bombings...that is highly contested by People who mysteriously end up poisoned or killed otherwise !
It is a fact that any country which manages to conquer another country gains full control of it and can do anything with it as it wants. Just like how Islamic empires conquered the whole middle east. By your logic, they should have "allowed the Romans/Sassanids" to exist. How foolish does that sound? Yes, they converted to Islam but unlike palestinians, they did not carry out covert bombing and assasinations/rocket attacks to the empire

If you read Islamic History, you'll know those areas weren't exactly "conquered" (supposing that means by force), the Rashidun didn't do those cowardly things unlike the British.
The Americans didn't exactly convert the natives, they killed off most of the natives, with those left behind having no choice but to adapt to their lifestyle.

Land will always belong to the natives, colonialism will one day end.
Also, do remember once the British (and other Empires) left their colonies, the power was shifted back to the original people. That didn't happen with Palestine though, the power was instead given the immigrant population instead. And if you're suggesting the Palestinians should have just accepted much of their territory given away to foreigners just like that; then I don't know which world you live in. Today countries are not prepared to give a city or 2 to other nations (several disputed territories around the world), you expect a population that had gotten right out of colonial times to sacrifice their land? Honestly speaking, is that what you would do?

Also, the wars your mentioning were started by the Arabs, not the Palestinians. Again, like I said, why should the they suffer because of what somebody else has done?
Cool down buddy..its not about the hate..i dont have any hate towards arab..i just decided to bring some smack down facts and you people are having difficulty in facing the reality on its face. You are the one who started racist remarks - not me. What ever concerns and critisizm I posted in genuine, neutral and verifiable with facts and figures. Civilized conduct calls for accepting an opposing view point without resorting to personal attacks and insult..

Do you call this posting facts?!
You must be confusing facts with insults.
I don't condone terrorism either way but one might argue that Russia should have left the Chechens alone after the First War ! As for the bombings...that is highly contested by People who mysteriously end up poisoned or killed otherwise !

Please, first concede with the demands of the pakistani taliban and the separatist insurgencies in pakistan before considering terrorism in Chechnya, Israel and Xinxiang.

Chechen terrorists killed tens of thousands of innocents and destroyed the city. Yet you sympathise with them after they were wiped out and the city rebuilt. Very sad.
Saudis here will tell you that. If I see any foreigner working in my country defaming it and it's people like this, I would absolutely inform the Authorities to deport him. Such people don't deserve to get helped.

The professor said it right..the repression in arab world has corroded brains to the degree that making factual or logical statements has become a crime..and so is constructive criticizm! People are expected to sing the songs of how happy and great their lives are under the HRH : (Put name here)
This is the thing I dislike about the natives of the forum. Do you accept the pakistan's taliban blowing up mosques and markets? So far 100000 pakistanis have died. So, why do you support Chechenyan terrorism, Palestinian, Uighur terrorism?

Well, technically the lands do belong to them, after all Russia is for Russians, not for Chechens. And in the case of Israel, the land is for the Jews, not the natives, is it? If they so desperately wanted to/want to become independent, then why not support them?

Please, first concede with the demands of the pakistani taliban and the separatist insurgencies in pakistan before considering terrorism in Chechnya, Israel and Xinxiang

We will once most of the Baloch want liberation :lol:
At this moment it's the tiny (but powerful) Bugti family creating chaos.

where as mention of palestine in quran is zero..its not even an arabic name....

That doesn't mean they don't exist...
If you read Islamic History, you'll know those areas weren't exactly "conquered" (supposing that means by force), the Rashidun didn't do those cowardly things unlike the British.
The Americans didn't exactly convert the natives, they killed off most of the natives, with those left behind having no choice but to adapt to their lifestyle.

Land will always belong to the natives, colonialism will one day end.
Also, do remember once the British (and other Empires) left their colonies, the power was shifted back to the original people. That didn't happen with Palestine though, the power was instead given the immigrant population instead. And if you're suggesting the Palestinians should have just accepted much of their territory given away to foreigners just like that; then I don't know which world you live in. Today countries are not prepared to give a city or 2 to other nations (several disputed territories around the world), you expect a population that had gotten right out of colonial times to sacrifice their land? Honestly speaking, is that what you would do?

Also, the wars your mentioning were started by the Arabs, not the Palestinians. Again, like I said, why should the they suffer because of what somebody else has done?

I find your argument a circular one. First of all, it is the Arabs who represent the Palestinians and their positions. They historically have and still do. Wahhabi ideology is deeply ingrained in all of them and this is the root cause of terrorism. Hamas charter calls for the destruction of Israel. Yes, genius, this is their root ideology.

Well, technically the lands do belong to them, after all Russia is for Russians, not for Chechens. And in the case of Israel, the land is for the Jews, not the natives, is it? If they so desperately wanted to/want to become independent, then why not support them?
We will once most of the Baloch want liberation :lol:
At this moment it's the tiny (but powerful) Bugti family creating chaos.

Your argument is a hypocritical one. Can I consider pakistan to "illegally occupy" balochistan? Ah no. Thus I do not consider Israel to be occupying palestine. Bedouin Palestinians lead a comfortable life in Israel who wouldn't wanna go to any other Arab country. It is the terrorists and their sympathisers who suffer.
Please, first concede with the demands of the pakistani taliban and the separatist insurgencies in pakistan before considering terrorism in Chechnya, Israel and Xinxiang.

Chechen terrorists killed tens of thousands of innocents and destroyed the city. Yet you sympathise with them after they were wiped out and the city rebuilt. Very sad.

We did concede to the demands of the Pakistani Taliban so that the common man doesn't suffer any more and you know what the TTP regrouped, broke the Peace-Agreement and came back at us. The Chechens on the other hand didn't do squat after the First War and then Russia started the Second One on trumped up charges to reclaim that territory ! Thats the difference my friend !
Well, technically the lands do belong to them, after all Russia is for Russians, not for Chechens. And in the case of Israel, the land is for the Jews, not the natives, is it? If they so desperately wanted to/want to become independent, then why not support them?

We will once most of the Baloch want liberation :lol:
At this moment it's the tiny (but powerful) Bugti family creating chaos.

That doesn't mean they don't exist...

All the jews exiled from arab countries to Israel were absorbed as citizens and now lead a free life.

All the Palestineans who left Israel were never accecpted by their so called Arab brothers and continue to be refugee's generation after generation..
Your argument is a hypocritical one. Can I consider pakistan to "illegally occupy" balochistan? Ah no. Thus I do not consider Israel to be occupying palestine. Bedouin Palestinians lead a comfortable life in Israel who wouldn't wanna go to any other Arab country. It is the terrorists and their sympathisers who suffer.

Actually no; the Prince of Kalat legally ceded his region in the early 50s (1952-1955 or something), it's all documented. To this day the people are patriotic Pakistanis; you can't call that "illegal occupation"

Your argument is a hypocritical one. Can I consider pakistan to "illegally occupy" balochistan? Ah no. Thus I do not consider Israel to be occupying palestine. Bedouin Palestinians lead a comfortable life in Israel who wouldn't wanna go to any other Arab country. It is the terrorists and their sympathisers who suffer.

However in the case of Palestine, neither did the Palestinians agree to the creation of Israel, and neither do they to this day.

All the jews exiled from arab countries to Israel were absorbed as citizens and now lead a free life.

You see, that's great and all. But tell me one thing, why did the European Jews want to create Israel in Palestine? These guys had been living in Europe for centuries (possibly 2000 years even).
All the jews exiled from arab countries to Israel were absorbed as citizens and now lead a free life.

All the Palestineans who left Israel were never accecpted by their so called Arab brothers and continue to be refugee's generation after generation..

You know Gaddafi says something to similar effect :

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We did concede to the demands of the Pakistani Taliban so that the common man doesn't suffer any more and you know what the TTP regrouped, broke the Peace-Agreement and came back at us. The Chechens on the other hand didn't do squat after the First War and then Russia started the Second One on trumped up charges to reclaim that territory ! Thats the difference my friend !

I would advise you to study the situation of chechnya before the Russian army went there. Take it from me, those terrorists are no better than the Talibans who destabilize afghanistan and pakistan at present.
I find your argument a circular one

You're own arguement is pretry robotic and devoid of any emotions or logic. You're main argument is:

1) British now owned Palestine. But yes, they did. They also owned plenty of other regions through out the world, but when they left the power was handed back to the natives. The natives then decided their own fates. Not with Palestine though.

2) Israel is beautiful, therefore we should all just recognise it.

3) The evil natives want to kick out the white foreigners. How evil is that?
95% of professional workers in GCC are either nationals or Arabs, the ones who work in non-professional jobs are non-Arabs. If you like Arabs, get the hell out of their countries! what we were waiting for are poor and failure people coming here and calling others incompetent!

Your country has no history as well as no achievements, it's just a colonialised state with people who can't live without a master bossing them around. You were under Arabs occupation for hundreds of years when we found you primitives, just ask your grandparents about them.
Musab, no need to get worked up. these guys basically want to convince themselves before anyone else of the nonsense that they are spewing. Its not really a love of Israel but more like a hatred of their enemies. Evident from their bitter rhetoric.

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