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Pakistan's identity is based on hating India

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Why you women always like to take everything on yourself...
I was not talking about you but in general...:agree:
And so was I when I said I visited schools and never saw it in the syllabus of the schools I visited
Yes, only in a couple of private schools in Lahore. Media has already raised this issue, so I think Punjab Govt will act against them because of the pressure being created.

What issues are being talked about ? :unsure:

And is my nephew old enough to go to school yet ? :azn:
Yes, only in a couple of private schools in Lahore. Media has already raised this issue, so I think Punjab Govt will act against them because of the pressure being created.

Be specific , what exists ?
Pakistanis hate India and Bangladesh....Bangladesh hates everyone....and everyone hates India....oh and your neighbor is actually slow poisoning you with the sweet....I told her to do so!:devil:

Wait, does that mean you hate me :cray:

After 1971, when you divorced your abusive Punjabi husband, remeber we had a blissful few years?

It seems familiarity breeds contempt.

Come back my Bengali beauty.

Never saw what ? :unsure:

@Armstrong is back :-)
And so was I when I said I visited schools and never saw it in the syllabus of the schools I visited
Ha ha ha
I never raised any issue on this matter.. I believe you, what you are telling. Unless I get something different from other sources... :tup:
Nooopp!! its called place with no name :D

State of communists and traitors :azn:

West Bengal? But I am from Kerala, and we have communists too.

Ummm. Keralite communists are better :partay:
West Bengal? But I am from Kerala, and we have communists too.

Ummm. Keralite communists are better :partay:

Only good in regressive policies. Bengalis are the driving force of CPI (M) and it's a fact :coffee:
Although hate is a reality but I wouldn't call it the national identity. Pakistan's national identity is based on being different from India. We are not India is a stronger emotion than we are Pakistan.
Only good in regressive policies. Bengalis are the driving force of CPI (M) and it's a fact :coffee:

That's true.

Have you read Ramachandra Guha? He debunks the claims of Kerala communists, by pointing out the relatively high social indicators are due to Four factors

1) Kerala has a large matriarchal caste called Nairs

2) The Ezhava caste also produced remarkable social reforemers like Sree Narayana Guru.

3) The Chrisitian Mission schools were good as well. It also tended to produce rationalists who had a rationalist critique of the caste system.

4) Then you have the Communists who were somewhat successful in getting social reforms done but drove away industry.

I was reading about kerala history and was surprised about the number of rationalists who had ideas far ahead of their time.

But you are right about Bengal and CPI (M)
Indians I Don't Hate u I just Hate your Military and some of government. Just like I do mine. Nonetheless I love Pakistan armed forces I dont wish To have war with country which has at least 25 crore muslims and rest of innocent population who just to live a life.
even we can brainwash our muslim population by fake propaganda....but we dont do that

It's cheap and shows how low a country can go.....to an extent of stealing nuclear technology to begging for foreign aid
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