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Pakistani students envy Indians, as Imran khan did nothing to evacuate

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Dude this is not about competing with india. Smh lolz
All countries ranging from the US,UK,canada and even indonesia had just evacuate their citizens. This is not poitical stunt. This is about your country obligation to save its citizens from danger, this is why you pay taxes etc.
Just a big big lol to see so many salty forumer.

What's it got to do with you? Are you an Indonesian?
Pakistan will bring them back.
Even the UK took it's time i.e. our citizens were bought back only yesterday.
Nothing wrong this is a south asia forum am I right? Why are you all so salty at the first palce?
So pakistani telling me that they're unable to quarantine their own citizens and left fellow countrymen to die? Okok
Who says they're going to die. Wuhan is a city of 11 million, are they all dead/dying?

Recently, I've been accused of being biased against the current government, but I'm going to contextualise this properly here.

Evacuation can be done, but people need to keep in mind, if it is done, it requires resources, political capital, taking the risk and quarantining. Furthermore, evacuation isn't really out of fear of deaths of citizens, it's to evacuate them from a quarantined city where their citizens are facing difficulty in daily life and are afraid.

In reality, we have some 500 students there. This thing kills only 2%, and that's if the number of recorded cases is not much lower than actual cases, in which case the mortality rate is even lower. Evacuating 500 students can be done. But one wonders the practicality of it or utility, beyond what I've described. I'm not against evacuating them, but people should not panic and they should realise the many reasons why evacuation has happened for some foreign citizens.

Next question that comes to mind, if this nCoV begins spreading as fast in other parts of China. Will the evacuation continue? These governments can't sustain evacuation and quarantine of tens of thousands of their citizens out of China. We have some 30,000 in China. Imagine the scale and cost needed to evacuate them.
Some people can't help but shitpost, what people fail to understand is that this is a global health crisis and Pakistan like other similar countries in the region (despite what they think) have a weak public health system and has been preparing in the background on a war footing, just because you don't see it doesn't mean it's not being done.

NIH SOPs and Advisories:
NIN Update 1.png
NIN Update 2.png
NIN Update 3.png
NIN Update 4.png
NIN Update 5.png
NIN Update 6.png
Who says they're going to die. Wuhan is a city of 11 million, are they all dead/dying?

Recently, I've been accused of being biased against the current government, but I'm going to contextualise this properly here.

Evacuation can be done, but people need to keep in mind, if it is done, it requires resources, political capital, taking the risk and quarantining. Furthermore, evacuation isn't really out of fear of deaths of citizens, it's to evacuate them from a quarantined city where their citizens are facing difficulty in daily life and are afraid.

In reality, we have some 500 students there. This thing kills only 2%, and that's if the number of recorded cases is not much lower than actual cases, in which case the mortality rate is even lower. Evacuating 500 students can be done. But one wonders the practicality of it or utility, beyond what I've described. I'm not against evacuating them, but people should not panic and they should realise the many reasons why evacuation has happened for some foreign citizens.

Next question that comes to mind, if this nCoV begins spreading as fast in other parts of China. Will the evacuation continue? These governments can't sustain evacuation and quarantine of tens of thousands of their citizens out of China. We have some 30,000 in China. Imagine the scale and cost needed to evacuate them.
Just quarantine them. You had a lot of military bases across the country. I never suggest you to let them loose. Nobody had
There are thousands of Pakistani students in China and they are desperately pleading Pakistani govt to help them. If requested even India would help in.

If we can make efforts to free Indians from Somali Pirates, rest assured we can take care of our own.
We will exercise the best what we think about our citizens and not just copy others....without thinking of consequences.
NDMC Briefing paper:
NIN Update 7.png

Establishment of specialist isolation wards:

Isolation wards have been set up at: Civil Hospital Karachi, Aga Khan Hospital and DOW University’s Ojha campus.

Procurement of specialist ambulances to transport suspect infected patients:

Now if people still want to swing their dicks and shit post I am just going to leave this tweet from the WHO here for all to see:

Thank you!
This thing kills only 2%, and that's if the number of recorded cases is not much lower than actual cases, in which case the mortality rate is even lower. Evacuating 500 students can be done. But one wonders the practicality of it or utility, beyond what I've described. I'm not against evacuating them, but people should not panic and they should realise the many reasons why evacuation has happened for some
Sir, less than 2% actually.

Many hundreds of thousands are already infected and have not felt any symptoms as is the case with any flu virus. 2% is calculated with respect to confirmed case, which are under 10,000 still and the deaths are in hundreds. However, the infected people might be in hundreds of thousands, who due to stronger resistance to infectious diseases, didn't even bother to go to a hospital for check up.

The actual mortality could be under 0.05 - 0.1 %.
I'll put you to sleep on this forum if you don't stop your BS.
Stop behind the flags of another nation and come out straight.
As for the evacuations I've already explained that many nations still have to act. Even the powerful states has left some of its citizens there.
Yes everyone i dont like is indians.
True , US made a mistake , UK made a mistake , Bangladesh made a mistake , Canada made a mistake
Do you know what an incubation period is?

These countries are making a mistake. Already it is clear that two wks is the absolute minimum incubation period for this virus.

Britain is isolating returnees for two wks in a remote location, though I feel this is not long enough.

Indians should be safe though as prophylactic vedic medicine will counter any virus, incubating or not.
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