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Pakistan's Nawaz Sharif calls Taliban for peace talks

Well its absolute nonsense that the talibans waged a war against Pakistani army because they want Sharia law in the country if they did why didn't they start a war long time ago we never had Sharia law did we? It is just a political war and the only reason their fighting our army because they have supported US invasion in Afghanistan. Nobody would take innocent lives to bring Sharia in a country that doesn't make sense and their concept of Sharia might be a little flawed from where Iam looking because they are killing innocent Muslims themselves so no need for others to do the job they are doing it for them.
Talks are good.

Britain has been talking with the Afghan Taliban since 2006 while the United States has had a special Diplomatic Office built for the Afghan Taliban in the United Arab Emirates for many years now.

Looks-like everyone is on the same page.

Bad news for those who wanted to see Muslim sisters in short skirts on the streets of Islamabad.
The Ulema of AhleSunnah Wul Jummah have been denouncing terrorism for a long time, but it is the Deobandi / Wahabis that don't want it to end. In fact, they are the perpetrators of terrorism not in just Pakistan, but globally.

The Ulemas of Ahle Sunnah Wul Jammah are involved in terrorism in Karachi Sir along with MQM they are the second largest party involved in target killings and other crimes

Talks are good.

Britain has been talking with the Afghan Taliban since 2006 while the United States has had a special Diplomatic Office built for the Afghan Taliban in the United Arab Emirates for many years now.

Looks-like everyone is on the same page.

Bad news for those who wanted to see Muslim sisters in short skirts on the streets of Islamabad.

I agree that is not bad news for them that is horrible news for them they are going to get an heart attack
The Ulema of AhleSunnah Wul Jummah have been denouncing terrorism for a long time, but it is the Deobandi / Wahabis that don't want it to end. In fact, they are the perpetrators of terrorism not in just Pakistan, but globally.

lol, you don't have knowledge about Islamic Sects hierarchy yet commenting on that? Come on.. Ahl-e-Sunnah Wal Jammah do includes deobandi. 50 Ullemas who discard terrorism in Pakistan were belong to Ahl-e-Sunnah Wal Jammah, and Deobandis were part of them. Also Salafis (Your and west's Wahabis) Aalim (Imam-e-Kabah) gave fatwa against terrorism in Hajj 2011 Khutba.

But who cares here, you guyz want to spread rumors and divisions so go-ahead.
lol, you don't have knowledge about Islamic Sects hierarchy yet commenting on that? Come on.. Ahl-e-Sunnah Wal Jammah do includes deobandi. 50 Ullemas who discard terrorism in Pakistan were belong to Ahl-e-Sunnah Wal Jammah, and Deobandis were part of them. Also Salafis (Your and west's Wahabis) Aalim (Imam-e-Kabah) gave fatwa against terrorism in Hajj 2011 Khutba.

But who cares here, you guyz want to spread rumors and divisions so go-ahead.

Before you further indulge of making an as$ of yourself. I will try to help you the best I can.

Deobandis and Wahabis call themselves Sunni or part of AhleSunnath, but they are not. Deobandi, Wahabi, Salafis, AhleHadis are all part of the same deviant branch Wahabiism (followers of Najdi) which has nothing to do with AhleSunnah Wul Jummah.
The Ulemas of Ahle Sunnah Wul Jammah are involved in terrorism in Karachi Sir along with MQM they are the second largest party involved in target killings and other crimes

I agree that is not bad news for them that is horrible news for them they are going to get an heart attack

Please do some research before posting. Ludhianvi in Karachi is part of Sipah-e Sahaba ( a known terrorist organization lead by Debandis ) they changed their name to Ahle Sunnah in Karachi to fool the masses.

A wolf in sheep's clothing is not a sheep my friend !
Too early to react to Nawaz’s talks offer: Taliban

“We are waiting for him to form his government and see what type of policies he formulates towards us,”

Mr. Nawaz Sharif has not reached his office yet.The statements he’s issuing while sitting outside
are quite promising.But once he’ll reach there .it’s expected that he’ll be thoroughly briefed about
what we are facing here.Many curtains will be lifted.The media statements will see some addition
of commas and some subtraction of certain words and some rephrasing.
We are engaging with Tehreek-e- TERRORISM Pakistan that has on many occasions openly announced to be a part of Talibans operating in Afghanistan just like a one sided love.
Even after doing that much of damage to the state these people have the audacity to dictate terms?
They have that courage to say that ,____No sir, Mian saab your offer stays but we’ll see what policies
you carve out for us and what ministries you are able to manufacture for us in your government & what position you take once you reach your office…?
Even after that when they have successfully disrupted the economic growth and peace of mind of our nation, even when the people of Pakistan has practically rejected their stance.They are presenting us their terms and conditions.
If they want to live then for them, it’s time to yield unconditionally.
Before you further indulge of making an as$ of yourself. I will try to help you the best I can.

Deobandis and Wahabis call themselves Sunni or part of AhleSunnath, but they are not. Deobandi, Wahabi, Salafis, AhleHadis are all part of the same deviant branch Wahabiism (followers of Najdi) which has nothing to do with AhleSunnah Wul Jummah.

Now who is A$$h0l3 here? Your definition is incorrect, BUT, what I said? Did you try to read it or you also need the slap of reality, to wake you up. 50 Ullema who deannouce terrorism had scholars from Deobandis, bravilis..

Secondly, Deobandi institute follows majorly Imam Abu Hanifa, who was one of the imam of sunni Islam, so how they are not sunnis? Thirdly, The word "Wahabis" was used first time by Britishers, when "Syed Ahmad" came back to India and declare Jihad against them. Second time same Britisher use "Wahabis" when Saud Family Declare Jihad against Britishers. In Reality, there is nothing call Wahabism. But only Salafism, which means these guyz got the knowledge of Islam from their forefathers, who were in reality descendants of Sahabis.
While Nawaz Sharif is talking about peace talks with the bearded barbarians known as the Taliban the beardo's are destroying public property and attacking soldiers who exist for our protection. Talking peace with the Taliban may not work and for it we will have to swallow our hearts. It is a callous decision to sit and talk with terrorists whose only wish is to murder as many of us as they can.
While Nawaz Sharif is talking about peace talks with the bearded barbarians known as the Taliban the beardo's are destroying public property and attacking soldiers who exist for our protection. Talking peace with the Taliban may not work and for it we will have to swallow our hearts. It is a callous decision to sit and talk with terrorists whose only wish is to murder as many of us as they can.

Well said. These Salafi-inspired thugs in the TTP are only interested in grabbing power through murder and mayhem. Negotiating with these scumbags is not an option as there is nothing that can be negotiated by the state short of surrendering to these criminals.

The TTP offers talks and yet in the same day launched vicious attacks on our policemen in Matni killing six and injuring many more. These thugs only understand the way of the gun. The only way to make peace with the TTP is to put a bullet through its head.
Now who is A$$h0l3 here? Your definition is incorrect, BUT, what I said? Did you try to read it or you also need the slap of reality, to wake you up. 50 Ullema who deannouce terrorism had scholars from Deobandis, bravilis..

Secondly, Deobandi institute follows majorly Imam Abu Hanifa, who was one of the imam of sunni Islam, so how they are not sunnis? Thirdly, The word "Wahabis" was used first time by Britishers, when "Syed Ahmad" came back to India and declare Jihad against them. Second time same Britisher use "Wahabis" when Saud Family Declare Jihad against Britishers. In Reality, there is nothing call Wahabism. But only Salafism, which means these guyz got the knowledge of Islam from their forefathers, who were in reality descendants of Sahabis.

calm down boy! I am aware najdis such as yourself have a hard time with the truth...

Of course the Britishers use the term "Wahabi" they are the ones who cultivated your ****** cult of a sect to drive a wedge between Muslims 200 years ago.

Read the history of Abdul Wahab Najdi before displaying your ignorance here

While Nawaz Sharif is talking about peace talks with the bearded barbarians known as the Taliban the beardo's are destroying public property and attacking soldiers who exist for our protection. Talking peace with the Taliban may not work and for it we will have to swallow our hearts. It is a callous decision to sit and talk with terrorists whose only wish is to murder as many of us as they can.

I agree that the TTP are scum, but why are you insulting the Sunnah of the Prophet (Salalaho Alaihi Wasalam) by saying "beardos"?
some of them are but mostly they are those tribals who are looking for revenge because your army attacked them and killed thousand for two years and than in 2006 they formed TTP to take revenge and samiul Haq is teacher off mullah Omar and many other Taliban
Zarvan, although quite vague, but still, thanks for your reply.

See, I am more confused now, so let me ask you this; is this war for revenge (as Imran Khan and most of his supporters believe) or for Islam (Mullah Omar variety), as TTP claims?
Zarvan, although quite vague, but still, thanks for your reply.

See, I am more confused now, so let me ask you this; is this war for revenge (as Imran Khan and most of his supporters believe) or for Islam (Mullah Omar variety), as TTP claims?

sir taking revenge is also order of Islam but you can kill only that person who killed your some one or did some other crimes including rape
calm down boy! I am aware najdis such as yourself have a hard time with the truth...

Of course the Britishers use the term "Wahabi" they are the ones who cultivated your ****** cult of a sect to drive a wedge between Muslims 200 years ago.

Read the history of Abdul Wahab Najdi before displaying your ignorance here

Great point. Wahabis and Salafis are the same sect from Najd - they just don't like being callled Wahabi. These scumbags were spawned as a cult in the 1700s and their deviant ideology really came to the foreground in the 1900s thanks to the patronage from the Saud tribe.

They have a history of committing rape, pillage and murder, and the current day salafi jihadist movement is perhaps even more vicious than its original incarnation.
calm down boy! I am aware najdis such as yourself have a hard time with the truth...

Of course the Britishers use the term "Wahabi" they are the ones who cultivated your ****** cult of a sect to drive a wedge between Muslims 200 years ago.

Read the history of Abdul Wahab Najdi before displaying your ignorance here

I agree that the TTP are scum, but why are you insulting the Sunnah of the Prophet (Salalaho Alaihi Wasalam) by saying "beardos"?

lol which history should I read, which has been taught by your beloved west, or the history of those own salafis? PS: I am not a salaf, but did meet many salaf scholars unlike you.

Also the ignorant like you always spread lies, rumours, those been spread by your maters (West). To misinfom Muslims. But reality is too different then what you are telling here...

Reality is Deobandis deannouce terrorism, same did by salafs. So you are a Bloody Liar, nothing more... nothing less...
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