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Pakistanis, Disengage from all Indians on PDF!

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Disengage with Indians??, all of them, very disingenuous and churlish Idea.

BTW any one can disengage with anyone without any compulsion and whenever one wants to.

How do we know their thoughts and ideas, we all are intrigued about the neighbors, vice versa, how will we know their strategies, their politics, their social affairs, their history, economy, just about anything.

And keep your friends close, and your enemies closer...you know:-)

Without knowing anything about them we can't fight just as we can't befriend as frenemies...

I would like to send a recommendation to the mod's and site admins to have just 2 main sections in this forum: a CHILD section, and an ADULT section.

The Child section is where the OP and his friends can create their own circle-jerks, and the same goes with other users like Nilu Pule, Bagheera etc. All of them can do whatever they want in the Child section.

In the Adult section, all remaining Defence.pk users can have civilized debates. The only qualification is you should be 21 and above, mentally. :smitten:

@Joe Shearer
Nilu Pule,

It means you need a racist/supremacist section as well at PDF...

And shouldn't be there a section for liberals/seculars/leftists and another one for Sanghis and Andhbhakts...in Indian sub forums, same in Pakistan section.

On a serious note engagement between common Pakistanis and Indians breaks the cycle of hatred and misunderstanding what the politicians of both countries wants...the mainstream media gives a lopsided concocted picture in India about Pakistan and vice versa...

I gained so much knowledge about India and the people by reading here posts and engaging with them. They are alike and different like us.

So the more engagement the better for like minded people and also with people of different dissenting views...Sanghis too.
It means you need a racist/supremacist section as well at PDF...

And shouldn't be there a section for liberals/seculars/leftists and another one for Sanghis and Andhbhakts...in Indian sub forums, same in Pakistan section.

On a serious note engagement between common Pakistanis and Indians breaks the cycle of hatred and misunderstanding what the politicians of both countries wants...the mainstream media gives a lopsided concocted picture in India about Pakistan and vice versa...

I gained so much knowledge about India and the people by reading here posts and engaging with them. They are alike and different like us.

So the more engagement the better for like minded people and also with people of different dissenting views...Sanghis too.

The cycle of hatred hasn't been broken in nearly 73 years. What makes you think it's going to change now? The battle lines were drawn long ago. Nothing is going to change that.

@PAKISTANFOREVER @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Verve @Mangus Ortus Novem
This is the reason I will continue calling out sh1t stirring Indian trolls - when I see shit I will point it out and leather it in their faces especially one that is lower than the rest put together like this one.
Now indian tell me why you start threads highlighting Pakistan has petrol shortages a month ago? What economical viable or commercial interest does a little Indian has like you in a situation over the border? Why do you put up troll fest posts like that and encourage your trolls to post and sit back?
You pride yourself on having no infractions but we know what your elk do hence the creation of this thread. You think your clever and can get away with soft trollism but you can’t now - because you been exposed.
You pick on @HalfMoon thinking he’s an easy target? Mods have checked his IP address and confirmed his status - that’s good enough for me - now you answer the friggin question - why do you encourage others to troll by looking up bad things going on in Pakistan and post them on here - answer the question without ducking and calling me son - which is another one of your immature taunts trying to belittle a member.

As long as we ignore them and don't engage with. them, nothing will come of it. The fact that they engage in such behaviour is ample evidence of their obsession with us.
@Nilgiri katti aaj se
images - 2020-07-22T130356.420.jpeg
The cycle of hatred hasn't been broken in nearly 73 years. What makes you think it's going to change now? The battle lines were drawn long ago. Nothing is going to change that.

I learned to differentiate between a lobby with hateful ideology and common similar people, learned to hate the country policies and still not hating the common man, the children and mothers, the poor downtrodden and people with no hope and with no fault of theirs to be hated just because they live in India.

As someone has said the common enemy in India and Pakistan is the mismanagement and the related poverty, the extreme discrepancies in rich and poor, lack of housing, health and right education.

Yes I hate the politicians and the leaders there, but I can't hate the children who are just like ours, the mothers who are like ours, the sisters and daughters who are alike than different.
I learned to differentiate between a lobby with hateful ideology and common similar people, learned to hate the country policies and still not hating the common man, the children and mothers, the poor downtrodden and people with no hope and with no fault of theirs to be hated just because they live in India.

As someone has said the common enemy in India and Pakistan is the mismanagement and the related poverty, the extreme discrepancies in rich and poor, lack of housing, health and right education.

Yes I hate the politicians and the leaders there, but I can't hate the children who are just like ours, the mothers who are like ours, the sisters and daughter who are alike than different.

Also I am getting tired of explaining to many Pakistani posters here that not all Indians hate their nation. Someone living in Mumbai, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra, West Bengal, or North-East has zero concern with what is going on in Pakistan. Ap kush haal raho, yahi hamari dua hai.

Even in Northern India, there are still ADULTS in charge.

The Punjabis of India still have a soft corner for Punjab in Pakistan. Noone can change that.
The Sindhis of India (all Hindus) are filled with tears when they remember Sindh in Pakistan. How can you change that?

This stupid thread will die in due course. But at least one good thing has come out of it: now we can separate the adults from the children in future.

Not my fight but you seem to have missed to mention the puppet master, Rest are just pawns for his jihad, His first target the Indians.. Rest will come after.. :coffee:

I apologize for having to quote Donald Trump but there are "very fine people on both sides." :woot:
The Punjabis of India still have a soft corner for Punjab in Pakistan. Noone can change that.
The Sindhis of India (all Hindus) are filled with tears when they remember Sindh in Pakistan. How can you change that?

Punjabis of Indian Punjab just love the Punjab here with unadulterated language and traditions...anyone visiting Kartarpur was teary eyed when talking about the Pakistan hospitality, and how they were welcomed with open arms...and that how the Indian media paints a false picture of Pakistan...hating all Indians means we are falling in the trap of Sanghis and extremists in BJP/VHP/RSS.

What you have written about Sindhis on either side is also true. South Indians from Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra hate Pakistan the least, in fact they have soft corner for Pakistanis...

The thing is, this across the board hate is helping the Hindutva ideology to unsurp whatever little is left of a secular India, this hatred for Pakistan and Muslims is their political staple food. So why hate and help them the most.
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Punjabis of Indian Punjab just love the Punjab here with unadulterated language and traditions...anyone visiting Kartarpur was teary eyed when talking about the Pakistan hospitality, and how they were welcomed with open arms...and that how the Indian media paints a false picture of Pakistan...hating all Indians means we are falling to the trap of Sanghis and extremists in BJP/VHP/RSS.

What you have written about about Sindhis on either side is also true. South Indians from Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra hate Pakistan the least, in fact they have soft corner for Pakistanis...

The thing is this across the board hate is helping the Hindutva ideology to unsurp whatever little is left of a secular India, this hatred for Pakistan and Muslims is their political staple food. So why hate and help them the most.

Very true. Those in South India, Maharashtra, and West Bengal have absolutely ZERO conflict with Pakistan. Some of them who listen to Indian media might be temporarily brainwashed but in general, they don't care what's going on in Kashmir or LoC. They have local issues to worry about.

Most Sikhs in India are very misty-eyed when they think about Lahore or Nankana Sahib. But also the Hindu Punjabis have a soft corner.

Sindhi Hindus in India are very passionate in defending their native area. Some of them continue to travel to Karachi, Hyderabad, etc. whenever they get a chance.

There is indeed a core of secular India despite so much hatred fanning out because of Sanghis.

I can also assure all Pakistani posters here that no Indian parent would SUPPORT someone in LOC losing their child due to cross-border shelling. The fact they don't condemn these incidents is everything to do with how brainwashed they are due to Indian media. The Pakistani viewpoint is just never aired in Indian TV channels.

You can blame our government, politicians, and media all you want.
As usual, the supremacist sc*m have barged in, with a little encouragement and replies from some Pakistanis, and derailed the thread - cussing a large majority of active Pakistani posters who agree with this proposal. This is exactly what happens on the forum, one thread to another.


You seem to have missed the point completely. Echo chamber doesn't apply. Supremacists sc*m are posting in here and we are reading, we are simply choosing not to Quote/Tag/Reply ... there is no call for ban.

So tell us, how has your life changed in a positive way from interacting with these Indians since 2012 (joining forum)? Quantify it all please.

I have interacted extensively with Indians resident in many countries (that I was a resident of myself), and India born and bred are the same everywhere and hardly any different to those on this forum. Perhaps your interaction with them has been limited outside the forum and you have your reasons for craving it, but those are your reasons.
Disengage with Indians??, all of them, very disingenuous and churlish Idea.

BTW any one can disengage with anyone without any compulsion and whenever one wants to.

How do we know their thoughts and ideas, we all are intrigued about the neighbors, vice versa, how will we know their strategies, their politics, their social affairs, their history, economy, just about anything.

And keep your friends close, and your enemies closer...you know:-)

Without knowing anything about them we can't fight just as we can't befriend as frenemies...

How long more do you need to get to know this enemy?

You study the enemy. Once you have figured out their 'core', you've got what you need to build a strategy to counter.

White Supremacists are much better than these Indian Hindu Supremacists!

These are the same friends and neighbours who butchered their muslim friends and neighbours in Gujrat!

Tsk tsk this whole thing is like a thot begging her ex to talk to her again :lol:

@PAKISTANFOREVER @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Morpheus @Verve

They beg and curse/mock in the same post, without fail. Typical supremacists behaviour.
How long more do you need to get to know this enemy?

You study the enemy. Once you have figured out their 'core', you've got what you need to build a strategy to counter.

White Supremacists are much better than these Indian Hindu Supremacists!

These are the same friends and neighbours who butchered their muslim friends and neighbours in Gujrat!
I have a different idea of enmity. I will visit my enemy more. Just to have a clear vision, where to hit, in case I want to..
I have a different idea of enmity. I will visit my enemy more. Just to have a clear vision, where to hit, in case I want to..

Many of us have that clear vision already. And that is hit their Ego! Take away their ego food, and that is done by disengagement. Do not give them any chance for a leg over. They are obsessed with Pakistan and Pakistanis and crave to show us down. Why give them that satisfaction?

There's nothing more to figure out about them. I have been seeing this since the age of 13 when I first started having regular interactions with Indian born & bred of my age and adults.
your antics.

1. My post wasn't targeted at you

2. My antics?

3. Look for my posts on this thread again before assuming things

4. If they don't wanna talk then so be it why are you stuck from page 1 if you're so disinterested....chill, relax...they simply don't wanna talk why are indians getting so triggered over it, it's good to like each other but obsession should be a red line, move on, get over it

5. The OP wasn't a greencard for anyone to come and post their apologies, maybe you misread it
Whats the SOP for interacting with an Indian when not on this forum?

There is a clear difference between India born & bred and local born (2nd, 3rd gens etc). Avoiding is the best SOP. I don't shop from any Indian owned shops and don't buy Made in India products.

My last neighbour was an Indian (born & bred), and on a train ride into London one day he suddenly started off on Kashmir and Pakistan bashing (never discussed Pakistan-India ever with him before) - this was after about a year or so of interaction. What came out of that highly educated scientist was all that Indian anchor talk ... Gave him a shut up call with UN resolutions and that was the last day of our interaction with him and his family - put on a permanent shit-list.

Hindu is incorrigible ... I have found that statement to be true ... go to any part of the world and interact with Indian Hindus ... eventually they will reveal their same true innerselves.
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