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Palestinians back stabbed turkey over peace spring operation

Arabs your Enemies... The good old racist ignorant piece of mind...
Well let's not waste our time to enumerate Turko-Arabic relations in the past 1000 years...
We may put some Racist in the closet...

Anyway... good luck in your endeavor...

What is the official stand/ annoucemet of Arab league in this case.

You should listen to Türkeş first.

Arabs including Palestinians have always backstabbed us Turks in history. On the other side, Jewish never fired a bullet on us and were our best friend supporting and lobbying for us before AKP took over and that stupid "one minute".

Recently, Erdoğan seems to have understood these..but a little too late as usual.

It seems you dont know, the whole story.
Arabs see us Turks as enemies, we do not even give them the day of thought. It is what it is.

It's like the Right wings that say "Islam is a religion of Terror"... little did they know... if that statement was true... The world as we know it...wouldn't exist...
You, my friend, just copy pasted their Idea...

What is the official stand/ annoucemet of Arab league in this case.

Of what? Turks are enemies of Arabs and Vice versa?
If that's it... check my first answer on this post...
It's like the Right wings that say "Islam is a religion of Terror"... little did they know... if that statement was true... The world as we know it...wouldn't exist...
You, my friend, just copy pasted their Idea...

Of what? Turks are enemies of Arabs and Vice versa?
If that's it... check my first answer on this post...

About turkish operation in north Syria.
I don't know.

I guess, you know it very well. Let me be a little bit harsh and clear here.
Arab league is ruled by Sauds. And Saudis are ruled by us. We do not allow our lackey to act against our interests. And has to follow our instruction and agenda. No matter, whom the hearts of arabian population belongs to. As Trump said, MY favourite dictator. Arab leaders belongs to us. And we will not give up our poodle.
I guess, you know it very well. Let me be a little bit harsh and clear here.
Arab league is ruled by Sauds. And Saudis are ruled by us. We do not allow our lackey to act against our interests. And has to follow our instruction and agenda. No matter, whom the hearts of arabian population belongs to. As Trump said, MY favourite dictator. Arab leaders belongs to us. And we will not give up our poodle.

Well... Enjoy your Al Saud banquet...
I mean... If a Blind man ask to stay blind...Who Am I to cure him...

Till then... you can keep chewing on that Illusory bones of yours... But whatever you like it or not... You are similar to the same ppl you curse... The Irony...

I'm pretty sure, you will end up a Muslim one Day, Inshallah.
Well... Enjoy your Al Saud banquet...
I mean... If a Blind man ask to stay blind...Who Am I to cure him...

Till then... you can keep chewing on that Illusory bones of yours... But whatever you like it or not... You are similar to the same ppl you curse... The Irony...

I'm pretty sure, you will end up a Muslim one Day, Inshallah.

We call this 'Realpolitik'. Means, take the world like it is. Not like it should be. Maybe you should look on yourselves first. Its like a relationship between employer and employee. You always need to see both sides of the medal.

A Muslim? Me? Not in this life.
We call this 'Realpolitik'. Means, take the world like it is. Not like it should be. Maybe you should look on yourselves first. Its like a relationship between employer and employee. You always need to see both sides of the medal.

A Muslim? Me? Not in this life.

Look, I understand you try to get emotions out of me, you want to hurt me... But I assure you, I don't feel anything from your statement...
I know what I am... Who I am... Where I'm going and Where I will end up...

And I don't even have an once of Anger or anything toward you even with your behavior... That should tell you... That you are wasting your time.

As for Islam... No worry... When times come and your Q yield no answers... You know where to go... what to read...
Inshallah, One day, before the End of this life... you may end up seeing.

Brother we are waiting for you.
It's like the Right wings that say "Islam is a religion of Terror"

I do not care what the Right Wing, Nazis or Martians have to say about Islam.

You, my friend, just copy pasted their Idea
Please prove me wrong.
Arab LEADERS,Politicians on a daily basis have a pop at Turkey/Turks. Palestinians to Egyptians. Arab posters aslo have a lot to say about Turks on forums like this.
Turks feel nothing for Arabs. we do not consider you an enemy.
I do not care what the Right Wing, Nazis or Martians have to say about Islam.

Please prove me wrong.
Arab LEADERS,Politicians on a daily basis have a pop at Turkey/Turks. Palestinians to Egyptians. Arab posters aslo have a lot to say about Turks on forums like this.
Turks feel nothing for Arabs. we do not consider you an enemy.

You should... you are behaving like them...

You said "Arabs" not Leaders not politicians... as for them it's another story... it's politics... you know politics... that thing that you feed others in hope they feed you in return...

As for your Arabs hate Turks?... take that illusion out of your mind... don't let it cripple your mind... That behavior is like that kid who got his meal stolen by someone in school and can't stop speaking about it... grow up.

Arabs do not hate Turks and vice versa... some may be sucked in by their political views, but that's another problem... it's either they've got something to gain from it or they can't think for themselves.
You should... you are behaving like them...

You said "Arabs" not Leaders not politicians... as for them it's another story... it's politics... you know politics... that thing that you feed others in hope they feed you in return...

As for your Arabs hate Turks?... take that illusion out of your mind... don't let it cripple your mind... That behavior is like that kid who got his meal stolen by someone in school and can't stop speaking about it... grow up.

Arabs do not hate Turks and vice versa... some may be sucked in by their political views, but that's another problem... it's either they've got something to gain from it or they can't think for themselves.
I only see Arabs get vocal about Turks though...because there's pure hatred for Turks is the only explanation i can come up with my friend.
I only see Arabs get vocal about Turks though...because there's pure hatred for Turks is the only explanation i can come up with my friend.

No.. let me correct u. There's pure hatred from you and a few others here towards Arabs. Now you seek to justify your hatred by saying Arabs are obsessed with hating Turks.

You are a lost element and you need Islamification, you can distance yourself from Arabism and climb the mountains of Mongolia whilst reading about Tengri if you seek to follow that path. Turkey however will remain as it is, Tayyip agrees.
There's pure hatred from you and a few others here towards Arabs
Oh go on, why should I hate Arabs?

you seek to justify your hatred by saying Arabs are obsessed with hating Turks.
Arabs are obsessed with hating Turks. your leaders know what the Arabs like to hear/read.

You are a lost element and you need Islamification
Please tell your Arabs leader to continue the good job, more and more Turks will be like me, a lost element. :yahoo:
Oh go on, why should I hate Arabs?

Arabs are obsessed with hating Turks. your leaders know what the Arabs like to hear/read.

Please tell your Arabs leader to continue the good job, more and more Turks will be like me, a lost element. :yahoo:

I recommend you join the west-coast Istanbulite LGBT community of Turkified Greek liberals whom are trying to get to western Europe. Indeed, we do not need such faggots in this great region and those whom dream of Tengrism are too far off from today's reality, religions come and go and now is the time of Islam.

All day you speak of Arabs supporting the PKK, during the Arab Saddamist rule of northern Iraq, the PKK was running towards Turkey and you gave them shelter against our bombings. It was until Ameriga came with the northern no-fly zone.. then the PKK grew and since then it has expanded and you were never able to put a halt to it.

Saddam Hossain and his fellow Arab troops were the most effective tool against the PKK. Your soft policies require Arabization with the aim to improve effectiveness.
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trying to get to western Europe.
I live in UK

those whom dream of Tengrism are too far off from today's reality, religions come and go and now is the time of Islam.

There would be no Islam if it wasn't for converted Tengrist Turks
All day you speak of Arabs supporting the PKK

A lot do though.

during the Arab Saddamist rule of northern Iraq

Non-Iraqi Arabs have a soft spot for Kurds, because like them the Turks hate Turks.
the PKK was running towards Turkey and you gave them shelter against our bombings.

A long long time go now.

Your soft policies require Arabization with the aim to improve effectiveness.

Alright pal.
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