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Pakistan's Nawaz Sharif calls Taliban for peace talks

Shariah law jesi cheeez na sunnay ko milay bass... Nobody will accept it.

All surveys have showed majority of pakistanis will welcome it. I know YOU are against it, but you may be a minority.

BTW what other concession can the govt offer, and what compromises can godfearing taliban make on god's work? Its either stunning naivete or something else thats made to look like it. Given sharif's tolerance of terrorists in punjab throughout, one can only guess.
Now where are those who used to call Imran khan as taliban khan??
Now where are those who used to call Imran khan as taliban khan??

Every politician in next government will by Taliban Khan or Mian Taliban because they are selected for this geopolitical environment and to deal with it.

No offense.

Shariah law jesi cheeez na sunnay ko milay bass... Nobody will accept it.

Shariyat word actually derived from old jewish tribes in the land of Palestine which means collection of rules from all acceptable sides in other words mixture so we have no need of these kind of rules to be applied in Pakistan.
Well i want to ask the forum members opinion regarding the recent statements by both Nawaz Sharif and TTP indicating willingness to hold serious negotiations to bring to an end the almost 10 yrs of war and bloodshed between the govt, security forces and the Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan.

My questions to the forum members are the following:

In your opinion:

1.Will Nawaz govt formally start negotiations with TTP or were the positive statements by Nawaz Sharif just an eyewash to conduct the elections campaign peacefully?

2.If the negotiations does actually start will Nawaz Sharif enjoy the Army's support or not?

3.Will these proposed negotiations be a sequel to the ANP-led negotiations with TTP-Swat and Maulana Sufi Muhammmad and meet the same fate?

4.Please be aware that TTP's main and real and ultimate objective as per their policy is nifaz e shariat and not just a disassociation from the so-called US-led war on terror. Therefore if TTP demands implementation of shariah in Pakistan will Nawaz Sharif accept this primary demand of TTP?

5.In your opinion how far will Nawaz Sharif be willing to go on the nifaz e shariat primary demand of TTP?

6.Finally in your opinion will this war come to an end during Nawaz Sharif's tenure or will it continue to rage?

I would be glad if members give serious,thoughtful and sincere opinions without any bias or prejudice because this is a very serious and important issue.
Jazak Allah
There should be no negotiations with terrorist, put them in a line and shoot.
Sir your Army started state terrorism first that too on American orders and attacked its own people in Tribal areas and after facing lot of suffering Tribal people formed TTP in which some of foreign also joined but mostly it is tribal people and they started taking revenge so first hang musharraf and his allies who attacked own people to please daddy USA

With all due respect i disagree.
All the thousands of Pakistanis that have lost their lives were revenge from angry tribes men? what kind of logic is this? maybe the Pakistanis who have lost their lives should also pick up arms and take revenge from tribal area people? This kind of thinking is leading us backwards. Politicians need to make a policy on terrorism and stop saying Good Taliban and Bad Taliban.
Well i want to ask the forum members opinion regarding the recent statements by both Nawaz Sharif and TTP indicating willingness to hold serious negotiations to bring to an end the almost 10 yrs of war and bloodshed between the govt, security forces and the Tehreek e Taliban Pakistan.

My questions to the forum members are the following:

In your opinion:

1.Will Nawaz govt formally start negotiations with TTP or were the positive statements by Nawaz Sharif just an eyewash to conduct the elections campaign peacefully?
yes he will , it wasnt an election gmic he actually wants to hold negotiation, why you think he waited for election? had he done it before the election no credit would have been given to him but zardari
2.If the negotiations does actually start will Nawaz Sharif enjoy the Army's support or not?
yes they will as they need this resistance on western front and north west / afghanistan post 2014, just to let you know it is the isi which wants to hold these talks as they have contacted afghan taliban on ths matter as well
3.Will these proposed negotiations be a sequel to the ANP-led negotiations with TTP-Swat and Maulana Sufi Muhammmad and meet the same fate?
no nothing will happen it will all end up good as i mentioned above, why, ttp attacked anp,ppp,mqm, why you think they never attacked pti, pmln,ji,jui-f...all those parties which are in power today
4.Please be aware that TTP's main and real and ultimate objective as per their policy is nifaz e shariat and not just a disassociation from the so-called US-led war on terror. Therefore if TTP demands implementation of shariah in Pakistan will Nawaz Sharif accept this primary demand of TTP?
yes he will and so does pti,army, isi
5.In your opinion how far will Nawaz Sharif be willing to go on the nifaz e shariat primary demand of TTP?
just check sharia bill 1998
6.Finally in your opinion will this war come to an end during Nawaz Sharif's tenure or will it continue to rage?[
no it will not, WOT is a nasty business , as long as you have people supporting them from other countriies to fight proxy wars.
it will take much more time

my friend u r making all this look so simple and easy. if it was such a simple matter what was the need for all these operations, attacks, suicide bombings etc.
I mean if u say that govt, establishment and other stakeholders are ready to accept the nifaze shariah demand of TTP then why didn't the previous govt, Army and ISI didn't accept this demand in Swat in 2009 and rather launched a full scale mil operation ?
Moreover why didn't the Army or ISI persuaded the Zardari govt to accept their nifaze shariat demand in 2009. Why didn't they ever tell the media abt their support for nifaze shariat demand of Taliban if you say that they are ready to accept this demand now?
With all due respect i disagree.
All the thousands of Pakistanis that have lost their lives were revenge from angry tribes men? what kind of logic is this? maybe the Pakistanis who have lost their lives should also pick up arms and take revenge from tribal area people? This kind of thinking is leading us backwards. Politicians need to make a policy on terrorism and stop saying Good Taliban and Bad Taliban.
Sir your army killed people of tribal areas on USA orders and after two years of facing state terrorism they created ttp in 2006 so and started taking revenge if you will kill your own people than expect war in return not peace
Pakistan just need 1 year of negotiated peace.

We can get to work in the areas, start developing and helping the locals there. Get them all back on our side.

And ofcourse the army must entrench itself there.

Then we can weed out the trouble makers and be done with this nightmare.
All surveys have showed majority of pakistanis will welcome it. I know YOU are against it, but you may be a minority.

BTW what other concession can the govt offer, and what compromises can godfearing taliban make on god's work? Its either stunning naivete or something else thats made to look like it. Given sharif's tolerance of terrorists in punjab throughout, one can only guess.

They just like the word... Nobody wants a jhahil chaar jamaat pass maulvi who has never had a real job (except like charlatans taking fees for their "islamic advice") to decide their lives.

People like Shariah, thinking ohohoho sab log sach boleinge, aman hoga, aurton ki izzat hogi, no corruption... In reality Shariah means only one thing. Maulvi control. Surveys should rephrase the question. You want a Maulvi in charge of Pakistan?
more than 95% will accept it

You remember what happened after Swat was under Shariah law? There was a massive uproar in the masses. Same would follow if you impose Islamic rule over one inch of Pakistan.
You remember what happened after Swat was under Shariah law? There was a massive uproar in the masses. Same would follow if you impose Islamic rule over one inch of Pakistan.

Swat was never under Shariah Law study Shariah than come and talk sir

They just like the word... Nobody wants a jhahil chaar jamaat pass maulvi who has never had a real job (except like charlatans taking fees for their "islamic advice") to decide their lives.

People like Shariah, thinking ohohoho sab log sach boleinge, aman hoga, aurton ki izzat hogi, no corruption... In reality Shariah means only one thing. Maulvi control. Surveys should rephrase the question. You want a Maulvi in charge of Pakistan?
Shriah is the law of Islam if you have problem with Islam than openly tell it Shariah will be implemented other wise it would be complete war
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