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Palestinians back stabbed turkey over peace spring operation

Ummah is a spritiual concept but politics wise it will never work I say this as a Muslim Turk that lives in Australia. Even in Australia the Muslims are all divided the Arabs dont like Turks and the Turks dont like them especially regarding Muslim affairs in the country both go their own way. Arabs even block the Turkish community from even talking or cooperating with government because the Turks should not be leaders of the Muslim community.

It is a shark eat shark world. Stop trying to save the world and start caring about your own. The Turks helped the Palestinians what did the Palestinians do?? Throw back at our faces.

That's not on an Arab-Turk level, it's human nature to trash one another for your own benefit.

Iraq (under Saddam) helped Palestinians heavily, in return they shit all over us whilst we are both Arabs.
That's not on an Arab-Turk level, it's human nature to trash one another for your own benefit.

Iraq (under Saddam) helped Palestinians heavily, in return they shit all over us whilst we are both Arabs.

I cant disagree there but I hope the Arab and Turk mutwaeen with batons start bashing the Kurds.

All do the kurds deserve is a good baton to the head.
I cant disagree there but I hope the Arab and Turk mutwaeen with batons start bashing the Kurds.

All do the kurds deserve is a good baton to the head.

I believe that the problem is widespread and exists within Arab, Turkish and Kurdish societies. We have to deal with communist Kurds, Kurdish nationalist who sell everyone for a fake nation. "Progressive"/liberal animals who want to sell our great nations and cultures in replacement of degenerate practices.

Kurds have abandoned Islam and will be punished, they are no match to any force. The west can **** itself too together with their opinions. May Allah enable us to enforce and correct these animals.
I believe that the problem is widespread and exists within Arab, Turkish and Kurdish societies. We have to deal with communist Kurds, Kurdish nationalist who sell everyone for a fake nation. "Progressive"/liberal animals who want to sell our great nations and cultures in replacement of degenerate practices.

Kurds have abandoned Islam and will be punished, they are no match to any force. The west can **** itself too together with their opinions. May Allah enable us to enforce and correct these animals.

With every post you are more into the Deen... or is it a superstitious thing of yours in hope for self-prophecy?
Iran has its own Mutawa'een (Basiji), we need ours too.

With every post you are more into the Deen... or is it a superstitious thing of yours in hope for self-prophecy?

I think we need it to fight degeneracy, in the past I used to be against this and identify as progressive but I changed my mind. It will keep society healthy and respectful. The day that we become like the white man is the day tourists will come in our nations to take our women whilst getting drunk, it's better we all die before we let this happen in our lands.
Iran has its own Mutawa'een (Basiji), we need ours too.

I think we need it to fight degeneracy, in the past I used to be against this and identify as progressive but I changed my mind. It will keep society healthy and respectful

I saw that... Well... El Hamudillah... is all i can say...
Hope you already in your 5 daily prayers...
Just need a bit of work into that heart of yours... and you may end up good in the end.

Just Please tell me you are not into "Labaykka ya Zained and such?"
I saw that... Well... El Hamudillah... is all i can say...
Hope you already in your 5 daily prayers...
Just need a bit of work into that heart of yours... and you may end up good in the end.

Just Please tell me you are not into "Labaykka ya Zained and such?"

no i am actually not religious in the sense of my mind being all into it, I just believe it helps fight degeneracy and keeps society clean. I'm not shia if that's what ur asking. I like seeing how Europeans are afraid of the laws in Saudi Arabia, they think we beat women.
no i am actually not religious in the sense of my mind being all into it, I just believe it helps fight degeneracy and keeps society clean. I'm not shia if that's what ur asking. I like seeing how Europeans are afraid of the laws in Saudi Arabia, they think we beat women.
Inshallah with time, you will be all into it.
As for the beating... well if only they knew... who beat who...
We (turks) always expected that one day christians(serbs part of albanians and armenians and greeks i forgot this pathetic nation-we used to **** a lot of greek pussies) will attacks us together with europeans but the real backstabbing was done by our so called muslim brothers(arabs) the pain and anger was even bigger because they did it with europeans(christians) i am sorry but THERE’S NO JUSTIFICATION IN QURAN FOR THIS EPIC BETRAYAL ALLAH PUNISHED JEWS 2000 years ago for already known reasons now arabs are having the same fate since 1915 now arabs are dogs and slaves of west milions of them are killed raped or live miserable life
Are you yoruk?
We (turks) always expected that one day christians(serbs part of albanians and armenians and greeks i forgot this pathetic nation-we used to **** a lot of greek pussies) will attacks us together with europeans but the real backstabbing was done by our so called muslim brothers(arabs) the pain and anger was even bigger because they did it with europeans(christians) i am sorry but THERE’S NO JUSTIFICATION IN QURAN FOR THIS EPIC BETRAYAL ALLAH PUNISHED JEWS 2000 years ago for already known reasons now arabs are having the same fate since 1915 now arabs are dogs and slaves of west milions of them are killed raped or live miserable life

That's not how thing happened...
And if we gonna re-use and misuse History again and again... then those "Christians" not only gonna get you but everyone around... and neither You or the Arab in fornt of you...gonna have time to bicker over it...

As for who's got a bigger one... Then BOTH SIDES aren't angel in this regards... I'm not gonna get into History and tell you who LET and ALLIED with the first Crusades back in the days... or all the Mosul Fiasco or the Mongol betrayal or the refusal to help other Ottoman Lands and so on... since it will be doing your game and to be honest it's useless since it's the past and it's not worth it to answer today challenges...

So can we put aside this useless debates... and that goes for every side... Turk or Arab...
That's not how thing happened...
And if we gonna re-use and misuse History again and again... then those "Christians" not only gonna get you but everyone around... and neither You or the Arab in fornt of you...gonna have time to bicker over it...

As for who's got a bigger one... Then BOTH SIDES aren't angel in this regards... I'm not gonna get into History and tell you who LET and ALLIED with the first Crusades back in the days... or all the Mosul Fiasco or the Mongol betrayal or the refusal to help other Ottoman Lands and so on... since it will be doing your game and to be honest it's useless since it's the past and it's not worth it to answer today challenges...

So can we put aside this useless debates... and that goes for every side... Turk or Arab...
when arabs backstabbed us do you know what happened next muslims were occupied then they wanted to make five artificial states on TURKISH ANATOLIA we fought against (at that time) the most powerful countries who actually had occupying troops inside anatolia yet we managed to beat them but you(arabs) didn’t have the same success
This is something that i or any other turk won’t forget never i am not much furious about the betrayal as an act itself i am furious about the aftermath europeans almost wiped us out but we somehow won
I will give you one song IZMIR MARSI
you should listen and see the music video you can see how all turkish people from 7 to 77 age (both female and male) are fighting for their survival my point is that your switching sides had put us in survival mode when WW1 war ended europeans said don’t worry we won’t occupy istanbul or izmir or any other city but several months later they not only occupied TURKISH CITIES but also announced the anti turk genocidal sevres map
By the way i ask you to tell me more about mongol invasions and who partnered with crusaders you seem to imply that turks allied with them against muslims I don’t know about this please enlighten me
Here’s the song watch it you will see how both old men and women tirelessly fought against the genocidal invasion

Are you yoruk?
as far as i know no my father is turk(his father was from kosovo) my mother is bosnian you know the people slaughtered in srebrenica genocide they are my brothers from mothers side
As i said before it is normal to expect from outsiders(christians) to switch sides when major wat happens but it is out of question to normalize muslim backstabbing other muslims
Here muslims from balkans are heavily pro turkish
BY THE WAY KOSOVO AND SREBRENICA GENOCIDES HAPPENED BECAUSE OTTOMAN STATE COLLAPSED (in other words arabs have the blood of balkan muslims on their hands)
when arabs backstabbed us do you know what happened next muslims were occupied then they wanted to make five artificial states on TURKISH ANATOLIA we fought against (at that time) the most powerful countries who actually had occupying troops inside anatolia yet we managed to beat them but you(arabs) didn’t have the same success
This is something that i or any other turk won’t forget never i am not much furious about the betrayal as an act itself i am furious about the aftermath europeans almost wiped us out but we somehow won
I will give you one song IZMIR MARSI
you should listen and see the music video you can see how all turkish people from 7 to 77 age (both female and male) are fighting for their survival my point is that your switching sides had put us in survival mode when WW1 war ended europeans said don’t worry we won’t occupy istanbul or izmir or any other city but several months later they not only occupied TURKISH CITIES but also announced the anti turk genocidal sevres map
By the way i ask you to tell me more about mongol invasions and who partnered with crusaders you seem to imply that turks allied with them against muslims I don’t know about this please enlighten me
Here’s the song watch it you will see how both old men and women tirelessly fought against the genocidal invasion

as far as i know no my father is turk(his father was from kosovo) my mother is bosnian you know the people slaughtered in srebrenica genocide they are my brothers from mothers side
As i said before it is normal to expect from outsiders(christians) to switch sides when major wat happens but it is out of question to normalize muslim backstabbing other muslims
Here muslims from balkans are heavily pro turkish
BY THE WAY KOSOVO AND SREBRENICA GENOCIDES HAPPENED BECAUSE OTTOMAN STATE COLLAPSED (in other words arabs have the blood of balkan muslims on their hands)

Every time an empire collapse, groups get created... it's not new with Ottomans... was the same with previous Khalifats...
Ottomans also abandoned lands to Western forces, like in North Africa... where The Europeans endup Killed A quarter of it's population... and did what a colonizator did for a hundred year till independence...
That's why the generation of my great grand father-grand father do not hold very "Good" views toward Ottomans and their Beys... They are seen as Traitors and people who enjoyed their "Statut" but when Europe came they rapidly runaway / surrender easily... and let the people fight with sticks and stone...

As for Crusaders time... you should read about it... it's very interesting...

Therefore... History is not black and white... NO ONE is clean of mischief... No your ancestors neither Mine... Each side can find the wrong in the other...
Now... if you or any Arab want to keep re-use/misuse History without clearly knowing/acknowledging all it's sides... hten so be it... But it's in our current day and age... USELESS... Even less when the other side Don't GIVE A SH*T is you are Turk or Arab or whatnot... but only see "ISLAM"... something they wish to destroy...
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