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Pallywood: Debunking Palestinean Lies

First of all, Arabs lost that mosque in a war to israel so once again the cause is Arab incompetency and cowardiance despite being a numerically superior force. They actually went to push the "Joos" into the sea and end up losing what ever they had on hand...funny ?
If it wasn't for Non-Arab Muslim countries, Israel would be controlling the Al-Asqa mosque till now. Thanks to all of them, they saved Islam.
If it wasn't for Non-Arab Muslim countries, Israel would be controlling the Al-Asqa mosque till now. Thanks to all of them, they saved Islam.

Islam does not live in Aqsa mosque and Aqsa mosque is not the huge golden dome depicted in media as a pop icon all the time.

Lets stick to the purpose of this thread..that is Pallywood...Personally I cant belive how such ethicless people can claim to be choosen ones

See also: Jewish exodus from Arab and Muslim countries and History of the Jews in Egypt

In October 1956, when the Suez Crisis erupted, 1,000 Jews were arrested and 500 Jewish businesses were seized by the government. A statement branding the Jews as "Zionists and enemies of the state" was read out in the mosques of Cairo and Alexandria. Jewish bank accounts were confiscated and many Jews lost their jobs. Lawyers, engineers, doctors and teachers were not allowed to work in their professions. Thousands of Jews were ordered to leave the country. They were allowed to take only one suitcase and a small sum of cash, and forced to sign declarations “donating“ their property to the Egyptian government. Foreign observers reported that members of Jewish families were taken hostage, apparently to insure that those forced to leave did not speak out against the Egyptian government. Some 25,000 Jews, almost half of the Jewish community left, mainly for Israel, Europe, the United States and South America, after being forced to sign declarations that they were leaving voluntarily and agreed with the confiscation of their assets. Similar measures were enacted against British and French nationals in retaliation for the invasion. By 1957 the Jewish population of Egypt had fallen to 15,000.

isnt this a case of classic theft what all of you accuse israelis for????

The history in Arab world is often read backwards..
Arab does not equal Muslims..countries like Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, Egypt and even Iran and Pakistan accomplished a lot in last 100 years . But now that Hosni Mubarak is out, some proud Egyptian accomplishments are allowing sex with corpses and sending women back to stone age.

Look, If countries like UAE, Qatar and KSA haven't accomplished anything in the last 10 years, what other Muslim countries have accomplihed? What has Pakistan accomplished in the last 5000 years? oh it was part of India and Arab empires. I forgot how you are a completely and entirely failed state. You work in KSA coz you didn't find a job in your own country. Enough is enough. Arabs fought Israel 7 times and sacrified their lives and lands trying to get Palestine back. But where were you at the time? Afraid of west, right, wetting your pants, right?
The most pathetic and despicable thing I have ever heard is some Pakistanis whining over sending 16 pilots to fight Israel who shot down 10 jets, a Muslim country with 80 million population sends only 16 pilots to defend Alaqssa! good for you. Even USSR, NK, and Cuba sent hundreds of soldiers. Go liberate Kashmir before talking about your bosses incompetence! you live in KSA, either you love it or leave it!:angry:
I can't believe I have to agree with IbnAlwaled!!! wtf?!

Somebozo seems a bit loco. At any point in time he can be a wahabi Iran hater, a wahabi shia hater, a wahabi hater, an Israeli lover, an Israeli hater etc...

Make up your damn mind!

Lol, I have a feeling this guy is on this forum to troll, and nothing else.

and as per your idealogy any one who is being logical, rational and sensible is a troll. then i hope only a very few members in PDF are trolls and the rest majority who fight for nothing and spil venom of hatred are wonderful bloggers including you.

Lol, this Somebozo guy is spewing more hatred on this thread than everyone else combioned :lol:
Of course, since you're enjoying this thread and him bashing the Arabs and Muslims in general, you're not going to admit that.
Look, If countries like UAE, Qatar and KSA haven't accomplished anything in the last 10 years, what other Muslim countries have accomplihed? What has Pakistan accomplished in 5000 in the last 5000 years? oh it was part of India and Arab empires. I forgot how you are a completely and entirely failed state. You work in KSA coz you didn't find a job in your own country. Enough is enough. Arabs fought Israel 7 times and sacrified their lives and lands trying to get Palestine back. But where were you at the time? Afraid of west, right, wetting your pants, right?
The most pathetic and despicable thing I have ever heard is some Pakistanis whining over sending 16 pilots to fight Israel who shot down 10 jets, a Muslim country with 80 million population sends only 16 pilots to defend Alaqssa! good for you. Even USSR, NK, and Cuba sent hundreds of soldiers. Go liberate Kashmir before talking about your bosses incompetence! you live in KSA, either you love or leave it!:angry:

If you think Muslim world is limited to UAE, Qatar and KSA then sir I pity the limit of your knowledge as you forgot a few great countries like Turkey, Malaysia, Azerbaijan and even Indonesia has done significantly better than the oil rich states..

What a bunch of bull you are talking dear..this is the kind of arab mentality which holds them back....they think they are superior and choosen..Pakistan has nothing to do with Israel..our man power is for defending our own borders..how many volunteers have Arabs sent to Kashmir?? Zero..so our score of 16 still stands high...ohh and our pilots were the only one to successfully face Israel while the combine might of Arab forces was completely neutralized by Israelis in first few days of war...and never mind the 5th largest airforce which never took to skies.

Regarding working in KSA....well I assure you there are thousands of Jordanians who could not find job in Jordan so they came to KSA as well..Finally KSA is not an immigration country, rather it invites foreigners to fulfill its own manpower shortages...and beside the kind of work I do has no rival among the Saudis, which makes them needy of me...!

And a person loses debate he turns to desperate personal attacks! You are a classic case of defeat sir!
Your own King ran with his tail between legs and made peace with israel?? How brave is that?? Is that what you fought for???

Make sense when you talk!
Islam does not live in Aqsa mosque and Aqsa mosque is not the huge golden dome depicted in media as a pop icon all the time.

Lets stick to the purpose of this thread..that is Pallywood...Personally I cant belive how such ethicless people can claim to be choosen ones

isnt this a case of classic theft what all of you accuse israelis for????

The history in Arab world is often read backwards..
You know what, never mind!! Have a great day
Israel is undoubtedly the most advanced and superior nation in the Middle east. Chances are anyone who argues against Israel has actually never visited it but just watched Pallywood videos in youtube. Those same people, if they ever visit Israel, are going to have a very different viewpoint.

Couple this with the fact that israel has very little resources of its own. It imports most of its oil from Russia. Yet, it has the highest per capita expenditure on Research and Development. The whole middle east has a lot to learn from the great nation of Israel.

What a bunch of bull you are talking dear..this is the kind of arab mentality which holds them back....they think they are superior and choosen..Pakistan has nothing to do with Israel..our man power is for defending our own borders..how many volunteers have Arabs sent to Kashmir?? Zero..so our score of 16 still stands high...ohh and our pilots were the only one to successfully face Israel while the combine might of Arab forces was completely neutralized by Israelis in first few days of war...and never mind the 5th largest airforce which never took to skies.

Regarding working in KSA....well I assure you there are thousands of Jordanians who could not find job in Jordan so they came to KSA as well..Finally KSA is not an immigration country, rather it invites foreigners to fulfill its own manpower shortages...and beside the kind of work I do has no rival among the Saudis, which makes them needy of me...!

And a person loses debate he turns to desperate personal attacks! You are a classic case of defeat sir!
Your own King ran with his tail between legs and made peace with israel?? How brave is that?? Is that what you fought for???

Make sense when you talk!

Yes, it is a fact that Israel decimated all Arab forces in the 6 day war. It is a matter of great humiliation for Arabs that they lost that way. If USSR did not cover their backs by threatening to intervent, all those who are speaking against Israel here would be begging Israeli embassy for pilgrimage in Mecca and Medina. Arabs should be grateful to Israel that they did not do so in that war.

Yet they are an ungrateful bunch. They rejected numerous peace offers made by Israel for two state solution. Everytime Israel allocates them space, they start firing rockets to Israel just for their terroristic ambitions and twisted hope for going to heaven and attaining 72 virgins.

Well, they should be grateful it is Israel and not Russia who would go for decisive battle for wiping out the terrorists like it did in Chechnya. Otherwise there would be no PLO/H@mas/Hezbollah/palestinian jihad etc bullshit today. I seriously think Israel should go for a decisive battle to wipe out the terrorists otherwise peace would never return in middle east.
Israel is undoubtedly the most advanced and superior nation in the Middle east. Chances are anyone who argues against Israel has actually never visited it but just watched Pallywood videos in youtube. Those same people, if they ever visit Israel, are going to have a very different viewpoint.

Couple this with the fact that israel has very little resources of its own. It imports most of its oil from Russia. Yet, it has the highest per capita expenditure on Research and Development. The whole middle east has a lot to learn from the great nation of Israel.
Maybe it has to do with them being Europeans and living in Europe for centuries before occupying Palestine. I am sure they have learned a thing or 2 during there stay in Europe. Freedom, democracy, eduaction system, warfare, ect.. I am sure Victory Base Complex was way more advanced than the rest or Iraq during the US stay in Iraq.
What a bunch of bull you are talking dear..this is the kind of arab mentality which holds them back....they think they are superior and choosen..Pakistan has nothing to do with Israel..our man power is for defending our own borders..how many volunteers have Arabs sent to Kashmir?? Zero..so our score of 16 still stands high...ohh and our pilots were the only one to successfully face Israel while the combine might of Arab forces was completely neutralized by Israelis in first few days of war...and never mind the 5th largest airforce which never took to skies.
Arabs shot down 36 jets although their entire air-forces were wiped out by surprise in 1967, but we shot down hundreds of Esraeli jets in 1973. Okay, if u aren't willing to defend Alaqsa which is a Muslim property, that shows how cowards you are!
Regarding working in KSA....well I assure you there are thousands of Jordanians who could not find job in Jordan so they came to KSA as well..Finally KSA is not an immigration country, rather it invites foreigners to fulfill its own manpower shortages...and beside the kind of work I do has no rival among the Saudis, which makes them needy of me...!
What Jordanians are working there? they are professionals who have had jobs in Jordan but they went to GCC for higher wages. Vast majority of you are not professionals, and you can be easily replaced by other nationalities.
And a person loses debate he turns to desperate personal attacks! You are a classic case of defeat sir!
Your own King ran with his tail between legs and made peace with israel?? How brave is that?? Is that what you fought for???

Make sense when you talk!

You said it's non of your bussiness to send one single soldier to defend it, so shut up. We fought it 7 TIMES, we have the high ground here not you. Go and stop US drones from killing you first.
What a bunch of bull you are talking dear..this is the kind of arab mentality which holds them back....they think they are superior and choosen..

Look listen, no body's thinking their superior over anybody else; it's all in your mind.

Still you can't deny the fact that the last and most important of all Prophets was chosen among the children of Ismail (AS), the Arabs. You can't just go and claim they're a Sh1t race like you're trying to convey on here, that's pretty derogatory to both a race which is letting you live in their country, and to the Prophet.
About the chosen people; you also know one race isn't superior to another, and one race isn't inferior to the other either. But in Islam, God tells Muslims he has elevated them into high ranks because of their Belief in him and his Last messenger. Or are you gonna deny that?

In all your points your mentioning how these Arabs lost wars with Israel so their a weak, useless race. Going by that logic almost all of the Central Asian states were whimpy as they let the Russian people over their countries so easily. The South Asians are equaly whipy as they let the British into their homes without much of a fight, and those that did hold any fight lost pathetically.
By the very same logic, Americans are also weak and useless; they got their a$$es handed to them by the Afghans for these past 10 years, by the Viet etc.
And of course, you're most favourite, the Jews. This nation of whimps have been treated like slaves for the past 2000 years, what do you have to say about that?

Or are you gonna admit logic doesn't work like that?

As for the Palestinians; the Pallywood propaganda is probably true, but you can't deny there's plenty of propaganda from Israel too, not to mention the blind support for Israel from EU and USA, first world, all developed countries, vs a few Muslim countries. And you can't deny the Israelis also have been in the wrong; they've got their fair share of bloody hands and human rights violations.

You really can't blame the Palestinian people themselves, what ever they have to go through is not because of their own wrong doings. They're suffering because Hitler traumatised the Jews, and because of mistakes the rest of the world (including Arabs and Muslims in general) have committed against them. If you're own country was under control for several decades, it would be pretty surprising if you're own views about the 'unjust' views don't become effed up too.

...or are you or your buddy S-19 simply going to call me an Extremist Wahhabbi in the end?
Israel is undoubtedly the most advanced and superior nation in the Middle east. Chances are anyone who argues against Israel has actually never visited it but just watched Pallywood videos in youtube. Those same people, if they ever visit Israel, are going to have a very different viewpoint.

Couple this with the fact that israel has very little resources of its own. It imports most of its oil from Russia. Yet, it has the highest per capita expenditure on Research and Development. The whole middle east has a lot to learn from the great nation of Israel.

Yes, it is a fact that Israel decimated all Arab forces in the 6 day war. It is a matter of great humiliation for Arabs that they lost that way. If USSR did not cover their backs by threatening to intervent, all those who are speaking against Israel here would be begging Israeli embassy for pilgrimage in Mecca and Medina. Arabs should be grateful to Israel that they did not do so in that war.

Yet they are an ungrateful bunch. They rejected numerous peace offers made by Israel for two state solution. Everytime Israel allocates them space, they start firing rockets to Israel just for their terroristic ambitions and twisted hope for going to heaven and attaining 72 virgins.

Well, they should be grateful it is Israel and not Russia who would go for decisive battle for wiping out the terrorists like it did in Chechnya. Otherwise there would be no PLO/H@mas/Hezbollah/palestinian jihad etc bullshit today. I seriously think Israel should go for a decisive battle to wipe out the terrorists otherwise peace would never return in middle east.

No wonder, an enemy defending Israel. You have been already exposed.
Look listen, no body's thinking their superior over anybody else; it's all in your mind.

Still you can't deny the fact that the last and most important of all Prophets was chosen among the children of Ismail (AS), the Arabs. You can't just go and claim they're a Sh1t race like you're trying to convey on here, that's pretyt derogatory to both a race which is letting you live in their country, and to the Prophet.
About the chosen people; you also know one race isn't superior to another, and one race isn't inferior to the other either. But in Islam, God tells Muslims he has elevated them into high ranks because of their Belief in him and his Last messenger. Or are you gonna deny that?

In all your points your mentioning how these Arabs lost wars with Israel so their a weak race. Going by that logic almost all of the Central Asian states were whimpy as they let the Russian people over their countries so easily. The South Asians are equaly whipy as they let the British into their homes without much of a fight, and those that did hold any fight lost pathetically.
By the very same logic, Americans are also weak and useless; they got their a$$es handed to them by the Afghans for these past 10 years, by the Viet etc.
And of course, you're most favourite, the Jews. This nation of whimps have been treated like slaves for the past 2000 years, what do you have to say about that?

Or are you gonna admit logic doesn't work like that?

As for the Palestinians; the Pallywood propaganda is probably true, but you can't deny there's plenty of propaganda from Israel too, not to mention the blind support for Israel from EU and USA, first world, all developed countries, vs a few Muslim countries. And you can't deny the Israelis also have been in the wrong; they've got their fair share of bloody hands and human rights violations.

You really can't blame the Palestinian people themselves, what ever they have to go through is not because of their own wrong doings. They're suffering because Hitler traumatised the Jews, and because of mistakes the rest of the world (including Arabs and Muslims in general) have committed against them. If you're own country was under control for several decades, it would be pretty surprising if you're own views about the 'unjust' views don't become effed up.

Israel gets support from most nations including Russia because we recognise that Israel is the innocent party which just demands her right to exist without terrorism. Whereas her neighbours never accept her as a nation.

Better Muslim nations like Turkey and Indonesia realize that it is Israel who is the better among them. I have personally met many Indonesian Muslims and Christians during my stay there who ardently support Israel. I'm sure most Turks support Israel as well. Whereas Israels neighbours use this to the fullest extent and claim they are "victims" of Israel. Foolish governments and majority people like pakistan believe in their concocted lies.
Better Muslim nations like Turkey and Indonesia realize that it is Israel who is the better among them

How though?? I don't get this part; how are they better? What have the Palestinians done to be classed as the inferior ones?

If some colonial empire came to your home country and colonised it, and then decided to give a portion of that beloved land of yours to a minority in the 10-20% (remember the British had no right whatsoever to do that; the natives, that is, the Palestinians deserved a say in this), would you simply say "they're the better ones" and give up?

How are those poor, unarmed (forget Pallywood, I'm talking reality here) supposed to fight for their homeland against those with tanks and Kalashnikovs and what not? Why should they care what the world thinks? Would you care what the world thinks if Kazakhstan was unjustly taken away by the Chinese or Brazilians without your approval?
Arabs shot down 36 jets although their entire air-forces were wiped out by surprise in 1967, but we shot down hundreds of Esraeli jets in 1973. Okay, if u aren't willing to defend Alaqsa which is a Muslim property, that shows how cowards you are!

The only thing Muslim about Aqsa mosque is to pray there and Israel has ensured this right without prejudice. Far better than rioting at holy santuries.

How would pallys like to live under a regime like Assad or Saddam???

What Jordanians are working there? they are professionals who have had jobs in Jordan but they went to GCC for higher wages. Vast majority of you are not professionals, and you can be easily replaced by other nationalities.

First you insult me for working in KSA, now you justify the same for your own country men..perfect case of hypocrisy????
Or typical racist rant of a loser?

You said it's non of your bussiness to send one single soldier to defend it, so shut up. We fought it 7 TIMES, we have the high ground here not you. Go and stop US drones from killing you first.

And lost everything, then King Hussien went with his tail between legs and signed peace deal with Israel..Where as we are yet to sign anything with Israel..which gives us a moral superiority once again...

And now you are facilitating the business for the same evil "joos" at the expense of your pally brothers...

$100 million 'facility' shields Israeli firms investing in Jordan from risks

What a hypocrisy..
Ohh...and legendry arab hospitality for Pally brother..

Black September in Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

never mind that you once again needed the help of a Pakistani advisor..Gen. Zia Ul Haq to contain your own pally terrorists!

not to mention the blind support for Israel from EU and USA, first world, all developed countries, vs a few Muslim countries. And you can't deny the Israelis also have been in the wrong; they've got their fair share of bloody hands and human rights violations.

Israel was established by the same British Mandate which also gave your Hashmite Kingdom of Jordan and a bunch of arab oligarchy . So Either you apply the rule justly on everyone and demand to undo all the borders or STFU..why single out a country??

Hypocrisy x 4.
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95% of professional workers in GCC are either nationals or Arabs, the ones who work in non-professional jobs are non-Arabs. If you like Arabs, get the hell out of their countries! what we were waiting for are poor and failure people coming here and calling others incompetent!

Your country has no history as well as no achievements, it's just a colonialised state with people who can't live without a master bossing them around. You were under Arabs occupation for hundreds of years when we found you primitives, just ask your grandparents about them.

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