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Pakistanis racial background

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1 or 10 billion, Indian genetic pool is same. It does not depend on size of population. As i said you can't fight science. Indians are indeed unique and different then low caste Pakistanis.

Ghenda Sahib...you are not answering my question...yes you cannot beat science(I showed a PCA graph from Discovery Mag) . Now tell me how hindu converts will have different genetic pool from other hindus.
This thread is doomed to fail. OP should join racist supremacist forums and look for this kind of bogus "research" over there.
India is mostly low caste Shudra while Pakistan is high caste. Even though Pakistanis don't care about caste anymore, we still defend our heritage from Indians
Ghenda Sahib...you are not answering my question...yes you cannot beat science(I showed a PCA graph from Discovery Mag) . Now tell me how hindu converts will have different genetic pool from other hindus.

Because you guys are high caste hindus and we are low caste hindu converts, our genetic pool is not same. The map you posted is similar to the one i posted, same population samples are used. Here is another PCA grapgh.


Like I said, I am a Hindu. Also, I have record of my lineage going back at least 1500 years (even before that, but we don't have linguistic experts) - no change in caste either while maternal and paternal ancestors traveled only between Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bengal, and Bihar in the last 1200 years. My second reference point is Southern India because one-fifth of my DNA is of Southeast Asian origin.

Anyway, on this matter, I'd trust the Genographic Project over you.

View attachment 141927

Try better options out there before trusting anyone. Pamiri is isolated group like Kalash and are not that much related to someone in Bihar.
My parents migrated from hajipur and hoshiarpur-India ,both are Arain , majority of people living in Punjab converted to Islam from Sikhism are called jutts ,while we are not considered converts and there is a story that we belong to Jericho-Syria and we came with Muhammad bin Qasim
jutts converted from hinduism amd buddhism to islam and sikhism.
You're getting weird now.

Brother i am just giving you honest opinion, Pamiri is very isolated group and no South Asian is closer to them other then perhaps pashtuns/north Pakistan dardic groups. Try uploading your NG file in to gedmatch to get better and accurate results.
I am rajput therefore aryan
Because you guys are high caste hindus and we are low caste hindu converts, our genetic pool is not same. The map you posted is similar to the one i posted, same population samples are used. Here is another PCA grapgh.

View attachment 141947

Try better options out there before trusting anyone. Pamiri is isolated group like Kalash and are not that much related to someone in Bihar.

high caste hindus and low caste hindus could have a slightly differ in genetic pool because of less incidence of marriage between these two groups in past, and in the present india this too is fast bluring...but even in the past there was always a continuity in the genetic map (refer to my graph).

yes..i agree that the difference in pak and indian genetic makeup could be accounted for by the difference in high caste hindus and low caste hindus
high caste hindus and low caste hindus could have a slightly differ in genetic pool because of less incidence of marriage between these two groups in past, and in the present india this too is fast bluring...but even in the past there was always a continuity in the genetic map (refer to my graph).

yes..i agree that the difference in pak and indian genetic makeup could be accounted for by the difference in high caste hindus and low caste hindus

Yes i think Pakistanis being low caste is the reason there big genetic difference between both.
Yes i think Pakistanis being low caste is the reason there big genetic difference between both.

Ghenda Sahib...you exactly got my point. May be now that pakistan is a different country...in next thousand years it might have a different genetic mix up than indians. 65 years is too less the time for differences to emerge in the genetic makeup
Ghenda Sahib...you exactly got my point. May be now that pakistan is a different country...in next thousand years it might have a different genetic mix up than indians. 65 years is too less the time for differences to emerge in the genetic makeup

I think Pakistanis being low caste is the reason we are so different then Indians. Hopefully this difference only grows over time. Amen
Brother i am just giving you honest opinion, Pamiri is very isolated group and no South Asian is closer to them other then perhaps pashtuns/north Pakistan dardic groups. Try uploading your NG file in to gedmatch to get better and accurate results.

Man I know what are Pamiris and Kalash people. They got "isolated" barely 2-3 thousand years ago. All the mix up I am referring to had already happened by then. It's not as if Pamiris and Kalash have as pure DNAs as do tribals of Andaman & Nicobar or the Native Australians or Bushmen. In fact Kalash people are said to have arrived in the region along with the army of Alexander. Both, Pamiri and Kalash, have a lot of West Asian in them and so do many Europeans and Indians. Rather, I think that the tradition of marriage and birth in the same caste in India has preserved the respective DNA pool for a longer time than has isolation of Pamiris and Kalash. Just because they became intrinsic just 2000 years ago, is no reason for me to consider them an "isolated group" when it comes tracing genetic links.
I think Pakistanis being low caste is the reason we are so different then Indians. Hopefully this difference only grows over time. Amen

yes but remember more than 60% of india is so called 'low caste'. and also modi, india's Prime Minister, belong to so the called 'low caste' .yes the difference will grow with time
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