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Pallywood: Debunking Palestinean Lies

Arabs dont even consider Palestineans as arabs but rather P!GS who reproduce a lot. I live in Saudi Arabia and I know it well..
Your a liar.

DR MOron I live in Saudi Arabia and deal with Arabs particularly Palestineans day and night. Not a single group of arab goes by them without cursing and name calling them...You know what Palestineans are well famous for in Saudi Arabia...Crooks, Criminals and Pimps!

I have eye withnessed at-least two cases where an Palestinean was pimping his own wife to boost his sales and a second case when palestinean contractor was pimping his under age daughter to rich arab sheikhs in exchange of closing lucrative construction contracts. And guess what, they arent even ashamed of it...its called business...

By the way can you tell me how many times there is mention of Palestine in quran?? Palestine is a myth and imaginary country. Heck, Palestine is not even an Arabic word but middle roman.
Palestinians is name we use on the people who live in Palestine(Israel), just because they weren't called that before it doesn't mean the people don't exist!!! or they have no legitimate claims. Palestinians have lots of problems, they can't even stop fighting each other, but that doesn't mean they are all bad people or that they deserve Israeli mistreatment. That being said Muslims are mistreated in other places much worse than in Israel. For example, Syria, but the fact is Israel is trying to take over all west bank and choke them until they leave.
I think the people worse then Israelis are Egyptians and Jordanians who treated Palestinians worse then Israeli despite them being Muslim!Israel was merely protecting it's national interests but Egyptians and Jordanians have always been exploiting Palestinian people.
I think the people worse then Israelis are Egyptians and Jordanians who treated Palestinians worse then Israeli despite them being Muslim!Israel was merely protecting it's national interests but Egyptians and Jordanians have always been exploiting Palestinian people.
Some of that is actually justified, Palestinians tried to over through the Jordanian government, but some was not, for example the massacres of Palestinians in cams in Syria and lebanon. Egypt a lot of people forgot participated in the siege of Gaza. I hate the Palestinian leadership, Hamas are retards who are concerned with power no matter how much misery it causes, and the PLO sold out everything: refuges, east Jerusalem and a lot of things. Still Israel said no. They didn't even apply for statehood to please America. That has nothig to do with the Palestinian people.
Palestine is an English word but the word for palestine in Arabic is " Falestine". If the Jews and Christians open their own Bible , they will find it mention Phillistine people ( Falestine ) all over Bible. It is the same people. David in Bible fought a Philistine named Goliath ( or Jolat ), who was a Palestinian or Philistine ( Falestine ).

It is funny how Israelis claim that there was no mention of Palestinian people as if there only jews who lived in this area. Israelis and Zionist specialize in turning the TRUTH on its head (This according to Norman Finkelstein, a jew himself whose parents were Holocaust victims ). Finkelstein claims that the Zionist and the State of Israel is telling lies about the Palestinian people in an effort to show Jews as VICTIMS and Palestinians as VICTIMIZERS, in other words turning the reality on its head.

Please read about NORMAN FINKELSTEIN ( A Jew himself and son of Holocaust survivors ). Norman Finklestein exposes the lies of the ZIONIST STATE OF ISRAEL.

Palestine is an English word but the word for palestine is " Falestine". If the Jews and Christians open their Bible , they will find it mention Phillistine ( Falestine ) all over Bible. It is the same people. David in Bible fought a Philistine named Goliath ( or Jolat ).

It is funny how Israelis claim no mention of Palestinian people as if there only jews who lived in this area. Israelis and Zionist specialize in turning the TRUTH on its head ( according to Norman Finkelstein, a jew himself whose parents were Holocaust victims ).
The Jewish old lie: Land without people for people without land. Its was supported by western Academics or a long time.
What a cheap shot!! This kind of junk videos only help to sideline the real issues. Everybody knows Israeli soldiers are not bloodthristy monsters. They are a professional force which follows orders and play by the rules. Anyone who does not know this has been fed on lies and only in brainwashing environments can you find such people(these are the ones who will want to throw the Jews into the dead sea).

Every people under occupation or under a police cover for long enough time will get to know to know the rules of the game -what gets you into trouble with the grun trotter? what reasons you give(like funeral processions) will make him let you cross the street and meet your family?(At one point even funeral processions were banned during Muharram times in Lucknow) People learn to look for contingencies. For example when they go for a radical action that gets them into trouble(may be a potentially violent protest, a procession not sanctioned by the ruling guys, or may be even before they plan a terrorist attack), they know to tell their family, be on the lookout for the nearest ambulance. You know you won't get hurt if you play by the rules. Helping a guy into an ambulance wont get you hurt, while running with a molotov cocktail in your hand will. Consider what used to happen in protests in India(there are many instance of police firing: J&K on a regular basis, Singur, CPM protests in AP etc.,), police used to fire at protesters, but only after they receive orders from their superiors, who give orders only after they are sure the situation is going out of hand. Both sides(the mob and the police) know their limits and trumps. Police know if they fire randomly(which they have to do anyway if the mob goes crazy), they will rock the boiling pot and the mob will go crazy.

The main objection of the videos against the Palestinian narratives seem to be: see these people are not afraid to be near Israeli police. Well, the simple explanation could be: they know they are playing by the rules which means they are safe.

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Here is the truth:

Israeli atrocities in Palestine

And this:
Burning Conscience: Israeli Soldiers Speak Out

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Palestine is an English word but the word for palestine is " Falestine". If the Jews and Christians open their own Bible , they will find it mention Phillistine people ( Falestine ) all over Bible. It is the same people. David in Bible fought a Philistine named Goliath ( or Jolat ).

It is funny how Israelis claim that there was no mention of Palestinian people as if there only jews who lived in this area. Israelis and Zionist specialize in turning the TRUTH on its head (This according to Norman Finkelstein, a jew himself whose parents were Holocaust victims ). Finkelstein claims that the Zionist and the State of Israel is telling lies about the Palestinian people in an effort to show Jews as VICTIMS and Palestinians as VICTIMIZERS, in other words turning the reality on its head.

Please read about NORMAN FINKELSTEIN ( A Jew himself and son of Holocaust survivors ). Norman Finklestein exposes the lies of the ZIONIST STATE OF ISRAEL.

Norman Finkelstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please do read this and the lies of the ZIONIST STATE OF ISRAEL as exposed by this Jewish Author.
This is why my source for how Israel treats non-Jewish people is the words of the Israeli leaders. I see how often they talk about creating Jewish settlements for "natural growth" aka. Lebensraum? I see how often they talk about the need to preserve the "Jewish character" of their country (this is the argument they give when defending racist immigration and marriage policies). I see how often anybody who criticizes the government of Israel is labelled an anti-semite. It's clear that Israel is a fascist country.

Abii, I can understand your complaint about the Palestinians supporting Saddam and continuing to be sectarian. I've also seen how many Palestinians are backstabbing their greatest proponents by supporting the anti-Assad and anti-Gaddafi groups. But in all this you have to understand that the Palestinians have gotten desperate after decades of suffering and occupation.

Unfortunately, I think Israelis are also acting irrationally because of the history of the Holocaust. It doesn't help that their "never forget" attitude prevents them form properly moving on from the holocaust. I remember when I watched the movie "Defamed", and it was scary to see the kind of emotional trauma that Israeli children are put through to make sure the scars of the Holocaust remain ingrained in them.
So you support the Zionist state over the Palestinian one? Nice :tup: I always knew you were the sort of person.

Just because the Arabs can't be bothered about them, it means we shouldn't respect them either?

Wow...just wow..

you people are inhumane.
israel is better than the palis so its better to support them
Arabs dont even consider Palestineans as arabs but rather P!GS who reproduce a lot. I live in Saudi Arabia and I know it well..

Here is one more..

That's quite an assumption to make.

Funny, S-19 was just promoting equally in India vs Pakistan threads and here he is thanking your post.
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Somebozo is a bozo indeed.

Out of Arabs, Palestinians are one the communities with the highest numbers of PHD's.

If the Jews can continue banking on the holocaust for decades, the Palestinians can bank on the atrocities committed on them.

The reason I hate Israel is because the fascist state emulates entirely all of the tactics that the Nazis used on the Jews.
And your **** doesnt count, watch the videos and if you feel you are right then may your allah put some brains in your top floor.. Nazis on Jews, you must be kidding! As far as I know why no Arab nation has the balls to do anything against Israel?

Is that they are such a power that they can screw all of arab put together...
A few days after the Abu-Ghuraib prison scandal (in Iraq) came out; a video started to circulate the web in which beheading of a US captive was shown to be carried out by Al-Qaeda militants. Leading doctors from US commented that the beheading and the resulting flow of blood etc. indicated that the person was already dead when decapitated.

In every large, resourceful organisation, there is a think tank (or an equivalent of it) present whose soul task:

1. Address a problem when it arises - for example incarcerating the Abu-Ghuraib scapegoat Lyndie England and others.

2. Find new opportunities arising from an apparent set back - for example presenting Al-Qaeda as a monster decapitating it's prisoners.

Same can be said about the Pallywood debunking videos; were these original or staged?

On 9/11, a video was shown from Occupied territories in which rejoicing Palestinians were shown as people siding with perpetrators of 9/11 air crashes. A few years later it turned out that those Palestinians women and children were paid by Israelis to act like they were happy without knowing the cause.

On this forum, a video from Syria was posted in which a young man's face was blown into pieces by Syrian forces; that turned out to be fake.

There was another video that had to be shown on Al-Jazeera about massacre of 18 Syrain children by Syrian forces; this plot was disclosed even before video could be aired. so, it only circulated on the web or forums like this one.

The most recent from Syria in which a man is buried alive.

Photos in Guardian in which British troops are urinating on Iraqi captors.

OK, apart from the videos; if we believe everything said in this thread then, we conclude that:

1. UN and all it's resolutions are wrong that Palestinians don't have any right on that land, even if they have lived there for centuries.
2. All the World Powers and the nations around the World who are not even Muslim are lying when they say that Palestinian have a right to have a homeland.
3. Palestine is a fake country which did not exist - by that standard most nations of the world will turn out to be fake nations. Just look at Arabian Peninsula - there are fake (new) nations named Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and UAE.
4. Moat Arabs hate Palestinians but still have fought three wars with Israel for some UNKNOWN reason. Don't forget the oil embargo.
5. Israelis are the only suffering nation, but somehow the head count is higher on the Palestinian side.
6. Look at the thread 'Israel in pictures' then find out photos of 'Occupied territories'. Do they appear to be part of the same country. One part so developed, other a Ghetto. There was one Jewish settlement in 'Occupied territories' which had 50 Jewish families occupying the same amount of land in which 100,000 Gazans were living next door.
7. Do the Israelis have to go through all the check posts and humiliating conditions that Palestinians go through - just to get to their workplace.
8. The fingernail of a Jew is worth more than lives of a thousand Arabs.

If you discredit the suffering of Palestinian people today, tomorrow you may also think that holocaust was fiction!

By the way of deception, thou shalt do the war.
Why was the offer of state refused when it was offered to Palestinians? If you have answers which can be backed by proofs you can reply otherwise you are just ranting mindlessly ...

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