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Pakistan's likely response to an Indian Surgical strike !

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Simply put they have just cause to strike back, we attacked their territory.

even is it was to do the job they were not bothered to do, we violated their sovereignty to do it.

That is not entirely correct. Indian forces had clear orders not to violate LoC. IAF did not violate Pak airspace during Kargil war. That MiG and the helo was shot down in Indian airspace by intruders and Pak army regulars using MANPADs.
That is not entirely correct. Indian forces had clear orders not to violate LoC. IAF did not violate Pak airspace during Kargil war. That MiG and the helo was shot down in Indian airspace by intruders and Pak army regulars using MANPADs.

Nice theory, but then they must have used mules to transport the wreckage into Pakistan.:azn::azn:


Hello all, I am no military person nut here is what I got in wikipedia about "surgical strikes"...

A surgical strike is a military attack which results in, was intended to result in, or is claimed to have resulted in only damage to the intended legitimate military target, and no or mininal collateral damage to surrounding structures, vehicles, buildings, etc.

Just put covert operations into this scenario and we might get a fair idea.
Pakistan cannot do more damage to India then India can do it to them, simple as that. Yes they are capable force, but we saw how they responded in Kargil when their troops were getting killed never heard PAF flying to save them. We also saw Siachen.
Pakistan cannot do more damage to India then India can do it to them, simple as that. Yes they are capable force, but we saw how they responded in Kargil when their troops were getting killed never heard PAF flying to save them. We also saw Siachen.

Well i must say sir, you have got a hell lot of knowledge, :cheesy: keep the good work up:P


Well i must say sir, you have got a hell lot of knowledge, :cheesy: keep the good work up:P



See the Diff of Army response in Kargil and Siachin. both are same but see the diff

Event of Surgical Strike , PAK cant do anything much then shouting or covert operations like it doing now. we seen them Kargil, where are didnt hold their position and siachin where they didnt move a inch further.
Any response and counter response will have factored in all the possibilities. For India it will not be a cake walk so the losses have to be factored in but it is also certain it will be the last war between India and Pakistan in one way or the other. India will have the onus of starting it in an overt way coz Pakistan is at war for last so many years in a covert way. If that is the case then India will have to indulge in some massive diplomatic exercise as Mrs Gandhi did before 1971.All due precautions will have to be taken to ensure we exist as a nation after the war.

In spite of all this the death and destruction will be enormous something the world has not seen before. Is it acceptable to all coz the defense forum will still be active as most of us outside the country will continue to count the spoils of war? I don't think India will have a heart to go for the war.

As Pakistan practices terror as a state policy we will have no respite so something has to be done before it is too late. It will become impossible to not react to terrorist organizations in Pakistan and also it will become impossible for Pakistan to react to terrorist organization in Pakistan. The only way out of this is we also plan a massive covert operation in different parts of Pakistan.Instead of having a 40 billion defense budget we should have one of 30 billion and spend 10 billion for these covert operations. I don't know if it has already started. As they say loha lohe ko katatha hai maybe tit for tat will bring Pakistan to its senses. We have to do it in the most sophisticated way with all major powers behind us. This will hurt Pakistan more than an overt war we will also have losses but it will be within our tolerance limit.

Somewhere during this process the world will take centre stage in Pakistan and defang it. We will have the world backing us up as it is necessity for humankind on this world. I don’t sadly see any other way out as Pakistan will not settle without Kashmir and we will not give an inch. So in absence of a middle path we have to turn the heat and give them some of their own medicine.

There are enough fault lines available in Pakistan today all we need is just to exploit them. As most of the mohajirs in Karachi are our relatives from Delhi, UP and Bihar who is looking for a way out of the typical Punjabi dominance in Pakistan in all walks of life. We will be doing no wrong if we support the simple and honest aspiration of our brothers. Balochi brothers are not far of some moral support is all that they need. I think this will be enough to shake up Pakistan’s foundations and if need be we have candidates for Pakhtoonistan also. We have make it clear to them we are in it for long haul.

Pakistan is the only country in the world which negotiates with a gun pointed to its own head and the jihadis are the gun so they will not let go of their gun. What motivates them is the feeling we have nothing to lose. It is obvious in case of a open war India will lose more and so it will keep away from war while they nibble away at us. We have to change their definition of loss to make them understand out point of view.

As everyone here is analyst I have also put my thoughts together. Right or wrong all are free to agree or disagree.
If damages can be measure in units, then this is what I see.
India attacks does 10 units of damage.
Pakistan in response will do 10 to 12 units of damage not 100 units.
If you watch the relationship it is always like that tit for tat.
I've been keeping mum..reading all the arm chair observations of experts..how immature...TIT for TAT and what not? HAVE any of u thought about the loss each nation suffers economically ? not account of destruction of large infrastructure but the business loses and $ inflows, exports etc ?
As everyone here is analyst I have also put my thoughts together. Right or wrong all are free to agree or disagree.

Agreed, Agreed, how can any one dis-agree to such great thoughts and such detailed and planed out analysis:no::no::no:

so when are you guys starting, or have already started???:what::what:


Defence Minister P .Chidambaram when asked :
What would be our response if there is another Mumbai style terror strike ?
Reply was , " Our response would be quick and decisive " .

Lets hope there won't be any more 'Mumbai style' strike on Indian soil , the agencies and police would pre-empt and prevent such an attack from taking place . But if such a strike takes place , God forbid , then all Indians will know how QUICK and DECISIVE our govt's response is !
Lets see what our representatives and armed forces r worth almost 40 years after their splendid achievement .
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