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Pakistani Parliament declares neutrality on Yemen, calls for peace talks.

Either case i see a darker future looming in front.

I see a bright one, darkest hour is just before the dawn :)

Saudis 'invest' in madarasa in pak and invest in 'industry' in endia. ... let them ask endians to fight and die in yemen

Madarsas ask them for fund in Pakistan. Saudis pay a lot to our military, all the time, it is just not mentioned to normal public. :)
Surprising considering i was expecting at least a token presence of troops to be deployed within Saudi Arabia...
If the Saudis were hedging their bets on our involvement for a ground invasion than that is just bad strategy on their part.
This is looking more and more like their version of Kargil...Starting it off with a bang but not sure what the end game is !
Boy try to understand one thing very clearly............ World (including Sauds) needs Pakistan and Pakistanis more than Pakistan needs the world. So cut the crap Ummah does not live in Saudi Arabia only.

And to hell with their peanuts, the whole world fcking thinks we live on their aid whereas we pay more than what is offered in return.
You pissed of entire Sunni World and made sure all Arabs teach you a lesson although according to me sources Pakistan is already providing the exact help what Saudis asked for this Parliament even don't know things
Your lack of knowledge and facts is clearly visible your economy is running because of them
relax relax. We are helping them militarily through training, joint exercises, war advisers etc etc. And have committed to them that we will help them if its territorial sovereignty comes in trouble.
Your lack of knowledge and facts is clearly visible your economy is running because of them

And you lack everything from top to bottom, a saudi stooge in Pakistan, funded by Saudis, learning in Wahabi madrassas.

Pakistan can do with itself, it doesn't need no Saudi or Irani, for past 15 years PK fought war by itself, took Kashmir cause itself. wat nonsense are you talking abt...$1.5b aid, swallowed by Nawaz etc.
PN Exercises

Please avoid making more threads.

Yes, one more exercise just done by our navy in Egypt looks like our navy is operating in full momentum. The navy is becoming very capable day by day. The navy is also getting very advanced technology such as P-3C Orions, 2 Perry Class Ships, Spruance Class Destroyer, and etc.

This is a good news that our country is now focussing on navy to make PN one capable navy in the world.
What I know is we are quitely providing more than this
You pissed of entire Sunni World and made sure all Arabs teach you a lesson although according to me sources Pakistan is already providing the exact help what Saudis asked for this Parliament even don't know things

Yeah nobody was pissed off when 50K+ innocent Ummah Muslim got killed in Pakistan.................

They can try teaching us lesson some others have tried their luck in last decade or so, and Sauds have to go down one day, if not today then tomorrow. And Arabs already don't respect common Pakistanis, specially Kuwaiti Arabs. So who cares if they want to teach us a lesson they can be our guest and I would pray that day comes early, so we can get rid of Sauds once and for all.

And for your there is a verse in Quran the meaning of which resembles to "Jiss nay ALLAH kay deen may firqay bnay Ap (S.A.W) uss ki fiker mat karo, ALLAH jany aur wo jany".

And one day INSHALLAH Ayatollahs and Suads will gone down.
And you lack everything from top to bottom, a saudi stooge in Pakistan, funded by Saudis, learning in Wahabi madrassas.

Pakistan can do with itself, it doesn't need no Saudi or Irani, for past 15 years PK fought war by itself, took Kashmir cause itself. wat nonsense are you talking abt...$1.5b aid, swallowed by Nawaz etc.
I have never been to Madrassah go learn facts than talk yes what GCC can do to you you have no idea but according to my source they won't because you are already providing the help they need

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