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Pakistani Parliament declares neutrality on Yemen, calls for peace talks.

I know lot Ismailis in school, university and work. They have cooperative where they pool money to help other Ismailis. At least Ismailis are investing billions in Pakistan building university and businesses. Even in Canada the Ismailis own small businesses financed by fellow Ismailis. While billions of dollars have been taken out from Pakistan by Asif Zardari. One of richest Indian is a Muslim Azim Premji nobody blames him of being a Muslim in India rather praise him for building multinational Wipro. While in Pakistan people look at sectarian and linguistic differences. No wonder we are in economic straits due to narrow minded people.

Please, do point out where did I BLAME anyone ?

I am only stating a fact, which I learned after working with almost all the banks that have been mentioned.
you can either agree with the observation I am making, or you can provide an alternative and point out the false in my observation.

Azeem Premji is what ? Please google Parsi !
Pakistan didn't inform about parliamentary resolution: Saudi Arabia

Last Updated On 10 April,2015 About 3 hours ago

Nobody doubts Pak army's ability, inclusion will strengthen the coalition, says Saudi army spokesman

RIYADH: (Dunya News) – Saudi Arabia’s army spokesman General Ahmed Asiri has on Friday said that Saudi Arabia has not yet been informed about the resolution passed by the parliament. He said that nobody doubted Pakistan army’s ability and its inclusion would certainly strengthen the coalition, reported Dunya News.

In an important statement by Asiri, it has been stated that Saudi Arabia wants Pak army’s inclusion in its coalition against the Yemeni rebels.

He said that Pakistan’s response on inclusion request was still awaited. He said that Pakistan had not yet informed Saudi Arabia about parliamentary resolution.

Pakistan didn't inform about parliamentary resolution: Saudi Arabia | Pakistan | Dunya News

I do not wish to insult this video, purely out of respect for the words uttered in it.
But this guy is totally wrong.

The world over, 1.6 billion Muslims and their forefathers did not convert to this religion for these reasons. You do not convert a man by telling him a whole bunch of information you regard as facts. Our ancestors were not swayed by the fact that you pray 5 times a day, no-one converted to Islam because you fast for a month, hardly anyone converted to Islam because they magically started believing the things we believe, no-one converted because they wanted to read our Holy Book.

When they willingly converted, it was at the hands of the compassion they saw in Muslims, the peace these people achieved in their lives through their religion, the preaching is not the greatest part, nor the first.

There is more to being a Muslim than attempting to convert every man, woman and child on earth. Besides, what are you converting them to? The sad perversion of your own religion? People like this guy study the texts inside out, but they never read beyond the words. And then some of them do a huge disservice to their faith by shouting and hollering like in that video. As if your life is really about having this sort of converter's body count? The guy talks like it's converting currency.

What a filthy notion.

If even 1% of these USELESS Muslims could become a human being before they go around criticising others, each other and attempting to change others, the world would be a better place.

I could rant like this for hours at you. But what's the point? It takes half a brain, an open mind and a live audience?

There's no use talking to people who think like this, they're only ONLY retort will be some scripture that they pulled out of nowhere, and haven't even understood a fraction of, accompanied by the accusation of being non-believer, westernised, liberal infidel.

May God help you, you're problems are beyond the powers bestowed upon us mortals.
Please, do point out where did I BLAME anyone ?
Azeem Premji is what ? Please google Parsi !

I am not blaming you but general Pakistani mentality.

Azim was born in Mumbai India in a Gujarati Muslim family originally hailing from Kutch in Gujarat.His father was a noted businessman and was known as Rice King of Burma. After independence, when Jinnah invited his father Mohamed Hashem Premji to come to Pakistan, he turned down the request and chose to remain in India. Azim Hashim Premji (born 24 July 1945) is an Indian business tycoon and philanthropist who is the chairman of Wipro Limited, informally known as the Czar of the Indian IT Industry and also guiding Wipro through four decades of diversification and growth to emerge as one of the Indian leaders in the software industry. According to Forbes, he was the richest Indian during 1999-2005 and is currently the fourth wealthiest Indian, and the 61st richest in the world, with a personal wealth of $16.4 billion in 2014.
Look Kid,
U can edit your post as many times you want. Won't help.

Go and read what I posted.
I said Banking is SATURATED , not CONTROLLED by Shias.

Saturated what? You mean workers? Private companies gives job if they are worthy, not on sectarian basis. And these days not even on relationship basis. Pakistani Banks has hobby to kick their management out quickly. For example just check MCB history for past 12 years, you will understand how quickly board changes the management. And like i said before they only care about profit loss.

Also for your information, aghakhanis were been always rich, even in the time of Britishers. They are closed group, and help their relatives, which is the reason they are on the top. Bohra, Saigals, and many close groups teach us, Unity is the best way for to be on the top.

[I only removed one portion for other guy not for you. For your i only put second para as bold]
Before the resolution irani friends were desperately want Pakistan not to join saudi led coulation and they were saying that Pakistan is a puppet of saudia and so on.After this resolution some irani sect worshipper idiots giving the statements that there wont be any difference if Pakistan join saudi led coulation against huthies because if iran goes mad it will launch hell on us.These sect worshipper idiots fighting proxy war against arabs think that they can take on Pakistan.U idiots must look at ur capabilities and then take a look on Pakistans capabilities then make such idiotic comments.Pakistan is not a shia state and its not a sunni state its a Islamic State.
Before the resolution irani friends were desperately want Pakistan not to join saudi led coulation and they were saying that Pakistan is a puppet of saudia and so on.After this resolution some irani sect worshipper idiots giving the statements that there wont be any difference if Pakistan join saudi led coulation against huthies because if iran goes mad it will launch hell on us.These sect worshipper idiots fighting proxy war against arabs think that they can take on Pakistan.U idiots must look at ur capabilities and then take a look on Pakistans capabilities then make such idiotic comments.Pakistan is not a shia state and its not a sunni state its a Islamic State.
They lost one Proxy war before from Pakistan, and I thought they knew Pakistani capability. But again, many people forget history lessons.

leave it and come on the topic.
Nawaz Sharif need good excuse to send troops, houthis attack on KSA border will be that excuse.
That what I am saying that at some point Saudis can provoke the houthis intentionally and show the world that they and holy sites are under attack. This is how they can force Pakistan and bring her into this conflict. This is all part of war game any way.
Why are all the Farsi clowns here celebrating like they won the World Cup in football (something that will never happen but whatever)? Pakistan already said that if KSA is attacked they will stand behind KSA like 99% of all Islamic countries on the planet. That's how important KSA is. Your sanctioned, isolated and poor pariah state can only dream about such a support in comparison. Pakistan has 100 times closer ties to KSA/GCC and the Arab world than to Iran too.

It also speaks volume that the West stands entirely behind KSA in this campaign. The West is basically all that matters.

China is neither against the coalition.

Besides this is an internal Arab conflict and there is a reason why a joint Arab military force will be created. To clean the Arab world from those few terrorist proxies of yours for instance.

No one is celebrating, we're just following the events like any other event in the region.
Pakistan might stand behind KSA in some cases, however they will never be over involved. Also you have to pay in cash. Even then Pakistan is not short sighted to think only about money and short term gains. They don't want to destroy friendship with their neighbor and cousins Iran.

About the other countries supporting Saudi Arabia (Islamic countries), it seems they are not really helping Saudi Arabia. I would believe you if it really happened, for example if Uzbekistan or Nigeria or Indonesia sends 20000 soldiers to fight against AnsarAllah.
Even then their will be a lack of motivation: dying for a foreign country and a vague cause will backlash and even possibly demotivate the native Saudi soldiers. To be clear, this fantasy of huge waves of Muslims dying for holy Saudi Arabia and that Saudi Arabia is so important is mostly based on big talks, fantasy and thoughts.

Only thing I see is the support of some Arab countries (outside of GCC) and even that support is based on GCC investments and the financial power of GCC. It's not genuine. For example few weeks ago we heard Sisi talking to his friends about getting money from GCC.

The sanctions and isolation of Iran is temporary, everyone in the world knows this. Till now Iran has not really been involved this conflict except some moral support for AnsarAllah, medical aid and some suspected weapon transfers that we are not sure about it being propaganda or real.
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