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Pakistani students envy Indians, as Imran khan did nothing to evacuate

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Temperature screening to detect potential suspect cases at Point of Entry may miss travellers incubating the disease or travellers concealing fever during travel and may require substantial investments."
Hello Einstein, you obviously missed the point about conducting real time PCR and serological assays.
That is the very reason real time PCR tests are being conducted, serological tests make take a while to show the antibodies. Basics are simple, if one is infected with the CoV there will be viremia which will show up on PCR. Incubation period has nothing to do with it, and there may be asymptomatic carriers as well that transmit the virus. Perhaps your policymakers should listen to the healthcare professionals in your country.
Umm,,,in PCR,,,primers r used to detect a particular sequence of amino acids.
Here perhaps they r using a primer which is specific(complementary) to some typical regions on the virus.
CNN article mentions novel corona virus mortality of 2% compared with SARS at 9% and MERS at 30ish%.

So to evacuate them all is not justified from a public health pov when a single outbreak in Pakistan could cause a pandemic. Fully agree with gop stance based on available figures.

Regarding PCR testing, fair enough, you could test everyone but why would they need to come to Pakistan for that? Why create risk when there is no need to? You're assuming everything will work perfectly in terms of testing, results, quarantining, effectiveness of protective equipment for those in contact with returnees.

Sods law - some kit may give a false negative or some equipment may fail.

As stated, Pakistan is not taking a risk, while India is. Good luck.
Honestly threads like this really make me hate a segment of our neighbours on this forum.
The jets which wester countries sent had quarantine equipment
Errr... what "quarantine equipment"? Did you mean protective gear worn by airport staff? Thats not hard to get. Sure as hell Indians had that and sure as hell you folks should be able to get some.

True , US made a mistake , UK made a mistake , Bangladesh made a mistake , Canada made a mistake
Add Singapore and New Zealand to the list too.

And this is what Indians think of the efforts of GOI or it's effectiveness.
And what is effective? Leave your people to die in Wuhan?
I think in the first video he clearly stated it is told that the govt of China is quarantining them so how is Pakistan to be blamed or its govt as per OP (PMIK did nothing to evacuate)?

If you bothered watching the video ...the title the overjoyed tweeter handle wrote doesnt even fit the video! No where did they blame the govt. They are dissatisfied by the embassy and I would be too...our embassies are shit!
The 2nd sentence doesnt even appear in the video. I know indians live off lies. But creating lies off a video which doesnt say what it claims is really shameful!
Pak students blaming their Govt for not coming to their rescue, also making it clear that their Govt is lying by saying they hve been helped. Not Pak or their Brethren China helped Pak students, left on mercy of Coronavirus. Very shameful indeed.

It is shameful this twitter handle wrote out of JOY and mirch masala of the peril of another nation...Seriously shameful!

It is further shameful that you shared it without matching the title with the video...For that you will get your well deserved negative rating AND A WARNING so you do not repeat spreading such lies...PDF is not india we dont accept lies!
Errr... what "quarantine equipment"? Did you mean protective gear worn by airport staff? Thats not hard to get. Sure as hell Indians had that and sure as hell you folks should be able to get some.

Add Singapore and New Zealand to the list too.

And what is effective? Leave your people to die in Wuhan?
Nope I don't mean India airline staff wearing gear. I mean look at students sitting in the plane with out quarantine gear and just wearing masks. India has left behind 6 students who had fever but many in the plane will be in incubation stage and they will transmit to other students. Only defence powerful Indian govt gave them is face masks.

Where as Pakistan donated full quarantine gear to China.

He is an Indian journo for print.in
Who else can publish such videos and have their nation feel good?

Where as Pakistan donated full quarantine gear to China.
Oh dont tell them that? They are rejoicing off videos of the plight of our people :( Dont burst their inhumane bubble!
It is funny how Indians are begging the Pakistanis to fly their citizens out of China.

What is even more hilarious is how the Pak government is telling these RSS mongrols that it won't because China is more than capable of dealing with the situation.
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