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Pakistani-Turkish-Saudi Air Force Exercise "Peace Hawks 1"


Aug 6, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
TAIF - SPA: Royal Saudi Air Forces in cooperation with Turkish and Pakistani Air Forces will carry out the exercises of "Peace Hawks 1" at King Fahd Air Base in the Western Sector on June 5-24, 2013.

The exercises aim to deepen the bonds of cooperation and joint actions between the forces of the three countries, to exchange military expertise, and improve their combating readiness.

Peace Hawks 1​


Saudi Air Force along with their counterparts of the Turkish and Pakistani Air Forces are holding exercises in Taif from the period of 6th of may to the 18th of the same month. F-15s and Typhoons as well as AWACs and Refueling tankers are participating from the Saudi side, And F-16s are participating from the Pakistani and Turkish side.

This comes as a part of exchanging tactical knowledge and experience in the field of Aerial Combat between the participating nations, and establishing a common leadership goals and understandings for future operations.

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FYI I live in Taif and have seen heavy air activity (Heavier than usual) and saw F-16s but didn't know who it belonged to and this confirmed it.
i hope its a constructive exercise for all the 3 nations taking part in this activity and gain as much as knowledge and advantage possible :tup: i wish all three nations the best of luck !!!!

i hope to see pics :D
I wonder why it's called 'PEACE HAWKS'? Firstly, hawks by their temperament aren't peaceful. They are aggressive predators! Secondly, such exercises are meant for preparing for war, not peace!! :cheesy:

I must be missing something here...Or I must be plain dumb! :ashamed:
I wonder why it's called 'PEACE HAWKS'? Firstly, hawks by their temperament aren't peaceful. They are aggressive predators! Secondly, such exercises are meant for preparing for war, not peace!! :cheesy:

I must be missing something here...Or I must be plain dumb! :ashamed:


I will simplify : “Si vis pacem, para bellum (If you want peace, prepare for war)”.

:butcher: :devil:
Great news


from last two days m listening very good news..... great
Glad to see our boys excersing with our bestie friends :D :pakistan:

Peace Hawks 1​


Saudi Air Force along with their counterparts of the Turkish and Pakistani Air Forces are holding exercises in Taif from the period of 6th of may to the 18th of the same month. F-15s and Typhoons as well as AWACs and Refueling tankers are participating from the Saudi side, And F-16s are participating from the Pakistani and Turkish side.

This comes as a part of exchanging tactical knowledge and experience in the field of Aerial Combat between the participating nations, and establishing a common leadership goals and understandings for future operations.

??? / ?????? ?????? ??????? ???????? ???? ????? "???? ?????? 1" ???????

FYI I live in Taif and have seen heavy air activity (Heavier than usual) and saw F-16s but didn't know how it belonged to and this confirmed it.
Is this the first time(Peace Hawks 1)of the three airforces together?
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