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Pakistani Parliament declares neutrality on Yemen, calls for peace talks.

Leadership , hm i like the sound of that .

I have interacted very closely with Many Pakistani's during my days working for a corporate multi national.. I know their capabilities.. It's time Pakistan shed this image of sectarian and religious extremism.. Clean up the system and take the leadership of a truly secular progressive Muslim nation.. Along with Turkey and Iran (With their improvements of diplomacy).. It's very realistic
Parliament calls for neutrality in Yemen conflict

Lawmakers appreciated the government’s decision to call a joint sitting of Parliament to consider Pakistan's response to the crisis. — AFP
ISLAMABAD: On day five of the joint parliamentary session on Yemen, lawmakers approved a draft resolution proposing that Pakistan "should maintain neutrality in the conflict so as to be able to play a proactive diplomatic role to end the crisis”.

Although implying that Islamabad should refrain from assisting Riyadh militarily, the resolution added that Pakistan should stand shoulder to shoulder with Saudi Arabia to protect the latter's territorial integrity. No direct clarity was provided on whether Pakistan would, or would not involve itself militarily at any point.

The lawmakers okayed the resolution unanimously on the fifth day of the joint parliamentary session on the Saudi-led offensive against Houthi rebels in Yemen.

The session was summoned after the Saudi government approached Islamabad for Pakistani warplanes, warships and soldiers to assist in the conflict and join the Saudi-led military coalition that began conducting air strikes last month against Houthi forces in Yemen.

Expressing “unequivocal support for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia”, the resolution that the lawmakers agreed upon stated that “in case of any violation of its territorial integrity or any threat to Haramain Sharifain, Pakistan will stand shoulder to shoulder with Saudi Arabia and its people”.

It further said that the crisis in Yemen could “plunge the region into turmoil”, calling upon the warring factions in Yemen to resolve their differences "peacefully and through dialogue".

The resolution noted that while the war in Yemen was not sectarian in nature, it had the potential of turning into a sectarian conflict and thereby having a critical fallout in the region, including within Pakistan.

It added that the government should initiate steps to move the UN Security Council and the OIC to bring about an immediate ceasefire in Yemen.

Also read: Debate on Yemen

The resolution expressed “serious concern on the deteriorating security and humanitarian situation in Yemen and its implications for peace and stability of the region”, adding that lawmakers supported “all humanitarian initiatives aimed at bringing relief to the people caught in the conflict”.

It moreover expressed “deep concern at the increasing threats posed by several terrorist groups and non-state actors to the security and stability of the region”, advising the Pakistani government “to enhance its friendship and cooperation with the GCC and all other regional countries in combating extremism and terrorism”.

The resolution added that the lawmakers supported “regional and international efforts for restoration of peace and stability in the region”. It underscored the need for “continued efforts by the Government of Pakistan to find a peaceful resolution to the crisis while promoting the unity of the Muslim Ummah in cooperation with leaders of other Muslim countries”.


Page 1 of the resolution

Page 2 of the resolution
The resolution moreover said that the lawmakers desire that “Pakistan should maintain neutrality in the Yemen conflict so as to be able to play a proactive diplomatic role to end the crisis”.

It urged “the Muslim Ummah and international community to intensify their efforts to promote peace in Yemen”.

Also read: Not our war

The resolution further states that parliamentarians appreciated the arrangements made by the government for the safe and swift evacuation of Pakistanis and nationals of many other countries from Yemen.

Lawmakers also expressed their gratitude to the People’s Republic of China for its contribution in the evacuation mission.

They also appreciated the government’s efforts to call a joint sitting of Parliament to consider Pakistan's response to the crisis.
@DESERT FIGHTER , @waz , @Horus , @syedali73 , @Green Arrow , @Pomegranate , @Color_Less_Sky , @haman10 , @Zarvan @levina ....
I will say overall a neutral decision but then not sure why there was so much hoopla around it?? I am feeling a bit embarrassed for suggesting to go ahead and use JF-17 as well on some other thread...because those reports were suggesting that you folks have agreed...anyhow at the end a good decision...it better to stay neutral and not be seen cozying up to any camps..
and pakistan brothers are happy now !! shame on you
Pakistani parliament controlled by shia and liberal

Pakistan is a democracy, it's not Shia nor Liberal. This stance is reasonable. War won't solve KSA's issues. We've made it clear that if SA faces a territorial threat we'll be involved militarily. Declaring neutrality means we get to push for a diplomatic solution.
and pakistan brothers are happy now !! shame on you
Pakistani parliament controlled by shia and liberal

The most important factor here is China. They do not want ANY disruption.

Business & Media dominated by Shia, as are all most of the banks.

Nevertheless, This is a declaration, not law.

There is a way out in the declaration, i.e number 10 because there isn't any definition or recognition of who will decide what is a threat and the size and nature of the threat.

Thus, diplomatically speaking, this declaration will allow a little more time for diplomacy and see if any sense can be knocked in Iran.

What scares me is the stakes are just too high, and there will be just too much bloodshed.
and pakistan brothers are happy now !! shame on you
Pakistani parliament controlled by shia and liberal

Shame on you bradar not us. We despite our limitations provided you with the training, manpower, advisors. If you had two hot borders like us, multiple insurgencies to handle, US Nato in your neighbor, then I would ask you in such situation if you would listen to our call for help. You make easy money and we have to make our ends meet.

And ALLAH knows may be our forces are doing more than what they say, to protect your lazy a$$es and interests.

Shame on you and Iran who are the idiot regimes hell bent on dividing Muslims and harming their interests.
Politics aside, how is Iran going to militarily support the Zaidis / Houthis? It is land locked by KSA and Oman. On the sea front, all the Yemeni ports are being monitored, and any suspicious vessel would be taken care of .

So are Pakistan & Turkey, trying to go give Iran a safe (face saving) exit strategy? Since militarily Iran & the Houthis don't stand a chance. The sooner they come to the bargaining table the better for them.

On another note, Pakistan could have gained a lot politically, economically and militarily. Unfortunately as usual ,it did not play it's cards well at all. This war could have been a game changer, on which Pakistan failed miserably.

People have very short memories, and are forgetting the thousands of Iranian pilgrims caught with small arms, trying to enter KSA for Hajj, and the riots in Makkah (yes Makkah) caused by Iranians in 1987.

People should be asking, how is it that a small group of people have become so militarily strong? Why is Iran providing them with military hardware, training etc?

The support we are providing militarily, is not restricted to just training, and the world knows it. So why can't the Govt be honest about it? Instead of doing the exact same thing they accuse Musharraf of i.e. keeping people in the dark!!
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