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Pallywood: Debunking Palestinean Lies

Perhaps some of the most important threads ever. Propaganda has always been there. On both sides.

Not only did the Palestinians support Saddam during the Iraq-Iran War, they also supported him during the Gulf War where he invaded Kuwait for no particular reason! Hamas are a bunch of losers.

I don't know, perhaps they have identity issues? Perhaps someone can help them with that issue? This habit of the Arab and the Persian leadership exploiting the Palestinian issue for political purposes is ultimately doing more harm than good.
Perhaps some of the most important threads ever. Propaganda has always been there. On both sides.

Not only did the Palestinians support Saddam during the Iraq-Iran War, they also supported him during the Gulf War where he invaded Kuwait for no particular reason! Hamas are a bunch of losers.

I don't know, perhaps they have identity issues? Perhaps someone can help them with that issue? This habit of the Arab and the Persian leadership exploiting the Palestinian issue for political purposes is ultimately doing more harm than good.

Hamas was created with the help of Israel during 80's to create an opposition for Yaseer Arafat. Believe me I still wonder whether the main leaders of hamas are in payroll of Israel and the Zionists to keep division among palestanians and to facilitate the Israel's illegal occupation.

Palestanians supported Saddam as Saddam used to provide financial support to them and Iraq was the biggest military power of middle east at that time with 1 million strong republican army.

If Saddam would not make the blunder in Kuwait... history and reality of middle east would be much different then today.
Quran did not describe about any boundary of the kingdom unlike bible which is never accurate and gross exaggeration tot he reality same like the account of the global flood described in bible which never happened where as quran described only a regional flood.
Yes Solomon with army of jinns and who was feared by queen of Sheba was actually a ruler of two villages :lol: I guess in year 4000 some captain_planet will argue on forums that Israel never won six day war :)

Anyhow all this is irrelevant. Israel is existing fact, its 7.5 million nation and not going anywhere.
Hamas was created with the help of Israel during 80's to create an opposition for Yaseer Arafat. Believe me I still wonder whether the main leaders of hamas are in payroll of Israel and the Zionists to keep division among palestanians and to facilitate the Israel's illegal occupation.

Palestanians supported Saddam as Saddam used to provide financial support to them and Iraq was the biggest military power of middle east at that time with 1 million strong republican army.

If Saddam would not make the blunder in Kuwait... history and reality of middle east would be much different then today.

Okay, that's news to me.
Yes Solomon with army of jinns and who was feared by queen of Sheba was actually a ruler of two villages :lol: I guess in year 4000 some captain_planet will argue on forums that Israel never won six day war :)

Anyhow all this is irrelevant. Israel is existing fact, its 7.5 million nation and not going anywhere.

Yes it is going some where and that is to become an one state solution with all the pals included as a citized with equal right and future prospect of Israel is not rosy so most of the russian and former soviet union jewsih people likely to go back to their former land from where they came to Israel as those region are enjoying massive growth and it is evident as most of them still maintain dual passport and already more then 500000 Israeli live abroad with dual citizenship.

Okay, that's news to me.

Ron Paul Flashback: Israel 'Created' Hamas

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Yes it is going some where and that is to become an one state solution with all the pals included as a citized with equal right and future prospect of Israel is not rosy so most of the russian and former soviet union jewsih people likely to go back to their former land from where they came to Israel as those region are enjoying massive growth and it is evident as most of them still maintain dual passport and already more then 500000 Israeli live abroad with dual citizenship.
Sorry mate, the mater of dual citizenship and the number of people living abrod are irrelavent. Its their choice and you are noboby to tell the Isreali what they should be doing. if you have a peaceful life then enjoy it, living a life that is more than 5000 km away with no knowledge of what is happening at ground zero is foolish.
if you are so pationalte about about your borthers in palestine, please write a petition to your PM to go to a war with the Isrealis to get your blood brothers the land they seek theirs. Else it would be wise to keep quite.
Shows the amount you know about this conflict.
Israel accepted 20% of the land of what was known as the British mandate, the Arabs would have gotten 80% of it but they refused, and they massacred the Jews.
Then Israel was offered 40% and the Arabs 60% and they refused, and then again they started massacring the Jews.

But the problem began when the Jews started fighting back and the Arabs LOST.
Over the next 6 decades the Arabs refused anything but total annihilation of the Jewish nation.

In 2000, Ehud Barak offered the West Bank and Gaza to Arafat and HE REFUSED.

In 2008, the very same offer and they still REFUSED.

This is what they will never admit but it is clear with anyone with eyes, they want to see Israel destroyed but the problem is that there will be no more such offerings with these savages.
Sorry mate, the mater of dual citizenship and the number of people living abrod are irrelavent. Its their choice and you are noboby to tell the Isreali what they should be doing. if you have a peaceful life then enjoy it, living a life that is more than 5000 km away with no knowledge of what is happening at ground zero is foolish.
if you are so pationalte about about your borthers in palestine, please write a petition to your PM to go to a war with the Isrealis to get your blood brothers the land they seek theirs. Else it would be wise to keep quite.

When I said that it was not their choice??? The soviet jews were economic migrants to Israel after the collapse of Soviet union and they will follow the suit if they do not see much prospect in Israel. This is not my opinion but Israelis itself has pointed out.

N when it is quite evident the current situation is heading towards one state solution why any one will have to fight a war??? Only people needs to accelerate it by exposing the apartheid nature of Israel and to show how human right violation has been done continuously in the occupied illegal settlements by Israel.
In 2000, Ehud Barak offered the West Bank and Gaza to Arafat and HE REFUSED.

In 2008, the very same offer and they still REFUSED.
LOL what?
Waiting for a source:pop:
Its the other way around, look up Palestinian papers.
Shows the amount you know about this conflict.
Israel accepted 20% of the land of what was known as the British mandate, the Arabs would have gotten 80% of it but they refused, and they massacred the Jews.
Then Israel was offered 40% and the Arabs 60% and they refused, and then again they started massacring the Jews.

But the problem began when the Jews started fighting back and the Arabs LOST.
Over the next 6 decades the Arabs refused anything but total annihilation of the Jewish nation.

In 2000, Ehud Barak offered the West Bank and Gaza to Arafat and HE REFUSED.

In 2008, the very same offer and they still REFUSED.

This is what they will never admit but it is clear with anyone with eyes, they want to see Israel destroyed but the problem is that there will be no more such offerings with these savages.

The issue was not 20% or 40% but was british colonialism thats why they were refusing it as they were fighting for an independent state for 30 years. Accepting that would mean giving blank cheque to UK and france to do whatever it wants in other parts of the middle east and north africa which was under colonialism. If not palestine ... it would be other place ... same result would be follow. From Yemen, sudan, kenya, Somalia, Libya, Algeria and all the western coast of arabia namely Oman, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar and other central african countries remain under british and french colonialism. They did not leave the places until they were kicked out. Worst crime was committed by france when they roasted alive Algerians in oven and exterminated 15% Algerian just to keep it as its colony.

That was the situation why nobody accepted illegal creation of past. As a revised position all arab league has proposed to recognize Israel in return of 1967 border including East Jerusalem. But Israel is violating it by illegally occupying Palestine land and building illegal settlement. Too much greed is never good for anyone.

N regarding lost of arabs... was it not quite evident when most of the country just got independence from colonialism and did not have better weapon and when Israel got full assistance of west from military to intelligence...

LOL what?
Waiting for a source:pop:
Its the other way around, look up Palestinian papers.

They offered 95% of the land saying they will not get east jerusalem and will have no direct land contact with Jordan and with more condition that Israel will control Palestine's air and land boundary and Palestine will not have any defense force. Apart from that Israel illegally kept on its position most of the Palestine's share of water. Under such condition how can anyone accept such deal...

Sharon only left Gaza as that area is much smaller and so that they can not claim israeli citizenship. As a back up plan they want to form an one state solution taking west bank and israel without Gaza which would still give Israel majority of its population. That was the main reason behind leaving Gaza and to impose blockade later on it.
The issue was not 20% or 40% but was british colonialism thats why they were refusing it as they were fighting for an independent state for 30 years. Accepting that would mean giving blank cheque to UK and france to do whatever it wants in other parts of the middle east and north africa which was under colonialism. If not palestine ... it would be other place ... same result would be follow. From Yemen, sudan, kenya, Somalia, Libya, Algeria and all the western coast of arabia namely Oman, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar and other central african countries remain under british and french colonialism. They did not leave the places until they were kicked out. Worst crime was committed by france when they roasted alive Algerians in oven and exterminated 15% Algerian just to keep it as its colony.

That was the situation why nobody accepted illegal creation of past. As a revised position all arab league has proposed to recognize Israel in return of 1967 border including East Jerusalem. But Israel is violating it by illegally occupying Palestine land and building illegal settlement. Too much greed is never good for anyone.

N regarding lost of arabs... was it not quite evident when most of the country just got independence from colonialism and did not have better weapon and when Israel got full assistance of west from military to intelligence...

They offered 95% of the land saying they will not get east jerusalem and will have no direct land contact with Jordan and with more condition that Israel will control Palestine's air and land boundary and Palestine will not have any defense force. Apart from that Israel illegally kept on its position most of the Palestine's share of water. Under such condition how can anyone accept such deal...

Sharon only left Gaza as that area is much smaller and so that they can not claim israeli citizenship. As a back up plan they want to form an one state solution taking west bank and israel without Gaza which would still give Israel majority of its population. That was the main reason behind leaving Gaza and to impose blockade later on it.

You really do not know anything about this conflict with all the ridiculous things you say, if you think a race that escaped annihilation was better off than a race of over 100 million. We may talk again if you ever educate yourself with facts rather than acquiring these "facts" from PalestineIsAwesome.com.
If Saddam would not make the blunder in Kuwait... history and reality of middle east would be much different then today.

Saddam was on his way of bankrupting Iraq on the eve of the Kuwait invasion. Adding Kuwait's output was the only way to make payments on debts created in the Iran-Iraq war.
There are several good books available on Saddam's career and life explaining all the motives of the invasion in detail.

So history and reality wouldn't be that much different...or better way of puting it would be to say Saddam wouldn't be that big of a player as you seem to be making him.
Yes it is going some where and that is to become an one state solution with all the pals included as a citized with equal right and future prospect of Israel is not rosy so most of the russian and former soviet union jewsih people likely to go back to their former land from where they came to Israel as those region are enjoying massive growth and it is evident as most of them still maintain dual passport and already more then 500000 Israeli live abroad with dual citizenship.
You are judging others according to urself. You migrated for higher life standards. But in case of Israel its the opposite: percent of Jews in Israel is steadily growing from year to year for over a century. Yes there are Israelis who work and study abroad, like any nation in the world. But when there was a war majority of Israelis abroad rush home and volunteer to the army. Another thing that most of the Jews intermarry with each other, so very soon there will be no Russian, Moroccan, Polish or Iraqi Jews.

And here is a newsflash for you: Arabs in Israel have full rights since 1948. :lol:

Ron Pail is a clown.
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Saddam was on his way of bankrupting Iraq on the eve of the Kuwait invasion. Adding Kuwait's output was the only way to make payments on debts created in the Iran-Iraq war.
There are several good books available on Saddam's career and life explaining all the motives of the invasion in detail.

So history and reality wouldn't be that much different...or better way of puting it would be to say Saddam wouldn't be that big of a player as you seem to be making him.
Kuwait provoked Saddam to invade them under orders from the US.
Both the PLO and hamas are very corrupt, PLO much more, that's why Israel loves them. PLO even supported the Gaza war. Poor Palestinians have to suffer under them.
The two state solution is dead and never will happen. The only way to go is one state solution. This way everyone is happy.

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