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Palestine and Kashmir – One Fire

OK so you think America is a Zionist power, so you want to ally with America, AGAINST the BRICS?

Isn't that allying with Zionists? Since there is about zero chance for them to stop supporting Israel?

Germany was under the control of Zionists once, but German people eventually got fed up. The result for America will not be the same as Germany, as it is an ethnically diverse land of immigrants, but Zionists will not remain at the driving seat forever. That will change in the coming decades. We Muslims have all the time in our hand, all we have to do is wait, and in the mean time, make love and make more little ones, time is on our side. The Zionists may kill a few million from time to time, but we have countless other millions who will come to take their place.

You should visit stormfr0nt sometimes to get an idea about what people really think about Zionists.
Germany was under the control of Zionists once, but German people eventually got fed up. The result for America will not be the same as Germany, as it is an ethnically diverse land of immigrants, but Zionists will not remain at the driving seat forever. That will change in the coming decades. We Muslims have all the time in our hand, all we have to do is wait, and in the mean time, make love and make more little ones, time is on our side. The Zionists may kill a few million from time to time, but we have countless other millions who will come to take their place.

You should visit stormfr0nt sometimes to get an idea about what people really think about Zionists.

Stormfront represents less than 1% of Americans, the polls show that ordinary Americans love Israel more than any other country on Earth, by a huge margin.

And the chances of America supporting Muslim nations against Israel is about zero. The American military machine supports Israel 100%, they pay for every bomb they drop and every missile they fire.

As for what is going on in Bangladesh, lets just leave it to us Bangladeshi's.

Of course.

The overwhelmingly pro-India Bangladeshi population (over 70% favor India) have decided to put a pro-India government in place, and that's their choice. And America seems pretty happy with that, which is no surprise since they have long wanted India as an ally to counterbalance China.
The overwhelmingly pro-India Bangladeshi population (over 70% favor India) have decided to put a pro-India government in place, and that's their choice. And America seems pretty happy with that, which is no surprise since they have long wanted India as an ally to counterbalance China.

Are you teasing Kalu Miah. :o::o:
Are you teasing Kalu Miah. :o::o:

No, but rather questioning his view that America will get over its "Zionism", and join the Islamic world to somehow "defeat" the BRICS. :P

Considering its actually America that has invaded 3 separate Muslim countries over the past decade, leading to over a million deaths in the Iraq war alone, over lies of WMD.

We simply want to build up our own power, we have no interest in this hypothetical showdown, which would only end in a nuclear winter anyway. The rest are free to do as they please.
@Chinese-Dragon :

70 per cent of BD'shis do not like India. In fact more like 70 per cent of us dislike India.. That poll is not really correct as it was carried out in a climate of fear.

China should just carry on the path of getting stronger both politically and military. This is the only chance the most of the world has to be rid of the dominance of the Zionists influenced West.
Muslim world will always be against Zionist and Zionist supporters like Indian Hindu's whose only common passion is hatred for Muslims, whose land they have stolen.
good thought .....but question is why hindus have passion of hatred for muslims?
@Chinese-Dragon :

70 per cent of BD'shis do not like India. In fact more like 70 per cent of us dislike India.. That poll is not really correct as it was carried out in a climate of fear.

China should just carry on the path of getting stronger both politically and military. This is the only chance the most of the world has to be rid of the dominance of the Zionists influenced West.

Did bangladeshis have to vote at gun point ?
Stormfront represents less than 1% of Americans, the polls show that ordinary Americans love Israel more than any other country on Earth, by a huge margin.

And the chances of America supporting Muslim nations against Israel is about zero. The American military machine supports Israel 100%, they pay for every bomb they drop and every missile they fire.

Of course.

The overwhelmingly pro-India Bangladeshi population (over 70% favor India) have decided to put a pro-India government in place, and that's their choice. And America seems pretty happy with that, which is no surprise since they have long wanted India as an ally to counterbalance China.

Germans also did not have issue with Zionists at one time, but things did not stay the same. Stormfr0nt is fringe no doubt, but people who can see through Zionist media, already know what is going on with their country. The views are pretty wide spread among the "knowledgeable" part of the population.

America will change its mind when the time comes, when they find themselves besieged by the BRICS onslaught. The West will not have a choice.

We know Bangladesh better than Pew researchers, don't forget it is our country, we know what is happening there, from top to bottom.

Tow faced India will continue to play both suitors, get most benefit from both and never commit to any one side.
Did bangladeshis have to vote at gun point ?

Dude, anti-Awami/India people are being kidnapped and killed.

Naturally a lot of people will lie and say they like India.

Do you seriously think the common BD Muslim likes you?!

Dude, anti-Awami/India people are being kidnapped and killed.

Naturally a lot of people will lie and say they like India.

Do you seriously think the common BD Muslim likes you?!


Lie to who ?? was there a vote to see if Bangladeshis like India or not ??
@Chinese-Dragon :

70 per cent of BD'shis do not like India. In fact more like 70 per cent of us dislike India.. That poll is not really correct as it was carried out in a climate of fear.

China should just carry on the path of getting stronger both politically and military. This is the only chance the most of the world has to be rid of the dominance of the Zionists influenced West.

New plan:

So who are the people that consider Muslims their greatest threat and enemy and in what order:

1. India and Zionist Jews
2. Russia
3. China
4. West

- when China, India (and their friend Zionist Jews) and Russia unite in BRICS to bring down USA and the West, we the Muslims should give support to the West because, for us to unite, we will need help from them and their allies like Japan and South Korea

- so if the West is with us Muslims, we will be able to defeat the combined forces of 1, 2 and 3

- when China fails to dislodge West from number 1 position, they will become neutral and so will Russia, who most likely will join the West

- that is the point when we will have the final showdown with Hindus and Zionist Jews

Apparently, America + the Muslim world will join together and defeat the BRICS. :o:

But like I said, we have no interest in this hypothetical showdown, that will inevitably end up in a nuclear winter.

America seems more interested in invading and destroying Muslim countries that do not have ICBM arsenals and thermonuclear weapons (that can reach the American mainland), let alone the HGV tech of China and Russia. They like to invade countries which cannot fight back.

We are simply interested in becoming stronger to protect our own interests, we do not seek a nuclear winter, or some hypothetical confrontation with "Zionists", neither of which will further the interests of the Chinese nation. We'll sit this one out, like we are doing right now, and simply watch the others fighting, and hope they don't shed too much blood.

Most likely, America and Israel will continue on their rampage, with well wishers like kalu_miah hoping to join their camp and take out the BRICS. But America is too smart to go for a nuclear winter, their current strategy of inciting civil wars in the Middle East is much easier.
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Dude, anti-Awami/India people are being kidnapped and killed.

Naturally a lot of people will lie and say they like India.

Do you seriously think the common BD Muslim likes you?!


Let delusional Indians dream, why do you want to wake them up? :lol:
New plan:

America + the Muslim world will join together and defeat the BRICS. :o:

But like I said, we have no interest in this hypothetical showdown, that will inevitably end up in a nuclear winter.

America seems more interested in invading and destroying Muslim countries that do not have ICBM arsenals and thermonuclear weapons (that can reach the American mainland), let alone the HGV tech of China and Russia. They like to invade countries which cannot fight back.

We are simply interested in becoming stronger to protect our own interests, we do not seek a nuclear winter, or some hypothetical confrontation with "Zionists", neither of which will further the interests of the Chinese nation. We'll sit this one out, like we are doing right now, and simply watch the others fighting, and hope they don't shed too much blood.

Most likely, America and Israel will continue on their rampage, with well wishers like kalu_miah hoping to join their camp and take out the BRICS. But America is too smart to go for a nuclear winter, their current strategy in the Middle East is much easier.

China confronts the West by merely matching them in economic and military power.

Who says there is any need for a showdown at all;).
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