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Pakistani students envy Indians, as Imran khan did nothing to evacuate

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Brother mine,

You have done us service by keeping the process of information and education regarding this emerging threat to human lives...

My Allah bless you!

Indians are Indians. We must just ignore them... let them glee.. they are what they are....

Indeed, Pakistan has done good so far... and prevention protocols are followed...

However, it is not over till it is over... until then I wish/pray that GoP remains alive to the threat and doesn't go to sleep...

A central coordination office/control room needs to be established and liase with WHO/China all others...24/7

We love our childeren too... so all these taunts are well...

Stay blessed!


I suspect that striver44 is false flagger. He troll in China thread about fake allegation of uighur abuse and now he come to troll Pakistan. Suspect to be an american agent or bot trying to destroy all enemies of US.

Watching bro.
I suspect that striver44 is false flagger. He troll in China thread about fake allegation of uighur abuse and now he come to troll Pakistan. Suspect to be an american agent or bot trying to destroy all enemies of US.
Yes. could you elaborate from which country i am, ? I mean i could be taiwanese.
Good, good. You get the picture now.
Well I knew, but you are just putting it out in open. You wont get anywhere with good debates if Indian posters know how the end reaction will be. Its completely your prerogative.

I assumed here that the reason you allow Indians here is to have debates where all the opinions wont be pro pakistan.
Its a type of flu. More people have died from the regular flu than this in this same time period. Stop your whining. China is more than capable of handling this better than Pakistan
You were salty. You directly accused him of being false flag because you couldn't take the message.

It's not about he action they take but its about them understanding the reason for decline in quality of this forum. Like I said before, you are the main reason. You immediately called me sanghi troll, just because I share an honest Indian opinion which you don't like. Its you who instigated banning of Indian members after Feb 27th event, which made this entire forum an Pakistani echo chamber. Of course, you would be proud but that doesn't change the fact that decision made this forum a troll factory.
Posting just a random tweet is not exactly contributing to the quality of the forum and then following up with a one-worded post makes one's intentions quite obvious.
I would suggest you go back a day to 26th February and see how the Indian members who had long gone into oblivion suddenly appeared and turned the forum into a Kolkata street....hence the next day they were paid back in the same coin.
indians invented system of securing people from corona

I wonder what would you say in case this succeeds !
You have to understand the risk of a widespread outbreak in Pakistan will be disastrous. God knows the exact number of people infected in China with some indi sources estimating more than 70k in Wuhan alone. You don't get Corona from just visiting Wuhan, but many did and that's crazy how this virus spreads.
For Pakistan, the best medical treatment they could avail is from China right now. For Indians, it's inexpensive if they avail it in India. Also, the families are pressuring the government to get them back. Hence the evacuation.

Pakistani students are right to feel this way when seeing other countries especially their neighbors evacuating their citizens. Even I would be panicked and angry if I was in their shoes. But it's for their best to stay in China and the government can foot their medical bills if any get affected.
Posting just a random tweet is not exactly contributing to the quality of the forum and then following up with a one-worded post makes one's intentions quite obvious.
I would suggest you go back a day to 26th February and see how the Indian members who had long gone into oblivion suddenly appeared and turned the forum into a Kolkata street....hence the next day they were paid back in the same coin.
the best part of 27 feb was indians massive log out and run from forum . they were not banned but log out and leave forum after they see first images of abhinandan :lol: some returned after 1 month some 3 months did not come back they read forum as guest :enjoy:
Well I knew, but you are just putting it out in open. You wont get anywhere with good debates if Indian posters know how the end reaction will be. Its completely your prerogative.

I assumed here that the reason you allow Indians here is to have debates where all the opinions wont be pro pakistan.

Much changed since Modi and the red line for us was 370. We simply cannot be on the same terms we used to, not ever now.
Although there are a fair few Indians still here who don't make antagonistic posts and hence carry on.
Lol at those thinking that India is inviting trouble by evacuating its citizens from China. Basic screening would already be done by our professionals for the symptoms followed by serological tests or Nucleic Acid tests probably through a PCR kit. Only then would they have let the people board the flight.

In comparison, Pakistan is yet to acquire these PCR kits necessary for spot diagnosis and quarantine/isolation facilities pending which the only logical step would have been to leave them stranded.

Each country took the best decision on the basis of the available resources and state of healthcare. But i must add that the stranded Pakistanis have every right to be aggrieved.
Much changed since Modi and the red line for us was 370. We simply cannot be on the same terms we used to, not ever now.
Although there are a fair few Indians still here who don't make antagonistic posts and hence carry on.
Well if only internet was there since 1947, we would have much more tolerance regarding such moments bcoz there has been humiliating times for both the nations throughout.

But sincerely, if you are allowing Indians here on the forum, you have to be able to here negative or not pro pak comments. Trolling is different. Because its clearly not helping the conversations at least.

Your forum, your rules.
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