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Pakistan's likely response to an Indian Surgical strike !

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That is the problem and it goes much deeper than that. Even in statements on this forum, you see many Indians equating themselves to the US. This new Indian mentality is very dangerous for the region. After having been snubbed by the world all these decades, the Indian ego has suffered massively and their wounded pride is itching for recognition and payback. It is also the reason for the Indian media tantrum about student attacks in Australia.

I am afraid that sooner or later this newfound jingoism and desire to "prove" India's might, combined with a media-driven foreign policy, will lead India to make a rash move.
Agreed Developerereo!
I always agreed with you, you always have the most right answer.
The same is Chinese mentality on this forum , if you see them bashing India.
Not sure who said that(I guess Spiderman?) - With Great power comes great responsibility.
India needs to evaluate its options , all these high end defence procurements should not make India a hostile nation. It should be used only as deterrent.
SURGICAL STRIKES have already started ......you guys will never know...
its been more than a year now... ....

you want to know more about it ??
just google " list of attacks in pakistan ":azn:
SURGICAL STRIKES have already started ......you guys will never know...
its been more than a year now... ....

you want to know more about it ??
just google " list of attacks in pakistan ":azn:

As i said before , if Google can keep record of Indian surgical strikes via Talibans then Pakistan can keep record too and we are keeping the record.

We will make you pay for every drop of blood.
As i said before , if Google can keep record of Indian surgical strikes via Talibans then Pakistan can keep record too and we are keeping the record.

We will make you pay for every drop of blood.

I dont think you will get a chance for that in the near future.....
@Blackblood - you are taking this personally. As if you will be fighting the Indian forces! :)
Please comment as to the likely response of the Pak government. Many Indians wanted India to hit back at Pak after 26/11 that did'nt mean that the government did so.
To answer your earlier question, if IAF even crosses JK border to carry out surgical strikes, response would be the same as last time: More migs will be downed.

I believe they fully well know what sort of response they'd get, hence they've never attacked, even after amassing 1 million troops to the border in 2002. But these emotional surgical strike fantasies are necessary to massage their egos at home for domestic consumption.

Let em!

I concur.

I don't think they're capable and prepared to take a misadventure.

But at the same time they're building up and arming very fast, esp their navy' and airforce, and this should be a point of concern for us all.

I think disparities are increasing rapidly, 10 years from now things aren't gonna be as favourable to us. unless we start catching up to them now.

In the event of another terrorist incident, it will be the US, not India, that will conduct surgical strikes within Pakistan.

The US will do India's dirty work (after appropriate media buildup to justify the actions) because everyone knows that Pakistan will give a fitting response to India, but we can't do anything against the US.

US would never attack Pakistan directly. Why would they want to ruin their Afghan mission? if they ever attack Pakistan, Afghanistan would be a bigger Vietnam for them.

I heard that a Pakistan Army Brig had a heated exchange with his American counterpart during regular meeting at the Afghan border. The American official raised the issue of Quetta Shura and the US intention of making surgical strikes, upon hearing this the Brig got up infuriated and cursed and yelled at the American official.
SURGICAL STRIKES have already started ......you guys will never know...
its been more than a year now... ....

you want to know more about it ??
just google " list of attacks in pakistan ":azn:

How about if I made fun of Mumbai attacks? :disagree:

PS. I've reported you.
Your understanding of a surgical strike is more of an all out war.

By simply bombing a single Dam, India invokes Pakistan's wrath also, and it becomes no holes barred. Remember, India has a much bigger population, meaning much bigger casualties. Pakistan will bomb India's infrastructure from Electricity station down to poisoning their water supplies.

This is not a surgical strike but more of annihilation for both countries.

Well at least, if we don't survive, we now that India won't also, but all this is just hype on the Indian side. All growls and no bite
You will pay for it , we know how to turn the game just wait until yanks will leave Afghanistan .

Like that's going to happen soon. Also you may just be over estimating the pashtun card..Based on pakistan's past policies in Afg, this card is well past its expiry date..
Like that's going to happen soon. Also you may just be over estimating the pashtun card..Based on pakistan's past policies in Afg, this card is well past its expiry date..

One thing is certain though. If India uses Afghanistan as its terror launchpad against Pakistan (which it does), Afghanistan and India are going both to suffer immensely.
Is " proxy " war a topic or are we discussing current geopolitics and tactics ???:hitwall:

Yes it is the topic, you just don't understand it. You think what you can think of Indians can't and you are actually coming up with something new. You are not.
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