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Palestine and Kashmir – One Fire

i can say the same thing...all land belong to Bhagwan. so pls don't give me that nonsense bull$hit.
pakistan is where hinduism started. what mecca is for you,harappa and mohenjo daro is for us. pity you madrasa education

Quit spewing BS. You dirty Terran-centric mud worshipper. Before Hinduism started, the universe was following the universal tide under the great Cosmic oneness. Our spiritual ancestors worshiped the great centre. Pity you have Terran education.
Quit spewing BS. You dirty Terran-centric mud worshipper. Before Hinduism started, the universe was following the universal tide under the great Cosmic oneness. Our spiritual ancestors worshiped the great centre. Pity you have Terran education.

wtf is terran eduaction you dim witt.
wtf is earth-centric education, do you also have heaven centric education too?

No, you filthy Terran. I've transcended your level of understanding and have entered the 5th dimension. It would be hard to explain to a Terran.
No, you filthy Terran. I've transcended your level of understanding and have entered the 5th dimension. It would be hard to explain to a Terran.

i though you already entered 7th dimension :lol: , come down to earth you smelly filth
i though you already entered 7th dimension :lol: , come down to earth you smelly filth

Why come down to Earth physically when the pineal nourishment of the 5th dimension boosts my astral levels and allows me to descend metaphysically to Earth?
Why come down to Earth physically when the pineal nourishment of the 5th dimension boosts my astral levels and allows me to descend metaphysically to Earth?

wtf blah...blah...blahhhhh...:lol:
talk sense....and logically argue...the others will also talk logically

Well, I think it's kinda silly how Indians will tell Pakistanis "Hindusim is in your culture!!". Really? It is? Because of some ancestors 3000 years ago I don't know anything about? The effects of Islam, however, are more recent. Muslim rule ended how long ago? 200 years? How long have Muslim been in the subcontinent? 1000 years?
@kalu_miah ; @Chinese-Dragon :

I think you are looking too much into this "brics" grouping.

It is not really at all the makings of an alliance. The only two countries that may have a semi-official alliance now is Russia and China and that is mainly because the two countries need each other in order not be be isolated and weakened by the West.

In 10-15 years time, China will have absolute military dominance over Russia conventionally and will become a match for the US by then. Russia may feel so threatened by China that it may even join the West.

India will still stay a relatively weak state in our lifetimes but its pride will prevent it from becoming a junior partner to China in Asia.

No matter how much the Chinese may think that they can become rich without getting involved in world affairs, they simply must have the freedom to trade with the rest of the world without hindrance. There is no way that China will be able to get away without building a Navy not as powerful as the US since it must make sure that no country, or group of countries, will ever dare try to blockade it's sea trades. Land-based routes are all very well but sea routes will also be required for trade with countries in Africa and the Americas.

Since China will need allies to secure its position in Asia and the world, this is where I believe that the Muslim world comes in.

Hindus and Jews will remain the everlasting enemies of Muslims. White Christians may be less so but look at their bloody history in the Muslim world over the last millennium. We cannot blame all this on Jewish propaganda. There is an underlying conflict between the White Christians and the Muslims.

One of the main reasons for Muslim disunity is that this is being fuelled by the Christian Whites with active encouragement by the Jews. Westerners can do this now as they have no peer to challenge them. Just the fact that China will become a peer to them over the next 1-2 decades will mean that they then will not be able to play the dirty games that they are currently playing in the Muslim world.

With the decline of the Western world, I believe the conflicts in the Muslim world should die down and the Chinese would then be interested in allying with Muslims. I am not saying that Muslims do not share any blame but it will be much easier to resolve conflicts in/in-between Muslim countries without outside interference.

China will solidify it's position as one of the two great powers,along with the US, as the Muslims will help China counterbalance the whole of the Western world and the Chinese can help the Muslims both economically and militarily.

I thanked your post, because you are hopeful about China and Sino-Muslim alliance. For China that would be the wisest course possible. No one group can ensure China a guaranteed super-power status and perhaps that of the pre-eminent super power like the Muslim population can as we will be 33 - 40% of global population by the year 2100 AD. Once reached that ratio, this ratio will probably remain pretty much permanent as most population will reach developed or semi-developed status.

But I do not think there is that level of wisdom and far sighted outlook among Chinese populace and leadership, which is still "developing" and in a state of flux and transformation. And that is why we see their hatred for Muslims boiling over from some posters on the net, polls from netizens and even govt. policy which does not seem to care about being sensitive to providing freedom of religion of Chinese citizens. That is why we see them hob nob with Narendra Modi, the ****** of Gujrat, who the Hindutva nation made their prime minister and making this genocidal maniac hindutva nation part of their so called team in BRICS, who even sport a bank with $100 billion. These are no laughing matter and you cannot wish them away.

When we see these kind of things happening, we must reassess our future hopes and not put all our eggs in one basket. We Muslims must strive for unity among ourselves first and foremost and see who is helping us with this effort. We should not give blank check to any power or give them a feeling of entitlement. In order to earn our friendship and loyalty, the Chinese or any other power, must show with concrete actions that they care about us and care about a common allied future with us. That is all I am saying.

So we can hope for many things in the future, like you have expressed in your post, but that hope must be matched with the direction we see on the grounds, otherwise it no longer remains hope, but goes more into the realm of wishful thinking.
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I thanked your post, because you are hopeful about China and Sino-Muslim alliance. For China that would be the wisest course possible. No one group can ensure China a guaranteed super-power status and perhaps that of the pre-eminent super power like the Muslim population can as we will be 33 - 40% of global population by the year 2100 AD. Once reached that ratio, this ratio will probably remain pretty much permanent as most population will reach developed or semi-developed status.

But I do not think there is that level of wisdom and far sighted outlook among Chinese populace and leadership, which is still "developing" and in a state of flux and transformation. And that is why we see their hatred for Muslims boiling over from some posters on the net, polls from netizens and even govt. policy which does not seem to care about being sensitive to providing freedom of religion of Chinese citizens. That is why we see them hob nob with Narendra Modi, the butcher of Gujrat, who the Hindutva nation made their prime minister and making this genocidal maniac hindutva nation part of their so called team in BRICS, who even sport a bank with $100 billion. These are no laughing matter and you cannot wish them away.

When we see these kind of things happening, we must reassess our future hopes and not put all our eggs in one basket. We Muslims must strive for unity among ourselves first and foremost and see who is helping us with this effort. We should not give blank check to any power or give them a feeling of entitlement. In order to earn our friendship and loyalty, the Chinese or any other power, must show with concrete actions that they care about us and care about a common allied future with us. That is all I am saying.

So we can hope for many things in the future, like you have expressed in your post, but that hope must be matched with the direction we see on the grounds, otherwise it no longer remains hope, but goes more into the realm of wishful thinking.

Write a essay or poem but it won't change the fact 'You doesn't matter"
Pakistan was the invader. On 22 October 1947, Pakistan in clear violation of the Standstill Agreement launched invasion of Kashmir.
well still they chand go back indian Dog ( not my words ) ... everyone knows who is the invaders ..
In our 1962 War with India, we asked Pakistan to join our war effort, which meant Pakistan could have taken Kashmir from an already defeated India.

But guess what Ayub Khan did? He sided with India, AGAINST China! He even offered a mutual defence pact to India!

Bhutto's foreign policy legacy - DAWN.COM

That was the best opportunity to get back Kashmir, but Ayub Khan decided to side with INDIA, against China.

And what did India give as a reward? 1971.

Maybe he should have sided with China instead? Instead of choosing America and then India?

@Chinese-Dragon :
You are correct, Muslims are too messed up right now for China to even think about getting into an alliance with us.
Not only are we killing each other but we are also allying with our enemies like India and the US. I believe this is temporary and the majority of Muslims do not like India or the US. Sooner or later, these puppet governments will fall and be replaced by more representative governments.

I for one can see a great Chinese-Muslim alliance that will mutually be beneficial, but for that the Muslims need to first sort themselves out and realise who our enemies and friends are as well.

Majority of Muslims do not like Non-Muslims which include any non-muslim countries.
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