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Pallywood: Debunking Palestinean Lies

IbnAlwaleed, I believe that this one state solution is not possible and never will be. Simply because it will be most likely a muslim majority country if all Palestinians go there, or at least there will be no Jewish dominance, something which Israel doesn't want to happen.


Who gave Britain the right to divide Palestine? It was not their land, for God's sake! In the same sense, all colonies can be divided if those who control the colonies wish to do so.
For all those who say that the Jews lived there for thousands of years, let me ask you one question : Do you have any proof that modern-day Jews are actually descended from Jews who used to live there? No land should be given to anyone just because people of their same religion used to live there. Jews who used to live there have been mixed with other people throughout the years, so they can't be 100% descended from those who used to live there.

Many of them came from Europe and some from Middle Eastern countries.

The Law of return gave every Jew throughout the globe the right to go to Israel and have a citizenship. So, if a person who was of whatever religion in whatever country heard that and decided to convert to Judaism, he'd be given the right to have Israeli citizenship?
I really want Jews to quit saying " holocaust ", just because you were massacred doesn't mean you can take land from anywhere else around the globe and give it to yourself! Of course killing anyone of whatever religion is refused, but being killed doesn't give you to have any land. Why didn't you take parts of Germany instead? Why do the Palestinians have to pay for the crimes of the Nazis?

Simple. It's because of Zionism. It states that the Holy Land is theirs.

It wasn't very popular initially, and even predates Nazism. But later, many Jews around the world supported it. For starters, Jews were politically very weak. Zionism basically makes them politically stronger, and united against potential threats. The rally for the Holy Land as being theirs is more nationally inspirational than religious.

We must not forget that the internationally-recognized boundaries of Israel contain about 78% of the whole land of Mandate Palestine, which doesn't count in East Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza Strip. But Israel was given 53% only of Mandate Palestine land in the division plan. Why were they allowed to have more and more territories when they won the war? I never heard of the law that states that if you win a war, take whatever land you want from the losing country.

Perhaps now it's time to work that one through with the Israelis on the Palestinian issue? No trolling :no:
According to the Koran, the holy land (Al-Ardul-Mokaddasa) belongs to the Jews. They were designated to migrate to the holy land after they were persecuted and expelled from ancient Egypt. There, David founded Kingdom of Israel. After David, Solomon ruled the kingdom. Solomon's kingdom of Israel was the most powerful state in the world at that time.

After the death of King Solomon, the degeneration of the kingdom led first to division of the kingdom, then destruction after invasion by Babylonian Arabs. The jews were massacred and dispersed around the world after that and failed to unite.

They were given some relief by Cyrus (Dhul Qarnain) who gave them a place to stay. But then it was the Roman Army who dispersed them again when they conquered their land.

It is interesting to note the Koran also prophecises that jews would be allowed to return to the holy land a second time and have a state of their own just like King Solomon's time. That prophecy was fulfilled when the State of Israel came into being. The state of Israel continues to grow more and more powerful each day, again fulfilling the prophecy by Koran.

As far as Arabs, they are sworn enemy of Jews. It is they who destroyed the ancient Kingdom of Israel. Their illogical hatred stems from their bloodline, which goes back to Babylonians.

Interesting. I knew that the Arab-Jew divide was initially a result of preconceived hostilities due to the whole Abrahamic bloodline affair, but I figured tensions between the two only escalated after prophet Mohammed started to spread his message in the Medina.
Are you kidding? Winning land in wars is as old as time itself. If the Arabs would have won, no Jew would have been left alive and all the land and property taken.

Arabs would have won they will say God is on their side and they were prophesied to be victors against the evil "Joos"..now they have difficult accepting that bunch of resourced strained "Jooos" won against Arabs + God (as per Arab popular propaganda)

I think somebozo is a troll. He hates Arabs, Iranians, Indians, Shias. But fond of Israelis!

too quick to judgement..I dont hate arabs..before I jump on the bandwagon of hating arabs..can you look around yourself say the actions of your leaders are earning enough hate for your already...From Qatar to Libya tell me one Arab accomplishment in last 100 years?

I am not here to preach love or hate against or for someone..and my opnion about Israel has always been positive and dig my old thread you will realize I am a strong proponent of Pak-Israel long term strategic relations. Just look at their accomplishement and impact in world affairs despite being a tiny resource-starved country. Now compare it Arabs, not only they insist in stick into bow and arrow times in the name of islam but pull progressive minded people down with them as well.

Even bigger problems is Arab stone age mentality and medival land disputes are now spilling terrorism in our own country. A student of hate is just taught to exploit difference to build his case and he can used the learned skill toward anyone and anything. The beginning is always with a chapter of how god banished jews and how they are the accursed people and one the element of hate started to grow roots in an amateur mind the shadow of this hate tree expand to multiple arenas..soon the victim is hating his neighbor, his country men, his government and at times himself as well. The constant bombardment of Palestinian propaganda in arab world not only creates depression but has now turn into a target that eliminating Israel is the solution of all problems in the arab world when in reality the arab world problems are their corrupt and incompetent leaders who use Israel as a scape goat to legitimize their own corrupt rule.

Why not accept the truth with a pinch of salt??? Admitting truth is the first step to helping yourself and coming out of the illusion your leaders want you to live in.

Last few weeks, I have been having a regular gathering with highly qualified Saudi professors - many of whom were serving in the west and that is going a long way to help me become disillusioned about many things.

Interesting. I knew that the Arab-Jew divide was initially a result of preconceived hostilities due to the whole Abrahamic bloodline affair, but I figured tensions between the two only escalated after prophet Mohammed started to spread his message in the Medina.

Arab - Jew divide is not the only one, Arab had historic conflict with the Persians and the Romans as well. The prime cause was the Arabs were nomads who roamed around the dessert occupying land at will and bringing in a lot of destruction with them. Even the Arabs themselves are roughly divided in two..the Najdi arabs being largely backward, dry and nomadics whole the Hejazi Arab where almost the entire Arab civilization is concentration.

The Hejazi Arabs has long history of co-existence with the Jews as well as regular trade across the Syrian and Persian routes, despite outbreak of occasional hostilities - peace and co-operation prevailed at large.

Infact so dry is Najd that it has been referred as the cursed land and subsequently none of the Islami empire or state choose to meddle in its affairs or build their capital there. Najd is where the classic character of caravan looting Bedouin robbers originates.

Prophet himself made alliances with the Jews of Medina and only ordered to expel them when the Jewish tribes were caught violating the terms of truce and defense agreements. This was purely a political moves not a religious one. And expelling complete tribes for violating a warfare or defense pact was the norm of punishment in Arabia. This is how Arab ended populating the vast ME and North Africa with vast swathes of untouched barren desserts in between.
I think somebozo is a troll. He hates Arabs, Iranians, Indians, Shias. But fond of Israelis!
and as per your idealogy any one who is being logical, rational and sensible is a troll. then i hope only a very few members in PDF are trolls and the rest majority who fight for nothing and spil venom of hatred are wonderful bloggers including you.
Tell me a Muslim accomplishment in the last 100 years.

Arab does not equal Muslims..countries like Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, Egypt and even Iran and Pakistan accomplished a lot in last 100 years . But now that Hosni Mubarak is out, some proud Egyptian accomplishments are allowing sex with corpses and sending women back to stone age.
Arab does not equal Muslims..countries like Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, Egypt and even Iran and Pakistan accomplished a lot in last 100 years . But now that Hosni Mubarak is out, some proud Egyptian accomplishments are allowing sex with corpses and sending women back to stone age.

It's okay. They have oil and Uncle Sam's buying it.

Irony? :D

Don't deceive brothers....
Arab does not equal Muslims..countries like Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, Egypt and even Iran and Pakistan accomplished a lot in last 100 years . But now that Hosni Mubarak is out, some proud Egyptian accomplishments are allowing sex with corpses and sending women back to stone age.
That is all some media BS, don't believe everything you read...... Can you enlighten me about the accomplishments of Iran, Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia that is MUCH MORE superior to what the "Arabs" achieved in the past 100 years ? I am a proud Egyptian, but if anything i realized from living in the West, i learned that if anybody in the West had to choose to go to a Muslim country to live, he would pick a Gulf Arab country with no hesitation. They might pick, Egypt, Iran, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey to visit, but life conditions are much better in Guld Arab countries.

Gulf Arab countries were never considered countries in the past, and they never had the resources to build a civilization. The never had rivers or fresh water resources were they can grow a big population, or any resources what so ever like Iran, Egypt, Iraq, Turkey, ect.. In the past 100 years they have been blessed with oil, and they have used it to build their countries from SCRATCH. Even without any resources what so ever in the past 6000 years, they have managed to spread their cultures, lang. accross the whole region and that is even before they discovered oil. We all realize how great the Egyptian civilization, and the Persian civilization were, but did they manage to spread and last ? Egyptians speak Arabic, Perisan write their own language using Arabic script, same applies to Pakistanis. If anything Arabs infunced the region wat more than anybody else.
Arabs would have won they will say God is on their side and they were prophesied to be victors against the evil "Joos"..now they have difficult accepting that bunch of resourced strained "Jooos" won against Arabs + God (as per Arab popular propaganda)

too quick to judgement..I dont hate arabs..before I jump on the bandwagon of hating arabs..can you look around yourself say the actions of your leaders are earning enough hate for your already...From Qatar to Libya tell me one Arab accomplishment in last 100 years?

I am not here to preach love or hate against or for someone..and my opnion about Israel has always been positive and dig my old thread you will realize I am a strong proponent of Pak-Israel long term strategic relations. Just look at their accomplishement and impact in world affairs despite being a tiny resource-starved country. Now compare it Arabs, not only they insist in stick into bow and arrow times in the name of islam but pull progressive minded people down with them as well.

Even bigger problems is Arab stone age mentality and medival land disputes are now spilling terrorism in our own country. A student of hate is just taught to exploit difference to build his case and he can used the learned skill toward anyone and anything. The beginning is always with a chapter of how god banished jews and how they are the accursed people and one the element of hate started to grow roots in an amateur mind the shadow of this hate tree expand to multiple arenas..soon the victim is hating his neighbor, his country men, his government and at times himself as well. The constant bombardment of Palestinian propaganda in arab world not only creates depression but has now turn into a target that eliminating Israel is the solution of all problems in the arab world when in reality the arab world problems are their corrupt and incompetent leaders who use Israel as a scape goat to legitimize their own corrupt rule.

Why not accept the truth with a pinch of salt??? Admitting truth is the first step to helping yourself and coming out of the illusion your leaders want you to live in.

Last few weeks, I have been having a regular gathering with highly qualified Saudi professors - many of whom were serving in the west and that is going a long way to help me become disillusioned about many things.

Arab - Jew divide is not the only one, Arab had historic conflict with the Persians and the Romans as well. The prime cause was the Arabs were nomads who roamed around the dessert occupying land at will and bringing in a lot of destruction with them. Even the Arabs themselves are roughly divided in two..the Najdi arabs being largely backward, dry and nomadics whole the Hejazi Arab where almost the entire Arab civilization is concentration.

The Hejazi Arabs has long history of co-existence with the Jews as well as regular trade across the Syrian and Persian routes, despite outbreak of occasional hostilities - peace and co-operation prevailed at large.

Infact so dry is Najd that it has been referred as the cursed land and subsequently none of the Islami empire or state choose to meddle in its affairs or build their capital there. Najd is where the classic character of caravan looting Bedouin robbers originates.

Prophet himself made alliances with the Jews of Medina and only ordered to expel them when the Jewish tribes were caught violating the terms of truce and defense agreements. This was purely a political moves not a religious one. And expelling complete tribes for violating a warfare or defense pact was the norm of punishment in Arabia. This is how Arab ended populating the vast ME and North Africa with vast swathes of untouched barren desserts in between.
Your mixing legitimate points with some illegitimate ones IMO. Yes, our main problem is not Israel or Iran or any other country for that matter. Yes our problem with Israel is not they are Jews, they lived in the ME peacefully for centuries. However, my point is that our grievances is two fold:
1) The Palestinian people in west bank and Gaza are abused and mistreated by the Israelis.
2) AlAqsa mosque is under Jewish control.

Whether the media or corrupt leaders abuse this issue is irrelevant.
I personally hope that post Assad Syria will strike a peace treaty with Israel for the Gulan hights and green light to destroy Hezbollah, and I hope that Egypt will honour their peace treaty, not because I like the Israelis or think their presence is legitimate whatever that means but because there is time for peace and there is time for war.
The problem IMO, is that as you put it you have "accepted the truth with a pinch of salt". There is no more victory for the enemy than to defeat you mentally, that's what Israel wants the most is for us to accept them as a reality, we did suffer defeat militarily but not mentally, and that is the first step for creating a new reality. Lets say for example, that Israel was very weak, had no nukes, doesn't have the backing of the west. Would you then, tirelessly try to justify them and convince us hopelessly that "they are here to stay"?or would you have said just invade them and kick them out? we may have no accomplishment, we maybe backward nomads with no history or culture, but submitting and accepting Israeli permanent presence is the biggest defeat Israel can inflict on us.
We will not let that happen.
@somebozo: You know that in the GCC states, standard of living is much higher than any country in the Indian sub-continent and south east Asia.
I loath these traitors.

I didn't watch the videos, just wanted to say that Saddam's Western backers had largely abandoned him in the aftermath of the Iran-Iraq war, in part also because of the atrocities carried out by the Interior ministry over Iraq's own populace.
Credit lines were drying up for him and he still had massive debt's to repay. He ran the country aground during the war vs Iran. Literally.
1) The Palestinian people in west bank and Gaza are abused and mistreated by the Israelis.

Because they continue to be a nuisance for Israel firing rockets and attacking security forces. Had it been the rule of Saddam or Hitler over Israel - these people would face mass extermination by Sarin or Nerve gas.

Didnt ottoman refuse to recognise any nationality as Palestine and repressed them bad as well...for the same reasons?? Being a nuisance to state?

And how much of that abuse is fake, you decide after watching facts on Pallywood.

2) AlAqsa mosque is under Jewish control.

First of all, Arabs lost that mosque in a war to israel so once again the cause is Arab incompetency and cowardiance despite being a numerically superior force. They actually went to push the "Joos" into the sea and end up losing what ever they had on hand...funny ?
I can't believe I have to agree with IbnAlwaled!!! wtf?!

Somebozo seems a bit loco. At any point in time he can be a wahabi Iran hater, a wahabi shia hater, a wahabi hater, an Israeli lover, an Israeli hater etc...

Make up your damn mind!

At one time he was claiming that the Iranian regime and the Israeli regime were working hand in hand. This is a famous wahabi claim currently being preached in Saudi Arabia. I guess at that point he was having his honeymoon with saudi arabia! The marriage didn't last long!

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