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Palestinians back stabbed turkey over peace spring operation

Every time an empire collapse, groups get created... it's not new with Ottomans... was the same with previous Khalifats...
Ottomans also abandoned lands to Western forces, like in North Africa... where The Europeans endup Killed A quarter of it's population... and did what a colonizator did for a hundred year till independence...
That's why the generation of my great grand father-grand father do not hold very "Good" views toward Ottomans and their Beys... They are seen as Traitors and people who enjoyed their "Statut" but when Europe came they rapidly runaway / surrender easily... and let the people fight with sticks and stone...

As for Crusaders time... you should read about it... it's very interesting...

Therefore... History is not black and white... NO ONE is clean of mischief... No your ancestors neither Mine... Each side can find the wrong in the other...
Now... if you or any Arab want to keep re-use/misuse History without clearly knowing/acknowledging all it's sides... hten so be it... But it's in our current day and age... USELESS... Even less when the other side Don't GIVE A SH*T is you are Turk or Arab or whatnot... but only see "ISLAM"... something they wish to destroy...
When i talk about arabs i don’t mean the whole arab population i talking strictly about minority who clearly hate turks due to complex issues (to be fair there are also turks who hate arabs for racist reasons I AM NOT ONE OF THEM FOR SURE) and their (treacherous) rulers
Their rulers are bad for arabs themselves so i think there’s no point discussing them
You are right there were european-turkish alliances but to say that we have abandoned north africa this is not true everything was lost after war nothing was given to europeans free of charge ottomans have lost the war in north africa and unfortunately the consequences were extremely big for muslims there still the state managed to stay for another 150-200 years actually muslims have “luck” because if the ottoman state was destroyed in 1800 the europeans would’ve wiped out all muslims in middle east balkans and north africa the collapse happened after ww1 still the consequences are disastrous but at least you me and other muslims inhabiting these regions still exist (we all know that usually it takes about 200 years for europeans to do demographic change for better understanding you can always look to indians in america how they perished in only 200 years)

i will repeat you again why i am furious about 1915 it is not the act itself it is the consequences for turks as a nation do you actually understand how easily today the word turk wouldn’t existed do you know what would armenians and greeks have done to turks(and other muslims in anatolia) if the were allowed state? I will tell you they would have killed 90% of turks the rest(10%) would have been “peacefully converted”!!!
It is true that europeans have complex issues with islam but they have TURKISH inferiority issue they cannot stand the fact that we have successfully “penetrated” europe(maybe i can use softer words but i am intentionally saying “penetrated” because not only we have conquered their territory but also their women as well- this “achievement” was only done by turks to europeans and they cannot accept this fact that hurts their “pride”)
Anyway the arab-west alliance has brought us(muslims) the current state of affairs maybe turks also collaborated with europeans but there’s difference we did it for advancing our interest/state they(arabs) did for advancing western interests
When i talk about arabs i don’t mean the whole arab population i talking strictly about minority who clearly hate turks due to complex issues (to be fair there are also turks who hate arabs for racist reasons I AM NOT ONE OF THEM FOR SURE) and their (treacherous) rulers
Their rulers are bad for arabs themselves so i think there’s no point discussing them
You are right there were european-turkish alliances but to say that we have abandoned north africa this is not true everything was lost after war nothing was given to europeans free of charge ottomans have lost the war in north africa and unfortunately the consequences were extremely big for muslims there still the state managed to stay for another 150-200 years actually muslims have “luck” because if the ottoman state was destroyed in 1800 the europeans would’ve wiped out all muslims in middle east balkans and north africa the collapse happened after ww1 still the consequences are disastrous but at least you me and other muslims inhabiting these regions still exist (we all know that usually it takes about 200 years for europeans to do demographic change for better understanding you can always look to indians in america how they perished in only 200 years)

i will repeat you again why i am furious about 1915 it is not the act itself it is the consequences for turks as a nation do you actually understand how easily today the word turk wouldn’t existed do you know what would armenians and greeks have done to turks(and other muslims in anatolia) if the were allowed state? I will tell you they would have killed 90% of turks the rest(10%) would have been “peacefully converted”!!!
It is true that europeans have complex issues with islam but they have TURKISH inferiority issue they cannot stand the fact that we have successfully “penetrated” europe(maybe i can use softer words but i am intentionally saying “penetrated” because not only we have conquered their territory but also their women as well- this “achievement” was only done by turks to europeans and they cannot accept this fact that hurts their “pride”)
Anyway the arab-west alliance has brought us(muslims) the current state of affairs maybe turks also collaborated with europeans but there’s difference we did it for advancing our interest/state they(arabs) did for advancing western interests

I understand your frustration... But As I said, EVERY SIDE at one point did play with the enemy of the other to advance their own personal agendas...

And I know what could have happen to the Turks... since it happened to North Africa (and we survived and won in the End)... But Where I do not think like you... is I do Not believe that "Turks" would have disappeared or let yourself get massacred, or you guys would have stopped fighting back even if You guys lost the war...
Your History is your witness...

In the End, we've got the same enemy so to speak... and Muslim should work together... BUT unfortunately Each side are poisoned by Foreign Ideologies... that is keeping us to be on the same line, like , in my opinion, Nationalism... That, in my view is a cancer... That ideology is pushing each side to "Love Himself or what look like him/her and Hate/reject what is different"... and that in the most basic form of discrimination, like "Looks, language"...
And it's a cancer that is everywhere... Arab, Turks, or else... And The Western world knows it and are happy to play on it... a good old Divide and Conquer...
That why I, prefer A Rightful Islamic resurgence to happen... since it's our Ultimate common ground... not the Islamic Political liars that we have today... BUT if we have to get by that to push people to get into the deen, then it will be a necessary evil for the greater good.

Now concerning the Majority of simple Arabs, I did not see or at least didn't felt an Anti-Turk feeling... quite the opposite. Now for the Anti-TurkeyGov feeling, I do agree that is something you feel... But there is a difference... and mostly because of Ideological grounds... That is Muslim Brotherhood.
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I understand your frustration... But As I said, EVERY SIDE at one point did play with the enemy of the other to advance their own personal agendas...

And I know what could have happen to the Turks... since it happened to North Africa (and we survived and won in the End)... But Where I do not think like you... is I do Not believe that "Turks" would have disappeared or let yourself get massacred, or you guys would have stopped fighting back even if You guys lost the war...
Your History is your witness...

In the End, we've got the same enemy so to speak... and Muslim should work together... BUT unfortunately Each side are poisoned by Foreign Ideologies... that is keeping us to be on the same line, like , in my opinion, Nationalism... That, in my view is a cancer... That ideology is pushing each side to "Love Himself or what look like him/her and Hate/reject what is different"... and that in the most basic form of discrimination, like "Looks, language"...
And it's a cancer that is everywhere... Arab, Turks, or else... And The Western world knows it and are happy to play on it... a good old Divide and Conquer...
That why I, prefer A Rightful Islamic resurgence to happen... since it's our Ultimate common ground... not the Islamic Political liars that we have today... BUT if we have to get by that to push people to get into the deen, then it will be a necessary evil for the greater good.

Now concerning the Majority of simple Arabs, I did not see or at least didn't felt an Anti-Turk feeling... quite the opposite. Now for the Anti-TurkeyGov feeling, I do agree that is something you feel... But there is a difference... and mostly because of Ideological grounds... That is Muslim Brotherhood.
Arabs are traitors. and should be reminded every day of their traitorous ways. You cry about Israel and say Turkey recognises it!! WHO CARES BUDDY.
Do Arabs care for CYPRUS TURKS?? No. it's all fake Islamic brotherhood. Many Turks are leaving Islam, Mosques will INSHALLAH be converted into nice Kebab shops.
Arabs are traitors. and should be reminded every day of their traitorous ways. You cry about Israel and say Turkey recognises it!! WHO CARES BUDDY.
Do Arabs care for CYPRUS TURKS?? No. it's all fake Islamic brotherhood. Many Turks are leaving Islam, Mosques will INSHALLAH be converted into nice Kebab shops.

It's guys like you who are present in both sides that are poisoning our future... Kids who thinks they know history or life... but couldn't wipe their own a$$ when their is a bigger dud in front of them...

So stay out of grown ups discussion and go fill your hate in another thread. Who don't even respect his own Country and Culture. A Disgrace of a Human.

@Ansu fati Read him... that's why we are at this point... ppl like him that are crawling like serpents in Each sides... Cancerous Minds...
You are blatantly anti-Arab m8 so there is no point in pretending you are not.

Listen, whether you like it or not your kids and grandkids(assuming your not gay) will be exposed to a Germany dominated by Arabs who will destroy your demographical standards by impregnating your women. Accept it buddy, because pretty soon you will be gone and the world you knew before 2011 will be much different.

@Attila the Hun
You know schools in Turkey are very anti-Arab right? You call Arabs "n*ggers" all the time because you look whiter and think we have to be apart the deceased "Shittyman empire". They expect Arab league to support them in Turkey when they routinely criticize coalition in Yemen.

Quote from a Turk himself
" Part of the problem is that Arab hatred, racism and propaganda are literally baked in to Turkish society. From a young age, we are taught that Arabs are “backwards,” “anti-women,” “anti-democracy,” “anti-liberal,” “anti-modern…” you name it. As a matter of fact, I have seen especially many “Kemalist” Turks claiming that Erdogan is trying to “Arabize” Turkey, whatever that means? Because apparently “everything wrong” with our country comes from the Arab World(!) Turks literally blame all their problems on Arabs, and refuse to take responsibility for our country’s short-comings. Apparently all the Honor Killings that happen in Turkey are a “direct result of Arab cultural influence.” Of course, that’s utter bullsh*t.

Also, for some reason Turks have this idea that Arabs “betrayed us” during World War 1 because some Arab countries revolted against the Ottoman Empire. So I guess when Turks fight for freedom against European colonialism, we are completely “justified.” But when Arabs fight against Ottoman colonialism, they are all the sudden “backstabbers.” It’s ridiculous and hypocritical."

I am not anti Arab. I just quote my society. Arabs in majority are bad integrated, have low education graduation, followed by a huge unemployment. There participating in social society and politics are irrelevant.

Around 1.4 million Arabian speaking people live in Germany. And not all of them are ethnically Arabs. The maladjusted, uneducated, primitive and asocial can impregnating whom ever they want. In general, they are woman from same milieu (asocial). It will not help to be deported where they came from. There, they can rape, beat or prignating woman, and have dozen or children, as much as they can. Deutschland bleibt deutsch! Means, Germany will stay german.
I am not anti Arab. I just quote my society. Arabs in majority are bad integrated, have low education graduation, followed by a huge unemployment. There participating in social society and politics are irrelevant.

Around 1.4 million Arabian speaking people live in Germany. And not all of them are ethnically Arabs. The maladjusted, uneducated, primitive and asocial can impregnating whom ever they want. In general, they are woman from same milieu (asocial). It will not help to be deported where they came from. There, they can rape, beat or prignating woman, and have dozen or children, as much as they can. Deutschland bleibt deutsch! Means, Germany will stay german.
Go to America and look at young Arabs m8. We are exactly like other races here and integrated very well with very high % of college attendance with very good employment rate. Same thing will happen in Germany within 20 years. I already have relatives in Germany who have married German woman and have German kids raised integrated who are well off financially.
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Go to America and look at young Arabs m8. We are exactly like other races here and integrated very well with very high % of college attendance with very good employment rate. Same thing will happen in Germany within 20 years. I already have relatives in Germany who have married German woman and have German kids raised integrated who are well off.

You will wait 20 years? Why?
You will wait 20 years? Why?
It's obvious that parents born in a foreign country will have a hard time integrating as what happens in America as well with people of most foreign nations.

Young people and babies will grow up with a German identity but will always identify as a minority like blacks in America. They will eventually be become a normal part of Germany like how Hispanics, and Blacks are here in America and it is thought as normal.
The proportion of 2nd and up Generation of Immigrant that'd got a degree is slightly superior than the National average...
On the Other Hand... Employment at equal degree/qualification is less than the National Average for those Kids... (Unequal Racial employment chance)
That why The self-employment % among those kids is superior than National Average...

That group (ie Kids from Immigrant) is PROPORTIONALLY higher than any other groups when it comes to Business ownership.
So stay out of grown ups discussion and go fill your hate in another thread.

Just tell me. Why is it Arabs always bring up Israel when bashing Turks? Most Arabs call Jews their semitic kin. We saw how muslims said MASALLAH to Egypt, Greece, Israel brotherhood. Palestinians and Israelis wave their flags with Kurds to show much they respect TURKISH culture too, is another reason Turks are fed up with Islam. And you have camel people on this very thread talking about Tengrist in Mongolia.:victory:

Who don't even respect his own Country and Culture. A Disgrace of a Human.

Kebab shop is our culture. we must have much more.

ppl like him that are crawling like serpents in Each sides

I wanted to be your friend.
That why I, prefer A Rightful Islamic resurgence to happen... since it's our Ultimate common ground... not the Islamic Political liars that we have today... BUT if we have to get by that to push people to get into the deen, then it will be a necessary evil for the greater good.


Under the deen where no superiority complex exists

But for today this means war
like it was in the past.. This will never happen in a friendly way like the big players of the past had to face it..
I understand your frustration... But As I said, EVERY SIDE at one point did play with the enemy of the other to advance their own personal agendas..

And I know what could have happen to the Turks... since it happened to North Africa (and we survived and won in the End)... But Where I do not think like you... is I do Not believe that "Turks" would have disappeared or let yourself get massacred, or you guys would have stopped fighting back even if You guys lost the war...
Your History is your witness...

In the End, we've got the same enemy so to speak... and Muslim should work together... BUT unfortunately Each side are poisoned by Foreign Ideologies... that is keeping us to be on the same line, like , in my opinion, Nationalism... That, in my view is a cancer... That ideology is pushing each side to "Love Himself or what look like him/her and Hate/reject what is different"... and that in the most basic form of discrimination, like "Looks, language"...
And it's a cancer that is everywhere... Arab, Turks, or else... And The Western world knows it and are happy to play on it... a good old Divide and Conquer...
That why I, prefer A Rightful Islamic resurgence to happen... since it's our Ultimate common ground... not the Islamic Political liars that we have today... BUT if we have to get by that to push people to get into the deen, then it will be a necessary evil for the greater good.

Now concerning the Majority of simple Arabs, I did not see or at least didn't felt an Anti-Turk feeling... quite the opposite. Now for the Anti-TurkeyGov feeling, I do agree that is something you feel... But there is a difference... and mostly because of Ideological grounds... That is Muslim Brotherhood.
Thank you for your kind words of turks of course we would fight till death but if the eastern western central and southern anatolia as well as large parts of northern (black sea) were under foreign occupation it would be almost impossible to liberate but sevres scenario was buried long time ago and won't talk about unless someone mentions the treaty
I will repeat once again I cannot stand arab “leaders” because of their slave behavior towards their western masters I definitely don’t hate arabs i know that big majority have positive opinion about turkey but i also know that most of them would rather live in turkish-model country than in current arab(hypocritical strict religious)-style countries for turkey political islam perfectly functions only because islam and secularism are perfectly blended and synchronized those arabs who hate turkey because of muslim brotherhood are actually those minority arabs with natural anti turkish feelings who I talked about
I think that we muslims should definitely unite if we want to succed and end the misery in which most of us live yes there should be end of division based on ethnicity but for that to happen first those arab leaders must be removed from power which is impossible so there’s only one option for muslims: turkey indonesia malaysia and pakistan should jointly develop and greatly enhance their economical and military power after this is achieved other muslim countries should be inspired and should follow the lead
Actually turkey is already a big inspiration not only for indonesia malaysia and pakistan but also for arab and other non-arab countries even saudi arabia and uae who have endless flow of money want to copy turkish military success also tunisia is also very keen to implement the same institutional reforms through which turkey went long time ago so i think that there should be one or two successful muslim countries and others will definitely follow them sooner or later for me this would be the closest thing to union between muslims
In other words national states should stay i think its better to have as much as possible successfull muslim national states rather than having unsuccessfull islamic superstate i really feel the pain of syrians but their time in turkey is almost finished
REMEMBER THIS: IN MAY/JUNE 2020 THERE WILL BE SECOND REFUGEE WAVE TO EUROPE we will talk about this in very short time soon
Europe has “luck” that peace spring operation happened in october and now the weather is getting cold but only for a few months they have time to strike a deal with turkey about the safe zone if not there will be political earthquake soon in Europe
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Internation reactions to Turkey's latest offensive. This image says everything you need to know about this issue. turkic people and pakistan are always side with turkey while arabs (especially those from the gulf countries) are side with turkey's enemies.

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when arabs backstabbed us do you know what happened next muslims were occupied then they wanted to make five artificial states on TURKISH ANATOLIA we fought against (at that time) the most powerful countries who actually had occupying troops inside anatolia yet we managed to beat them but you(arabs) didn’t have the same success
This is something that i or any other turk won’t forget never i am not much furious about the betrayal as an act itself i am furious about the aftermath europeans almost wiped us out but we somehow won
I will give you one song IZMIR MARSI
you should listen and see the music video you can see how all turkish people from 7 to 77 age (both female and male) are fighting for their survival my point is that your switching sides had put us in survival mode when WW1 war ended europeans said don’t worry we won’t occupy istanbul or izmir or any other city but several months later they not only occupied TURKISH CITIES but also announced the anti turk genocidal sevres map
By the way i ask you to tell me more about mongol invasions and who partnered with crusaders you seem to imply that turks allied with them against muslims I don’t know about this please enlighten me
Here’s the song watch it you will see how both old men and women tirelessly fought against the genocidal invasion

as far as i know no my father is turk(his father was from kosovo) my mother is bosnian you know the people slaughtered in srebrenica genocide they are my brothers from mothers side
As i said before it is normal to expect from outsiders(christians) to switch sides when major wat happens but it is out of question to normalize muslim backstabbing other muslims
Here muslims from balkans are heavily pro turkish
BY THE WAY KOSOVO AND SREBRENICA GENOCIDES HAPPENED BECAUSE OTTOMAN STATE COLLAPSED (in other words arabs have the blood of balkan muslims on their hands)
Arabs have nothing to do with your genocide besides the ottomans gave up the balkans and Algeria with caucuses and Indian subcontinent along with Central Asia long before ww1 and Arab uprising so don’t blame the Arabs for everything that happened to you
Arabs have nothing to do with your genocide besides the ottomans gave up the balkans and Algeria with caucuses and Indian subcontinent along with Central Asia long before ww1 and Arab uprising so don’t blame the Arabs for everything that happened to you

What genocide?
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