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Pakistans Nuclear ambition After MIRV And SLCM


Hi @The Deterrent
Please pardon me,if I say something offensive but I have observed this trend among far many more pakistanis vis-a-vis indians that they do not know what it takes to design system like these. I guess this might be because of the nature of pakistani establishment. And the way they operate. They hear stuff from sources,extrapolate and voila! I am not suggesting that indians dont do it,but itz just that the number of such indians is not that high.
Ok coming back to the point, for developing a hypersonic weapon,pakistan would have to first initiate research in scramjet engine and as of now I havent seen any such move.And to have a scramjet engine program going,they would have to also erect a hypersonic tunnel. They would have to first sort out combustion instability issues that entail scramjet development. For instance DRDL first tested their scramjet engine for 20s back in 2012 and I happen to know people from gas dynamics class who came from DRDO to pursue their PhD in scramjet propulsion at IIT Madras! This thing isnt easy,I mean it will very easily suck at least 10-15 years from the time even any basic scramjet engine research is undertaken.Why?--well because to even undertake such research you'd have to have research facilities right?

India and Russia are woking on extending the range of Brahmos to upto 600 km so we need something counter it too
I dont think that is relevant here,why?
(i) Because Brahmos or modified yakhont already has a range of 600kms--it was MTCR limited to 300kms when russia agreed for JV. Now that is not a limitation and hence software modification will render itz full range.In fact they're gonna test the modified version on 10th march.
(ii) Brahmos isnt a hypersonic weapon,although work is underway at DRDL to design a scramjet engine that can sustain combustion for at least 2min--they have already tested one for 20 seconds duration--I am talking about DRDO's scramjet research efforts and not ISRO's!
Plans have been approved to develop a radiation homing targeting seeker attached to a conventional warhead for Babur cruise missile systems. It is envisioned to carry out stand off Destruction of Enemy Air Defenses (DEAD) missions with a great degree of autonomy as the missile will be able to seek its mobile target with excellent precision from a given General Target Location (GTL). Such a technology can be employed to destroy the likes of S-400 SAM systems, remote but static long range radar and ELINT stations, satellite communication hubs, Naval radio communication infrastructure and to some extent surface ships. @Oscar @Irfan Baloch @Icarus
Hi @The Deterrent
Please pardon me,if I say something offensive but I have observed this trend among far many more pakistanis vis-a-vis indians that they do not know what it takes to design system like these. I guess this might be because of the nature of pakistani establishment. And the way they operate. They hear stuff from sources,extrapolate and voila! I am not suggesting that indians dont do it,but itz just that the number of such indians is not that high.
Ok coming back to the point, for developing a hypersonic weapon,pakistan would have to first initiate research in scramjet engine and as of now I havent seen any such move.And to have a scramjet engine program going,they would have to also erect a hypersonic tunnel. They would have to first sort out combustion instability issues that entail scramjet development. For instance DRDL first tested their scramjet engine for 20s back in 2012 and I happen to know people from gas dynamics class who came from DRDO to pursue their PhD in scramjet propulsion at IIT Madras! This thing isnt easy,I mean it will very easily suck at least 10-15 years from the time even any basic scramjet engine research is undertaken.Why?--well because to even undertake such research you'd have to have research facilities right?

We are not saying we can have and indigenous HGV next year. We are happy to invest the time and effort in this technology. And my statement is based on publicly available information. Don't be too surprised if next year we announce the successful test of HGV and it turns out we have been at it already for the past 10 years.

Plans have been approved to develop a radiation homing targeting seeker attached to a conventional warhead for Babur cruise missile systems. It is envisioned to carry out stand off Destruction of Enemy Air Defenses (DEAD) missions with a great degree of autonomy as the missile will be able to seek its mobile target with excellent precision from a given General Target Location (GTL). Such a technology can be employed to destroy the likes of S-400 SAM systems, remote but static long range radar and ELINT stations, satellite communication hubs, Naval radio communication infrastructure and to some extent surface ships. @Oscar @Irfan Baloch @Icarus

Jazak Allah for sharing this news!! I am really, really happy!!!!
And my statement is based on publicly available information. Don't be too surprised if next year we announce the successful test of HGV and it turns out we have been at it already for the past 10 years.
Of course with the way things take place in pakistan--It wouldnt surprise me!
What???? where is source?
10th Feb 2012, Pakistan Navy announced this and this news was published in many news papers too.
I dont have link available now.You may check in Quwa or Wiki that shows source of Info too.
What about E-Bomb or EMP weapon? ---Will be helpful in wars.
By the way, Hyper Glide Vehicle has nothing to do with Scramjets. Two different concepts.
I was refering to missiles that never leave atmosphere --or scramjet engines!
Even if lets say we want to design a HGV,there are plethora of challenges associated with designing controls.For instance the air data acquired from a hypersonic flight is not very reliable. And obviously unlike RVs you would want to have some degree of control over your HGV. Not to mention the fact that controls should have very low latencies.
Pakistan Doesn't Need Hyper Sonic Glide Vehicle For Now The Main Reason is To attack Enemies Far Away you with Hyper Sonic Delivery system so Enemy Doesnt have Respond Time . Now Pakistans Openly acknowledged Enemy is India and most of The Pakistani Weapon Systems are based around that .

Hyper sonic glide vehicle is also necessary to evade ABM shield India is placing...No? To counter missile defense shield , we need hyper sonic glide vehicle...
Hyper sonic glide vehicle is also necessary to evade ABM shield India is placing...No? To counter missile defense shield , we need hyper sonic glide vehicle...
No For That You Need MIRV , Which Pakistan already has now the Only Need To Develop that system further
the Response Time Pakistan Between Indian And Pakistan is very less
Hyper sonic vehicle is a tottaly different beast on its own , for Now Pakistan has no need to go on this path
4. Very long range bombers that can circle around and attack India from the east where it would least expect an aerial attack.
We don't very long range bombers:disagree: we need a deep striker which can defend itself from interceptors and air defense fighters like J-16, JH-7, Su-34, as for your concerns about east cost of India we have BM for this purpose:pakistan:

From who? China doesn't have any excess nuclear subs.
Its possible bro:agree: Just like Russian who lease its SSGN to India , how to maintain and build nuclear submarine:pakistan:
we need to go from 1.4 meter dia to 2m we need to improve our stage separation, our solid fuel grain needs improvement at least by a generation,a canister cold launcher is needed for our bms, improvement in our navigation system like ring laser gyroscope next gen accelerometers improved high speed electronics etc tvc nozzles use of composites in at least upper stages for weight reduction and the list goes on just in ballistic missile department.
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