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Pakistani Parliament declares neutrality on Yemen, calls for peace talks.

and pakistan brothers are happy now !! shame on you
Pakistani parliament controlled by shia and liberal

We ARE helping KSA militarily, its just that public opinion is not in the favor of a war which could start a sunni-shia war in the whole region, including Pakistan.

This "statement" is just to keep people happy buddy ;) I am pretty sure that statement given to KSA is highly different ;). And you do see that Pakistan has specifically stated that KSA's boundary is just as important to us than Pakistan's boundary.

It just gives us some time to solve the issue diplomatically before committing our forces to war AND we cannot do that if we are sided with KSA openly in war. We need to show neutrality.

You do not want a lot of blood to be spilled, do you? :)

We donot need it anyway, for past 15 years we have been fighting the Indian terrorist war on both fronts, without KSA support. Pakistan alone can fix India as its done so nicely, keep it in its rightful place.

We have bigger worries of Muslims fighting muslims to resolve.

They HAVE and ARE, supporting us financially, in our war against USA and TTP for past decade, do NOT take this statement too seriously :)
What matters foremost is Business and Economics for Pakistan interests. Pakistan First. Good decision by parliament.

The Pakistan-Iran-China gas pipeline is the first building block of the post-Arab, post-oil world. A majestic testament to the enviable geographic location of Pakistan. This also acts as a prelude to the blooming of Gwadar-the Babylon of 21st century. Pakistan Zindabad!!

Had Pakistani politicians been worth two cents, they would have gotten the proper political, economic & military mileage out of this situation, with a win win solution for Pakistan. But unfortunately Pakistani politicians are best known for being spineless and gutless.
Had Pakistani politicians been worth two cents, they would have gotten the proper political, economic & military mileage out of this situation, with a win win solution for Pakistan. But unfortunately Pakistani politicians are best known for being spineless and gutless.

Politicians have little control over this matter, it is actually being handled by military, don't worry :), they are not stupid
Apparently, Saudi Airlines flights to Peshawar are avoiding Iranian airspace, and going a more longer route.....Saudi-Karachi and then Karachi-Peshawar route...and same on the back. Saudis are not taking any chances.
Politicians have little control over this matter, it is actually being handled by military, don't worry :), they are not stupid
I'm not worried about PA. It's the politicians I'm worried about . They are capable of turning a perfectly controllable situation into a catastrophe.
Now saudis will show middle finger to pakistan if in future pakistan needs support of saudi against india, or lets say kashmir issue.

Firstly the likes of you were saying that Pakistan is a Saudi slave and has no independent policy, now when the right decision has been made you come up with the nonsense above. So which is it? Saudi/Pakistan ties are strong, they will understand that this war could not of involved Pakistan to the level they wanted.
Many Indian posters have commended the decision, in fact the vast majority.

Yemen conflict: Pakistan vote rebuffs Saudi call - BBC News
Pakistani parliament after multiple sessions over the last week has declared neutrality on Yemen. Affirmed support to territorial integrity of Saudi Arabia (official red line), calls for peace talks, offers to broker them with Turkey. Pakistan also asked Iran to withdraw support from Huthis, so did Turkey.

For the first time Pakistan is emerging like a mature state.

Pakistan parliament backs neutrality in Yemen conflict - Al Jazeera English
You will see How mature this move was. When entire Arab will decide to teach you a lesson and when life of all Pakistanis working in GCC will be in trouble and your economy will be damaged badly not to mention today the amount of anger I saw towards those people who are saying troops not be send and this anger I saw was in Government controlled Badshahi Mosque
hahaha you will not

the problem now is not with houthi rat we will delete 'em ,, but the problems is iran they mess with your head and plant they people inside pakistan and by the time they will control pakistan while you sleeping . read about this subject to open your eyes

and shia are not muslim okay !! when you will understand this !! :hitwall:

wake up u lazy mislims

Man the f11ck up and send your own fat lazy ar5ed soldiers. What are they there for? eating burgers?

if you're so concerned about muslims where the F have you been each time Palestinians have had war on them, what have you done in syria. Jack all, apart from going a molesting vulnerable girls/women.

All you're good for is buying fancy eurofghters. No cojones. Don't give us any lessons.

Thick idiots like you don't understand politics. In the media we hold a neutral view but on the field i can guarantee you we are there.
Firstly the likes of you were saying that Pakistan is a Saudi slave and has no independent policy, now when the right decision has been made you come up with the nonsense above. So which is it? Saudi/Pakistan ties are strong, they will understand that this war could not of involved Pakistan to the level they wanted.
Many Indian posters have commended the decision, in fact the vast majority.

Yemen conflict: Pakistan vote rebuffs Saudi call - BBC News
WAZ have you heard that famous story about a pir? His wife would always find faults with him.

One day she came to him and said:"YOU call yourself a pir?"

He replied: Why? What happened?

She says: Yesterday I saw a real pir. He was flying!!

He laughs and replies: That was me

She says: Oh thats why, you were flying erratically

Moral of the story: There are some people you can never satisfy, they will always find a fault with you.

N.B. I don;t believe in Pir's
While a great decision, it doesn't change the fact that US and Israel are actively supporting Saudi Arabia in attack on Yemen and we have chosen a bystander role for ourselves.

Saudi Arabia has destroyed about 90% and above historical Islamic sites within the country and Holy Prophet's home and probably grave seem to be the next targets. ISIS are already on a rampage destroying Muslim holy sites across Arab lands of Iraq and Syria. Whether we participate or stand aside, nearly all of early Islamic relics and signs will vanish in next 5 years. Either case i see a darker future looming in front.
you don't see the whole picture my friend ,, it's not about seending troops into saudi arabia
or helping saudi by any ways ,, i just want to your people holding in true islam and every thing will be fine .

and for the a thousand time i say shia are not muslims >> read and learn ,, and open your mind

last post in this shia forums ,, Good bye

KSA has specifically stated that they think of it is a purely political matter and not a sunni-shia conflict. Then why do you expect Pakistan to respond in a non-political way ?.

True Islam is about NOT spilling the blood, not even that of kafirs. I don't think Prophet S.A.W would not have tried to end conflicts diplomatically before going into a war. :)
There is a caveat to this statement - "as long as Saudi Arabia's integrity is safe." I'm waiting for a false flag attack inside Saudi Arabia to force Pakistan's hand.
You will see How mature this move was. When entire Arab will decide to teach you a lesson and when life of all Pakistanis working in GCC will be in trouble and your economy will be damaged badly not to mention today the amount of anger I saw towards those people who are saying troops not be send and this anger I saw was in Government controlled Badshahi Mosque

Boy try to understand one thing very clearly............ World (including Sauds) needs Pakistan and Pakistanis more than Pakistan needs the world. So cut the crap Ummah does not live in Saudi Arabia only.

And to hell with their peanuts, the whole world fcking thinks we live on their aid whereas we pay more than what is offered in return.

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