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Pakistani PM hails China as his country's 'best friend'

What part of AQ I do not understand?

Why don't you voice your opinion publicly whether you think Al Qaeda and Taliban are terrorist organizations???

If you think otherwise, why don't you go out at any street of U.K. to voice your opinion and see whether U.K. police respects your freedom of speech???

BTW, do not put those stupid directional "perspective" explanation for West here. Putting those laughable tricks over words is just way too ridiculous.

No need to get smarty butt with me. It won't work.

First of all, I am not obliged to do what you ask me to do.
Secondly it was you who raised the issues up on WOT, terrorism, AQ on this thread.
Thirdly it was you who claimed that majorty thinks and compared Pakistan's growth to China's.
Last but not least it was you who are failing to answer where those terrorsits come from and how they were given birth on this planet?

So far on this particular thread, there are more no's and disagreements to what you think and say than it is to what the other members are saying.
I hope you go back to the drawing board, read up more before making further outrageous statements and claims.

This thread was about Pakistan-China friendship. Not about why Pakistan should do more about countering terrorism. Genius. :rolleyes:
Please read my complete post, I have made a few changes to my post. Thanks

Pakistan practiced predominantly Common Law before Zia's state's islamization. After that, it is a 180-degree turn to enforce Nizam-e-Mustafa (Islamic System).
Pakistan practiced predominantly Common Law before Zia's state's islamization. After that, it is a 180-degree turn to enforce Nizam-e-Mustafa (Islamic System).

There is no Nizam-e-Mustafa in Pakistan. I've never even heard of that phrase before, & I don't know who told you that. This is terminology I am unfamiliar with. I'm sorry to tell you, but you are totally wrong. There is no such thing as Nizam-e-Mustafa in Pakistan. I don't know what else to tell you.
You are just a hypocrite who enjoy the west's freedom of protection from terrorists while chanting for terrorists at the same time.

I have no interest to have any further conversation with a coward like you.

No need to get smarty butt with me. It won't work.

First of all, I am not obliged to do what you ask me to do.
Secondly it was you who raised the issues up on WOT, terrorism, AQ on this thread.
Thirdly it was you who claimed that majorty thinks and compared Pakistan's growth to China's.
Last but not least it was you who are failing to answer where those terrorsits come from and how they were given birth on this planet?

So far on this particular thread, there are more no's and disagreements to what you think and say than it is to what the other members are saying.
I hope you go back to the drawing board, read up more before making further outragous statements and claims.

This thread was about Pakistan-China friendship. Not about why Pakistan should do more about countering terrorism. Genius. :rolleyes:
Why don't you educate me how much information from below is wrong?

Zia-ul-Haq's Islamization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BTW, I got some of my information from PBS as well and there is a documentary the other day about Bhutto's family on PBS. Even though I believe the west has its bias, I still trust more information from PBS than other sources.

There is no Nizam-e-Mustafa in Pakistan. I've never even heard of that phrase before, & I don't know who told you that. I'm sorry to tell you, but you are totally wrong. There is no such thing as Nizam-e-Mustafa in Pakistan. I don't know what else to tell you.
it seems like Pakistan average GDP growth rate in the 1960s was around 6 or 7%. So it wasn't much different from the 1980s or mid 2000s.
You are just a hypocrite who enjoy the west's freedom of protection from terrorists while chanting for terrorists at the same time.

I have no interest to have any further conversation with a coward like you.

Personal attacks now? you answer me, the Western approach is to make the world better or worse? extremists in the world is more or less?
it seems like Pakistan average GDP growth rate in the 1960s was around 6 or 7%. So it wasn't much different from the 1980s or mid 2000s.

I bet you can provide a better source that that, right?

There should be some assessment report related to economics growth, literacy improvement, health improvement, infrastructure improvement and etc... basically an overall assessment for all related factors for a country's growth.
I However, simply saying No higher rank officers from either Army or ISI have any involvement with OBL and Taliban is simply too hard to believe for outsiders, especially for OBL case.

What can one say to that?! You are convinced, without any evidence. EVEN Robert Gates' statement means nothing to you.
You are just a hypocrite who enjoy the west's freedom of protection from terrorists while chanting for terrorists at the same time.

I have no interest to have any further conversation with a coward like you.

Wow that hurts.

Let me remind you, there is no freedom in this world in spite of popular believe. The closest thing to freedom is Somalia.

And no we are not enjoying the freedom of protection against terrorism. You are absultely wrong there. In fact our freedom suffered more due to the western war on terror.

Just because you cannot refute my points you resort to name calling and personal insult, how childish? :wave:
Is you life quality better than what could be 100 years ago or 200 years ago?

Do you use PC? laptop? Do you go to University? What kinds of classes do you take? Calculus, Statistics, Medicine, Biology??? You drive a car? Take subway??? Use cellphone??? You travel by airplane???

Has the western approach made the world better??? What do you think?

Is the western approach perfect? Of course Not. Slavery trade, colonization, earlier stage bloody capitalism and etc. It has its dark time.

However, so far, it has dramatically changed for better and we have to thank the west and none else for human life improvement.

Personal attacks now? you answer me, the Western approach is to make the world better or worse? extremists in the world is more or less?
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