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Pakistanize Islam and destroy sectarianism

But unlike Pakistan, Indonesia and Bangladesh have very low Shia populations, they are not even 5% of the Muslim population.

Not only that, BD and the people in general i feel are not so fanatics in their nature..It is not what religion rather about the culure of the land..Same thing with Pakistan too...Pakistan in general is not racist...But whenever they takes sides with either Arabs or Iran, then they get edgy in their faith..
So why you defended taliban many times, cried here after death of terrorist hakeem Ulla Mehsood , and shouted when JI chief said our army is not shaheed and you said this is just revengue of taliban....You shamelessly defended them many times. Mentality like you are responsible for religious bigotry, sectarian violence , and bloodshed in Pakistan...... No vision,confused person, and extremist mentality ....People like you want to Isolate Pakistan from whole world....As you have nothing to contribute towards the progress of Pakistan , and you are deprived from whole world, you want to take down whole country with you.
I never defended them I just told How they got created they were not in existence before 2006 it was genius Musharraf who was more loyal to USA than USA themselves he entered Army in 2003 till 2006 operation continued which led to formation of TTP and they went crazy and took revenge without any rules and code. Their would have have been no TTP in first place if dumbo Musharraf would not have send troops in Tribal areas which even CIA guys tell that even USA never asked him to still he send in the troops which led to civil war in Pakistan and we loosing more than 90000 innocent Pakistanis. And for other things you said I don't have time for liberal crap
We follow their examples when it comes to technology but the moment there is a social lesson we start to whine about how those societies are inferior to ours. Besides your argument lacks any sense when you state that why only western examples are used, please enlighten me by giving an example of a muslim country we can learn from in todays world.
first of all that is our own internal matter, yr an indian dont pretend to be one of our own.
I never defended them
Again typical old lie .. You were biggest supporter of taliban and never defended pak army and martyr against taliban , now you are going with the wind of public to impose some other agenda. 4th century mentality.
It's like asking Pakistani cricket team to start playing Hockey instead. Pakistan was created for the Muslims to practice religion, had it been for "secularists" there wouldn't be any need for Pakistan. If secularism is working for Non-Muslim states then be it, doesn't mean that it will work for Pakistan too. We have our own values, identity & culture and whatever the spark we require to turn over a new leaf, it has to come from within and not from Goras.
It's like asking Pakistani cricket team to start playing Hockey instead. Pakistan was created for the Muslims to practice religion, had it been for "secularists" there wouldn't be any need for Pakistan. If secularism is working for Non-Muslim states then be it, doesn't mean that it will work for Pakistan too. We have our own values, identity & culture and whatever the spark we require to turn over a new leaf, it has to come from within and not from Goras.
Thats depends how you interpret events ..It also can be interpreted that pakistan was formed to protect minority muslims who feared there will be minority persecution in independent India ..So pakistan can have its own relevance with secularism too..This one is a good thread indeed ..If Iranians turks indonesians all have kept their identity intact then why cant pakistan ?Land has been craddle of civilisation and sadly in the name of religion everything has been dusted but at the end you are searching for your own identity among pool of muslim nations ..tragedy indeed
As an Indian - Let me say this - your nation should be above your religion. If that happens, many problems would subside.
our nation is because of our religion... otherwise there would be no point of pakistan.
Lol im really amused at these non resident pakistanis in western countries......No america or western or an eastern country is an example for us to follow.

Most of the people who go out are basically labours and they get easily amazed by the west, hence coming up with such thought.
destruction of Sunni/Shia divide which is currently bringing Shia hegemonic champions Iran/deobandi takfiri Saudis into play in internal affairs and will stop sectarian conflicts from being bred in future.

This is NOT really a very difficult thing to takle. I've mentioned before, all the masses and including here are not qualified to discuss the intricacies of Islamic Aqeedah. However, we should hold World Annual TELEVISED debates and bring in ALL sects to debate their view points with other Islamic Scholars.

We don't give respect to proper Islamic scholars who have spent 30 years studying Islam with teachers whose lineage goes back to the Prophet (as'salaathu-was'salaam). If Islam is easy to understand, then why go to Madaris or Mahad Al-Islamia in the Arab World?

How many people would question a Medical doctor on his/her knowledge? What about an Engineer? You would not, because he/she has a degree stuck on the wall and you trust their 7 years of education.
Again typical old lie .. You were biggest supporter of taliban and never defended pak army and martyr against taliban , now you are going with the wind of public to impose some other agenda. 4th century mentality.
You don't know me so keep living in lies and delusions
To comment people must have a firm knowledge of history. In the middle ages Church was persecuting people for studying science. People from all over Europe, especially Jews, came to Andulasia to seek knowledge. Over there the idea was born that science in itself is a field of study that does not have to interfere in religion and both can exist side by side.

This idea added fuel to the fire of hatred people had for the church and an extremist version of this idea was born, called secularism, seperation of state and church. So why should we bring secularism to Islam when secularism itself is a bastard child of ours?
90% of Pakistani sectarian issues are due to weak Law & Order (which are still better then our enemies are trying to make out). If Laws are strong writ of state is better placed then their wont by any cleric who can pass Fatwa against other sect. Fatwa requires to go from Country Constitution and implementation will be in the hands of Law enforcers. Then then only A provoking minority, or suppressing majority can be tamed. And anyone going against is a criminal without looking into number, power or ethnicity that criminal belongs to.

Power has to lay at the State, and State Institution to bring peace in Pakistan.
Fatwa requires to go from Country Constitution

It's Impossible! Fatawa can NEVER be presented to the Courts of Pakistan for petition or seek approval! The law of the land has to be governed by Sharia (Islamic Law) and Pakistan's Constitution and nor it's Judicial System is Islamic.
It's Impossible! Fatawa can NEVER be presented to the Courts of Pakistan for petition or seek approval! The law of the land has to be governed by Sharia (Islamic Law) and Pakistan's Constitution and nor it's Judicial System is Islamic.
You are mixing thungs. Problem is not Pakistani constitution is as per Shariah or not, but problem is implementation. When i look into constitution, i clearly see it has to be under islamic law. In the light of clause 1-6, anyone can go to court and parliament and fix the constitution in the light of islam.

if Constitution derive the Law so, fatwa from all non-governing institutes a.k.a molvi on the next road will not be accepted by the state as excuse of any crime against people of state, mumtaz qadri kind. On the otherside,if there is a criminal as per people, then people has to come to state for such crimes rather then taking things on their own hands.

And law is constitution, court executors, and Law enforces implementorr. That's the fact, and but implementation is week which makes things bad like I said 90% of issues are lack of implementation.
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