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Palestinians back stabbed turkey over peace spring operation

Islam is the enemy of Turks.
Muslims and Christians along with Jews are all teaming up to fight Turkish TENGRISTS.
Also, Pakistan support Athiest hating Muslim the Chinese.

Give respect to Turkey and spelling of the name , you damn Macedonian imbecile.
I don’t know you so refrain from insulting otherwise you will be heavily insulted by the way i am at least real türk you are probably armenian or greek remnant disguised as a türk well there are a lot of crypto-armenians like you unfortunately these traitors are not cleared 100% from Türkiye if our anatolian counterparts can’t finish the job we balkan türks will end you this time for good

Arabs have nothing to do with your genocide besides the ottomans gave up the balkans and Algeria with caucuses and Indian subcontinent along with Central Asia long before ww1 and Arab uprising so don’t blame the Arabs for everything that happened to you
Wow have you read what you are saying?
Since when central asia and indian subcontinent were under ottoman control?
I don’t need to answer for the rest because your statements are worthless and totally out of reality
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I don’t know you so refrain from insulting otherwise you will be heavily insulted by the way i am at least real türk you are probably armenian or greek remnant disguised as a türk well there are a lot of crypto-armenians like you unfortunately these traitors are not cleared 100% from Türkiye if our anatolian counterparts can’t finish the job we balkan türks will end you this time for good

Wow have you read what you are saying?
Since when central asia and indian subcontinent were under ottoman control?
I don’t need to answer for the rest because your statements are worthless and totally out of reality
Actually it’s you who is spreading BS about the Arabs. We know the ottoman loss of the balkans have nothing to do with Arabs and all the massacres that happened to you is because you killed the Christian civilians by your bashi bazouk militias
Look at these kuffar enemies of the glorious Mutawa'een here cursing Islam, we will never allow these animals to walk through these holy lands!

The bottles of Raki will be smashed once the right rule is installed, all those who object can migrate westbound which is where the mutawa'een will come for them as well. Gay Greece is your objective and you must succeed. Also do not be fooled by the so-called educated and "progressive" animals amongst us.

First tell me how it isn't.

We will Islamify you even if you climb the mountains of Ergenekon
Look at these kuffar enemies of the glorious Mutawa'een here cursing Islam, we will never allow these animals to walk through these holy lands!

The bottles of Raki will be smashed once the right rule is installed, all those who object can migrate westbound which is where the mutawa'een will come for them as well. Gay Greece is your objective and you must succeed. Also do not be fooled by the so-called educated and "progressive" animals amongst us.

We will Islamify you even if you climb the mountains of Ergenekon
Ataturk loved raki witch we call it araak in Iraq
Ataturk loved raki witch we call it araak in Iraq

Those who consume it should be taught a severe lesson, everytime I see our middle eastern youth at the weekend nights in the west with bottles in their hand I know they need to be beaten by mutawa'een with batons. Infact Turkish police already is a mutawa'een to a certain extent taking care of the gay animals in Istanbul.
you are probably armenian or greek remnant disguised as a türk

I am a proud Greek. Please do not harm me.

balkan türks will end you this time for good


Look at these kuffar enemies of the glorious Mutawa'een here cursing Islam

Who is cursing Islam?
we will never allow these animals to walk through these holy lands!

Iraq is far from holy lands pal. iraq is hellhole.

The bottles of Raki will be smashed once the right rule is installed

Easy there buddy:o:

Gay Greece is your objective

Whats your problem with Greece?

We will Islamify you even if you climb the mountains of Ergenekon

I have every right to insult Islam if guys like you insult Greece(my country).
I am a proud Greek. Please do not harm me.


Who is cursing Islam?

Iraq is far from holy lands pal. iraq is hellhole.

Easy there buddy:o:

Whats your problem with Greece?

I have every right to insult Islam if guys like you insult Greece(my country).
How you are Greek if your name is Attila the Hun?!
In fact islam does not suit Turkish culture since it is basically formed by arabic traditions especially considering women rights.
Turkic women in society has had the same rights with men since old times opposite to Arabs and what Quran says. (For example, Nisa 34)

This is Turkic women

And this is women under sharia

In fact islam does not suit Turkish culture since it is basically formed by arabic traditions especially considering women rights.
Turkic women in society has had the same rights with men since old times opposite to Arabs and what Quran says. (For example, Nisa 34)

This is Turkic women

And this is women under sharia

The pic belong to Scythian queen also the It was the Persisnized Turks and Delhi sultans and Ghaznavids who spread Islam in many places specially the Indian subcontinent and they were more brutal than Arabs toward none muslims
I guess, you know it very well. Let me be a little bit harsh and clear here.
Arab league is ruled by Sauds. And Saudis are ruled by us. We do not allow our lackey to act against our interests. And has to follow our instruction and agenda. No matter, whom the hearts of arabian population belongs to. As Trump said, MY favourite dictator. Arab leaders belongs to us. And we will not give up our poodle.
sad but true. right word. bismarck, I liked the honesty.
Actually it’s you who is spreading BS about the Arabs. We know the ottoman loss of the balkans have nothing to do with Arabs and all the massacres that happened to you is because you killed the Christian civilians by your bashi bazouk militias

Honestly christians were killing ours during their rebellions and independance wars. So really the Turks killing Jesus worshippers is just tit for tat.

I know christians love to paint themselves as the victims.
I recommend you join the west-coast Istanbulite LGBT community of Turkified Greek liberals whom are trying to get to western Europe. Indeed, we do not need such faggots in this great region and those whom dream of Tengrism are too far off from today's reality, religions come and go and now is the time of Islam.
your religion to you. my religion is to me. You try to put yourself in heaven. Allah is the kind of Allah. God has given reason to everyone. condemn anyone for not being a muslim. contempt. Be a Muslim first but don't say I've become. and to whom a Muslim.
senin dinin sana. benim dinim bana. sen kendini cennete koymaya çalış. müslümanlık allahın verdiği nasiptir. allah herkese akıl vermiş. müslüman olmadığı için kimseyi kınama. hor görme. önce müslüman ol ama ben oldum deme. ve kime göre müslüman.

Give respect to Turkey and spelling of the name , you damn Macedonian imbecile.
respect beautiful thing. endure people. Let your ideas win. not insulting.
saygı güzel şey. insanlara tahammül et. fikirlerin kazansın. hakaret değil.
Honestly christians were killing ours during their rebellions and independance wars. So really the Turks killing Jesus worshippers is just tit for tat.

I know christians love to paint themselves as the victims.
Killing and massacres happened on both side I know the ottomans aren’t nice to the people who rebell against them
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