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Pakistan's identity crisis..a very good speech by a pakistani


We have a job shortage. We also have an oversupply of idiots with Arts and Humanities degrees who need to create an issue where there isn't one to self validate thier poor life choices.
I am the bare Pakistan
Syed Muzammil
I am Pakistan’s disaster,

I am Pakistan’s reluctance,

I am Pakistan’s prejudice,

I am Pakistan’s vehemence.

I am that blazing ferocious sun, which strikes only the poor of Karachi and pardons the rich,

I am that torrent of monsoon flood that demolish the house of the peasant, overlooking the palace of the landlord nearby,

I am that dancing death in a farmer’s house whose seeds the government didn’t buy,

I am that wrath of God destined for the weak only.

I am the falsified history which is being taught to the students,

History which glorifies the tyrants and undermine the real sons of the soil,

I am the bellicose politician’s instinct of felony; felony that loots a nation,

I am that broken oath on the Holy Quran, a testimonial of a military general that he will not intervene in politics.

I am that wand of a serviceman which he uses against his own countrymen,

I am that constitution, which he shatters and diminishes,

I’m the defence budget; it’s a taboo to bat an eye on me,

I hide behind that prejudice against Balochistan, and that stigma of suppression of its humiliating voices.

I am that stolen baby from a children’s ward that left my mother with hue and cry,

The mother which carried him for nine months in her womb,

I am a poor man’s kidney; stolen and sold by a corrupt doctor,

I am the instinct of that barbarity, which makes a person steal dead bodies,

Dead bodies from unsafe cemeteries; from unsafe graves.

I am that urea, which is being adulterated in milk,

Milk that is fed to an infant; that runs in his veins,

I am the agony of a six-month-old baby being raped by a barbarian,

I am the vulnerability of an incarcerated man for a crime he didn’t commit,

I am a life wasted behind the bars in a jail cell.

I am the poison a homeless mother mixes in food to feed her kids and to herself,

That last fatal supper,

That defeated suicidal jump in the river,

I am the torpidity of a prostitute whose moans are considered as joy,

I am her numbness, her naiveness, her invisible dried tears.

I am that Islam, which is being saved by burning the colonies of the Christians,

I am that dollar-sponsored jihad that took our sons for good,

Jihad that filled the pockets of the oligarchs,

I am the clandestine face of its pseudo intelligentsia,

I am its mainstream, which turned out to become the lame-stream,

I am its hypocrisy.

I am Aamir Liaquat’s fancy branded dress, the dress he wears whilst lecturing about the simplicity in Islam,

I am Junaid Jamshaid’s beard, which made him escape the accusations of blasphemy,

I am Asma Shirazi’s symbolic scarf, which never covered her head,

I am Bilal Qutab’s tasbeeh that he rocks whilst wearing his Armani suit,

I am Bilawal Bhutto’s surname, borrowed from the mother, the only one of its kind.

I am Salman Taseer’s blasphemy, punctured by the bullets of Mumtaz Qadri,

I am Mubashir Luqman’s hoopla breaking news, nobody believes me.

I am the tumultuous citizen, searching for my culprit,

I am the lost patriotism, the lost philanthropy and the lost nationalism that once nurtured into the heart of this country,

I am a lost dimension,

I am a forgotten ideology,

I am an unworthy sacrifice,

I am the bare Pakistan!
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Identity Crisis in Pakistan.

I think most people in countries with ancient historical heritage in the world will agree with him. Pakistan lacks a South Asian Islamic history book. This book will pass on Pakistani wisdom, South Asian Islamic culture, and cultural confidence. He will tell Pakistanis with countless facts. South Asian Islamic people are not lost to any country in the world. Now Pakistan has only religion left, like a noble orphan.
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We don't have an identity crisis.

We have a job shortage. We also have an oversupply of idiots with Arts and Humanities degrees who need to create an issue where there isn't one to self validate thier poor life choices.
Pakistani identify crisis get start when people talk proudly about Occupied by muslims from other nations on present Indian and Pakistani parts.

People from Pakistan, usually correlate to their self with them and start cheats thumping..

Ghauzni, mughal and Ghori.... All belongs to third countries but people of Pakistan usually get confused with their identity.
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There is no identity crisis.

Ye jo sara gand aur tamasha laga huwa ha, jald saaf hoga inshAllah
These fuckin indians will be taught history again and conquered, 1971 and other wars will be avenged. Filth will be cleaned up.
Ghazwa e hind will cleanse it all.
Have faith my brothers, our turn is coming inshAllah. Do not lose hope just bcaz some idiots says some shit on yt…in becharon ko khud confusion ha personal life mei
We don't have an identity crisis.

We have a job shortage. We also have an oversupply of idiots with Arts and Humanities degrees who need to create an issue where there isn't one to self validate thier poor life choices.
This is exactly right. Listening to these neo-marxists has always been a bad idea.
Don't Pakistanis admit to having a South Asian Islamic history?
Islam is the most important part of our history and future/destiny.
We’re bound by our love for Almighty Allah and our Holy Prophet Muhammad(pbuh). That actually unites all the muslims worldwide. Pakistan is the beacon, hence it was MADE nuclear by the will of the Almighty. Pakistan and Madina both share destiny.

It sounds/looks unbelievable as per the current situation but when its time, things happen and change in a jiffy. Pakistan is here to stay. Rest of the world, no chance.
This is exactly right. Listening to these neo-marxists has always been a bad idea.
Don't be an idiot and put labels everywhere. You can ask Turks, Iranians, Indonesians, Egyptians, all Islamic countries,
Identity Crisis in Pakistan.
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Pakistan is here to stay. Rest of the world, no chance.
And they say, "The fire will most certainly not touch us for more than a limited number of days." Say [unto them]: "Have you received a promise from God - for God never breaks His promise - or do you attribute to God something which you cannot know?"

I appreciate the patriotism/jingoism but the reality is this. If Pakistanis continue to not heed the warnings of Allah and squander any chances given to us. Then such nations ultimately meet their demise.

Just look at what BS the uniformed brown East India Company of Pakistan was feeding us about Pakistan is Islam's last qila/bastion. While their own situation is they are scared to promote anyone who is even a little bit religious except one or two decoration piece. And they had problems with Imran Khan wearing his own national dress at the international stage.
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Don't be an idiot and put labels everywhere. You can ask Turks, Iranians, Indonesians, Egyptians, all Islamic countries, do they agree with the video?
I guess you dare not ask? You also don't trust Muslims in other countries.
Why the hell would I care what others thought? The founders of this country were clear on what we were supposed to be. To all our leftist idiots, they should go read the document they came up with. It’s called the objectives resolution. Get it? The objective of forming Pakistan. Jinnah selected the committee that drafted it. Don’t give me this nonsense as if there was any confusion in any real intellectuals about why we formed Pakistan.
Muhammad Ali Jinnah didn't tell you to immigrate to the US. You are a hypocrite.
I don’t really care what (?a Chinese?) has to say bout it. Or are you an Indian?

Don’t care. Pakistan fully allows dual citizenship as a matter of law. You’ll find that true for countries that have a civic nationalism model.
I don’t really care what (?a Chinese?) has to say bout it. Or are you an Indian?

Don’t care. Pakistan fully allows dual citizenship as a matter of law. You’ll find that true for countries that have a civic nationalism model.
Indonesia formed a national identity against Dutch colonial rule. Turkey creates Turkic identity. There is an Arab identity in the Middle East. Iran has Persia. Pakistan also needs a South Asian Islamic identity. This requires South Asian Islamic history and South Asian Islamic culture. This will give Pakistanis a strong cultural confidence. It will greatly unite Pakistanis.
Sorry, forgot that Pakistan recognizes dual citizenship. I am Chinese from Wuhan.
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