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Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal could become world’s third-biggest: report

Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal could become world’s third-biggest: report - The Express Tribune

PHOTO: Inter-Services Public Relations
Pakistan could have at least 350 nuclear weapons within the next five to 10 years, making it the world’s third-largest nuclear stockpile, according to a new report produced by two American think tanks.

The report by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the Stimson Center states Pakistan is rapidly expanding its nuclear capabilities owing to a fear of India.

However, Pakistan is far outpacing India in the development of nuclear warheads, the report adds. According to estimates, Pakistan has 120 nuclear heads while India has around 100.

Further, the report said Pakistan could be building up to 20 nuclear warheads annually.

“The growth path of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, enabled by existing infrastructure, goes well beyond the assurances of credible minimal deterrence provided by Pakistani officials and analysts after testing nuclear devices.”

Read: Pakistan has fastest growing nuclear weapons programme in the world: report

The report stated in the next few years, Pakistan’s large stockpile of highly enriched uranium that could be used to quickly produce low-yield nuclear devices would become a growing advantage for the country.

India on the other hand, has far larger stockpiles of plutonium, which is needed to produce high-yield warheads, than Pakistan does. However, India appears to be using most of its plutonium to produce domestic energy.

With increasing warheads, Pakistan would probably possess more nuclear weapons than any country except the United States and Russia which each have thousands of the bombs.

Nuclear expert at the Quaid-e-Azam University in Islamabad, Mansoor Ahmed, said he suspects that “a more accurate assessment of Pakistan’s capability is that it can develop no more than 40 to 50 new warheads over the next several years.”

However, Ahmed did not dispute that Pakistan’s military is seeking to expand its nuclear capabilities.

Read: US confident of Pakistan’s ability to safeguard nuclear weapons

According to sources, Pakistani military officials were not available to comment on the report when it was made available to journalists ahead of its release.

“This report is overblown,” Ahmed said. However, Ahmed, who was recently named a nuclear security fellow at Harvard University’s John F Kennedy School of Government added “what the world must understand is that nuclear weapons are part of Pakistan’s belief system. It’s a culture that has been built up over the years because [nuclear weapons] have provided a credible deterrence against external aggression.”

For many years, western officials have struggled to get an accurate assessment of Pakistan’s nuclear capabilities.

Findings of the report were questioned by many Pakistani analysts, saying it is based on a faulty assumption that Pakistan is using all of its existing stockpiles of fissile material to make nuclear weapons.

Further, the report, written by Toby Dalton, co-director of the Carnegie Endowment’s Nuclear Policy Program, and Michael Krepon, co-founder of the Stimson Centre noted that Pakistan is believed to use plutonium as well as highly enriched uranium to create nuclear warheads.

According to Dalton, Pakistan recently added a fourth plutonium production reactor at its Khushab Nuclear Complex.

“We assume, maybe correctly, maybe inaccurately, with the fuel coming out of the four reactors, they are processing it as rapidly as possible to get the plutonium out,” Dalton said.

Read: July-May: Rs48b spent on Karachi’s nuclear power plants

India and Pakistan, which have fought three major wars, were declared nuclear powers in 1998. Since then, Western leaders have been increasingly alarmed about the potential for a nuclear exchange between the rivals.

India views nuclear weapons “as a political tool, a prestige item, not something you use on a battlefield,” Krepon said. In Pakistan, he said, nuclear weapons are seen as “things you have to be willing to use” to guarantee stability.

Concluding, both Krepon and Dalton said there is still time for Pakistan to slow down the development of its nuclear arsenal. If it does, they said, “the international community should consider what steps it can take to recognise it as a responsible nuclear state.”

Among other nuclear-power nations, France has about 300 warheads and the United Kingdom has about 215. Meanwhile, China has approximately 250.

This article originally appeared on The Washington Post.
We don't need more nuclear weapons. Even , 100 is more than enough. I think 300-350 number includes tiny mini miniaturized nuclear bombs for nasr missile, and few for Raad cruise missile, others for babar cruise missile, Rest for shaheen & ghauri ballistic missile.
And rest for ghaznavi missile.
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And by Running on that way we are going to become 1's corrupt and Poor Nation of Earth............
200 is gud number ...we should know maintain old ones and replace them with new ones. 200 are more then enough for whole world
Even Americans Russians are struggling to fund in maintaining 1000 plus warheads even with their huge military budgets wonder how Pakistan is funding these for 300 plus weapons . But india is playing its nuclear weapons cards at very minimum. With huge amount of plutonium and never ending supply of uranium and with very aggressive patriotic government at the center I still place my bet on Hindustan as whole military deterrence against two neighbours so 100 warheads will most foolish strategy to have which decides survival of our civilisation .
200 is gud number ...we should know maintain old ones and replace them with new ones. 200 are more then enough for whole world

Hahaha.. No.. Whole world...really? Please spare me at least.
This is all that Really Matters :

India has far larger stockpiles of plutonium -- which is needed to produce high-yield warheads – than Pakistan does. But the report says India appears to be using most of its plutonium to produce domestic energy.

Now that is something to be proud of, after all Nukes 100x or 1000x wont matter ( even 1 Nuke will do unimaginable damage ) , the Bulbs in a common man's house will.

Like India, Pakistan too needs Electricity far far far...more than Nukes( which they already have ).

India knows ( Like France, Israel and China , It doesnt need any more nukes ) this, when will Pakistan Realize the Same ?

On a Serious Note, In 2015, what really matters is the DELIVERY of the weapon rather the NUMBER of weapons. This is why Israel, China and India are now focusing on R&D in Deliveray systems like Subs and MIRVs.

India with Nuclear SSBNs , Air Launched Supersonic Missiles and Next Generation Agni IV, MIRV Capable Agni V, is much better position to conduct an ACCURATE , PIN POINTED , RETALIATION ( NFU ).

The Only Logic that does go in favor of having more Nukes for Pakistan is the Deployment of Indian BMD system.
This has even me worried. I believe there is a thing called overkill. Unless we want to burn our enemies over and over again, there is no point in getting that many nuclear weapons. While building nuclear weapons is cheap, its the cost of keeping them secure and active that is very expensive. We already employ 100,000 people in the field, every nuke needs more people to secure and manage and keep active.

I also like the report's author's suggestion that Pakistan should be recognized as an official nuclear power in return for slowing down weapons production.
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Pakistan could have at least 350 nuclear weapons within the next five to 10 years, making it the world’s third-largest nuclear stockpile, according to a new report produced by two American think tanks.

The report by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the Stimson Center states Pakistan is rapidly expanding its nuclear capabilities owing to a fear of India.

However, Pakistan is far outpacing India in the development of nuclear warheads, the report adds. According to estimates, Pakistan has 120 nuclear heads while India has around 100.

Further, the report said Pakistan could be building up to 20 nuclear warheads annually.

“The growth path of Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal, enabled by existing infrastructure, goes well beyond the assurances of credible minimal deterrence provided by Pakistani officials and analysts after testing nuclear devices.”

Read: Pakistan has fastest growing nuclear weapons programme in the world: report

The report stated in the next few years, Pakistan’s large stockpile of highly enriched uranium that could be used to quickly produce low-yield nuclear devices would become a growing advantage for the country.

India on the other hand, has far larger stockpiles of plutonium, which is needed to produce high-yield warheads, than Pakistan does. However, India appears to be using most of its plutonium to produce domestic energy.

With increasing warheads, Pakistan would probably possess more nuclear weapons than any country except the United States and Russia which each have thousands of the bombs.

Nuclear expert at the Quaid-e-Azam University in Islamabad, Mansoor Ahmed, said he suspects that “a more accurate assessment of Pakistan’s capability is that it can develop no more than 40 to 50 new warheads over the next several years.”

However, Ahmed did not dispute that Pakistan’s military is seeking to expand its nuclear capabilities.

Read: US confident of Pakistan’s ability to safeguard nuclear weapons

According to sources, Pakistani military officials were not available to comment on the report when it was made available to journalists ahead of its release.

“This report is overblown,” Ahmed said. However, Ahmed, who was recently named a nuclear security fellow at Harvard University’s John F Kennedy School of Government added “what the world must understand is that nuclear weapons are part of Pakistan’s belief system. It’s a culture that has been built up over the years because [nuclear weapons] have provided a credible deterrence against external aggression.”

For many years, western officials have struggled to get an accurate assessment of Pakistan’s nuclear capabilities.

Findings of the report were questioned by many Pakistani analysts, saying it is based on a faulty assumption that Pakistan is using all of its existing stockpiles of fissile material to make nuclear weapons.

Further, the report, written by Toby Dalton, co-director of the Carnegie Endowment’s Nuclear Policy Program, and Michael Krepon, co-founder of the Stimson Centre noted that Pakistan is believed to use plutonium as well as highly enriched uranium to create nuclear warheads.

According to Dalton, Pakistan recently added a fourth plutonium production reactor at its Khushab Nuclear Complex.

“We assume, maybe correctly, maybe inaccurately, with the fuel coming out of the four reactors, they are processing it as rapidly as possible to get the plutonium out,” Dalton said.

Read: July-May: Rs48b spent on Karachi’s nuclear power plants

India and Pakistan, which have fought three major wars, were declared nuclear powers in 1998. Since then, Western leaders have been increasingly alarmed about the potential for a nuclear exchange between the rivals.

India views nuclear weapons “as a political tool, a prestige item, not something you use on a battlefield,” Krepon said. In Pakistan, he said, nuclear weapons are seen as “things you have to be willing to use” to guarantee stability.

Concluding, both Krepon and Dalton said there is still time for Pakistan to slow down the development of its nuclear arsenal. If it does, they said, “the international community should consider what steps it can take to recognise it as a responsible nuclear state.”

Among other nuclear-power nations, France has about 300 warheads and the United Kingdom has about 215. Meanwhile, China has approximately 250.
What is the use of nuclear arsenal in a country of "grass eaters" (said Bhutto, not me...)???
And by Running on that way we are going to become 1's corrupt and Poor Nation of Earth............
I wouldn't be so sure to believe it, plus it wont make us 1's corrupt or the poorest nation on the planet. With improved economic situations, and better predictions for the future, no need to worry much. Plus, we do not need so many, might be propaganda news.
I believe Pakistan already have 200 + warheads but next five years the old warheads meant to deploy by fighter will retire (around 40-50) will be replaced by new lighter plutonium based warheads spiked with tritium to increase the yield. In that case Pakistan maintain 200 Active warheads.
Many put it to 100-110, current ones.
What is the use of nuclear arsenal in a country of "grass eaters" (said Bhutto, not me...)???
He said and i quote, "If India builds the bomb, we will eat grass and leaves for a thousand years, even go hungry, but we will get one of our own.." stop disorienting facts, when did he call Pakistan country of 'grass eaters'?

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