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Palestinians back stabbed turkey over peace spring operation

I think that we muslims should definitely unite

Islam is the enemy of Turks.
Muslims and Christians along with Jews are all teaming up to fight Turkish TENGRISTS.
Also, Pakistan support Athiest hating Muslim the Chinese.

Europe has “luck” that peace spring operation happened in october and now the weather is getting cold but only for a few months they have time to strike a deal with turkey about the safe zone if not there will be political earthquake soon in Europe
Give respect to Turkey and spelling of the name , you damn Macedonian imbecile.
Islam is the enemy of Turks.
Muslims and Christians along with Jews are all teaming up to fight Turkish TENGRISTS.
Also, Pakistan support Athiest hating Muslim the Chinese.

Give respect to Turkey and spelling of the name , you damn Macedonian imbecile.
How Islam is enemy of the Turks?
First tell me how it isn't.
Without Islam... They will be No Turkey... NO Ottoman... No Seljuk... No Great History of your people to begin with...
Same goes for others, like the Arabs...

So, yeah when you take Ignorance and your Arrogance as your Friend... get ready to feel the "Ottoman Slap"...
Without Islam... They will be No Turkey... NO Ottoman... No Seljuk... No Great History of your people to begin with...
Same goes for others, like the Arabs...

So, yeah when you take Ignorance and your Arrogance as your Friend... get ready to feel the "Ottoman Slap"...

Fak the guy, he speaks for himself. They are trying to fill a gap in ther life.

Muslim nations are getting closer to Greece than Turkey. Egypt , Saudis, Syrians, Iranians, and Israel(25%Muslim) all HATE Turkey.
It is Syria,Iraq,Iran that help the Muslim Kurds to commit terrorism in Turkey.
Muslim nations are getting closer to Greece than Turkey. Egypt , Saudis, Syrians, Iranians, and Israel(25%Muslim) all HATE Turkey.
It is Syria,Iraq,Iran that help the Muslim Kurds to commit terrorism in Turkey.
They only get close to Greece is because of erdogan meddling the same goes for Iran the reason why some Arabs are siding with Israel is because of the Iranian interference it had nothing to do with the history of Turks or turkey as a country
How Islam is enemy of the Turks?

I haven't ignored you but they guy you are writing to.. that means much.. islam and turks belongs together they guy who says other can listen 5 times a day to the adhan..
Muslim nations are getting closer to Greece than Turkey. Egypt , Saudis, Syrians, Iranians, and Israel(25%Muslim) all HATE Turkey.
It is Syria,Iraq,Iran that help the Muslim Kurds to commit terrorism in Turkey.

Such opinion is based on the 'logic' that whichever state does not 100% support Turkey and ensures all its policies are in line with that of Turkey's (regardless of their own policy) IS an enemy of Turkey. Which would mean every country is an enemy of every other country since they place their own interests first. Likewise Turkey's policies with regards to the Arab and Muslim states you mentioned are often hostile. Turkey under Erdogan has taken anti-gov policies in Iraq many times, likewise in Egypt, Syria and other states prior to the entire Greece/Cyprus oil thing even was mentioned. We are talking about the previous decade even (2003-2009).

The 'zero problems with neighbours policy' which Davutoglu always spoke of was obviously a cover for the extensive meddling in affairs of other states. As for Kurds, it's simply the case that the Kurds of Turkey hate Turkey the most whilst the Kurds of Iraq worship Turkey and hate Iraqis the most. This is because they are getting 'oppressed' by those govs in the state they find themselves in.

You have a short memory, I recommend you deploy in Hakkari and focus on the biji wiji animals instead.
Are DAESH muslims?

its not upon us to decide it except they oppose quran and sunnah and make thinks helal wich are clearly not..
if someone says such things he should come out with clear proofs since islam is all about proof it should be than easy to show it..

take ahmadiyya for excample they oppose our beliefs or other ppl who worship things other than allah
its not upon us to decide it except they oppose quran and sunnah and make thinks helal wich are clearly not..
if someone says such things he should come out with clear proofs since islam is all about proof it should be than easy to show it..

take ahmadiyya for excample they oppose our beliefs or other ppl who worship things other than allah

I know what you mean, but expect an answer from @Attila the Hun .
I know what you mean, but expect an answer from @Attila the Hun .

he is on my ignor list..

but for what do you want an answer from him I expect all this disscussions here may be because of him.. thats why I think he may not care about your question! for him me and others may also be considered as IS alike
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