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Pakistan's Nawaz Sharif calls Taliban for peace talks

There will never be a successful outcome to any negotiations, as the demands of TTP change time to time, once you start negotiating, they will feel more stronger and put up new demands, like their demand of leaving WOT has now changed to implementation of Shariah and replacing Pakistan's constitution, then will come girls should not get education, then women should not work, men should have beards, shalwar kameez to be worn and so on. the list will keep going.

A few years back nearly 17 FATA/PATA agencies / districts were fully or partially under TTP control and now it has been brought to 1 and some presence in Orakzai / Khyber regions, then why can't we take these back too ?? We do have the capability, but we will have to wait till 2014 and see how much US leaves Afghanistan and what goes on from there.

Fight to death is the only solution, for us as well as for them too.

There will never be a successful outcome to any negotiations, as the demands of TTP change time to time, once you start negotiating, they will feel more stronger and put up new demands, like their demand of leaving WOT has now changed to implementation of Shariah and replacing Pakistan's constitution, then will come girls should not get education, then women should not work, men should have beards, shalwar kameez to be worn and so on. the list will keep going.

A few years back nearly 17 FATA/PATA agencies / districts were fully or partially under TTP control and now it has been brought to 1 and some presence in Orakzai / Khyber regions, then why can't we take these back too ?? We do have the capability, but we will have to wait till 2014 and see how much US leaves Afghanistan and what goes on from there.

Fight to death is the only solution, for us as well as for them too.
Well i want to ask the forum members opinion regarding the recent statements by both Nawaz Sharif and TTP indicating willingness to hold serious negotiations to bring to an end the almost 10 yrs of war and bloodshed between the govt, security forces and the Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan.

My questions to the forum members are the following:

In your opinion:

1.Will Nawaz govt formally start negotiations with TTP or were the positive statements by Nawaz Sharif just an eyewash to conduct the elections campaign peacefully?

2.If the negotiations does actually start will Nawaz Sharif enjoy the Army's support or not?

3.Will these proposed negotiations be a sequel to the ANP-led negotiations with TTP-Swat and Maulana Sufi Muhammmad and meet the same fate?

4.Please be aware that TTP's main and real and ultimate objective as per their policy is nifaz e shariat and not just a disassociation from the so-called US-led war on terror. Therefore if TTP demands implementation of shariah in Pakistan will Nawaz Sharif accept this primary demand of TTP?

5.In your opinion how far will Nawaz Sharif be willing to go on the nifaz e shariat primary demand of TTP?

6.Finally in your opinion will this war come to an end during Nawaz Sharif's tenure or will it continue to rage?

I would be glad if members give serious,thoughtful and sincere opinions without any bias or prejudice because this is a very serious and important issue.
Jazak Allah

First of all their is no other option than to talk to TTP Sir they have shown they can't be defeated USA is running away from Afghanistan and the moment they run away Taliban of Afghanistan will be ruling Afghanistan or most part of it and if we kill TTP they may join them and kick our *** to so we have to talk to our own people accept those of their demands which are according to Shariah change our constitution according to that by these steps most people will listen and tribals will support Army and government but than those minority who still don't listen than equip local tribals not send Army to tackle them and they will do it without much of the problem Sir because they know exactly who is who and for what reason he is fighting
What is there to negotiate with these rented terrorists? These rented terrorists are helped openly by the enemies of pakistan to harm Pakistan in all possible ways. Pakistan's policy towards these rented terrorists should only be no negotiations with the terrorists. I don't understand why the civil Govt. is so scared of these rented terrorists. When Gen. Musharraf was in power he almost defeated these rented terrorists & they were all on the run but after Gen. Musharraf's resignation Mr. Gadari ruined everything & he said a BIG YES SIR to his pimp master US.

These rented terrorists have no ideology, their religous believes are completely corrupt & above all they work for the enemies of Pakistan. There can be no negotiations with these rented terrorists, just line them up & shoot them.
What is there to negotiate with these rented terrorists? These rented terrorists are helped openly by the enemies of pakistan to harm Pakistan in all possible ways. Pakistan's policy towards these rented terrorists should only be no negotiations with the terrorists. I don't understand why the civil Govt. is so scared of these rented terrorists. When Gen. Musharraf was in power he almost defeated these rented terrorists & they were all on the run but after Gen. Musharraf's resignation Mr. Gadari ruined everything & he said a BIG YES SIR to his pimp master US.

These rented terrorists have no ideology, their religous believes are completely corrupt & above all they work for the enemies of Pakistan. There can be no negotiations with these rented terrorists, just line them up & shoot them.

Musharraf was not even close of defeating these terrorists and they became terrorists because slave of USA Musharraf attacked his own people in Tribal areas and killed them for 2 years and in 200 6 the formed TTP and started taking revenge and got more support after Lal Masjid blunder by our Army you have no other option than to talk to our own people other wise their is far more brutal blood bath on the way
Swat was never under Shariah Law study Shariah than come and talk sir

Shriah is the law of Islam if you have problem with Islam than openly tell it Shariah will be implemented other wise it would be complete war

When 95% is asking for this law, why not Pakistani govt implementing it.. Let Pakistan show the world "Power of Sharia". If Pakistan boom world will accept some sharia law, If Pakistan doomed Muslims (non Pakistani) will never ask for Sharia...

Let Pakistan become the Lab-rat.. Let the test happen on Pakitsan...
Swat was never under Shariah Law study Shariah than come and talk sir
Taliban law?

Terrorist Law?

These are the only implementations jispe Taliban khush hogi and isko kaha jayega, Shariah law.

Shriah is the law of Islam if you have problem with Islam than openly tell it Shariah will be implemented other wise it would be complete war
They are already trying it, sab terrorist law walon ko chapairein maar maar ke FATA main bithaya hua hai.
When 95% is asking for this law, why not Pakistani govt implementing it.. Let Pakistan show the world "Power of Sharia". If Pakistan boom world will accept some sharia law, If Pakistan doomed Muslims (non Pakistani) will never ask for Sharia...

Let Pakistan become the Lab-rat.. Let the test happen on Pakitsan...

why should rats should give us advice
? that too in our internal matters.
Musharraf was not even close of defeating these terrorists and they became terrorists because slave of USA Musharraf attacked his own people in Tribal areas and killed them for 2 years and in 200 6 the formed TTP and started taking revenge and got more support after Lal Masjid blunder by our Army you have no other option than to talk to our own people other wise their is far more brutal blood bath on the way

Gen. Musharraf alone will not act on his own unless it is confirmed by the Intel Agenices that rented terrorists are pouring in from Afghanistan. Lal Masjid unfortunately was filled with terrorists.
Gen. Musharraf alone will not act on his own unless it is confirmed by the Intel Agenices that rented terrorists are pouring in from Afghanistan. Lal Masjid unfortunately was filled with terrorists.

Musharraf acted alone Sir he was the army chief and he attacked Lal Masjid and made biggest blunder they support TTP got after that was immense and they are still getting support because of that and murders of tribal people done by Pakistan Army and @Awesome Shariah will be implemented either through peaceful way or through crossing a bloodbath
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my friend u r making all this look so simple and easy. if it was such a simple matter what was the need for all these operations, attacks, suicide bombings etc.
I mean if u say that govt, establishment and other stakeholders are ready to accept the nifaze shariah demand of TTP then why didn't the previous govt, Army and ISI didn't accept this demand in Swat in 2009 and rather launched a full scale mil operation ?
Moreover why didn't the Army or ISI persuaded the Zardari govt to accept their nifaze shariat demand in 2009. Why didn't they ever tell the media abt their support for nifaze shariat demand of Taliban if you say that they are ready to accept this demand now?
oh no my dear i never said it is a simple process just read the last few lines of my reply and check the reply (post no,7) by taimi khan brother, he has explained it well, but he has a different view from what am saying.

look back in 2008, 2009 a full spec military operation was launched because TTP had control over a larger area, if we start negotiations at that point than we have shown them as a strong force and PA as weak. as Taimi khan said, now we have cornered them to a small area ans we have told them that we can fight them , now is the time to start negotiations,

TTP did offer peace talk to PPP govt but they could not as PMLN was not willing to, as i said PMLN wanted to do some point scoring, why you think that PMLN is not in power yet and they have already called for peace talks.

mind it, the idea behind the peace talk is to divert this aggressiveness from Pakistan post 2014 withdrawal
oh no my dear i never said it is a simple process just read the last few lines of my reply and check the reply (post no,7) by taimi khan brother, he has explained it well, but he has a different view from what am saying.

look back in 2008, 2009 a full spec military operation was launched because TTP had control over a larger area, if we start negotiations at that point than we have shown them as a strong force and PA as weak. as Taimi khan said, now we have cornered them to a small area ans we have told them that we can fight them , now is the time to start negotiations,

TTP did offer peace talk to PPP govt but they could not as PMLN was not willing to, as i said PMLN wanted to do some point scoring, why you think that PMLN is not in power yet and they have already called for peace talks.

mind it, the idea behind the peace talk is to divert this aggressiveness from Pakistan post 2014 withdrawal
Sir PML N is in power they have taken the majority and now they have to focus on solving issues those who win elections after elections they are in power oath taking is just a ceremony every Armed Forces and other department is briefing him on issues
@Zarvan if there is widespread support of Taliban's idea of sharia, why they do not simply participate in elections based on their demands and promises and just win a big enough majority to amend constitution?

I ask the same question to those Indians who have a soft spot for maoists because their demands are ''fair and just'' and have ''popular support''.
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aisa maat bolo i live in punjab....i will be waiting for the goons :sniping:
Mubarak ho, mubarak ho to all our PML(N) brothers who were cheering for Ganja bradran. Welcome to Pakistan 2.0, the Saudi version. Get ready to have Muttawas on streets harassing our women. I just hope they start the implementation from Punjab. Congrats once again on your supreme leaders (Ameer-ul-Momineen's) plans for the future of Pakistan.

Bunch of moronic zombies.
@Zarvan if there is widespread support of Taliban's idea of sharia, why they do not simply participate in elections based on their demands and promises and just win a big enough majority to amend constitution?

I ask the same question to those Indians who have a soft spot for maoists because their demands are ''fair and just'' and have ''popular support''.
Shariah is wanted by every one and they don't believe in democracy neither do I
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Shariah is wanted by every one and they don't believe in democracy neither do I

Don't believe in democracy. Read carefully what I said, they can use democracy as a temporary means only, just like they are using guns as a temporary means to an end. Once in power they can amend the constitution and democracy gone forever and only bliss afterwards.

Don't you think its more islamic and peaceful to use peaceful means as opposed to violence to achive what you surely believe to be a peaceful reign of religion of peace? When such a peaceful route is available, yet their use of violence to enforce what people already want leads to the logical conclusion that people do not actually want it and your claim of popular support even Taliban do not believe in.

Reply only if you can offer something logical, not the usual sermon or assertions based in beliefs.
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