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Pakistan's worst enemies: Mullahs and the US



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May 16, 2011
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Being a Pakistani i hate Mullah's as much as USA. They both are targeting innocent Pakistanis, Pakistan's sovereignty, Pakistan's stability. They don't have concern with common peoples thinking as they have only concern to achieve their own objective. One is making attacks on Pakistan in the name of GOD & other is making attack in excuse of those suicide attackers.

One group hates science & Technology as according to them these are useless things, just believe on GOD & ready for Jehad's all time (It looks like that only Jihad is "Farz" & base of Islam). On the other hand USA is using her most high science technology like Stealths, Satellites for such attacks.

My concerns are from both parties, both are wrongs. why Mullahs cant read/study science & technology?? Which Islamic Country is not dependent on European/USA's weapons, heavy machines etc. Why not most sacred country Saudi a Arabia is leading the Islamic World ?? why ?? Are they poor country like Pakistan ?? All Arab countries are very rich but why they don't have advance science technologies ?? Why only Pakistan is "THEKAYDAR" of Islamic World ?? we are poor country but we are much advance than all Muslim countries & this thing is pinching Saudis funding Mullahs & they are day N nights cutting the roots of Pakistan

Once Muslims were ruling the worlds only due to reason that Muslim scientists were on its peak technologies but after that Mullahs change everything. We cant fight without technology. Fighting is far away we can defend without advance technology.

In 2002 elections, MMA mislead the nation by making jihad-is. My question is if Jihad was FARZ at that time than why not it was FARZ on the leaders or their sons or their brothers?? It was FARZ only on common innocent peoples ??

ON the other hand USA is also making excuses for attacks only due to these Mullahs. Now we can say that Mullahs will attack Pakistanis & USA will attack on Pakistani Assets & Mullahs also. So both are worst enemies of Pakistan.[/B]
Most Mullahs are not like these..rather these jahils have come into power partly due to arrogance and partly due to government support and driven every sane headed person out of religion. Now the educated mullahs are afriad to open their mouth..
The worst enemies of pak are within pakistan
and now i completly agree wth this
Go after the tribes that form the TTP...
The worst enemies of Pakistan are the old men both outside and inside Pakistan who teach young men that blowing themselves up in insane suicide attacks is the path to Heaven.

Some of these old men are foreigners. Some are natives. All of them want to see the middle-ages return in their dusty glory, and for some reason deny that the world has moved on... that there are better ways.
Go after the tribes that form the TTP...

sorry wrong strategy. May be for you living in US it will be easy but for us common pakistanis living and facing this will be like hell. You want us to bomb tribes and force them to join taliban against us. sorry our army cann't fight few thousand talibans so what will happen if few million tribes start bombing our cities.
Tribes are Pakistanis as we are so they need development not bombarment.
is human life so cheap in pakistan that everyone is ready to give or take

allah show path of peace love not hare and anger

because of hard liner muslism are facing trouble in world
To imply that the US is a threat to Pakistan is to either deliberately ignore or to be without knowledge on the subject. Do not both nations have common objective of eliminating mullah inspired terrorism to protect the land and the people?

Did we not just witness TTP, inspired by Deobani Mullahs, avenge UBL’s death by murdering over 90 Frontier Constabulary? And does not the revenge continue with the TTP mullah inspired attack on Pakistan’s largest naval base? Is this not just the culmination of the murder of thousands Pakistani innocents. There is no room to deliberate over whether Al-Qaeda, TTP and their extremist mullahs and madrassas are of paramount threat to Pakistan? Dear readers, should we not welcome dialogue which improves our coordination and strengthens our strategic alliance against such self serving ideologues and common criminals? We would like to reiterate what Senator Kerry said during his recent meeting with Pakistani officials: “We must never lose sight of this essential fact, we are strategic partners with a common enemy in terrorism and extremism” and “Both of our countries have sacrificed… so much that it just wouldn’t make sense to see this relationship broken or abandoned,”.

Senator Kerry’s strong word of support underlies the fact that the US respects Pakistan’s sovereignty and therefore fully supports the Pakistani armed forces in their counterinsurgency mission. We know there will be disagreements, as there are in any relationship between strong willed independent nations. Is it not clear to us that in the struggle against extremists like the Taliban and Al Qaeda, that there is no light between our common goal of defeating terrorism once and for all.

CDR Bill Speaks,

DET, United States Central Command

U.S. Central Command
instead of enjoying life in usa, you should come and start the campaign, join the aman lashkar... :P

If you think life here in US is all about enjoyment, then you have the wrong idea. But I do understand your point I do try and help Pakistan, and hopefully in future can personally do more.

As far as starting campaign against tribes that form the TTP, no one should be forming private lashkars it is the duty of PA to take action against them.
sorry wrong strategy. May be for you living in US it will be easy but for us common pakistanis living and facing this will be like hell. You want us to bomb tribes and force them to join taliban against us. sorry our army cann't fight few thousand talibans so what will happen if few million tribes start bombing our cities.
Tribes are Pakistanis as we are so they need development not bombarment.

Only the Tribes that are supporting TTP, not all tribes. As far as tribes go they should be dismantled and Pakistani Government should have direct rule in FATA, integrate FATA, police law enforcement, military bases there, overall integration there has to happen... This should be Special Ops.
If you think life here in US is all about enjoyment, then you have the wrong idea. But I do understand your point I do try and help Pakistan, and hopefully in future can personally do more.

As far as starting campaign against tribes that form the TTP, no one should be forming private lashkars it is the duty of PA to take action against them.

well Aman Lashkar is in alliance with PA. when you suggest for a massacre of the tribes that form TTP...then you should have the balls to come and start killing yourself...
Cdr. Speaks,

"...Senator Kerry’s strong word of support underlies the fact that the US respects Pakistan’s sovereignty..."

I'm sorry sir but, with all due respect, the U.S. does NOT respect Pakistani sovereignty...nor should we.

Our use of drone strikes are clearly against our enemy, the Afghan taliban. We've also struck elements aligned with Terek-i-Taliban such as Nek Mohammad and Baitullah Mehsud.

There should be no question of our good intentions. However, there should also be no question that we will prosecute this war to the Pakistani redoubts and sanctuaries that have remained otherwise UNTOUCHED by the Pakistani army in ten years of post-9/11 existence.

As such, that cherished Pakistani sovereignty was rendered null and void by the outcast Afghan taliban government. So it is for America also in our pursuit of these men and defense of the Afghan people, our allied ISAF partners and our own troops. Let's not mince words there. You can only appear dissembling and disingenuous.

Oh! Ditch the robotic and sterile P.R. phrasings and add a human face or save it. This flowery "one for all and all for one" tripe is beneath the dignity of these folks here. Put some real effort into your work or just monitor the site for intel.
Cdr. Speaks,

"...Senator Kerry’s strong word of support underlies the fact that the US respects Pakistan’s sovereignty..."

I'm sorry sir but, with all due respect, the U.S. does NOT respect Pakistani sovereignty...nor should we.

Our use of drone strikes are clearly against our enemy, the Afghan taliban. We've also struck elements aligned with Terek-i-Taliban such as Nek Mohammad and Baitullah Mehsud.

There should be no question of our good intentions. However, there should also be no question that we will prosecute this war to the Pakistani redoubts and sanctuaries that have remained otherwise UNTOUCHED by the Pakistani army in ten years of post-9/11 existence.

As such, that cherished Pakistani sovereignty was rendered null and void by the outcast Afghan taliban government. So it is for America also in our pursuit of these men and defense of the Afghan people, our allied ISAF partners and our own troops. Let's not mince words there. You can only appear dissembling and disingenuous.

Oh! Ditch the robotic and sterile P.R. phrasings and add a human face or save it. This flowery "one for all and all for one" tripe is beneath the dignity of these folks here. Put some real effort into your work or just monitor the site for intel.

what the worth of a single senator in usa?
\There should be no question of our good intentions. However, there should also be no question that we will prosecute this war to the Pakistani redoubts and sanctuaries that have remained otherwise UNTOUCHED by the Pakistani army in ten years of post-9/11 existence.


Dang i think ive worked it out S-2 is Obama ;)

Back on topic though the two worst enemies both start with M, mullahs and mehsud one is screwing your children one is screwing your country.
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