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Pakistan's response to S-400

These people lack common sense! Lol! Things like refueling, reloading ammunitions, minor repairs and cleaning of planes after 3-4 sorties etc will be done on CPEC according to them!
Great. These people have kept lot of man and material resources at many places then
Which sow has 400 on range?

Obviously the one no one knows about. But you are not getting the essence of my post by asking about max range of Pakistani SOWs.

These people lack common sense! Lol! Things like refueling, reloading ammunitions, minor repairs and cleaning of planes after 3-4 sorties etc will be done on CPEC according to them!
Great. These people have kept lot of man and material resources at many places then

Hey you bunch of idiots. Has any one of you actually served in a logistics related branch?
We have CPEC, and Russia - Pakistan gas pipeline project.

CPEC has no relevance to Russia. And the pipeline is a drop in the bucket, it's only to connect Iran with Pakistan.

This would work only if they create a military alliance with you, à la NATO style. Very unlikely to happen. The Chinese have no interest in fighting India for the sake of Pakistan.

Thanks for sparking talks among Pakistani circles. Something will come out of it.

What did I do here?
EMP works only in movies. In real life, it can cause only temporary disruption of radiowaves and nothing more. In today's world we have so much of electromagnetic waves from mobile phones, radio, satellites etc taht the gadgets are well adjusted to cope with some extra waves from EMP.

Russia was informed of the strikes and hence Russia did not respond by its SAM. It was not that Russia fired S300/S400 and it missed

Anyone can launch salvos. The point here is that if you are intending to launch 100 missiles per target, then you can hit only 1% of the targets with the missiles you have. The number of missiles and launchers one has is limited and it is not possible to launch any number of missile one wants. If too much missile launchers are gathering and India detects that by satellite or other input, India will attack pre-emptively.

This is irrelevant because the question was about HQ9 and there was no reason to have made provoking comments

Terrain hugging is not simple. There is about 1km area near LOC where the terrain is clear and any babur missile that moves across will be detected here. Also, there are AEWACS that can find terrain hugging missiles.

The biggest defect of terrain hugging missile is that it relies heavily on GPS and taht the terrain can change quickly like by growing of trees or construction of buildings. So, these terrain hugging missiles must always maintain a margin of error and fly several meters above ground to avoid getting hit by obstacles. Along with slow speed of Babur, the missile flying at 100meter can be detected and shoot down easily
Sonny for trees and building thing that data is continuously upgraded and we also have option of Chinese baidou for satellite guidance
As for awacs yes they can detect but cruise missiles also have stealth fearufe so difficult to differentiate form group clutter
The slavos inthis case would be fired at few specific hard Target with tough defense like radar station and Sam batteries
Without em jets can take on other assets and u don't need to amass launchers at one place if we intended target is just few 100 km away with Babar 500-700 km range even launchers spreead in 100s km distance can fire at same Target :)
Drone swarm overwhelm doctrine combined with hypersonic standoff weapons. Kapoot!
Non of the above will work.

Any thing which gives more than 10 minutes warning will not work against an off road mobile
Fast deployment fast scoot system period.
Non of the above will work.

Any thing which gives more than 10 minutes warning will not work against an off road mobile
Fast deployment fast scoot system period.

Again, you are failing to comprehend. The response to S-400 IS NOT about destroying S-400. It is about being able to launch an effective counter-strike while minimizing own losses.
Again, you are failing to comprehend. The response to S-400 IS NOT about destroying S-400. It is about being able to launch an effective counter-strike while minimizing own losses.
How if the sensitive installation are protected by
Four layers of defenses i.e srsams mrsams Lrsams and iaf.
Obviously the one no one knows about. But you are not getting the essence of my post by asking about max range of Pakistani SOWs.

Hey you bunch of idiots. Has any one of you actually served in a logistics related branch?
What was so idiotic in my post genious...

Does Pakistan armed forces found a way to run logistic issues with out additional man and material supply ...:woot:
Sows won't work beyond 50 to100 Kms
And you are discounting iaf from this equation
With 100 su30 mkis

Well, it is still two years before IAF gets its hands on the S-400. You should have read news on the forum. Furthermore, the max range of Raad 2 is classified. Finally, the OP also talks about a solid air defence in place.

What was so idiotic in my post genious...

Does Pakistan armed forces found a way to run logistic issues with out additional man and material supply ...:woot:

First, answer my question. Do you have actual experience of a military logistics branch?
Dude, your input is appreciated but your assessment is over-optimistic.

Watch an S-300 system engage two targets including one low-flying target:

An S-300 system is armed with 9M86 series interceptors, and has the capability to detect and engage potential targets at altitudes in the 25 m - 30 KM range. Its radar systems can be positioned in such a way.

And we are talking about S-400 systems here. S-400 system can also be armed with 9M86 series interceptor (16 per TEL), and it has the capability to detect and engage potential targets at altitudes in the 10 m - 27 KM range. Its radar systems can be positioned in such a way.

FYI: https://www.rbth.com/defence/2014/0...st_advanced_aerial_defense_systems_36213.html

Pakistan is not on the level of Russia in EW front. This is expensive stuff.

People here having euphoria moments with wild speculations as if they have figured it all out on their own. Much speculation - little substance.

Pakistan should strongly oppose Russian supply of S-400 systems to India unless Russia compensate Pakistan in some way. This is a destabilizing development.

PAF needs a squadron of stealthy aircraft (J-31?) and F-18 Growler. This fleet can be stationed outside of Pakistan but Pakistan needs to develop an overseas military base for this. Very expensive enterprise but what else can we do?

No cheap counters to S-400 systems surrounded by additional set-of-defenses within India. They are already better equipped than us.
Hence, I'm repeatedly mentioning intelligent, smart and self-learning EW systems!!! And, based on very intelligent algorithms to exploit enemy signal patterns, which are also recorded!!!!! The more your enemy exposes her signal patterns, the more you learn!!! The more you learn, the more optimized and effective is your response!! And, for this you need your very own GaN based ultra fast and high power devices, and ultra fast detectors to come up with frequency, power, noise etc. characterization optimized for the EW algorithms you have designed for the enemy!!!! The Turkish folks, Elhamdulillah, have done all of the above primarily to counter S-300 in Greece and than S-400 is Syria!! ASELSAN KORAL EW, deployed in the field in numbers, is no joke, and neither is NATO!!!!

*Rumor is that the Turkish folks had bought an S-300 radar and baseband signaling/computational systems from Belarus as a test bed. Hopefully, S-400 will also be at their hands. Not to mention the NATO systems....
**No alternative to being III-V semiconductor device pros like the Bell Labs boys. The Turkish blokes are approaching them dead fast
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