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Palestine and Kashmir – One Fire

New plan:

America + the Muslim world will join together and defeat the BRICS. :o:

But like I said, we have no interest in this hypothetical showdown, that will inevitably end up in a nuclear winter.

America seems more interested in invading and destroying Muslim countries that do not have ICBM arsenals and thermonuclear weapons (that can reach the American mainland), let alone the HGV tech of China and Russia. They like to invade countries which cannot fight back.

We are simply interested in becoming stronger to protect our own interests, we do not seek a nuclear winter, or some hypothetical confrontation with "Zionists", neither of which will further the interests of the Chinese nation. We'll sit this one out, like we are doing right now, and simply watch the others fighting, and hope they don't shed too much blood.

Most likely, America and Israel will continue on their rampage, with well wishers like kalu_miah hoping to join their camp and take out the BRICS. But America is too smart to go for a nuclear winter, their current strategy in the Middle East is much easier.

It simply means when you join with India or Zionist in a team, you will loose support of the Muslim world.

Zionist =/= West

We also hope to gain our own strength and unity someday and not seek conflict with anyone. We wish you the best and hope that you do not team up with our enemies, which are Zionist + Hindu.
It simply means when you join with India or Zionist in a team, you will loose support of the Muslim world.

Zionist =/= West

We also hope to gain our own strength and unity someday and not seek conflict with anyone. We wish you best and hope that you do not team up with our enemies, which are Zionist + Hindu.

Who is teaming up with Zionists and Hindus? One of your flags is Bangladesh (the most pro-India country in the world according to polls), and the other is America, who is the preeminent force behind Zionism, with their majority Christian population backing Israel 100%.

China on the other hand has no Zionists at the top levels of our companies or our government (the most powerful people in China are all Chinese), and in the UN we vote in support of Palestine. We are also the ones who defeated India in 1962, and the ones who still haunt their nightmares.

So who is teaming up with Zionists and Hindus? Not us, but the two flags you are wearing.

China confronts the West by merely matching them in economic and military power.

Who says there is any need for a showdown at all;).

Yes, there is no point in us fighting openly against them, when we can simply sit back and build up our power. That is more than enough to take care of our own borders, we don't seek any kind of global showdown, we'll leave that to others. As we are already doing right now.
Who is teaming up with Zionists and Hindus? One of your flags is Bangladesh (the most pro-India country in the world according to polls), and the other is America, who is the preeminent force behind Zionism, with their majority Christian population backing Israel 100%.

China on the other hand has no Zionists at the top levels of our companies or our government (the most powerful people in China are all Chinese), and in the UN we vote in support of Palestine. We are also the ones who defeated India in 1962, and the ones who still haunt their nightmares.

So who is teaming up with Zionists and Hindus? Not us, but the two flags you are wearing.

One word BRICS
One word BRICS

BRICS is not an economic or political alliance, it's an acronym to describe the largest developing economies.

We are the stronger party when it comes to India, by far.

You are the ones who allowed India to rule you through the BD government. Now that is a relationship far deeper than the economic ties of the BRICS. Your country is already ruled by India, now you are telling us not to be friendly with India or else you won't be our friend, well if we want to talk about your foreign policy, doesn't India make those decisions?

So all we need to do is let India save some face during the next incursion, and they'll ensure that the BD government is friendly towards us?
No, but rather questioning his view that America will get over its "Zionism", and join the Islamic world to somehow "defeat" the BRICS. :P

Considering its actually America that has invaded 3 separate Muslim countries over the past decade, leading to over a million deaths in the Iraq war alone, over lies of WMD.

We simply want to build up our own power, we have no interest in this hypothetical showdown, which would only end in a nuclear winter anyway. The rest are free to do as they please.

Fight between Jews and Muslims is historical that makes a Bangladeshi or a Pakistani connected to it and there is a fear towards Zionism in entire middle East and the fight becomes a matter of emotions, I believe the rest of non-Abrahmic Asia comprising of Hindus, Buddhists, Confucians, Atheists etc. don't need to agitate the hornet's nest called middle east or involves in bloody fight for that small piece of holy land.
Fight between Jews and Muslims is historical that makes a Bangladeshi or a Pakistani connected to it and there is a fear towards Zionism in entire middle East and the fight becomes a matter of emotions, I believe the rest of non-Abrahmic Asia comprising of Hindus, Buddhists, Confucians, Atheists etc. don't need to agitate the hornet's nest called middle east or involves in bloody fight for that small piece of holy land.

It's none of our business.

America and Israel can wreak a path of destruction through the Middle East, and ignite a Sunni-Shia civil war that rages for a hundred years. America can spew rhetoric against Russia (let's face it, rhetoric is all they can do unless they want a nuclear winter), and maybe throw in some sanctions. Assad can continue what he is doing, Egypt's Sisi can continue what he is doing, ISIS can continue what they are doing. And Israel keeps rolling with the full support of America.

None of that is our concern, we will stay out of the mess. If other countries, various sects, and other blocs want to tear each other apart, that's their own business.

Our business is taking care of our own borders, and increasing our national strength. Let the rest fight it out and destroy each other as much as they like, we have more important things to do, i.e. developing our country.
BRICS is not an economic or political alliance, it's an acronym to describe the largest developing economies.

We are the stronger party when it comes to India, by far.

You are the ones who allowed India to rule you through the BD government. Now that is a relationship far deeper than the economic ties of the BRICS. Your country is already ruled by India, now you are telling us not to be friendly with India or else you won't be our friend, well if we want to talk about your foreign policy, doesn't India make those decisions?

So all we need to do is let India save some face during the next incursion, and they'll ensure that the BD government is friendly towards us?

This pro-India Bangladesh govt. is not permanent. It has happened due to one traitor family, one of our own. It has no long term future, they are digging their own grave.

Both of us know we are discussing relationship between Muslim world and China, but you are dragging Bangladesh into this. I no longer think you are interested in a debate, rather trying to win an argument with dubious means. Be honest with the audience.

What you should keep in mind is that Muslim world is weak and fragmented today, but it will not remain like this in the future. If collectively we have 3.3 - 4 billion people by the year 2100, we will be the largest and most dominant demographic group. Someone among us will lead and try to bring unity and others will support that effort if they see it in their interest. No power will be big enough to stop us from getting united for our collective self interest then.

We Muslims should be dependent on no one, and we should make sure that no powerful bloc or country can abuse us, like they are doing today.
This pro-India Bangladesh govt. is not permanent. It has happened due to one traitor family, one of our own. It has no long term future, they are digging their own grave.

Both of us know we are discussing relationship between Muslim world and China, but you are dragging Bangladesh into this. I no longer think you are interested in a debate, rather trying to win an argument with dubious means. Be honest with the audience.

The relationship between the Muslim world and China will be decided by the leaders of the Muslim world, like Saudi Arabia (who is on excellent terms with China). Not Indian puppet states.

What you should keep in mind is that Muslim world is weak and fragmented today, but it will not remain like this in the future. If collectively we have 3.3 - 4 billion people by the year 2100, we will be the largest and most dominant demographic group. Someone among us will lead and try to bring unity and others will support that effort if they see it in their interest. No power will be big enough to stop us from getting united for our collective self interest then.

We Muslims should be dependent on no one, and we should make sure that no powerful bloc or country can abuse us, like they are doing today.

I have often advocated unity in the Islamic world, so that they gather the power to protect themselves from future American invasions.

But people like you actually want to join sides with America, the country that has killed more Muslims in the past decade than anyone else. See what they are doing to the Muslim world right now, look at the state of the Middle East, yet you want to join them?

It was American intervention which turned the Middle East into the bloodiest place on the planet, and creating scars between Sunni and Shia that will last for centuries. They are the ones who are preventing Islamic unity, and as long as you guys continue to support America, they will keep fueling the sectarian divide. That is if Israel doesn't decide to use their "Samson option" with nukes given to them by America, to wipe out all their enemies in one blow, which they will do if they feel the odds have become overwhelmingly against them.
Pakistan invaded Kashmir and you blame it on India. :girl_wacko:
well azad kashmir people love us and one the other hand indian occpied people throw stones at indian army .. everyone knows who the invaders are ...
Muslims other than jamaati's of Bangladesh and Pakistani's don't give a shit because..

1. South Asia was conquered territory by Muslims from non Muslims and the one's left behind are converts and have no right to claim it as Muslim land - even then, the Brits gave them lands as gifts - the land that belonged to non Muslims. Which is similar to the case of Brits giving away Palestinian land to Jews.

2. Middle East Muslims don't consider Hindu's or Buddhists as enemies because Hindu's and Buddhists never attacked Muslim land nor did they conquer them nor do they claim their lands. It's the converts who are desperate for more land and the real Muslims don't consider it as their fight.

So stop embarrassing yourself in front of them by equating a real struggle of the Palestinians with what is essentially greed for more land of non Muslims.
Muslims other than jamaati's of Bangladesh and Pakistani's don't give a shit because..

1. South Asia was conquered territory by Muslims from non Muslims and the one's left behind are converts and have no right to claim it as Muslim land - even then, the Brits gave them lands as gifts - the land that belonged to non Muslims. Which is similar to the case of Brits giving away Palestinian land to Jews.
:tup:.....very true but then they ask why hindus hate muslims
Indian Hindu's whose only common passion is hatred for Muslims.
and when we resist we are called hindu fascist bla. bla......and we palestine do same they are the warriors of allah
:tup:.....very true but then they ask why hindus hate muslims

and when we resist we are called hindu fascist bla. bla......and we palestine do same they are the warriors of allah

This is BS propaganda spread by the converts - but frankly no one who matters in the Muslim world gives a FF about them because they know it's lies while we try and accommodate them and they spread terror and proxy wars and in essence disturb the peace intentionally when they don't have a reason for it, no one gives a F what we do with them in retaliation either because they know that they deserve it for running terrorist camps and killing non Muslims. Neither do they come to their aid or their well being other than throwing them a few tidbits now and then so that they can use them as soldiers or workers.
The relationship between the Muslim world and China will be decided by the leaders of the Muslim world, like Saudi Arabia (who is on excellent terms with China). Not Indian puppet states.

I have often advocated unity in the Islamic world, so that they gather the power to protect themselves from future American invasions.

But people like you actually want to join sides with America, the country that has killed more Muslims in the past decade than anyone else. See what they are doing to the Muslim world right now, look at the state of the Middle East, yet you want to join them?

It was American intervention which turned the Middle East into the bloodiest place on the planet, and creating scars between Sunni and Shia that will last for centuries. They are the ones who are preventing Islamic unity, and as long as you guys continue to support America, they will keep fueling the sectarian divide. That is if Israel doesn't decide to use their "Samson option" with nukes given to them by America, to wipe out all their enemies in one blow, which they will do if they feel the odds have become overwhelmingly against them.

Now I get it, you are incensed why an insignificant Bangladeshi is talking like this to a member of the mighty Chinese nation. So you bring in the Saudi's as leader of Muslims? Good going:D. When you are in a debate, attack the message, not the messenger, doing that is a sign of weakness.

Muslim world should keep their options open, there are no permanent friends in international relations, only permanent interest. Just like Chinese pursue their own collective interest, we will pursue our own, it is foolish to think that people will remain stupid forever. Muslim world is growing from 24% to 33% or even 40% of global population. With or without outside help, with time we will figure out that unity is in our collective self interest. We will just see who come forward to help us unite and who shakes hand with our enemies and who stays neutral, and we will calibrate our actions and stands accordingly.

Because I live in the US, I have the opportunity to see the people up close, so I know what they are about. They are not full of hatred like people in India and to some extent China, I should say. Developed nations like the West are in a different league, which it will take many decades for you to reach. What has happened here in the US is willful manipulation of data and misinformation campaign to poison their mind, this will correct itself with time, when media and political elite reorient themselves.

Israel does not have enough nukes to wipe all Muslims from earth, and I do not think they are that stupid to try.
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