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Pakistan's likely response to an Indian Surgical strike !

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And you are?? A pakistani or an Indian or a german??

If you are a german, then congrats on your grasp of Hindi reflected in your name...

i was lived in india many times before.

many of my friends know sanskrit and hindi. they took courses on indology.
one of the girl i know got married to a tamil guy.
sad part is she dont know tamil,but only sanskrit hindi and german and english.and later learnt that people in india dont speak sanskrit.
the most horrible part was their marriage in chennai.no non-veg,no alcohol,onlyy water and a sweet drink( guess it was lemonade :P ) me friends got some alcohol and everyone started starring at us like if we doing some ugly things :(
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Leaving aside all the response from Pakistan, let me just ask this question.

Will the surgical strikes in any way work? Do indians seriously expect them to work? So let's assume they destroy 10-20 hypothetical terrorist camps they claim to be existing. Will that ensure no future terrorist attacks from Pakistan, or even a reduction in the number terrorist attacks? It would only stop if these groups were state-funded and controlled. If not - which is the case - it will have no effect and in fact may rally terrorists to strike further in india? Keep in mind in 2008, vast majority of the terrorist attacks were done by local groups, yet the obsession with Pakistan..
Leaving aside all the response from Pakistan, let me just ask this question.

Will the surgical strikes in any way work? Do indians seriously expect them to work? So let's assume they destroy 10-20 hypothetical terrorist camps they claim to be existing. Will that ensure no future terrorist attacks from Pakistan, or even a reduction in the number terrorist attacks? It would only stop if these groups were state-funded and controlled. If not - which is the case - it will have no effect and in fact may rally terrorists to strike further in india? Keep in mind in 2008, vast majority of the terrorist attacks were done by local groups, yet the obsession with Pakistan..

I doubt it
terrorism is one of those fundamentalims.those fundamental muslims who got brainwashed about some representation and misonceptions.
you can cut the branches for temporary relief,but to eliminate the total terrorism concept you haveto shove it from roots.
Leaving aside all the response from Pakistan, let me just ask this question.

Will the surgical strikes in any way work? Do indians seriously expect them to work? So let's assume they destroy 10-20 hypothetical terrorist camps they claim to be existing. Will that ensure no future terrorist attacks from Pakistan, or even a reduction in the number terrorist attacks? It would only stop if these groups were state-funded and controlled. If not - which is the case - it will have no effect and in fact may rally terrorists to strike further in india? Keep in mind in 2008, vast majority of the terrorist attacks were done by local groups, yet the obsession with Pakistan..

No they won't.. And I dont think these so called strikes will happen..I have said it before as well.. Its all media hype. Our media is expert in taking parts of sentences and coming up with gems like this..

On 2008, you are forgetting 26/11 that even your govt agrees was launched by pakistani non state actors.

Also you always claim about indians funding balochi people for terror strikes. Do you consider that as local phenomenon, since the people actually committing the act are locals??
As far as balochi question goes, yes they people are local, however they are being funded and encouraged by RAW.
As far as the baloch question is concerned i would love to answer the indian people dude there is a .1% population of balochistan who are either proclaimed offenders or just CRIMINAL for a hire used by RAW from kabul.About the rest well people INTENSELY HATE INDIANS AND INDIA no offence and if given a chance they want to skin them alive during war or any mis adventure thanks.
Advice=Take it easy.MAMO
As far as balochi question goes, yes they people are local, however they are being funded and encouraged by RAW.

So assuming your point of funded by RAW is correct, wouldnt you blame RAW for the problems in Balochistan..??

Similarly the arguement for local groups responsible for most of the attacks in India does not hold water, since Indian contention is that they are supported/funded by ISI
As far as the baloch question is concerned i would love to answer the indian people dude there is a .1% population of balochistan who are either proclaimed offenders or just CRIMINAL for a hire used by RAW from kabul.About the rest well people INTENSELY HATE INDIANS AND INDIA no offence and if given a chance they want to skin them alive during war or any mis adventure thanks.
Advice=Take it easy.MAMO

You didn't get the context dude..

Advice=Go thru the post again MAMO

I dont give 2 hoots if Baloch people hate India.. From the looks of it they have no love lost for pakistan as well

Balochistan conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Indian media thinks Pakistan is a Palestine where Israeli troops are going to march in and park their tanks outside Yasser Arafat;s headquarters.

Pakistan knows very well that any action from India, however big or small must require a similar or larger response to get that attitude mind frame of India thinking as always it is superior and to bring them down their high horse otherwise more and more bigger attacks as such will be conducted more frequently by India, hence nip it in the bud, so to speak.

Pakistan is not afraid of conducting missions clearly seeing the Kargil saga, despite the results and arguments from both sides, Pakistan is clearly willing and prepared to answer anything from India. Hence, the hype is only going to be in the Indian media as it is said by Arabs,

"A dogs barks, you let it bark, the caravan continues in its path"

Hence, the Pakistan army is not responding till such a time when their are boots on the ground and its own recce teams feed info back of actual deployment. I wouldn;t worry too much about it, unless India wishes to risk all out war. I doubt ANY country will accept a "surgical strike" or any limited operation on its soil like this from an enemy like this.

India needs to seriously come out of this superiority complex as it is not a US and it will never be allowed to behave as such.
The Indian media thinks Pakistan is a Palestine where Israeli troops are going to march in and park their tanks outside Yasser Arafat;s headquarters.

Pakistan knows very well that any action from India, however big or small must require a similar or larger response to get that attitude mind frame of India thinking as always it is superior and to bring them down their high horse otherwise more and more bigger attacks as such will be conducted more frequently by India, hence nip it in the bud, so to speak.

Pakistan is not afraid of conducting missions clearly seeing the Kargil saga, despite the results and arguments from both sides, Pakistan is clearly willing and prepared to answer anything from India. Hence, the hype is only going to be in the Indian media as it is said by Arabs,

"A dogs barks, you let it bark, the caravan continues in its path"

Hence, the Pakistan army is not responding till such a time when their are boots on the ground and its own recce teams feed info back of actual deployment. I wouldn;t worry too much about it, unless India wishes to risk all out war. I doubt ANY country will accept a "surgical strike" or any limited operation on its soil like this from an enemy like this.

India needs to seriously come out of this superiority complex as it is not a US and it will never be allowed to behave as such.

No mate Kargil was a miscalculation from your army chief..he thought he can get away with anything..he clearly underestimated the military and diplomatic power of India..When it comes in to action your PM and General got scared ..No country in the world backed you at that time..our Military kicked a$$ out their of your infantry and backed by the diplomatic moves of India..your General has to abandon the soldiers who fought under his command and termed them as terrorists..Your PM broke all the protocol and visit Chinese ambassador at his consulate as a last attempt to save the Image of Pakistan in world community..But they also abandoned you..The statements like we will nuke India if they attack us is from the harsh reality that Pakistan has no chance over the might of Indian army in a conventional warfare ..
No mate Kargil was a miscalculation from your army chief..he thought he can get away with anything..he clearly underestimated the military and diplomatic power of India..When it comes in to action your PM and General got scared ..No country in the world backed you at that time..our Military kicked a$$ out their of your infantry and backed by the diplomatic moves of India..your General has to abandon the soldiers who fought under his command and termed them as terrorists..Your PM broke all the protocol and visit Chinese ambassador at his consulate as a last attempt to save the Image of Pakistan in world community..But they also abandoned you..The statements like we will nuke India if they attack us is from the harsh reality that Pakistan has no chance over the might of Indian army in a conventional warfare ..

Seiko, did you read any part of my post before posting sh!t out of your diarrhoea mouth.

Like I said, their are two sides to the story, I have put forward the part that Pakistan launched this operation clearly demonstrates its ability and will to take an offensive role also. So don;t go off on a tangent in a hail of crap about Kargil as i could go on and on about coward Hindu soldiers in the Kargil conflict who couldn;t even dislodge 2000 tropps with their 40,000 along with its airforce. That is another debate and another topic.

I can see that you are trying to delibaretely get this thread closed with the junk crap, so please stick to the topic or stay the hell out of it.

Why do you think "strategic strikes" have not happened? Logically, the threshold was crossed a bunch of times - Parliament attack, Akshardham, Jaipur, Bombay - 26/11. Each time, India showed restraint. Why no strikes? Because no one knows how the situation will unravel. In India we keep saying how our leaders don't act against Pakistan? Why should they?? They depend on votes and close to 80% of Indian voters are rural. Terrorism is an urban phenomenon - so whoever promises lowering the prices of sugar and onions wins elections. Strikes are a stupid option. It is neither here nor there. And it won't affect a thing. Just cause more strife.

So India should either keep the current policy of restraint going and hope that Pakistan sorts out its own problems rather than imploding or India goes for all out war. The later could see a mushroom cloud. Personally, I would just spend money (which India has plenty of - check the forex reserves) and use it on American political lobbies to stop all arm sales to Pakistan and attach even more stringent democratic reform conditions to developmental aid. Right now Pakistan needs the dough - they will have no choice but to acquiesce.
You didn't get the context dude..

Advice=Go thru the post again MAMO

I dont give 2 hoots if Baloch people hate India.. From the looks of it they have no love lost for pakistan as well

Balochistan conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

im a balouch and we love our motherland and about wiki yesterday i saw that sunny deol was indias first governor general not mount batton.And ur hoots keep them to ur self u might need it when WE COME FOR U? FANBOY.PAKISTANI PEOPLE ARE OF MARTIAL RACE UNLIKE 95% INDIANS.
Seiko, did you read any part of my post before posting sh!t out of your diarrhoea mouth.

Like I said, their are two sides to the story, I have put forward the part that Pakistan launched this operation clearly demonstrates its ability and will to take an offensive role also. So don;t go off on a tangent in a hail of crap about Kargil as i could go on and on about coward Hindu soldiers in the Kargil conflict who couldn;t even dislodge 2000 tropps with their 40,000 along with its airforce. That is another debate and another topic.

I can see that you are trying to delibaretely get this thread closed with the junk crap, so please stick to the topic or stay the hell out of it.


Come on mate you were just flaming there and being a blind patriotic..I give the reality about the Kargil tell me anything i posted is wrong ?

just look at your post
Pakistan is not afraid of conducting missions clearly seeing the Kargil saga, despite the results and arguments from both sides, Pakistan is clearly willing and prepared to answer anything from India

Now tell me can a sane Army chief will do such an action destroying the peace process and credibility of your nation?..do you really think Pakistan will do such a adventure again?

Hence, the Pakistan army is not responding till such a time when their are boots on the ground and its own recce teams feed info back of actual deployment. I wouldn;t worry too much about it, unless India wishes to risk all out war. I doubt ANY country will accept a "surgical strike" or any limited operation on its soil like this from an enemy like this.

Its not about any country will accept a surgical strike its how much longer the people of India will tolerate the government who will not take action against those who kill innocent civilians.Mate as a civilian of India i am sick and tired of your so called non state actors killing my countrymen..trust me most of the Indians here feel the same way..if any attack like that happened and no action were taken we will chew the government and kick them out of power..Everything has a limit ..and we are on the edge of it..

PS : next time keep you personal insults to yourself..no need to show off here...do not try to show your culture around here.. and also its Indian Army not Hindu army..and one of my relative who is a christian who also participated in it among many Christian and Muslim soldiers ...so don't be a religious bigot ..and i know you can go and go on about your superior forces and our coward army because imagination has no limit ..
If there is a surgical strike by india, pakistan should respond in kind. Maybe not immediately but covertly supporting a mumbai like incident.
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