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Pakistan's response to S-400

Similarly pK can launch salvos of much longer range Babar to neutralize Indian air defense and as evident from Syria Russia could not intercept tomahawk
Thank you for posting irrelevant things i asked can HQ-9 intercept and destroy Brahmos you have answer for that?
How is this irrelevant? China already has S400 delivered to them yet Indians always claim that Brahmos is a threat for China so basically if a country has hyper-sonic missile than they need not worry about S400. So I say it is very relevant query from @LKJ86 !
How is this irrelevant? China already has S400 delivered to them yet Indians always claim that Brahmos is a threat for China so basically if a country has hyper-sonic missile than they need not worry about S400. So I say it is very relevant query from @LKJ86 !
My question is regarding what is said in OP about buying HQ-9 for Pakistan
Similarly pK can launch salvos of much longer range Babar to neutralize Indian air defense and as evident from Syria Russia could not intercept tomahawk
Very bad idea we may as well start a nuclear war by firing so many nuclear capable missiles.
Sir brahmos is not a terrain hugging missile we can't compare apples and oranges.
Brahmos uses speed and Babar uses train hugging and design stealthyness to avoid detection and interception acompanied by ground based jaming and other ew tactics which both sides can aplla due to shared borders interception I very difficult for both
Brahmos uses speed and Babar uses train hugging and design stealthyness to avoid detection and interception acompanied by ground based jaming and other ew tactics which both sides can aplla due to shared borders interception I very difficult for both
at low low low mission it can't exceed mach 1.2
It can only achieve Mach 2.8 at high altitude
And yes sir it won't be easy to intercept both
Sir brahmos is not a terrain hugging missile we can't compare apples and oranges.
Brahmos has evolved from P800 Onyx a Russian AShM. Sea-Skimming capability has been there since inception. So terrain hugging feature has always been there.
EMP bursts from tactical nukes is the easy and effective way. And you don;t even have to penetrate the AD environment of the S-400 to create that...
Adding more longer range Anti Rad missiles to the inventory is another easy counter measure.

While having an indigenous Hyper sonic cruise missile show up is another thing, and well its kinda close and will be tested soon. Remember the indian scientist caught for stealing brahmos tech, that's just one of the many ...and it obviously did not start yesterday...
EMP works only in movies. In real life, it can cause only temporary disruption of radiowaves and nothing more. In today's world we have so much of electromagnetic waves from mobile phones, radio, satellites etc taht the gadgets are well adjusted to cope with some extra waves from EMP.

I don't think.so
And as evident from Syria s400 or other Russian air defense can't intercept tomahawk and Babar is based on tomahawk ;)
Russia was informed of the strikes and hence Russia did not respond by its SAM. It was not that Russia fired S300/S400 and it missed

Similarly pK can launch salvos of much longer range Babar to neutralize Indian air defense and as evident from Syria Russia could not intercept tomahawk
Anyone can launch salvos. The point here is that if you are intending to launch 100 missiles per target, then you can hit only 1% of the targets with the missiles you have. The number of missiles and launchers one has is limited and it is not possible to launch any number of missile one wants. If too much missile launchers are gathering and India detects that by satellite or other input, India will attack pre-emptively.

How is this irrelevant? China already has S400 delivered to them yet Indians always claim that Brahmos is a threat for China so basically if a country has hyper-sonic missile than they need not worry about S400. So I say it is very relevant query from @LKJ86 !
This is irrelevant because the question was about HQ9 and there was no reason to have made provoking comments

Brahmos uses speed and Babar uses train hugging and design stealthyness to avoid detection and interception acompanied by ground based jaming and other ew tactics which both sides can aplla due to shared borders interception I very difficult for both
Terrain hugging is not simple. There is about 1km area near LOC where the terrain is clear and any babur missile that moves across will be detected here. Also, there are AEWACS that can find terrain hugging missiles.

The biggest defect of terrain hugging missile is that it relies heavily on GPS and taht the terrain can change quickly like by growing of trees or construction of buildings. So, these terrain hugging missiles must always maintain a margin of error and fly several meters above ground to avoid getting hit by obstacles. Along with slow speed of Babur, the missile flying at 100meter can be detected and shoot down easily
Can u Pakistanis please stop comparing yourselves to India...pak reaction to India's rise is like, a kid watching wwe match bw Undertaker and Brock lesnar getting scared thinking Undertaker will come and attack him..
Can u Pakistanis please stop comparing yourselves to India...pak reaction to India's rise is like, a kid watching wwe match bw Undertaker and Brock lesnar getting scared thinking Undertaker will come and attack him..

How about you either contribute constructively or stay silent.
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