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Pakistani students envy Indians, as Imran khan did nothing to evacuate

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Go check twitter
I dont have so much time to waste to go check every person circulating videos - without proof/ without time or date to verify nor without a follow up of what happened to these people! I mean sane humane people would follow up ...barbaric on the other hand rejoice and circulate it without thought as it takes too much energy to use a neuron to think!
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Pakistanis are not fools and a copycat nation like India. We want to save lives not make political gains out of situations. Difference between India and Pakistan. Modi did it for politics we will do it for our people and in their best interest.
Thats UK transporting evacuees.



He said the flight was like any normal plane journey, and passengers were served chicken tikka masala. In video footage taken on the flight, he said: “It’s maybe not the best quality aeroplane food that I’ve had, but certainly this is probably one of the best meals of my life – we’re on our way home.

Where is quarantine equipment are you talking about?
indians invented system of securing people from corona


You are wrong. Look at the Indian team that went to Wuhan and around 8 medical personals were there in full media gear who dealt with the passengers in the flight. Even the crew took adequate percussion and stayed in Wuhan for mere 3 hours before taking off again. All people in the flight including the crew would quarantined for next two weeks.

What kind of protection and quarantine is this where the Indians are only wearing a mask? A mask doesn't even protect the virus from spreading.
As stated, Pakistan is not taking a risk, while India is. Good luck.
Its less the question of taking risk, one way or the other every nation is taking risk by just existing on the earth. Its more the question of abandoning your citizens in a foreign land which is in a state of crisis now.

BTW it is not just India, a lot of other countries are also evacuating their citizens from Wuhan.
Umm,,,in PCR,,,primers r used to detect a particular sequence of amino acids.
Here perhaps they r using a primer which is specific(complementary) to some typical regions on the virus.
Yes, that's why the assays were targeted towards the conserved regions of the nCoV genome. Nevertheless, chances of false negatives due to variability is possible.
Nope I don't mean India airline staff wearing gear. I mean look at students sitting in the plane with out quarantine gear and just wearing masks. India has left behind 6 students who had fever but many in the plane will be in incubation stage and they will transmit to other students. Only defence powerful Indian govt gave them is face masks.
That'll be stupid. They don't need to wear the gear because they are already treated as infected persons and are already put in Isolation wards set up by the military after they arrived in India.
When all these Indian students will get infected from each other and when parents will cry against Modi for this careless evacuation the mess that will make for India will be dramatic. Risking 300 lives just for political gain India has lost all moral values.

It is nothing, but a PR stunt.

That'll be stupid. They don't need to wear the gear because they are already treated as infected persons and are already put in Isolation wards set up by the military after they arrived in India.

What about the flight crew? You don't even know the ABC of this virus. The world is still figuring it out and no one has created a vaccin.
Pathetic responses by Pakistani on this post. India has taken more than adequate measures. People are talking like they are being brought back to India and simply released. What nonsense.

And what's even more pathetic is that people support Pakistan's decision to let its citizens be stranded in China for God's knows how long simply because they don't have the facilities or resources to tackle the issue. Let China handle it while we complain about India, not realizing the optics of making such a decision. If Pakistan can't even take care of its own citizens, how will it take care of others, like the Kashmiris they cry about or the Indian Muslims that are under the oppressive thumb of fascist Modi?

You know damned well that Modi is only doing it for optics. There is absolutely no benefit for moving your citizens out of China. In fact it is risky as hell. There is no vaccine in production and the most you could do is quarantine the infected. Something that is already happening in China. The only BS I keep hearing is how the infected could be reunited with their soil. What is the point when the infected cannot even meet their family and have to be isolated from the rest.
Its more the question of abandoning your citizens in a foreign land which is in a state of crisis now.
You may wish to read other posts to understand the facts. Nobody is abandoning anyone but a decision has to be made on public health grounds over whether a virus with 2%mortality and that mainly kills elderly/already ill patients is justification for bringing everyone back from Wuhan immediately and creating inevitable risk for the rest of Pakistan. It's a no brainer of a decision. India is also a third world nation like Pakistan and an outbreak would be difficult to contain, hence India has had to make the same calculations but instead of leaving thousands of fit people at risk of infection in China, India has decided to place billions of people of variable fitness at risk, even if all the pcr results say "negative".

Even pregnancy tests have false negatives, yet Indians here are fully confident in their lying government agencies. I find that hilarious.
Pathetic responses by Pakistani on this post. India has taken more than adequate measures. People are talking like they are being brought back to India and simply released. What nonsense.

And what's even more pathetic is that people support Pakistan's decision to let its citizens be stranded in China for God's knows how long simply because they don't have the facilities or resources to tackle the issue. Let China handle it while we complain about India, not realizing the optics of making such a decision. If Pakistan can't even take care of its own citizens, how will it take care of others, like the Kashmiris they cry about or the Indian Muslims that are under the oppressive thumb of fascist Modi?
We are taking care of our citizens by keeping those exposed quarantined in China ...2ndly, we dont know much about the latent stage of the virus, india also doesnt know...even safe and secure Europe with all its precautions managed to get some carrying the virus into their nation! Good luck india! Killing more people to feel better than Pakistan?
It is funny how Bhartis have suddenly grown conscience on this issue. I bet tum bharityoon ki conscience marwanay chali jati hai when we talk about how people of Kashmir are suffering in open prison. I wonder how you two faced indian douchebags can even come here and talk on this issue. I swear it takes a special kind of garbage to cheer on misery of Muslims and Kashmiris on one hand and fake sympathy for Pakistanis on the other.
It is funny how Bhartis have suddenly grown conscience on this issue. I bet tum bharityoon ki conscience marwanay chali jati hai when we talk about how people of Kashmir are suffering in open prison. I wonder how you two faced indian douchebags can even come here and talk on this issue. I swear it takes a special kind of garbage to cheer on misery of Muslims and Kashmiris on one hand and fake sympathy for Pakistanis on the other.

The Indians kill and rape Kashmiris in broad daylight, but they are worried about Pakistanis stranded in China LOL Give me a break.
India is also a third world nation like Pakistan and an outbreak would be difficult to contain
A citizen would like their country to evacuate them from any country in crisis. Thats basic human instinct. As far as quarantining and contain infection goes, It is not impossible to do. Especially with the folks whom you know are coming from that area. You can contain them and anyways you will have to develop facilities for the same sooner or later.

Honestly, if Canada would have chosen not to bring back her citizens from China/Wuhan, I would have certainly voted that government out and would have never voted for them.
We are taking care of our citizens by keeping those exposed quarantined in China ...2ndly, we dont know much about the latent stage of the virus, india also doesnt know...even safe and secure Europe with all its precautions managed to get some carrying the virus into their nation! Good luck india! Killing more people to feel better than Pakistan?
It's a typically miserable inferiority complex driven points scoring efforts by many of the usual suspects.
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