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Pallywood: Debunking Palestinean Lies

So you support the Zionist state over the Palestinian one? Nice :tup: I always knew you were the sort of person.

Just because the Arabs can't be bothered about them, it means we shouldn't respect them either?

Wow...just wow..

you people are inhumane.

You skipped the part where I said they're wahabis and supported Saddam, and still do?

Saddam is one of the most respected figures among Palistinians. He massacred million of Iraqi Arabs and Iraqi Kurds and used chemical weapons against Iran as well as his own nation. Iran has given them millions of dollars over the years, but for the most part they're fiercely secterian. They didn't deserve what happened to them, but they haven't given me any reasons to support them.

I say let the saudis deal with them.
You skipped the part where I said they're wahabis and supported Saddam, and still do?

Oh yes, of course. Because of Evil Saddam, we should stop giving a damn about the Palestinians.

Oh yes, of course. Because of Evil Saddam, we should stop giving a damn about the Palestinians.


I didn't say you should, I said that's why I don't care about them.

You have clear reading comprehension issues. Saddam killed my people and these guys supported him and still do. That's my reason. What you do is up to you.
There is no real suffering..and a Pakistani has no business in Arab affairs..we should rather be more worried about this bogus conflict spilling terrorism into our own borders. The bogus and falsified cause of Palestine state provide direct legitimacy to tens of terrorist in our countries

Have you ever thought this is exactly what America wants? To divide us and create more confusion and eventually rule us?
Ever thought your falling into their trap?
Oh yes, of course. Because of Evil Saddam, we should stop giving a damn about the Palestinians.


The Great palestinean leader of courage..or shall we say..leader of corruption??

Auditing Arafat - Forbes.com

Forbes: Arafat, Saddam and King Fahd among world's richest people | Al Bawaba

1. "'Forbes': Arafat worth $300m" (The Jerusalem Post, February 28, 2003). The Forbes figure is modest in comparison to other estimates of Arafat's riches. An Israeli intelligence official told the Knesset last year that Arafat's net worth is $1.3b. In 1995, the U.S. General Accounting Office compiled a report on Arafat's finances, but it was kept secret due to "national security interests."

2. "Billionaires: Kings, Queens & Despots list" (Forbes magazine, March 17, 2003). "Valuing these fortunes is a tricky business. Why do we separate these folks from our main ranking? They don't exactly represent success stories of entrepreneurial capitalism," states the magazine.

3. "Auditing Arafat" (Profile of Yasser Arafat in Forbes magazine, March 17, 2003). "The Palestinian leader has more than Israeli tanks to worry about. He may be brought to heel by, of all things, honest financial accounting... Financial reforms might succeed in hampering the flow of money to terrorists – might even end up toppling Arafat himself. Money keeps Arafat in power. With a tight grip on much of the $5.5 billion in international aid that has flowed into the PA since 1994, he appears to have overseen virtually all disbursements... Take the money out of his hands, reform a corrupt financial system and you could reduce the violence."

4. "Banking on terror" (By Rachel Ehrenfeld, The Jerusalem Post, February 27, 2003). "A rumor that the European Parliament had passed legislation to begin an investigation into the Palestinian Authority's use of EU funds, is just that. Francois Zimeray, a MEP (Socialist Party, France) was quoted in Ha'aretz on February 24 as saying to the World Jewish Congress that such an investigation is underway. He either misspoke or was misquoted...

"In June 2002, after international condemnation of the PA's corruption... the EU decided to continue its financial aid to the PA on the grounds that it is not convinced that Israel will continue to transfer the money to the PA. This decision not only perpetuates the EU's unwillingness to account for the whereabouts of money it gave to the Palestinians, but also the EU's lack of accountability and transparency. Instead of coming clean, the EU Commission headed by Patten, and the Conference of Presidents thought it was better to sweep the investigation under the carpet. Only this time the red on the carpet is the blood of the victims of terrorism." (Rachel Ehrenfeld is a subscriber to this email list.)

Lets stick to pallywood instead of derailing the thread!

Have you ever thought this is exactly what America wants? To divide us and create more confusion and eventually rule us?
Ever thought your falling into their trap?

have to ever thought by dumping this amalgum of middle east land conflict and taking a neutral posture we could perhaps one day become as developed as Turkey, Malaysia, etc etc???

As well eliminate the can of worm feed militancy in our countries?

I dont understand why are you sucking up to abo falas behind, they dont exactly have a positive or even respectful opinion about Pakistanis.

The Arabs themselves arent any better, the west and america needs not to drive any wedge between us. We are doing the perfect job of shooting ourselves in the foot.
The Great palestinean leader of courage..or shall we say..leader of corruption??Lets stick to pallywood instead of derailing the thread!

For God sakes, Forget about others. I'm talking about the Palestinians, the God damn, unfortunate Palestinians.

How can you support an Illegal state, nonetheless one who's occupying force keep killing the Palestinians and stealing their land?
Why do you bring Saddam and all that crap into it? Why should the average Palestinian suffer because of the leaders?
Forget Pallywood; what about their real sufferings? Or are they forged as well?
I'm supposing the Palestinians are living in luxury then.
And I'm guessing the Zionist greed for more land, and expelling them out of their own country is also justified :tup:

Have you even bothered to watch one of the videos? No? Then shut up.:tdown:
I dont understand why are you sucking up to abo falas behind, they dont exactly have a positive or even respectful opinion about Pakistanis.

What does eliminating Militancy has got to do with the Palestinians. And what do you know about the Palestinian? How do you know they hate us; heck, do they have time to hate us?
Why do they need to hate us? Where do you get your mis-info from?
For God sakes, Forget about others. I'm talking about the Palestinians, the God damn, unfortunate Palestinians.

How can you support an Illegal state, nonetheless one who's occupying force keep killing the Palestinians and stealing their land?
Why do you bring Saddam and all that crap into it? Why should the average Palestinian suffer because of the leaders?

What is illegal here??

the same British mandate which created Israel also created a bunch monarchies to be ruled by arab despots. If you refuse the existence of Israel then you should also refuse the existence of UAE, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. The land was annexed from Ottoman empire, and let not forget the Arab Hashmites were instrumental in driving out the ottoman by collaborating with the British in exchange of accepting a jewish homeland in an outback quarter of then Trans-Jordan. One should play fair on all sides. The Arabs have no problem keeping vast swatches of land under their own monarchies and making no use of it..but they all point to israel as a root of all problem. Israel has shown a remarkable restraint that it has not bombed arabs beyond existence but it could if it wants to.
What does eliminating Militancy has got to do with the Palestinians. And what do you know about the Palestinian? How do you know they hate us; heck, do they have time to hate us?
Why do they need to hate us? Where do you get your mis-info from?

DR MOron I live in Saudi Arabia and deal with Arabs particularly Palestineans day and night. Not a single group of arab goes by them without cursing and name calling them...You know what Palestineans are well famous for in Saudi Arabia...Crooks, Criminals and Pimps!

I have eye withnessed at-least two cases where an Palestinean was pimping his own wife to boost his sales and a second case when palestinean contractor was pimping his under age daughter to rich arab sheikhs in exchange of closing lucrative construction contracts. And guess what, they arent even ashamed of it...its called business...

By the way can you tell me how many times there is mention of Palestine in quran?? Palestine is a myth and imaginary country. Heck, Palestine is not even an Arabic word but middle roman.
What is illegal here??

Land? What about the people themselves? Why were they killed, expelled?

Why should I invite million of Pakistanis to London, and then create the State of Londonistan for myself and them; even if that is supported by USA+China+Russia+India+Canada etc?
Sometimes images speaker louder than words
Israel suffeerd more than thousand dead in second Intifada, mostly civilians. So ur cartoon is nothing but propaganda. They would be much much more killed from Israeli side if not security measures shelters etc.

As for Pallywood, this is funny one:




U can clearly see the a daylight behind the curtains.
Land? What about the people themselves? Why were they killed, expelled?

Why should I invite million of Pakistanis to London, and then create the State of Londonistan for myself and them; even if that is supported by USA+China+Russia+India+Canada etc?

Jews have been there longer than Arabs.
Jews have been there longer than Arabs.

Yes, and that's why more than Half of them looked like Russians and Poles :lol:

It's funny how the Ayatola preaches about Nuking Israel, and you have Iranians on this forum supporting Israel. Wonder what the Iranian authorities will do once they find out :rolleyes:

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