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Pakistan's likely response to an Indian Surgical strike !

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If there is a surgical strike by india, pakistan should respond in kind. Maybe not immediately but covertly supporting a mumbai like incident.

That wouldn't prove anything, a small Mumbai style strike only targets civilians, Pakistan Army will need to respond in kind altogether.
If there is a strike then the response would be immediate...No Pakistani is going to take this lightly....Indian airbases and Army bases should be targeted by Babur missiles.....We can take out half of Indian airforce on the ground...I am sure PAF would have this strategy.
What can U do to us? We will not be staying in Afghanistan, And We all know what pakistan will do When NATO withdraws from there,Just create another rebel force....

lol, have you forgotten Kargil already? Once America and NATO leave, we'll focus all our resources on you!

Since the Mumbai drama in India i have been hearing about a new type of war against Pakistan so called " The surgical strikes " .

So we need to look into what a surgical strike is and how it is going to effect the already deteriorating situation between Pakistan and India (Few of our Indian members are having Surgical strike fever these days ).

First of all regardless of your views, it wasn't "Drama". Please do have some respect for those killed

What is a surgical strike:

According to me an unprovoked attack intended to deal only with a specific targets is called a surgical strike.

yes, it also means precision attacks, that is destroy what is intended without creating harm to the general public. Hopeful much better that what the drones are doing. We wish to kill only terrorists and not the common man (if our security is threatened again) unlike the drones (with full GOP support).

Where would India intend to carry out such a strike:

According to them they would be targeting what in their mind is training camps of Kashmiri mujahedeen LET etc.

But this is not the end of it , India would be intended in destroying Pakistan's sensitive installations and infrastructure ie Dams and Reactors and military locations.
Only the bolded part is true. The rest would cause a nuclear war

Why a surgical strike is unacceptable :

India has no right to cross Pakistan's airspace and International border for any aggressive intent.
It would be considered a full scale attack on Pakistan's sovereignty.

IAF's SU-30MKI's violated Pakistan's airspace on Lahore and Kashmir borders , they were fully armed , they were intercepted by PAF F-16's and were given 30 seconds to leave the airspace or they would be responsible for any damage so they were forced to leave.

Similarly, Pakistanis have no right to cross over into our country(illegally) and then kill kill our citizens. Simple rule!!! Lets honor it :cheers:

How would Pakistan Respond:[/B]

As far as i can think of any scenario where India carrying out a surgical strikes in Pakistan i guess Indians would have to suffer heavy losses as they would not be sending their whole air force but a limited number of Planes.

Which would be either shot down by SAM's or Pakistan Air Force and there would not be many IAF pilots returning back home alive with their Planes.

In such a fight PAF will dominate them as being a defensive force and there would be no or little damage on the ground as PAF would be the one to take the war to its side.

Speculation!!! You yourself said the MKI crossed over into your border, what happened to the SAMs? Why would IAF cross over without adequate support? In my view, it will Brahmos that will cross the border, IAF flying with AWACS, Anti Missile Defense loaded, Nuke Subs closer to Karachi, Navy would be full steam. However as soon as the Brahmos is fired India's biggest weapon will be strong diplomacy!!!! Pakistan would be under tremendous pressure.

Even if they did they would be demoralized and there would be very healthy Chances that Pakistan can take the battle to the Next level , also it would be Enough reason for China to arm Pakistan to its Teeth to cope with the adversary.

Don't even for once think India has no friends

Don't read too much about India and surgical strikes!!! but the public will not be quiet if there was another mumbai!!! You guys believe you don't support terrorists so why worry?
The first part of your post is again showing you have not read my post clearly

I had said

Pakistan is not afraid of conducting missions clearly seeing the Kargil saga, despite the results and arguments from both sides, Pakistan is clearly willing and prepared to answer anything from India

Which in fact is showing that Pakistan is not new nor scared of Operations and going on the offensive, not discussing the facts of Kargil or anything else....this shows the stomach PA has to conduct operations hence why I said in the post.......... Kargil saga, despite the results and arguments from both sides........Please read the post before going off on a tangent like you did with

No mate Kargil was a miscalculation from your army chief..he thought he can get away with anything..he clearly underestimated the military and diplomatic power of India..When it comes in to action your PM and General got scared ..No country in the world backed you at that time..our Military kicked a$$ out their of your infantry and backed by the diplomatic moves of India..your General has to abandon the soldiers who fought under his command and termed them as terrorists..Your PM broke all the protocol and visit Chinese ambassador at his consulate as a last attempt to save the Image of Pakistan in world community..But they also abandoned you..The statements like we will nuke India if they attack us is from the harsh reality that Pakistan has no chance over the might of Indian army in a conventional warfare ..

How stupid is this post......you have clearly got the hot end of the stick and decided to spread you little poison here slating Pakistani leaders, its a shame you went to that length a I could too drag Indian leaders and discuss various issues.

Now tell me can a sane Army chief will do such an action destroying the peace process and credibility of your nation?..do you really think Pakistan will do such a adventure again?

Well why wouldn;t they, its still all disputed territory and their is NO peace process, where not at war....

Its not about any country will accept a surgical strike its how much longer the people of India will tolerate the government who will not take action against those who kill innocent civilians.Mate as a civilian of India i am sick and tired of your so called non state actors killing my countrymen..trust me most of the Indians here feel the same way..if any attack like that happened and no action were taken we will chew the government and kick them out of power..Everything has a limit ..and we are on the edge of it..

PS : next time keep you personal insults to yourself..no need to show off here...do not try to show your culture around here.. and also its Indian Army not Hindu army..and one of my relative who is a christian who also participated in it among many Christian and Muslim soldiers ...so don't be a religious bigot ..and i know you can go and go on about your superior forces and our coward army because imagination has no limit ..

Again, your superiority compex dramam needs to be a little more parallal.

I think most people in Pakistan don't really care what you and your media thinks. India has not provided any evidence against so called culprits in Pakistan and the evidence in 26/11 ( before you bring that up ) is also debatable to a point where Hafiz Saeed has been granted bail and cases going no where based on the evidence given by India.

With regards to how people will kick the government out, then go right ahead, no one really cares what you do in your own country.

I personally believe, if Indians don;t like their civilians being killed then their Armed Forces and RAW agents should stop killing civilians in other countries, especially with the genocide being committed in Kashmir. If you kill their civilians they will kill your, like it or not, its not rocket science.

Anyway, the facts of so called terrorist attacks in India are as I said debatable. Especially when a serving Indian Officer, Col Prohit is involved in terrorist attacks involving Pakistani citizens, and the very man investigating them, head of CTU Mr Karkare is the first to be killed by a group of terrorists who travelled 500 miles in a merchant ship which tavels at 8 kph across the Ocean, passing Indian naval boats, splpitting into dingies, landed on sea, and went into a killing spree in India, obviously killing Karkare first. OK, that like as true as the plane hitting the Pentagon in 9/11 and seeing the damage at the Pentagon. Oh and lets not forget the fact that although these terrorists were professionally trained and armed, they were actually comunicating on radio to remind each other that they needed to remember to say that they were from Hyderabad in India and not Pakistan. Do you recall the Police press conference with that one.......pathetic.....anyway for another thread, not this one, hence lets stick to the topic seiko sahib, and please defame our leaders and your military too will be dragged in
You blame Indian media and here you friends think counter attacking India would be easier then Palestine.
Someone said that they can destroy the entire Indian front airbase and we will do nothing.
Response to surgical strike will only be limited, in same level of dame which surgical strikes will do. Pakistan cannot afford a war, its not just about weapons as some people here thinks, its more about having the economy to sustain a war. You might have missiles but how much number do you have, you fire few hundred and their goes 500 million.
When Kargil happen you ran out of spare part for F 16. Having weapons is one thing and having enough in quantity is other.
India does not start a war because of exact same reason, we use our brain, but once it is started we do not have a choice but to fight it out. So agreed we do not have the courage to start a war because we think about pro and cons but that does not mean we are weak.
its funny though our army hasn't given any response to this "surgical strike" agenda, anyways its going to be very counter productive for both nations. The world has moved on to a different era, no matter how many arms we gather, there is no beating one another. If one goes down it will drag the other down with it. And a "surgical strike" is a delusion, no matter who conducts it, the response will more than likely be an all out war.
Seiko, did you read any part of my post before posting sh!t out of your diarrhoea mouth.

Like I said, their are two sides to the story, I have put forward the part that Pakistan launched this operation clearly demonstrates its ability and will to take an offensive role also. So don;t go off on a tangent in a hail of crap about Kargil as i could go on and on about coward Hindu soldiers in the Kargil conflict who couldn;t even dislodge 2000 tropps with their 40,000 along with its airforce. That is another debate and another topic.

I can see that you are trying to delibaretely get this thread closed with the junk crap, so please stick to the topic or stay the hell out of it.


Let me reply back but in a sane manner..so expecting a sane reply should not be far fetched....

I have put forward the part that Pakistan launched this operation clearly demonstrates its ability and will to take an offensive role also

It is strange that you can compare a limited conflict as Kargil and attribute it to offensive role by Pakistan...I know it is not defensive either but to compare aggression on a limited theater with an all out offensive on a much larger theater is like comparing oranges with Apples..if you what i mean....Secondly as seiko pointed out the aftercome was far more lethal than what your general had calculated....So in short limited or a full fledge offensive by Pak is an uphill task and any sane general would like to stay away from it...though i musy say thinking that they can't would be kiddish...

So don;t go off on a tangent in a hail of crap about Kargil as i could go on and on about coward Hindu soldiers in the Kargil conflict who couldn;t even dislodge 2000 tropps with their 40,000 along with its airforce. That is another debate and another topic.

Since you seems to know so much about warfare, would it be naive to expect from you that you don't know how difficult it is to dislodge an enemy sitting on heights as difficult terrain as Kargil is...Even with a moderate estimates it is 1:20 in favor of defender...if you are not aware then ask some counterparts from PA...They have tried their luck in Siachen...Remarkably IA did manage to free peaks like Tiger Hill etc was indeed very bravado...Anyways as you said another topic for another day...

P.S: I by no mean is saying that PA is not potent... They are very potent but the way it will stupid for us to attack China the same way your best bet is to have defensive posture against any aggression from Mother India(though it will never happen)...
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You blame Indian media and here you friends think counter attacking India would be easier then Palestine.
Someone said that they can destroy the entire Indian front airbase and we will do nothing.
Response to surgical strike will only be limited, in same level of dame which surgical strikes will do. Pakistan cannot afford a war, its not just about weapons as some people here thinks, its more about having the economy to sustain a war. You might have missiles but how much number do you have, you fire few hundred and their goes 500 million.
When Kargil happen you ran out of spare part for F 16. Having weapons is one thing and having enough in quantity is other.
India does not start a war because of exact same reason, we use our brain, but once it is started we do not have a choice but to fight it out. So agreed we do not have the courage to start a war because we think about pro and cons but that does not mean we are weak.

Firstly, please talk some sense,

Secondly, from what I understood from the post, which may not be entirely correct, the point made is Pakistan is not a Palestine, the thread is "Pakistan's likely response to an Indian Surgical strike" which is a reaction....which is a follow up of India action and a reply....

Quite obviously if Pakistan is attacked then they will respond by launching a counter attack.

With regards to your high and mighty cost of war, let me remind you Sir, when war breaks out, your economy, like ours will be in tatters. There will be no investors in Inida, like for example the 2001 Parliament attacks, Both militaries mobilised onto their respctive positions along the LOC, foreignors and investors very quickly withdrew from both countries in fear of this ending in a nuclear exchange as both parties had been seen mobilising missiles close to the border.

Who do you think has more to lose in a strike.

Pakistan already has the material and capability to respond to any such adventure and go into a war...as does India, they will be stupid not to. The missiles and weaponry Sir, is already in silos and bunkers, and only need assembly, they are not going to buy it off the shelf at a time of war.

And by the way, PAF only scrambed in case of a grave escalation where the IAF would launch an attack on Pakistan proper. Hence there was no PAF involvement as such on the front lines attacking IAF or IA frontlines troops, please get your facts in order. The PAF has a much better record, in history of turning around aircraft in maintenance then their counterparts. And also, this is not 1999, we are in 2009 where we do not rely on the US for parts for everything.
First of all regardless of your views, it wasn't "Drama". Please do have some respect for those killed
Well we respect those killed by ****** terrorists unlike indians who are always talking about that ops of PA is drama its an eye wash Pakistan supports etc.

yes, it also means precision attacks, that is destroy what is intended without creating harm to the general public. Hopeful much better that what the drones are doing. We wish to kill only terrorists and not the common man (if our security is threatened again) unlike the drones (with full GOP support).

In return we will eliminate Terrorists sitting in indian embassies in kabul and extremist groups in india who are responsiable to acts like SAMJUTA EXPRESS TRAIN.We promise it will be precise as our missiles are better.

Similarly, Pakistanis have no right to cross over into our country(illegally) and then kill kill our citizens. Simple rule!!! Lets honor it :cheers:

Similarly indian spies like kashmir singh and dallals like sarbajeet singh convicted for bombing and now on death row and other terrorists funded by india have no rights to cross into our COUNTRY and kill innocent Pakistanis.

Speculation!!! You yourself said the MKI crossed over into your border, what happened to the SAMs?

Thanks Lord that we didnt shoot it down as jets were flown to escort Mki out of PAK TERRITORY .

Why would IAF cross over without adequate support? In my view, it will Brahmos that will cross the border, IAF flying with AWACS, Anti Missile Defense loaded, Nuke Subs closer to Karachi, Navy would be full steam. [/COLOR]
Do you think its a bollywood movie??Indian jets will support lol with your past record iaf cant support its own jets.
2)Anti missile defense iaf is not usaf there flying coffins will be nailed by a few JF17s and F16s.You have only one nuke subs that even i think is not even fully activated we will use our agosta 90bs and 70bs and pc orion sub hunters and even BLOCK YOUR OIL???comming from arabian countrieS?as we dont have a week spot like bengladesh to protect.With no oil to run your ships they will be sitting ducks?Brahmos lol alot of RAADs and BABURS will rain down on you like cats and dogs?

However as soon as the Brahmos is fired India's biggest weapon will be strong diplomacy!!!! Pakistan would be under tremendous pressure.[/COLOR]

Diplomacy and tremendous pressure wont work Pakistani leadership will be forced by army and people to bomb mumbai and delhi which is no more then 200km from lahore?even if politicians come under pressure HELL army will independantly do the job WELL DONE.

Don't even for once think India has no friends . [/COLOR]

Well i hope you know that usa or russia wont help you ???USA will remain neutral coz its stuck in afghanistan where it needs PAKISTANS HELP?
On the other hand we will be helped by saudis,UAE,jordan,syria,lebnon,iran egypt ,turkey and china and all the muslim countries.

Don't read too much about India and surgical strikes!!! but the public will not be quiet if there was another mumbai!!! You guys believe you don't support terrorists so why worry?

Hope u guys understand that proxys and terrorist funding from kabul wont last and in the end it will be a tit for tat.:pakistan::china:
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The first part of your post is again showing you have not read my post clearly

I had said

Pakistan is not afraid of conducting missions clearly seeing the Kargil saga, despite the results and arguments from both sides, Pakistan is clearly willing and prepared to answer anything from India

Which in fact is showing that Pakistan is not new nor scared of Operations and going on the offensive, not discussing the facts of Kargil or anything else....this shows the stomach PA has to conduct operations hence why I said in the post.......... Kargil saga, despite the results and arguments from both sides........Please read the post before going off on a tangent like you did with

Mate when ever you had the stomach to attack India you ended up on loosing side..be it 65,71,99 ..We already showed you our power and might...you dont have the stomach for another fight and its clear..The statements like we will nuke you if you attacked us is come out of fear..

Well why wouldn;t they, its still all disputed territory and their is NO peace process, where not at war....

thats nice..its clearly shows the war mongering attitude mate..At that time we had a good relation..and still your general tried an adventure like that and most of your people supports it..and still says India has war mongering attitude.. :disagree:

Again, your superiority compex dramam needs to be a little more parallal.

Its not the superiority complex mate ..its the frustration that is speaking here..Frustration of Pakistan showing blind eye towards the killing of Indian people while they allow the organisations to collect fund and flourish inside the country
I think most people in Pakistan don't really care what you and your media thinks. India has not provided any evidence against so called culprits in Pakistan and the evidence in 26/11 ( before you bring that up ) is also debatable to a point where Hafiz Saeed has been granted bail and cases going no where based on the evidence given by India.

mate Haffeez sayeed was the main man behind the organisation called LeT and your government encouraged him in the name of freedom fighting and when world bodies pressurise your government to take action all of a sudden those people become non-state actors..Lets wait for the trial of Lakhvi and others and will decide about that..

With regards to how people will kick the government out, then go right ahead, no one really cares what you do in your own country.

I personally believe, if Indians don;t like their civilians being killed then their Armed Forces and RAW agents should stop killing civilians in other countries, especially with the genocide being committed in Kashmir. If you kill their civilians they will kill your, like it or not, its not rocket science.

Kashmir is not another country ..Its an integral part of India and there are some terrorist diguised as freedom fighters send by your country and we are sending them to have a date with their virgins ..
Anyway, the facts of so called terrorist attacks in India are as I said debatable. Especially when a serving Indian Officer, Col Prohit is involved in terrorist attacks involving Pakistani citizens, and the very man investigating them, head of CTU Mr Karkare is the first to be killed by a group of terrorists who travelled 500 miles in a merchant ship which tavels at 8 kph across the Ocean, passing Indian naval boats, splpitting into dingies, landed on sea, and went into a killing spree in India, obviously killing Karkare first. OK, that like as true as the plane hitting the Pentagon in 9/11 and seeing the damage at the Pentagon. Oh and lets not forget the fact that although these terrorists were professionally trained and armed, they were actually comunicating on radio to remind each other that they needed to remember to say that they were from Hyderabad in India and not Pakistan. Do you recall the Police press conference with that one.......pathetic.....anyway for another thread, not this one, hence lets stick to the topic seiko sahib, and please defame our leaders and your military too will be dragged in

Yea keep on watching Zaid hammed its a good way to stay away from reality ...
Let me reply back but in a sane manner..so expecting a sane reply should not be far fetched....

It is strange that you can compare a limited conflict as Kargil and attribute it to offensive role by Pakistan...I know it is not defensive either but to compare aggression on a limited theater with an all out offensive on a much larger theater is like comparing oranges with Apples..if you what i mean....Secondly as seiko pointed out the aftercome was far more lethal than what your general had calculated....So in short limited or a full fledge offensive by Pak is an uphill task and any sane general would like to stay away from it...though i musy say thinking that they can't would be kiddish...

Since you seems to know so much about warfare that would it be naive to expect from you that you don't know how difficult it is to dislodge an enemy sitting on heights as difficult terrain as Kargil is...Even with a moderate estimates it is 1:20 in favor of defender...if you are not aware then ask some counterparts from PA...They have tried their luck in Siachen...Remarkably IA did manage to free peaks like Tiger Hill etc was indeed very bravado...Anyways as you said another topic for another day...

P.S: I by no mean is saying that PA is not potent... They are very potent but the way it will stupid for us to attack China the same way your best bet is to have defensive posture against any aggression from Mother India(though it will never happen)...

Dude, seriously, understand my poast then reply........

My point here is, does Pakistan have the stomach to launch any sort of response if a surgical strike is launched by India as being discussed on this thread....my reply, hell yes, as is evident by Gen tariq Majid's reply to Indian Gen, “Leave alone China, Gen Deepak Kapoor knows very well what the Indian armed forces cannot do and Pakistani armed forces can pull off militarily.”

You mentioned "peaks" and only gave one, Tiger Hill.......that is debatable, as it could be seen as a tactical withdrawal to take up better positions and grounds, but then again can be bravado from Indian soldiers, and me p!ss!ng in the wind to please myself to sleep easy tonight.

I am happy to criticize myself, as above but look at things which can be seen frrom noth ways. As I said in my original post before someone decided to go off on a tangent

The Indian media thinks Pakistan is a Palestine where Israeli troops are going to march in and park their tanks outside Yasser Arafat;s headquarters.

Pakistan knows very well that any action from India, however big or small must require a similar or larger response to get that attitude mind frame of India thinking as always it is superior and to bring them down their high horse otherwise more and more bigger attacks as such will be conducted more frequently by India, hence nip it in the bud, so to speak.

Pakistan is not afraid of conducting missions clearly seeing the Kargil saga, despite the results and arguments from both sides, Pakistan is clearly willing and prepared to answer anything from India. Hence, the hype is only going to be in the Indian media as it is said by Arabs,

"A dogs barks, you let it bark, the caravan continues in its path"

Hence, the Pakistan army is not responding till such a time when their are boots on the ground and its own recce teams feed info back of actual deployment. I wouldn;t worry too much about it, unless India wishes to risk all out war. I doubt ANY country will accept a "surgical strike" or any limited operation on its soil like this from an enemy like this.

India needs to seriously come out of this superiority complex as it is not a US and it will never be allowed to behave as such.
Firstly, please talk some sense,

Secondly, from what I understood from the post, which may not be entirely correct, the point made is Pakistan is not a Palestine, the thread is "Pakistan's likely response to an Indian Surgical strike" which is a reaction....which is a follow up of India action and a reply....

Quite obviously if Pakistan is attacked then they will respond by launching a counter attack.

With regards to your high and mighty cost of war, let me remind you Sir, when war breaks out, your economy, like ours will be in tatters. There will be no investors in Inida, like for example the 2001 Parliament attacks, Both militaries mobilised onto their respctive positions along the LOC, foreignors and investors very quickly withdrew from both countries in fear of this ending in a nuclear exchange as both parties had been seen mobilising missiles close to the border.

Who do you think has more to lose in a strike.

Pakistan already has the material and capability to respond to any such adventure and go into a war...as does India, they will be stupid not to. The missiles and weaponry Sir, is already in silos and bunkers, and only need assembly, they are not going to buy it off the shelf at a time of war.

And by the way, PAF only scrambed in case of a grave escalation where the IAF would launch an attack on Pakistan proper. Hence there was no PAF involvement as such on the front lines attacking IAF or IA frontlines troops, please get your facts in order. The PAF has a much better record, in history of turning around aircraft in maintenance then their counterparts. And also, this is not 1999, we are in 2009 where we do not rely on the US for parts for everything.

I don't want to overload you with lot of counter questions...Though so far you have done a good job..:cheers:

However i believe that you missed the point that IndianRabbit is trying to put forward(at least that is what i got).... When you go for an all out war you do not prepare for 1 week or 2 weeks...You prepare for the worst scenario...Now no one is saying that there are no infrastructure in pakistan or India...When he says you fire few missiles and there go $500 million he means that once you fire them you just don't say kewl....Job Done...You need more and that's what put strain on the economy...Do you know how much burden was there on Indian economy just because of Kargil??? It was 11000 crore...Now just imagine how much it would be for a full-fledge war???

That's why you would like to keep your sector small..Not because you don't have guts but because it make sense...
Dude, seriously, understand my poast then reply........

My point here is, does Pakistan have the stomach to launch any sort of response if a surgical strike is launched by India as being discussed on this thread....my reply, hell yes, as is evident by Gen tariq Majid's reply to Indian Gen, “Leave alone China, Gen Deepak Kapoor knows very well what the Indian armed forces cannot do and Pakistani armed forces can pull off militarily.”

You mentioned "peaks" and only gave one, Tiger Hill.......that is debatable, as it could be seen as a tactical withdrawal to take up better positions and grounds, but then again can be bravado from Indian soldiers, and me p!ss!ng in the wind to please myself to sleep easy tonight.

I am happy to criticize myself, as above but look at things which can be seen frrom noth ways. As I said in my original post before someone decided to go off on a tangent

Couple of things...Don't assume that i cannot understand what your post is all about...I think i am better than that...What i am trying to say is that an all out war is not going to be easy for Pak...They can reply back in the same token as India would i.e. limited strikes but taking the war on to India is not going to be easy for Pak...If you read my post i am not saying that don't have the courage to do so...but sustaining an enemy as big as India and that too in her den is no child work...You can definitely give us a bloody nose but in defensive position...and honestly it would be dream come true for IA if pak choose to open different fronts to attack...If you go by doctorine the idea is to destroy as much capabilities of PA as possible without reaching the nuclear threshold(now only time will tell if they would be though i wish it never come)...and if you attack there is no way nuclear threshold can reach..if you know what i mean....

You mentioned "peaks" and only gave one, Tiger Hill.......that is debatable, as it could be seen as a tactical withdrawal to take up better positions and grounds, but then again can be bravado from Indian soldiers, and me p!ss!ng in the wind to please myself to sleep easy tonight.

If you think that then seriously you need to read more about Kargil conflict...Your argument would have made sense had Tiger Hill not as strategically important as it was for that limited war...Anyways lets not derail by talking about Kargil further
Mate when ever you had the stomach to attack India you ended up on loosing side..be it 65,71,99 ..We already showed you our power and might...you dont have the stomach for another fight and its clear..The statements like we will nuke you if you attacked us is come out of fear..

That depends on which way you look at it, we have our side of the story and don;t see things the way you do Sir, please undertsand that, you seem to think that if you say something a thousand times then it will be accepted

thats nice..its clearly shows the war mongering attitude mate..At that time we had a good relation..and still your general tried an adventure like that and most of your people supports it..and still says India has war mongering attitude.. :disagree:

Adventure..hmmm let me think, is Siachen an adventure or not.....hmmmm disputed territory again comes to mind

Its not the superiority complex mate ..its the frustration that is speaking here..Frustration of Pakistan showing blind eye towards the killing of Indian people while they allow the organisations to collect fund and flourish inside the country

mate Haffeez sayeed was the main man behind the organisation called LeT and your government encouraged him in the name of freedom fighting and when world bodies pressurise your government to take action all of a sudden those people become non-state actors..Lets wait for the trial of Lakhvi and others and will decide about that..

Oh please, our court has already cleared Hafiz Saeed based on the pathetic so called evidence you offered which was laughable at best.....Government only took action and the only reason why China voted to get this group banned was on the say so of Pakistani Government as China has vetoed such previous moves countless times in the past, Pakistani government went that extra mile and yet came back with nothing, another Indian fiasco......And yes, our viewpoint, its a freedom struggle, period, like it or not, your problem.

Kashmir is not another country ..Its an integral part of India and there are some terrorist diguised as freedom fighters send by your country and we are sending them to have a date with their virgins ..

I said other countries as a separate space with a comma, and added especially the genocide in kashmir, but regardless, Kashmirirs don't see it as part of India so hell. who cares what India thinks, whether integral or not......And Seiko, please don;t try and take the p!ss with the virgins, as it may or may not be a Quranical qoute for those who dies in the name of our Lord because I will drag your Hindu God and millions of other idols of your own manufacture if you decide to insult our religion, so please grow up and back off with that.

ea keep on watching Zaid hammed its a good way to stay away from reality ...[/QUOTE]

Zaid Hamid, who cares what he says dude, I work in Law enforcement and know for a fact for myself that this sort of evidence would be shredded in any court of Law.

Hence why India refuses to allow Pakistani investigators to speak with this so called Kasab, whoever he is.

So please lets stick to the topic huh!!!!!!!!!!!
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