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Pallywood: Debunking Palestinean Lies

DR MOron I live in Saudi Arabia and deal with Arabs particularly Palestineans day and night. Not a single group of arab goes by them without cursing and name calling them...You know what Palestineans are well famous for in Saudi Arabia...Crooks, Criminals and Pimps!

I have eye withnessed at-least two cases where an Palestinean was pimping his own wife to boost his sales and a second case when palestinean contractor was pimping his under age daughter to rich arab sheikhs in exchange of closing lucrative construction contracts. And guess what, they arent even ashamed of it...its called business...

By the way can you tell me how many times there is mention of Palestine in quran?? Palestine is a myth and imaginary country. Heck, Palestine is not even an Arabic word but middle roman.

why do u have so much hatred for people whose land was stolen and were massacred. regardless of them being palestinian, pakistani, indian..what is wrong is wrong and should be condemned. how would u feel if your home was demolished and uwere exiled homelessness and poverty. while settlements were built on your homeland where EUROPEAN jews being paid by the Israeli gov't live. i'm sure there are crooks, criminals and pimps in every country and from every nationality. does that mean all those people are worthy of those titles?

Jews have been there longer than Arabs.

ya and they moved to germany, poland, etc. so they are europeans. the handful of arab jews who have lived there for a long long time lived peacefully with the muslims until the zionist movement.
ya and they moved to germany, poland, etc. so they are europeans. the handful of arab jews who have lived there for a long long time lived peacefully with the muslims until the zionist movement.
Are you sure they lived peacefully with them, my own Muslim friend told me that Jews are actually abhorred in your religion, it is like a practice or written, im not sure but can anyone educate me?
Are you sure they lived peacefully with them, my own Muslim friend told me that Jews are actually abhorred in your religion, it is like a practice or written, im not sure but can anyone educate me?

yes for the most part they did live peacefully. jews like muslims and christians are considered "people of the book". while jews were being prosecuted all over medieval Europe in christian nations...under Muslim-rule jews found refuge..when jews were exiled from roman catholic spain they found refuge in muslim lands
the arab-jew eternal conflict since the beginning of time was a myth propagated by the zionists to legitimize the occupation of palestine. the conflict began with the occupation of palestine and driving out muslims.

as for the quran. some context specific things are mentioned about the jews regarding their misdeeds at the time..alot of people extrapolate this to present day and hate on them. its not right
yes for the most part they did live peacefully. jews like muslims and christians are considered "people of the book". while jews were being prosecuted all over medieval Europe in christian nations...under Muslim-rule jews found refuge..when jews were exiled from roman catholic spain they found refuge in muslim lands
the arab-jew eternal conflict since the beginning of time was a myth propagated by the zionists to legitimize the occupation of palestine. the conflict began with the occupation of palestine and driving out muslims.

as for the quran. some context specific things are mentioned about the jews regarding their misdeeds at the time..alot of people extrapolate this to present day and hate on them. its not right
If the jews wanted a country for their own and for all we know the present arab countries, despite they being created by distributing the ottoman empire, even after a declaration by British to give them some piece of land were not given and the solution offered to Palestinians not accepted?

You may think that it is not right but you have said it yourself that a lot of them have extrapolated these deeds mentioned in Qur'an and might that not have been the reason for them to migrate and want a country of their own?
If the jews wanted a country for their own and for all we know the present arab countries, despite they being created by distributing the ottoman empire, even after a declaration by British to give them some piece of land were not given and the solution offered to Palestinians not accepted?

You may think that it is not right but you have said it yourself that a lot of them have extrapolated these deeds mentioned in Qur'an and might that not have been the reason for them to migrate and want a country of their own?

what right did the British have to give them someone elses land where close to 90% or more of the population was muslim. the Qur'an or muslims were not the reason jews migrated after the holocaust. why shud the muslims pay for the nazis acts. they should have been given some european land or something.
what right did the British have to give them someone elses land where close to 90% or more of the population was muslim. the Qur'an or muslims were not the reason jews migrated after the holocaust. why shud the muslims pay for the nazis acts. they should have been given some european land or something.
But ottoman empire was actually turks and they also were in europe as well in Arabian peninsular, no?
The Fact of the matter is that through decades of propaganda, people were led to believe that these "Palestinian" Arabs are the victims. You just have to look through history books where did they come from? Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Syria.

Through decades of propaganda, the lies have become such a part of their nature that even the "Palestinians" think it to be true, and look what a wonderful gift they've given to the world.

Suicide bombing, mass corruption, children taught to idolize death, women who smile when they murder children.
There is no other word to describe such creatures other than Palestinians.

The only reason they are refugees, and will die as refugees is because the Arabs WANT it that way. So they can continue to attempt the slow but desirable destruction of the Jewish nation.
In the words of Arab leaders past and present: "We will never stop until the Jews are in the ocean, this will be extermination".

Imagine if Israel was everything it was demonized to be? There would be no Jordan, no Syria, no Lebanon, no Gaza, no West bank. But unlike our dear cousins, we protect ourselves and want to live in peace, while they use their children as body shields in every sense of the word.

Oh and let's not forget, they are the ultimate models and feel sad whenever the cameras are around, striking poses that would make any actor jealous.
as for the quran. some context specific things are mentioned about the jews regarding their misdeeds at the time..alot of people extrapolate this to present day and hate on them. its not right

Don't know about the Quran, but when I read the Bible - specifically the Torah - I have to say that the jews and their god did some pretty crazy things.
But the London isn't a state either, it's just a city. Just like how Palestine has been a province like entity within previous Muslim Empires and such.
London is part of UK state. Palestine was a colony for thousands years.

Basically what happaned is that British kicked the Turks from Middle East and gave 99.8% of the lands to the Arabs. Remaining 0.2% was devided by UN between the Arabs and Jews.

Palestine is an English word but the word for palestine in Arabic is " Falestine". If the Jews and Christians open their own Bible , they will find it mention Phillistine people ( Falestine ) all over Bible. It is the same people. David in Bible fought a Philistine named Goliath ( or Jolat ), who was a Palestinian or Philistine ( Falestine ).
"Falestine" does not mean anything in Arabic its Hebrew name. Philistimes were Greek people without any connection to today "Palestinians".

The reason I hate Israel is because the fascist state emulates entirely all of the tactics that the Nazis used on the Jews.
How Israel is fascist if Arabs live in Israel better than in their own states? :rolleyes:
I am completely disgusted by all these hypocrites and liar those who are trying to defend all the war criminal and apartheid zionists. These zionists are all time liar and the real cause of trouble in the middle east. Some corrupt arab leaders are just helping to keep all the zionists lie and apartheid action going on.

I think this somebozo has been kicked out of Saudi recently or just another shoe licking stooge of the zionists.

Yes all the Israeli action, illegal occupation, building illegal settlement is a hoax and legal and no body from EU to UN and all other country has endorsed it!!! Is not it!!!

N goldstone had grown horns into his head to declare war crime of Israel or International court to declare all settlement activity is illegal???

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The Fact of the matter is that through decades of propaganda, people were led to believe that these "Palestinian" Arabs are the victims. You just have to look through history books where did they come from? Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Syria.

Through decades of propaganda, the lies have become such a part of their nature that even the "Palestinians" think it to be true, and look what a wonderful gift they've given to the world.

Suicide bombing, mass corruption, children taught to idolize death, women who smile when they murder children.
There is no other word to describe such creatures other than Palestinians.

The only reason they are refugees, and will die as refugees is because the Arabs WANT it that way. So they can continue to attempt the slow but desirable destruction of the Jewish nation.
In the words of Arab leaders past and present: "We will never stop until the Jews are in the ocean, this will be extermination".

Imagine if Israel was everything it was demonized to be? There would be no Jordan, no Syria, no Lebanon, no Gaza, no West bank. But unlike our dear cousins, we protect ourselves and want to live in peace, while they use their children as body shields in every sense of the word.

Oh and let's not forget, they are the ultimate models and feel sad whenever the cameras are around, striking poses that would make any actor jealous.

I have already replied to you in detail about all of your fable how Israel has been created and whether it can be said legal?? or what is the origin of the so called jews of present day!! Not semitic but Khazar Jews. and what was the situation upon which through treachery and colonialism Israel has been created and how britain accomplished that.


This is where from majority of the white skinned, blue eyed and red hair jews people are originated .... Most of the jews of today are no longer Semitic as they have converted to Christianity and then to Islam.

Conversion of the royalty and aristocracy to Judaism

Khazars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kingdom of Khazaria map:


N this is the true story how Israel has been created and why no arab has eevr accepted it as for the last 3 decades arabs were fighting for independence as Britian and France colonized the land through treachery by signing skype picot agreement and came to the land saying if the arabs fight against the turk they will be helped to form and independent country.

The Fall of the Ottoman Empire I

The Fall of the Ottoman Empire II


Lastly most of the bible account of jewish kingdom has turned out to be big time hoax as they have hardly any link to reality. As most of the books and including 5 main book of torah has been written in 500 BCE instead 1500 bce by moses as it is thought.

Real Jewish kingdom was smaller only including couple of villages not a big kingdom as described in the bible.

For more info...

Who Wrote The Bible? (1/12)

Who Wrote The Bible? (1/12) - YouTube
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I am completely disgusted by all these hypocrites and liar those who are trying to defend all the war criminal and apartheid zionists. These zionists are all time liar and the real cause of trouble in the middle east. Some corrupt arab leaders are just helping to keep all the zionists lie and apartheid action going on.

I think this somebozo has been kicked out of Saudi recently or just another shoe licking stooge of the zionists.

Yes all the Israeli action, illegal occupation, building illegal settlement is a hoax and legal and no body from EU to UN and all other country has endorsed it!!! Is not it!!!

N goldstone had grown horns into his head to declare war crime of Israel or International court to declare all settlement activity is illegal???

You show a racist, bigoted mindset every time you post. How hard is it to follow logic instead of the hatred you've been fed on? If you open your eyes and go educate yourself, try to read what people post here in an objective manner, you might be surprised. But until then, you support terrorism, Islamic extremism and blindly hate an entire country for no other reason than to hate.
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You show a racist, bigoted mindset every time you post. How hard is it to follow logic instead of the hatred you've been fed on? If you open your eyes and go educate yourself, try to read what people post here in an objective manner, you might be surprised. But until then, you support terrorism, Islamic extremism and blindly hate an entire country for no other reason than to hate.

Please for the god sake keep this sort of word like support terrorism and islamic extremism cause this sort of word has no effect on me. See the comeent which you replied... I blamed the corrupt arab leader and the zionists ... not the jews or Israel. But for creation of Israel if you ask whether the procedure was valid and legal ... everyone will say in International court it will not hold logic in any way.

But if one state solution would have been imposed that might be logical and every one would have accepted after all it is the muslims who have protected the jews all the time and under islamic and muslim rule jews enjoyed their golden time in medival ages. But some racist and bigoted zionists and some extremist christians whith their cultic dogma has created all the trouble in the middle east.

You are talking about Islamic extremism... I would like to remind you the following video is the real depiction of extremism by zionists both jews and christian and real danger to the world.

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Quran also tells about powerful kings Saul, David and Solomon. :wave:

Quran did not describe about any boundary of the kingdom unlike bible which is never accurate and gross exaggeration tot he reality same like the account of the global flood described in bible which never happened where as quran described only a regional flood.

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