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Yemen: Saudi, Omani envoys in Yemen for peace talks with Houthi leaders

MBS is the best thing that has happened to The Middle east. Such revolutionary and visionary leaders are the catalysts to rapid changes.
Didn't MbS became crown prince and just in then KSA intervened into Yemen?

How was the intervention visionary or revolutionary from the perspective of Middle East?

Iran tested rockets and missiles in Yemen war, are you denying that?
Iran can test rockets and missiles without Yemen any day. Is this the best argument you came up with?

It's very sad the low standards of life of Yemeni people, next to disgusting luxuries of GCC.

Yemeni children starving to death, and all their "blood brothers" of neighbor countries ignoring them.
Doesn't your country and the govt that has the mandate of people actually help GCC is maintaining the disgusting luxuries, if I were to use your phrase?
Didn't MbS became crown prince and just in then KSA intervened into Yemen?
He in fact initiated it being young and inexperienced there I say hot blooded. The elders knew what mess Yemeni war would be but he wanted to prove them wrong. Of course the west didn’t mind as it made them billions in weapons sales.
Iran tested rockets and missiles in Yemen war, are you denying that?
Do i need to deny that? Have you mistook us with American savages? It is absolutely haram and only a bastard can test his weapons on his Muslim brothers.

We helped them to upgrade their Soviet era missiles and equipped them with long range drones and cruise missiles. We helped them to defend themselves against Anglo-led invasion on their homeland. It doesn't mean that we tested our weapons on KSA or people of Arabian peninsula. Non of Yemeni missiles landed in urban areas or civilians of KSA. Main targets were oil fields, military bases and airports which hosted foreign fighter jets. For that, Yemenis needed accurate weapons to avoid civilian casualties and it means they needed tested weapons not untested garbage. Iran gave them something that required decades of R&D and wepaons that had passed tens of tests.
Saudi and Omani delegations have arrived in Yemen’s capital Sanaa for talks with Houthi officials as part of international efforts to find a settlement to Yemen’s nine-year conflict, Houthi-run media reported.

The visit indicates progress in the Oman-mediated consultations between Riyadh and Sanaa, which run parallel to United Nations peace efforts. Negotiations also gained momentum since archrivals Saudi Arabia and Iran agreed to re-establish ties in a deal brokered by China.

The envoys, who landed late on Saturday, will meet with the head of the Houthi Supreme Political Council, Mahdi al-Mashat, to hold talks on ending hostilities and lifting a Saudi-led “blockade” on Yemeni ports, Houthi news agency SABA reported.

Mohammed al-Bukaiti, a Houthi leader, said on Twitter that Saudi and Omani officials would discuss “ways to achieve a comprehensive and lasting peace in the region.”

He said achieving an honourable peace between the Houthis and Saudi Arabia would be “a triumph for both parties”, and urged all sides to take steps to “preserve a peaceful atmosphere and prepare to turn the page of the past”.

Hans Grundberg, the UN envoy for Yemen, described the ongoing efforts, including the Saudi and Omani talks in Sanaa, as “the closest Yemen has been to real progress towards lasting peace” since the war began.

“This is a moment to be seized and built on and a real opportunity to start an inclusive political process under UN auspices to sustainably end the conflict,” he told The Associated Press news agency.
There was no immediate comment from Saudi Arabia.
Al Jazeera’s Hashem Ahelbarra, reporting from the Qatari capital, Doha, said that the political landscape in Yemen is complex and that negotiations could be drawn out.
“The United Nations have been trying for some time to bring all parties together to negotiate a political settlement,” he said.
He added that the sides understand that it will be extremely difficult to settle all the differences among them.

Content of the talks​

Sources have told the Reuters news agency that the Saudi-Houthi talks are focused on a full reopening of Houthi-controlled ports and Sanaa airport, payment of wages for public servants, rebuilding efforts and a timeline for foreign forces to exit the country.

Abdulghani Al Iryani of Sanna Center for Strategic Studies said it is clear that battle fatigue is being experienced in all sides of the conflict.

“Houthis are happy talking to Saudis in the absence of other Yemeni parties and that is quite a risk,” he told Al Jazeera from Amman.

“Yemen is now controlled by different armed groups and they control certain revenue streams,” Al Iryani said, adding that a minimum consensus on the shape of the state after the war should be agreed on for fruitful negotiations.
Yemen’s war is seen as one of several proxy battles between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The Houthis, aligned with Iran, toppled a Saudi-backed government from Sanaa in late 2014, and have de facto control of northern Yemen.
They have been fighting against a Saudi-led military alliance since 2015 in a conflict that has killed tens of thousands and left 80 percent of Yemen’s population dependent on humanitarian aid.
A Houthi official said on Saturday that the group had received 13 detaineesreleased by Saudi Arabia in exchange for a Saudi detainee freed earlier, ahead of a wider prisoner exchange agreed to by the warring sides.
At talks in Switzerland last month attended by the UN and the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Yemeni government and the Houthi rebels agreed to free 887 detainees. The 13 prisoners are part of that agreement, Houthi official Abdul Qader al-Mortada said.



Finally, What a sight to cherish @Mangus Ortus Novem

Them Arabs finally gearing up, Realizing their potential in the Upcoming Multipolar World Order.

MBS is the best thing that has happened to The Middle east. Such revolutionary and visionary leaders are the catalysts to rapid changes.

I wish this Yemen thing never would’ve happened, So many lives lost, A Historically and culturally rich, Probably the oldest Arab civilization is currently facing the worst decline and is in shambles.

Too many good officers and men lost their lives, Our own Khafee as well.

Khair, What can we even say

Last year, we discussed how to make Yemen peaceful here. I didn't expect that everything would be resolved after the reconciliation between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

The next step is to solve the Syrian issue, but the Palestine-Israel issue is the most difficult.

Maybe the Middle East will be more peaceful than Europe in the near future.
Last year, we discussed how to make Yemen peaceful here. I didn't expect that everything would be resolved after the reconciliation between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

The next step is to solve the Syrian issue, but the Palestine-Israel issue is the most difficult.

Maybe the Middle East will be more peaceful than Europe in the near future.
Perhaps the way to solve Syria is to work from the outside in, being connectivity and solving the problems as you go along. Now that the hardest issue; the Saudi/Iran regional stalemate issue has thawed, work can be done to stabilize Iraq and Lebanon, then work on connectivity through Jordan to reach Syria.

With the Russians bogged down in Ukraine, a Chinese led peace initiative that at least reconciles the Iran back Syrian government and the rebels groups can lead to a new balance, similar to the hopeful outcome of the Yemen negotiations.

All these countries working together will lead to economic development and hopeful in that stability, a greater regional consensus can be reached so they can negotiate a better outcome to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The is may take a while, but in the meantime the effort will at least pay dividends in economic opportunities and greater influence for China in the region. This could also be the model China shows other nations, particularly in Africa, to be seen as a peace broker.

The Middle East will take a while to get peaceful, but economic stability and reap it amongst different power brokers and common people is the best way to economic prosperity and happinesses for the people.
Do i need to deny that? Have you mistook us with American savages? It is absolutely haram and only a bastard can test his weapons on his Muslim brothers.

We helped them to upgrade their Soviet era missiles and equipped them with long range drones and cruise missiles. We helped them to defend themselves against Anglo-led invasion on their homeland. It doesn't mean that we tested our weapons on KSA or people of Arabian peninsula. Non of Yemeni missiles landed in urban areas or civilians of KSA. Main targets were oil fields, military bases and airports which hosted foreign fighter jets. For that, Yemenis needed accurate weapons to avoid civilian casualties and it means they needed tested weapons not untested garbage. Iran gave them something that required decades of R&D and wepaons that had passed tens of tests.
When Houthis use Iranian rockets and missiles, Iran learn about how it works in real war scenario.

So, Yemen war is useful for Iran war industry, from a technical point of view.

That's a fact.
After fvcking it up big time.

I hope they reach some kind of a peace deal just for the sake of the innocent Muslims of Yemen. They were poor and humble people and never deserved this.
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