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Pakistan's response to S-400

the only way to defeat s4oo is to purify and strengthen your faith and love for ALLAH ALMIGHTY and strengthen your faith and love for HIS Last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and implement Islam in your life Help will come from ALLAH ALMIGHTY and Angels will arrive and will defeat enemy like it happened in 1965
Speed of HQ-9 missile is Mach 4.2

It's not just about speed sir it's more about interceptor missile being in the right place at the right time.barak 8 is a Mach 2 missile but can purportedly intercept Mach 3+ missile.

the only way to defeat s4oo is to purify and strengthen your faith and love for ALLAH ALMIGHTY and strengthen your faith and love for HIS Last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and implement Islam in your life Help will come from ALLAH ALMIGHTY and Angels will arrive and will defeat enemy like it happened in 1965
A sarcasm we only expect from indian's
There is a sea of difference between sea skimming and terrain hugging.

Actually sea-skimming is much harder to master than terrain hugging. Sea keeps changing hence you need a real time scan and navigation to keep it below radar threshold and not take dip in the seas. Meanwhile the ground features are constant and a pre-fed way-point navigation can manage terrain avoidance by managing altitude. Brahmos uses a G3oM along with INS for navigation, and can work through a very heavily jammed environment.
the only way to defeat s4oo is to purify and strengthen your faith and love for ALLAH ALMIGHTY and strengthen your faith and love for HIS Last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) and implement Islam in your life Help will come from ALLAH ALMIGHTY and Angels will arrive and will defeat enemy like it happened in 1965
Are you madrasa graduate?? 1965 was your nightmare and you still think it was your victory?? If there was no video proof of 1971 ,you would have claimed victory of 1971 also ,saying you helped Bangladesh get Independence from India..
Speed of HQ-9 missile is Mach 4.2

Even Astra BVRAAM missile goes at 4.5Mach. This is used in QRSAM by India. That does not make QRSAM the best SAM

It's not just about speed sir it's more about interceptor missile being in the right place at the right time.barak 8 is a Mach 2 missile but can purportedly intercept Mach 3+ missile.
Barak-8 is 2 stage missile with dual pulsed motor. Its cruising speed is 2Mach but the last stage which is the homing stage has higher speed.
Even Astra BVRAAM missile goes at 4.5Mach. This is used in QRSAM by India. That does not make QRSAM the best SAM

Barak-8 is 2 stage missile with dual pulsed motor. Its cruising speed is 2Mach but the last stage which is the homing stage has higher speed.
Any reliable source to back your claim with.
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EMP works only in movies. In real life, it can cause only temporary disruption of radiowaves and nothing more. In today's world we have so much of electromagnetic waves from mobile phones, radio, satellites etc taht the gadgets are well adjusted to cope with some extra waves from EMP.

That means you have no clue of what an EMP burst originating from a nuclear explosion actually is and why and how it can fry any electronic circuit no matter how complicated.
Might want to step out of the Bollywood version of reality and think about getting educated on the subject :)
First give me any source or evidence to say EMP fries all electronics. By the way, USA coms equipment with soldiers who are deployed is tested to be resistant to nuclear EMP even at close proximity. They are also having other features like long battery life, jam resistant, satellite connection in military grade etc.
That means you have no clue of what an EMP burst originating from a nuclear explosion actually is and why and how it can fry any electronic circuit no matter how complicated.
Might want to step out of the Bollywood version of reality and think about getting educated on the subject :)
We have no response at the moment for reasons as obvious as day light.
Pakistan now going to IMF, we can literally forget any big ticket items. We have neglected high altitude SAMs for far too long and airforce has always been busy to acquire more F-16s than finding a suitable replacement and leaving this sack of strings and lies attached to it behind.
We have no response at the moment for reasons as obvious as day light.
Pakistan now going to IMF, we can literally forget any big ticket items. We have neglected high altitude SAMs for far too long and airforce has always been busy to acquire more F-16s than finding a suitable replacement and leaving this sack of strings and lies attached to it behind.

Let's not decide what is and what isn't within the realm of possibility. Let us apply creativity, innovation, and scientific thinking to the problem at hand and identify solutions.
Let's not decide what is and what isn't within the realm of possibility. Let us apply creativity, innovation, and scientific thinking to the problem at hand and identify solutions.
All solutions point to one thing in the end and that is money and finance. We have none. Let us not forget or neglect this reality while debating over Pakistan's response.
All solutions point to one thing in the end and that is money and finance. We have none. Let us not forget or neglect this reality while debating over Pakistan's response.

Sir, every response requires money, and the range of credible responses are limited. In this situation, let us identify the credible responses because that is a purely intellectual activity. There is no sense breast-beating about the lack of funds, or lamenting the lack of response. If we just keep getting depressed by the situation, we will be unprepared when the situation does get better and finances are available. Consider this preparation for the future.
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