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Pallywood: Debunking Palestinean Lies

According to the Koran, the holy land (Al-Ardul-Mokaddasa) belongs to the Jews. They were designated to migrate to the holy land after they were persecuted and expelled from ancient Egypt. There, David founded Kingdom of Israel. After David, Solomon ruled the kingdom. Solomon's kingdom of Israel was the most powerful state in the world at that time.

After the death of King Solomon, the degeneration of the kingdom led first to division of the kingdom, then destruction after invasion by Babylonian Arabs. The jews were massacred and dispersed around the world after that and failed to unite.

They were given some relief by Cyrus (Dhul Qarnain) who gave them a place to stay. But then it was the Roman Army who dispersed them again when they conquered their land.

It is interesting to note the Koran also prophecises that jews would be allowed to return to the holy land a second time and have a state of their own just like King Solomon's time. That prophecy was fulfilled when the State of Israel came into being. The state of Israel continues to grow more and more powerful each day, again fulfilling the prophecy by Koran.

As far as Arabs, they are sworn enemy of Jews. It is they who destroyed the ancient Kingdom of Israel. Their illogical hatred stems from their bloodline, which goes back to Babylonians.
According to the Koran, the holy land (Al-Ardul-Mokaddasa) belongs to the Jews. They were designated to migrate to the holy land after they were persecuted and expelled from ancient Egypt. There, David founded Kingdom of Israel. After David, Solomon ruled the kingdom. Solomon's kingdom of Israel was the most powerful state in the world at that time.

After the death of King Solomon, the degeneration of the kingdom led first to division of the kingdom, then destruction after invasion by Babylonian Arabs. The jews were massacred and dispersed around the world after that and failed to unite.

They were given some relief by Cyrus (Dhul Qarnain) who gave them a place to stay. But then it was the Roman Army who dispersed them again when they conquered their land.

It is interesting to note the Koran also prophecises that jews would be allowed to return to the holy land a second time and have a state of their own just like King Solomon's time. That prophecy was fulfilled when the State of Israel came into being. The state of Israel continues to grow more and more powerful each day, again fulfilling the prophecy by Koran.

As far as Arabs, they are sworn enemy of Jews. It is they who destroyed the ancient Kingdom of Israel. Their illogical hatred stems from their bloodline, which goes back to Babylonians.
Interesting that you didn't mention that the Quran says that they will be kicked out again.
Interesting that you didn't mention that the Quran says that they will be kicked out again.

Not really. It just mentions that if the State of Israel repeats the same moral degenerations then God would punish it once again. At present, Israel is one of the best and just country in all terms in the middle east. It is a secular country which treats everybody as equal (not terrorists). Anybody who went to Israel will testify to this. Till this position is maintained, God will bless Israel just like he blessed the ancient Kingdom of Israel and Israel will continue to grow more and more powerful until it achieves firm dominion over the middle east.
So far every prophecy in the Quran about Israel came true except one:
1) They will return back to the hoy land. Check
2) They will come from all over the world. Check
3) they will enter the Masjid. Check
3) they will be kicked out. Soon

Number 4 is conditional on them repeating the same degeneration that preceded the destruction of ancient Kingdom of Israel. Properly called a conditional prophecy.

This is why Israel won all wars with Arabs despite Arabs were superior. You can't go against the Koran.
According to the Koran, the holy land (Al-Ardul-Mokaddasa) belongs to the Jews. They were designated to migrate to the holy land after they were persecuted and expelled from ancient Egypt.

The Jews can be anyone following Judaism, I think the more appropriate way to refer to those people is by using the terms Israelite or Hebrew.

There, David founded Kingdom of Israel. After David, Solomon ruled the kingdom.

The united monarchy of the Kingdom of Israel was founded when the tribes of Israel united & Prophet Samuel (PBUH) chose Saul (Talut) to be the first king. Nevertheless it was King David (PBUH) who further united the kingdom & strengthened them. After that of course was King Solomon (PBUH); he had a great Kingdom, no one will ever or has ever had a kingdom as great as his.

After the death of King Solomon, the degeneration of the kingdom led first to division of the kingdom, then destruction after invasion by Babylonian Arabs. The jews were massacred and dispersed around the world after that and failed to unite.

They were given some relief by Cyrus (Dhul Qarnain) who gave them a place to stay. But then it was the Roman Army who dispersed them again when they conquered their land.

After King Solomon passed away, the monarchy broke in to 2 pieces; the northern kingdom of Israel & the southern Kingdom of Judah. For those of you wondering Judah also known as Yahudah is one of the sons of Prophet Jacob (PBUH) and he is one of the older brothers of Prophet Joseph (PBUH).

Babylonians were not the Children of Ishmael either & neither did they speak Arabic; they spoke Akkadian & Sumerian as far as I know. In fact it was the Assyrians that exiled the Hebrews, the Assyrians lived in northern Mesopotamia. However modern day Iraqi Arabs are the descendants of those ancient people. The Children of Israel or specifically the Northern 10 tribes of Israel according to "legend" are sometimes referred to as the lost tribes of Israel.

Ten Lost Tribes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I can't comment on the factuality of this legend though. There may be some truth to it or it might be entirely false. Perhaps some Israeli members can give us information regarding the lost tribes. I am very interested in this topic.
Watching this and previous posts by you indicates that you are a false flag, one from our eastern borders.

Pathetic racism. Anybody who goes against your views is a false flag "evil indian". You people do not recognise the right to individual viewpoints at all. No wonder you hate secularism since it would not allow your racism.

The Jews can be anyone following Judaism, I think the more appropriate way to refer to those people is by using the terms Israelite or Hebrew.

The united monarchy of the Kingdom of Israel was founded when the tribes of Israel united & Prophet Samuel (PBUH) chose Saul (Talut) to be the first king. Nevertheless it was King David (PBUH) who further united the kingdom & strengthened them. After that of course was King Solomon (PBUH); he had a great Kingdom, no one will ever or has ever had a kingdom as great as his.

After King Solomon passed away, the monarchy broke in to 2 pieces; the northern kingdom of Israel & the southern Kingdom of Judah. For those of you wondering Judah also known as Yahudah is one of the sons of Prophet Jacob (PBUH) and he is one of the older brothers of Prophet Joseph (PBUH).

Babylonians were not the Children of Ishmael either & neither did they speak Arabic; they spoke Akkadian & Sumerian as far as I know. In fact it was the Assyrians that exiled the Hebrews, the Assyrians lived in northern Mesopotamia. However modern day Iraqi Arabs are the descendants of those ancient people. The Children of Israel or specifically the Northern 10 tribes of Israel according to "legend" are sometimes referred to as the lost tribes of Israel.

Ten Lost Tribes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I can't comment on the factuality of this legend though. There may be some truth to it or it might be entirely false. Perhaps some Israeli members can give us information regarding the lost tribes. I am very interested in this topic.

Yeah, that's a detailed account. Thanks.
I think somebozo is a troll. He hates Arabs, Iranians, Indians, Shias. But fond of Israelis!
Most people hate Arabs, especially the KSA Arabs. The way non-Arab Muslims are treated when they arrive in said Kingdom... Who can blame them. You just have to look how KSA Arabs grovel to Americans but enslave people who share their religion.

How many times have people read about Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Filipino becoming their personal slaves?
Most people hate Arabs, especially the KSA Arabs. The way non-Arab Muslims are treated when they arrive in said Kingdom... Who can blame them. You just have to look how KSA Arabs grovel to Americans but enslave people who share their religion.

How many times have people read about Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Filipino becoming their personal slaves?
And they still come by the millions!! we must pay astronomical salaries:D
And they still come by the millions!! we must pay astronomical salaries:D
No, they just want to feed their families. They falsely believe that Muslims would never treat other Muslims like that, they learn the harsh truth when they arrive at KSA.
Pathetic racism. Anybody who goes against your views is a false flag "evil indian". You people do not recognise the right to individual viewpoints at all. No wonder you hate secularism since it would not allow your racism.

I agree with this, how can a nation or any people progress if they can't accept, respect, or encourage individual views? The lack of tolerance, hatred for anyone that's different, & lack of interest & willingness to change is one of the few things destroying Pakistan. People are free to believe whatever they want, it's not our right to force them to adopt our views no matter how much we disagree.
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IbnAlwaleed, I believe that this one state solution is not possible and never will be. Simply because it will be most likely a muslim majority country if all Palestinians go there, or at least there will be no Jewish dominance, something which Israel doesn't want to happen.
Who gave Britain the right to divide Palestine? It was not their land, for God's sake! In the same sense, all colonies can be divided if those who control the colonies wish to do so.
For all those who say that the Jews lived there for thousands of years, let me ask you one question : Do you have any proof that modern-day Jews are actually descended from Jews who used to live there? No land should be given to anyone just because people of their same religion used to live there. Jews who used to live there have been mixed with other people throughout the years, so they can't be 100% descended from those who used to live there.
The Law of return gave every Jew throughout the globe the right to go to Israel and have a citizenship. So, if a person who was of whatever religion in whatever country heard that and decided to convert to Judaism, he'd be given the right to have Israeli citizenship?
I really want Jews to quit saying " holocaust ", just because you were massacred doesn't mean you can take land from anywhere else around the globe and give it to yourself! Of course killing anyone of whatever religion is refused, but being killed doesn't give you to have any land. Why didn't you take parts of Germany instead? Why do the Palestinians have to pay for the crimes of the Nazis?
We must not forget that the internationally-recognized boundaries of Israel contain about 78% of the whole land of Mandate Palestine, which doesn't count in East Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza Strip. But Israel was given 53% only of Mandate Palestine land in the division plan. Why were they allowed to have more and more territories when they won the war? I never heard of the law that states that if you win a war, take whatever land you want from the losing country.
IbnAlwaleed, I believe that this one state solution is not possible and never will be. Simply because it will be most likely a muslim majority country if all Palestinians go there, or at least there will be no Jewish dominance, something which Israel doesn't want to happen.
Who gave Britain the right to divide Palestine? It was not their land, for God's sake! In the same sense, all colonies can be divided if those who control the colonies wish to do so.
For all those who say that the Jews lived there for thousands of years, let me ask you one question : Do you have any proof that modern-day Jews are actually descended from Jews who used to live there? No land should be given to anyone just because people of their same religion used to live there. Jews who used to live there have been mixed with other people throughout the years, so they can't be 100% descended from those who used to live there.
The Law of return gave every Jew throughout the globe the right to go to Israel and have a citizenship. So, if a person who was of whatever religion in whatever country heard that and decided to convert to Judaism, he'd be given the right to have Israeli citizenship?
I really want Jews to quit saying " holocaust ", just because you were massacred doesn't mean you can take land from anywhere else around the globe and give it to yourself! Of course killing anyone of whatever religion is refused, but being killed doesn't give you to have any land. Why didn't you take parts of Germany instead? Why do the Palestinians have to pay for the crimes of the Nazis?
We must not forget that the internationally-recognized boundaries of Israel contain about 78% of the whole land of Mandate Palestine, which doesn't count in East Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza Strip. But Israel was given 53% only of Mandate Palestine land in the division plan. Why were they allowed to have more and more territories when they won the war? I never heard of the law that states that if you win a war, take whatever land you want from the losing country.

Are you kidding? Winning land in wars is as old as time itself. If the Arabs would have won, no Jew would have been left alive and all the land and property taken.

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