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Pakistani students envy Indians, as Imran khan did nothing to evacuate

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Lol. Here is the mod everyone who couldn't control himself. Threatening to ban for he couldn't take simple criticism. The user didn't even use objectionable language but he still can't take it.
@Dubious @jaibi @PakistaniJunior @Arsalan 345 @That Guy
Do you have any other purpose for your being other than acknowledging all ant-Pakistani remarks, with 14 rewards in less than one year and now you are even ranting against a MOD who is known to be very lenient.
GoP has taken the wise decision... we need to let this peak..and see how it subsides... We cann't take the risk of spread with 18k PakStudents returning...

Given that our overpopulation in big cities... no... despite looking harsh...the decision is correct.

The point is one infected might not suffer ...but can become a carrier for others...

Hopefully, someone has full genome of this virus and vaccine is on the slab.

China is working over time to not only contain it but to remedy it... so for now we must establish testing facilities within Pakistan and see if we have localised cases..

Frankly, GCC is also vulnerable...and from there threat to us is greater!

GoP is working overtime for testing units ... for now our focus is Containment!

Each nation has its own strategy according to means it has to fight... Indians gleeing over such tragedy should be ignored and not reacted to... let them be Indians!


I appreciate those Pakistani posters, who are responding to the Indian viruses, on PDF.
GoP has taken the wise decision... we need to let this peak..and see how it subsides... We cann't take the risk of spread with 18k PakStudents returning...

Given that our overpopulation in big cities... no... despite looking harsh...the decision is correct.

The point is one infected might not suffer ...but can become a carrier for others...

Hopefully, someone has full genome of this virus and vaccine is on the slab.

China is working over time to not only contain it but to remedy it... so for now we must establish testing facilities within Pakistan and see if we have localised cases..

Frankly, GCC is also vulnerable...and from there threat to us is greater!

GoP is working overtime for testing units ... for now our focus is Containment!

Each nation has its own strategy according to means it has to fight... Indians gleeing over such tragedy should be ignored and not reacted to... let them be Indians!


I'm just going to leave this map here as a reminder for all those who continue to politicise human tragedy, each of those 11,374 people confirmed infected are HUMAN, each have loved ones, families, colleagues, friends and entire communities connected to them... One million lannats on the face of those who are using this to score points.
NCOV Map 1 02 2020.png

Also recent research from Germany reveals that fecal contimination may be one of the biggest factors behind the spread, so countries with poor public sanitation like INDIA and Pakistan should be especially careful:

Also The New England Journal of Medicine published on a primer on 2019nCoV cluster in Germany re: transmission of nCoV2019 before a patient had symptoms. If pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic infected people can transmit, spread is likely to continue:

Pakistan actually acted maturely and maintained the correct protocol, if this enters the general population in Pakistan, we will NOT be able to cope!
When all these Indian students will get infected from each other and when parents will cry against Modi for this careless evacuation the mess that will make for India will be dramatic. Risking 300 lives just for political gain India has lost all moral values.
I hope it doesn't spread, but if cases start popping up in India in a couple of weeks time, Indians should immediately know that their highly education Prime Minister has done a favor to the whole Indian nation.
Whose "everyone" know no one gives damm, especially a rant from a little sanghi troll. Tag more people if you want let's see what happens.
Objectionable language, he called us 'salty' first, and I responded and then it escalated.

You were salty. You directly accused him of being false flag because you couldn't take the message.

It's not about he action they take but its about them understanding the reason for decline in quality of this forum. Like I said before, you are the main reason. You immediately called me sanghi troll, just because I share an honest Indian opinion which you don't like. Its you who instigated banning of Indian members after Feb 27th event, which made this entire forum an Pakistani echo chamber. Of course, you would be proud but that doesn't change the fact that decision made this forum a troll factory.
I'm just going to leave this map here as a reminder for all those who continue to politicise human tragedy, each of those 11,374 people confirmed infected are HUMAN, each have loved ones, families, colleagues, friends and entire communities connected to them... One million lannats on the face of those who are using this to score points.
View attachment 602785

Also recent research from Germany reveals that fecal contimination may be one of the biggest factors behind the spread, so countries with poor public sanitation like INDIA and Pakistan should be especially careful:

Also The New England Journal of Medicine published on a primer on 2019nCoV cluster in Germany re: transmission of nCoV2019 before a patient had symptoms. If pre-symptomatic or asymptomatic infected people can transmit, spread is likely to continue:
View attachment 602787

Pakistan actually acted maturely and maintained the correct protocol, if this enters the general population in Pakistan, we will NOT be able to cope!
Many thanks for posting this..
I just asked you a question and you never responded, you also have this obsession with what Pakistan is doing. You then became defensive when questioned on it.
You appear to be Indonesian having looked at your post history. I'll let it go. Sorry for having confused you.
Umm, so an Indian saying the same would have been dealt harshly or banned ?
Now these shameless little creatures will tell us about evacuating citizens.
We saved their arses from somali pirates when they were crying for help and evacuted their citizens from Yemen and sent them home honorably.
We know how to evacuate and we do when it is needed.
Do you have any other purpose for your being other than acknowledging all ant-Pakistani remarks, with 14 rewards in less than one year and now you are even ranting against a MOD who is known to be very lenient.
If you look at my comments, they were harmless. I just shared an opinion which @HRK didn't like. All of my negative ratings were from him. He just don't like my comments.
I hope it doesn't spread, but if cases start popping up in India in a couple of weeks time, Indians should immediately know that their highly education Prime Minister has done a favor to the whole Indian nation.

I heard that Sanghis have already found the remedy for this virus.:lol:
You were salty. You directly accused him of being false flag because you couldn't take the message.

It's not about he action they take but its about them understanding the reason for decline in quality of this forum. Like I said before, you are the main reason. You immediately called me sanghi troll, just because I share an honest Indian opinion which you don't like. Its you who instigated banning of Indian members after Feb 27th event, which made this entire forum an Pakistani echo chamber. Of course, you would be proud but that doesn't change the fact that decision made this forum a troll factory.

And you are a pu$$y who cries on here. You excuse his insult yet go off on mine? You make me sick with your hypocritical dribble.
Of course I banned your kind you filth, you came on here goading us, bragging about article 370 which now threatens the existence of the Kashmiri people, and you expect us to nice.
That was your last post. I remember you well defending all the vermin rejoicing over 370 now you can join them.
This is a sensitive issue and I did not wanted to hurt India on this but you asked for it so here it comes.

This is the image of India students coming home.

And this is how west is evacuating its people. Turkey used a quarantine plane India used regular plan risking ever students life.

Pakistanis are not fools and a copycat nation like India. We want to save lives not make political gains out of situations. Difference between India and Pakistan. Modi did it for politics we will do it for our people and in their best interest.
I suspect that striver44 is false flagger. He troll in China thread about fake allegation of uighur abuse and now he come to troll Pakistan. Suspect to be an american agent or bot trying to destroy all enemies of US.
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