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Pakistanize Islam and destroy sectarianism


May 2, 2011
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United Kingdom
Pakistan as a state needs to look very closely at her social ecosystem to maintain equilibrium and patriotism.

The US example is perfect for this. Americanism was a term coined during the formation of a united states of America in an attempt to bring Christianity and Judaism in line with American values. See the book below, a very interesting read.

Americanism: The Fourth Great Western Religion: Amazon.co.uk: David Gelernter: 9780385513128: Books

In order for Pakistan to progress her society and become independent she must push attachment from the Army and Religion to the state as the masses opinions can change. However the state is as is and to achieve true synergy all eyes must be focused on this entity.

You will be asking how? I don't know how, its a complicated process and will take years of weaning the public away from current mindset.

What I do know is by Pakistanizing Islam would mean a destruction of Sunni/Shia divide which is currently bringing Shia hegemonic champions Iran/deobandi takfiri Saudis into play in internal affairs and will stop sectarian conflicts from being bred in future. Essentially it will ensure society falls into line with true Pakistani values and foreign intelligence agencies will no longer have a playground to have fun in.

A good place to start would be to start reworking the curriculum in school and madrassahs. But what content and how to avoid becoming heretics. Ahmadiya movement was an epic failure by British who tried to do just this.
The US example is perfect for this. Americanism was a term coined during the formation of a united states of America in an attempt to bring Christianity and Judaism in line with American values. See the book below, a very interesting read.
Most Americans like Jews because they are killing Muslims in Gaza and fight Muslims. Otherwise a lot of them hate Jews too, just less than Muslims.

They are a nation that can shoot black unarmed men to death for resisting but can catch 100 white skinheads fighting among themselves (a mini-war) without any casualties, curfew or the National Guard (all were required in Baltimore and Ferguson).

Don't think US is going to be a good example to use.

And to the point of your post, the only way Pakistan can stop this sectarianism is by trying to teach those who believe in it that "Allah doesn't live in Iran or Saudi Arabia and that the Quran doesn't mention Sunni or Shia either".
Most Americans like Jews because they are killing Muslims in Gaza and fight Muslims. Otherwise a lot of them hate Jews too, just less than Muslims.

They are a nation that can shoot black unarmed men to death for resisting but can catch 100 white skinheads fighting among themselves (a mini-war) without any casualties, curfew or the National Guard (all were required in Baltimore and Ferguson).

Don't think US is going to be a good example to use.

And to the point of your post, the only way Pakistan can stop this sectarianism is by trying to teach those who believe in it that "Allah doesn't live in Iran or Saudi Arabia and that the Quran doesn't mention Sunni or Shia either".

Sunni/Shia divide is not religious but Iranian/Arab rivalry which had been passed to us. This shit needs to be curbed.
Anyway Pakistan would progress by learning the hard way. The improvement in economic conditions would help a lot in changing stereotypes and extreme views.
Sunni/Shia divide is not religious but Iranian/Arab rivalry which had been passed to us. This shit needs to be curbed.
I agree on that, look at Bangladesh, Indonesia, we don't have any Sunni/Shia conflict (or negligible) and we have the 1st and 4th most Muslim population and is also a majority Muslim nation, having over 85% of Muslim population.

Pakistan has been dragged into it due to it's border with Iran and thus play an important role for both Saudis and Iranians for controlling the Iranian influence.

I think Pakistan should have a Madrasha Education Board such as Bangladesh that teach Islam rather than sectarianism.
I agree on that, look at Bangladesh, Indonesia, we don't have any Sunni/Shia conflict (or negligible) and we have the 1st and 4th most Muslim population and is also a majority Muslim nation, having over 85% of Muslim population.

But unlike Pakistan, Indonesia and Bangladesh have very low Shia populations, they are not even 5% of the Muslim population.
I agree on that, look at Bangladesh, Indonesia, we don't have any Sunni/Shia conflict (or negligible) and we have the 1st and 4th most Muslim population and is also a majority Muslim nation, having over 85% of Muslim population.

Pakistan has been dragged into it due to it's border with Iran and thus play an important role for both Saudis and Iranians for controlling the Iranian influence.

I think Pakistan should have a Madrasha Education Board such as Bangladesh that teach Islam rather than sectarianism.
shias are a tiny minority in bangladesh, smller than even hindus. In pakistan its nearly 15 to 25 percent who can and do fight back.You cant have a serious conflict with such tiny population in bd.
Ahmedis, still smaller number are persecuted(one sided affair), so no conflict there again.
But unlike Pakistan, Indonesia and Bangladesh have very low Shia populations, they are not even 5% of the Muslim population.
Yes that's true but very few of us know about the different sects until we are grown up. I had no idea that Shia and Sunni until I was over 10 years and there are many people who are quite the same.

We as a majority Sunni don't have clerics saying us that Saudi Arabia is the "keeper of Islam and we must defend them from Iranian aggression", something that is done in Pakistan. You guys need to stop these kinds of people from preaching political agendas through Islam.

shias are a tiny minority in bangladesh, smller than even hindus. In pakistan its nearly 15 to 25 percent who can and do fight back.You cant have a serious conflict with such tiny population in bd.
Ahmedis, still smaller number are persecuted(one sided affair), so no conflict there again.

Look Up.
As an Indian - Let me say this - your nation should be above your religion. If that happens, many problems would subside.
Yes that's true but very few of us know about the different sects until we are grown up. I had no idea that Shia and Sunni until I was over 10 years and there are many people who are quite the same.

We as a majority Sunni don't have clerics saying us that Saudi Arabia is the "keeper of Islam and we must defend them from Iranian aggression", something that is done in Pakistan. You guys need to stop these kinds of people from preaching political agendas through Islam.

Look Up.
apart from proximity to iran, pakistan does have large enough shia population to have a conflict. You have not heard because there is no conflict. Sunni clerics of BD have bigger enemies than shia.

Basically bangladesh is a bad template for pakistan in this regard, pakistan can neither change location of their country nor shia population.
Sunni clerics of BD have bigger enemies than shia.
And India is non-existent from Pakistan. Kashmir just vanished into thin air. Our clerics don't preach political agendas, just the political parties do.
Regulate education and mosques. Revamp police and judicial system. Purge national institutions and corporations. Nourish economy. Clamp down on foreign links of local organisations. You have your answer for bright Pakistan. Sectarian and ethnic divides breath on lack of above factors. You cut their Oxygen and they will die naturally.
As an Indian - Let me say this - your nation should be above your religion. If that happens, many problems would subside.

I agree with you, unfortunately Pakistan has a long way to go in achieving that.
Most of "Non Resident Pakistani's" that you've mentioned, have spent more time in Pakistan than your age and have considerably higher IQ's than "residents", such as yourself.

Lol im really amused at these non resident pakistanis in western countries......No america or western or an eastern country is an example for us to follow.
As an Indian - Let me say this - your nation should be above your religion. If that happens, many problems would subside.
Maybe for some other religion but for Muslims, Islam should be above nation. And most of agree on that but if we followed that then there wouldn't have been the war in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Saudis and Iranians would have been buddies.
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